DHA’s mission is to address, in an integrated way, the societal challenges for surface waters (urban, riverine, estuarine and costal) and groundwater, as well as infrastructures (urban riverine and port). This is achieved through the development and application of state-of-the art methodologies and tools. |
It aims at contributing to a better society and address current world challenges in the water domain, such as population growth and growing pressure over the estuarine and coastal areas, the shortage of natural resources and the pressure over ecosystems, the growth of maritime and fluvial transportation, the perception and management of risk, and the impacts of climate change in the whole water cycle.
Knowledge transfer is obtained through publications, seminars and specialized training courses, thus promoting the sharing of DHA’s research products with government partners, companies and the society in general.
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DHA’s main activity areas are:

| Coastal and port engineering | 
| Urban water engineering
| Water resources and hydraulic works
| Water and environment-applied information technology |
DHA is one of the largest Portuguese research units in Hydraulics and Environment team is composed of 95 elements, including 50 PhD researchers, , encompassing the whole water cycle. Its competences include Civil, Chemical, Environment and Geographical engineering, as well as oceanography, Geology, Microbiology and Computer Science.
The strategic goals for the research over the period 2013-2020 are defined in the R&D&I program.
DHA is organized over 5 research units: