Capítulos de Livros
Asset management of urban drainage systems
Asset management (AM) has become increasingly important in various sectors and organizations over the lastfew decades. This introductory chapter provides an overview of asset management to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of AM, summarizing its application to urban drainage asset management (UDAM), an asset-intensive sector. The chapter includes a short history, from general AM to UDAM, and refers to milestones, key organizations, and standards. It describes AM principles and different perspectives to approach the subject. The UDAM context is outlined, providing the general processes which can influence strategic, tactical, or operational decision levels, accounting for the specific perspectives and objectives on the subject. The main approaches applied to UDAM are broadly described, some of which incorporate a balance of costs, risks, opportunities, and performance, while others focus on specific aspects. The chapter presents different types of approaches to AM, ranging from those based on condition, reliability, and risk to those based on value, followed by those based on performance or quality of service, highlighting common aspects or overlaps between them. When appropriate, guidance to the chapters where additional information on the subject can be found is provided. Finally, challenges, limitations and opportunities are highlighted.
Ano: 2024
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Almeida, M. C.; Kropp, l.
Revista: Asset Management of Urban Drainage Systems: If anything exciting happens, we've done it wrong!
Editor: IWA Publishing
Keywords: Urban drainage.; Strategic planning; Risk management; Reliability; Performance; Information management; Condition, cost; Asset management
BIM no controlo de segurança de barragens de betão: uma ferramenta de apoio às inspeções visuais
As inspeções visuais constituem uma atividade importante do controlo de segurança de barragens. O registo continuado de anomalias e ocorrências permite ao dono de obra acompanhar e manter o estado da obra e do sistema de observação e planear eventuais reparações e processos de reabilitação.Atualmente, é prática corrente recorrer a fichas de inspeção visual para o registo das ocorrências em cada elemento estrutural da obra e elaborar relatórios técnicos em que se descreve a evolução do estado de conservação desde a última inspeção.Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para a implementação BIM a inspeções visuais de barragens de betão com o objetivo de sistematizar e digitalizar a informação proveniente das fichas de inspeção para um modelo BIM tridimensional. Pretende-se que o modelo BIM seja utiliza-do para melhorar a visualização das ocorrências ao longo do tempo.Este trabalho constitui o primeiro passo com vista à criação do sistema integrado BIM de análise de dados gerados automaticamente e de inspeções visuais.Apresenta-se uma proposta de utilização de formulários digitais pré-definidos para o registo das ocorrências e para exportação sistematizada da informação para o modelo BIM tridimensional. Propõem-se as regras de modelação da barragem para a fase de exploração da obra e a definição e classificação de objetos BIM para a estrutura, para as ocorrências e para os instrumentos, incluindo a definição das propriedades para o registo da informação.
Ano: 2024
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Serra, C.; Conde Silva, J.; Granja, J.; Azenha, M.
Editor: UMinho Editora
A framework to grasp socio-territorial relationships: a conceptual path
This chapter proposes an introductory conceptual framework to better understand some aspects of everyday relations of people and spaces. From the perspective of anthropology of space, it first provides a reflection on issues that are important for understanding these relationships, to then, in a second step, address the relevance of walking as a method to trigger a sensitive path. This chapter aims to raise the interest for urban planning that is more attentive to the multidimensionality of socio-territorial relations. To explore the sensitiveness of urban space it is important to consider (a) the perspective of users in terms of symbolic dimensions, socio-spatial and cultural practices, and sense of happiness and well-being; (b) the articulation between behavioural dimensions, sociocultural dynamics and the environment; (c) the approximation of concepts and categories to understand space from the perspective of different disciplines. Keywords - Attentiveness, socio-territorial relations, walking, urban planning
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Menezes, M.
Revista: Understanding and Transforming the Territory - New Approaches and Perspectives. Series Culture and Territory
Editor: Lusófona University Press
Vol. 5.
A Review of Laboratory Tests to Evaluate Agro-Industrial Wastes Properties as Building Materials
This work collects information about laboratory tests to evaluate the properties of agro-industrial wastes used for thermal insulation building materials considering them individually and in composits. It focuses on bio-susceptibility, as one of the main aspects to consider for bio-based building products.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Cintura, E.; Lina Nunes; Faria, P.
Revista: Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering
Editor: Springer Nature
Volume 41.
Keywords: Test methods; Bio-wastes; Bio-susceptibility; Bio-based materials
Analysis of the behavior of original air lime mortars used in structural brick masonry walls of ancient buildings
The growing interest in preserving the built heritage is a driving force towards the search for new rehabilitation solutions compatible with the original construction techniques of ancient buildings. For the design of an adequate reinforcement solution, it is necessary to know in detail the building to be rehabilitated, as well as its original constructive solutions and materials.This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign on samples of air lime-based laying and coating mortars, extracted from an old masonry building in the historic center of Lisbon, built in 1910, during the rehabilitation works. The different parameters analyzed allow for the composition characterization and evaluation of their mechanical, physical and chemical properties. Based on this characterization, the influence of these mortars on the overall behavior of load-bearing walls of buildings belonging to the typology under study is also evaluated.Considering the results obtained in the characterization tests for the mortars in study, it was verified that the binder used in both mortars was air lime. The values for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and the curves obtained in the capillarity and drying tests, are also compatible with this type of mortars. It was determined that the mortars are similar in terms of physical and mechanical characteristics, to Portuguese mortars studied in current buildings of the same historical period. This type of information is crucial in a structural analysis and allows to identify materials compatible with the original ones that can be used in rehabilitation interventions.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Candeias, P.; Ferreira, J.; Santos Silva, A.; Veiga, M. R.; Mera Marques, A.
Revista: Conservation and Restoration of Historic Mortars and Masonry Structures
Editor: Springer
Keywords: Characterization tests; Air lime mortars; Structural brick masonry walls; Ancient buildings; Conservation and rehabilitation
Blue economy (sustainability)
Although no specific definition is designated for this term, this concept has been previously defined based on the field of application and utilization. The blue economy refers to the sustainable utilization of ocean and coastal resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and job creation while preserving the health of marine ecosystems. It is also regarded as an economic concept encompassing various economic activities in the ocean and coastal area, including traditional activities such as fishing, shipping, and shipbuilding, as well as newer activities such as offshorewind and wave energy, ocean-based aquaculture,and marine biotechnology. It is defined as the range of economic activities in the coastal zone and on the ocean, including shipping, fishing, oil and gas extraction, tourism, and renewable energy production. Generally, the blue economy mainly focuses on the responsible extraction and utilization of marine resources required to enhance ocean-based economies while adopting more balanced conservation measures to ensure resource sustainability.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Elegbede, I.; Akintola, S.; Jimoh, A.; Jolaoho, T; Godfrey, S.; Oliveira, A.; Oladosu, A.; Ramalho, D.; Moruf, R.; Afolabi, S.; Oloko, A.
Revista: Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management
Editor: Springer
Keywords: Ocean sustainability; Ocean economy; Blue growth; Bioeconomy
Captar as habilidades socioculturais de apropriação, representação e narração do espaço público urbano em transformação
Resumo: Ambiente construído é um conceito amplo e difuso; talvez essa seja uma de suas virtudes capitais. A pesquisa nessa área de fronteiras tão imprecisas permite abordagens de temas, escalas e métodos diversificados. Neste livro, a reunião de ensaios feitos por pesquisadores de diferentes países sobre variados tópicos, com apropriações metodológicas tão diversas, reafirma o caráter múltiplo desse campo. Nesta ótica, destaca-se o papel de uma observação sistemática e minuciosa das complexas interações que resultam da relação entre os múltiplos e diversificados usos dos espaços públicos urbanos, as apropriações, contra apropriações, representações do espaço e respectivas temporalidades envolvidas, considerando a sua ligação com propostas arquitetônico-urbanísticas de desenho e intervenção. Este livro é o registro de um momento do campo, mas também representa a possibilidade de novas incursões que podem alargar suas fronteiras.
Abstract: Built environment is a broad and diffuse concept; perhaps this is one of its capital virtues. Research in this area of such inaccurate boundaries allows approaches from diverse themes, scales and methods. In this book, the gathering of essays by researchers from different countries on various topics, with such diverse methodological appropriations, reaffirms the multiple character of this field. In this perspective, it highlights the role of a systematic and thorough observation of the complex interactions that result from the relationship between the multiple and diverse uses of urban public spaces, appropriations, against appropriations, representations of space and respective temporalities involved, considering their connection with architectural-urbanistic proposals of design and intervention. This book registers a specific moment in the field but it also represents the possibility of further inroads that may broaden its borders.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Menezes, M.; Costa, C.
Revista: Ensaios em Projeto do Ambiente Construído / Essays on the Design of the Built Environment (bilíngue)
Editor: UFJF - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Keywords: Contemporary; Urbanism; Architecture; Built environment; Contemporaneidade; Urbanismo; Arquitetura; Ambiente construído
Case Study of an Inert Steel Aggregate in Road Construction: Characterization and Monitoring of the Structural Behaviour
The use of alternative materials, in particular industrial by-products and waste materials, in the construction oftransport infrastructures and geotechnical works, has been promoted across the world. Nonetheless, considering that, in most situations, the application of some of these materials is fairly recent, little information is available on the long-term performance of the infrastructures in which they were used. This work mentions some characteristics of the Inert Steel Aggregate for Construction (ISAC). It presents some results related to the evolution in the surface characteristics and the structural behaviour of a field trial built on a road section in Portugal. ISAC was used in the embankments and pavement layers. The visual inspection, the results of the mechanical tests performed, and the values of the settlements measured on the surface markings about ten years after the section is open to traffic led to conclude that the pavement in the zone where ISAC was used as a construction material is, in general, in a better condition and presents better structural performance than the adjacent areas built with natural materials. The embankment's maximum settlements in the areas with ISAC were similar to the ones observed in the adjacent areas.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Fortunato, E.; Roque, A. J.; Gomes Correia, A.
Revista: Advances in Geoengineering, Geotechnologies, and Geoenvironment for Earth Systems and Sustainable Georesources Management
Editor: Springer
Keywords: Long-term performance; Structural behaviour; Mechanical properties; Inert Steel Aggregate for Construction (ISAC)
CDW as sources of CO2 absorption
Cementitious materials have a considerable global warming footprint. This is due mainly tothe cement incorporated. For a tonne of cement produced other 800 kg of CO2 [1] are releasedinto the atmosphere.According to the European Sustainable Development Goals, cement industry should becomecarbon neutral by 2050. To meet this goal, the European Cement Association (Cembureau)developed a Roadmap with specific guidelines by 2050 based on five approaches (5C). Thefirst four are focused on improvements in clinker production, cement formulation,construction processes and concrete formulations. The last 5C is re-carbonation of thecementitious materials.This research investigates the CO2 absorption capability of recycled aggregates (RA) fromconstruction and demolition wastes (CDW), when submitted to a forced carbonation. It isknown that CDW still have some potential to CO2 capture, which is a long-term and securecarbon storage. For that purpose, several CDW were collected from recycling plants, fromselective demolitions and from concrete plants.It was concluded that RA when submitted to forced carbonation absorb between 47 to 315 kgof CO2 per tonne of cement paste, which has a potential to meet the re-carbonation targetsestablished by the roadmaps to carbon neutrality.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Martins, I. M.; Santos Silva, A.; Veiga, M. R.; Infante Gomes, R.; Bastos, D.; Pederneiras, C.; Farinha, C.
Revista: Proceedings of the V International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment
Editor: RILEM
RILEM Proceedings PRO 137.
Keywords: Recycled aggregates; Forced carbonation; CO2 absorption; CDW
Chapter 5 Discrete Element Modeling
This chapter consists of two parts. First a general overview is given: the exact definition of the Discrete Element Method is provided, and the main types of existing models are introduced; then the theoretical fundaments of the most important approaches available today for masonry analysis are given. The second part of the chapter focuses on 3DEC, the most widespread commercial DEM code for masonry analysis. This second part begins with a theoretical overview. Application issues for masonry structures are then considered (block material behaviour, contact representation, structural elements like cables or bars etc.). Among the practical examples arches, barrel vaults, walls, coloumns and complete structures (like houses) are presented, including the issues of quasi-static versus dynamic analysis and of block fracture as well. The readers can find helpful advice on how to simulate their own problems most effectively.
Ano: 2023
Autor(es): Lemos, J. V.; Bagi, K.
Revista: Discrete Computational Mechanics of Masonry Structures
Editor: Springer
Keywords: Masonry models