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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department


4th ECCA - European Climate Change Adaptation

Lisbon was the city selected by the European Commission to host the 4th ECCA - European Climate Change Adaptation (https://www.ecca2019.eu/conference/), a major conference in the adaptation for climate change area. It will occur at Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) between 28 and  31 of May 2019. May abstracts were submitted, anticipating a major event.
The main goal of ECCA 2019 (www.ecca2019.eu) is the dissemination of solutions in climate change adaptation and prevention and reduction of disasters caused by extreme events. The 4th ECCA is jointly organized by 3 research and innovation projects (H2020): PLACARD (http://www.placard-network.eu/), BINGO (http://www.projectbingo.eu/) and RESCCUE (http://www.resccue.eu/).
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