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Prevention of Biodeterioration Laboratory

The Prevention of Biodeterioration Laboratory (UPB) is part of the Structural Behaviour Unit (NCE) of the Structures Department (DE) of LNEC.

Additional information can be found at this laboratory's flyer.

Field of expertise

•    Diagnosis of biological deterioration of bio based materials particularly of wood and wood based products;
•    Assessment of bio-susceptibility of materials and biocides used for their protection;
•    R&D on the use and protection of wood and wood based products.


UPB performs biodeterioration tests, in laboratory and in field conditions of several materials, namely:

•    Determining the resistance of paint films and related coatings to fungal defacement - NP 4505 (2012); ASTM D 5590-00 (2010).
•    Evaluation of the action of fungi on plastics - EN ISO 846 (1997); ISO 16869 (2008).
•    Determining fungi resistance of insulation materials and facings - ASTM C1338-14 (2014).
•    Determination of the natural durability of solid wood to wood destroying fungi - CEN/TS 15083-1 (2005) or termites - EN117 (2013).
•    Determination of the relative protective effectiveness of a wood preservative in ground contact – Field test - EN 252 (2014).
•    Wood preservatives – Determination of toxic values - EN 117 (2013) and preventive efficacy - EN118 (2012) against termites.
•    Wood preservatives – Determination of the preventive effectiveness against sapstain fungi and mould fungi on freshly sawn timber – Field test - CEN/TS 15082 (2005
•    Biological performance testing of modified wood against fungi or termites.

Other services

In addition to the above mentioned characterization studies, UPB also develops other activities related to the development, evaluation and certification of products and construction systems in what concerns the study of their durability against biological deterioration.