Defining suitable Safe System projects: The experience of the SaferAfrica project in five African countries
When dealing with road safety in Africa, one should bear in mind that road safety problems need to be seen in their context as the solutions proposed to address them. While it is relevant to consider international good practices, African stakeholders should become owners of the interventions addressing their problems and take the responsibility for developing and implementing the appropriate solutions, taking advantage of suitable technical assistance, if needed. Based on these considerations, in this paper, a presentation is made of the process used in the European research project SaferAfrica to define suitable Safe System projects in Africa. This project aims at supporting policymakers and stakeholders with evidence on critical risk factors, related actions, and good practices drawn from high-quality data and knowledge. In the project, road safety and traffic management capacity reviews at the country level were carried out in five countries (Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Kenya, and South Africa), following the World Bank guidelines. After conducting such a capacity review, these guidelines recommend the preparation and implementation of Safe System projects,
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Schermers, G.; Cardoso, J. L.; Usami , D.; Persia, L.; Gonzalez-Hernandez, B.; Kunsoan, N.; Meta, E.; Saporito, M.; Carnis, L.; Yerpez, J.; Bouhamed, N.; Kluppels, L.; Vandemeulebroek, F.
: IATSS Research
Editor: Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Políticas de transportes; Gestão de segurança; Visão zero; Sistema seguro; Segurança rodoviária
Investigation of injury severities in single-vehicle crashes in North Carolina using mixed logit models
Introduction: Roadway departure (RwD) crashes, comprising run-off-road (ROR) and cross- median/centerline head-on collisions, are one of the most lethal crash types. According to the FHWA, between 2015 and 2017, an average of 52 percent of motor vehicle traffic fatalities occurred each year due to roadway departure crashes. An avoidance maneuver, inattention or fatigue, or traveling too fast with respect to weather or geometric road conditions are among the most common reasons a driver leaves the travel lane. Roadway and roadside geometric design features such as clear zones play a significant role in whether human error results in a a crash.Method: In this we used mixed-logit models to investigate the contributing factors on injury severity of single-vehicle ROR crashes. To that end, we obtained five years
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Roque, C. A.; Jalayer, M.; Hasan, A.S
: Journal of Safety Research
Editor: Elsevier
Volume 77.
Keywords: Crash severity model; Mixed logit model; Run-off-road; Roadway departure
Shifting from Private to Public Transport using Duration-Based Modeling of a School-Based Intervention
School commuting with public transportation (PT) and shifting away from private cars remains a challenge, especially for transport planners. From behavioral and cultural viewpoints, car dependence has not yet been reversed in many cities. Actions to promote the shift to PT should be multidisciplinary and multi-instrumental to increase PT adoption and achieve more sustainable mobility. There is a lack of strategic alignment between the different stakeholders involved in school commuting of children (parents, school, PT operators) and empirical studies sustaining the effectiveness of actions to shift away from the car. Moreover, PT behavioral aspects are still poorly researched from a marketing perspective. This research aims to help fill the gap by implementing actions related to the 4Ps of the marketing mix (product, place, price, promotion). Ten schools in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area were involved in those actions and then surveyed (1,760 survey participants) to evaluate the impact on their behavioral change, that is, to start going to school with PT. The study explores the impact of a set of marketing events on the time duration before children shift to PT when commuting to school, with a hazard-based duration model. Results suggest that to promote school commuting with PT, it is necessary to characterize the school community before commencing any mobility-oriented intervention, particularly concerning sociodemographic attributes and mobility patterns. These are critical information to design marketing actions better and to adapt and improve the quality of PT vehicles and services that operate to and from schools.
Year: 2020
Number Pages:
Author(s): Motta Queiroz, M.; Moura, F.; Roque, C. A.
: Transportation Research Record
Editor: SAGE
Keywords: Lisbon Metropolitan Area; School commuting; 4Ps of Marketing Mix; Hazard-Based Duration Model
Asessing multimodal mobility trends using heterogeneous data sources: a case study for supporting sustainable mobility policy goals within the Algarve region
This paper is built around a research project developed with the support of the Regional Planning Authority of the Algarve Region in Portugal which assessed mobility patterns covering all modes of transport using heterogeneous data sources (time-series data). Data mining techniques helped to identify limitations in some data sets. The econometric analysis showed that integrated autoregressive models and moving averages for series with seasonality were successful in the prediction of passenger flows using time-series data gathered by the regional authority from transport operators and other entities. Results from the analysis are useful to support a strategy to reverse current trends on continued car growth (along with public transport decrease) and to devise policy measures to enable a sustainable mobility path towards decarbonisation and social equity goals until 2030.
Year: 2019
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Silva, S.; Pereira, H.; Domingues, A.
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Big data; Decarbonisation; Multimodal mobility; Trend analysis; Passenger flow prediction models; Sustainable mobility
Topic analysis of Road safety inspections using latent dirichlet allocation: A case study of roadside safety in Irish main roads
Under the Safe System framework, Road Authorities have a responsibility to deliver inherently safe roads and streets. Addressing this problem depends on knowledge of the road network safety conditions and the number of funds available for new road safety interventions. It also requires the prioritization of the various interventions that may generate benefits, increasing safety, while ensuring that reasonable steps are taken to remedy the deficiencies detected within a reasonable timeframe. In this context, Road Safety Inspections (RSI) are a proactive tool for identifying safety issues, consisting of a regular, systematic, on-site inspection of existing roads, covering the whole road network, carried out by trained safety expert teams.This paper aims to describe how topic modelling can be effectively used to identify co-occurrence patterns of attributes related to the run-off-road crashes, as well as the corresponding patterns of road safety interventions, as described in the RSI reports. We apply latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a widespread method for fitting a topic model, to analyse the topics mentioned in RSI reports, divided into two groups: problems found; and proposed solutions. For this study, 54 RSI gathered over six years (2012 - 2017) were analysed, covering 4011 km of Irish roads.The results indicate that important keywords relating to the
Year: 2019
Number Pages:
Author(s): Roque, C. A.; Cardoso, J. L.; Connell, Tomas; Schermers, G.; Weber, R.
: Accident Analysis and Prevention
Editor: Elsevier
Volume 131.
Keywords: Roadside safety; Road Safety Inspection; Text mining; Topic Modeling; Latent Dirichlet allocation
Improving roadside design policies for safety enhancement using hazard-based duration modeling
Roadway departure (RwD) crashes, comprising run-off-road (ROR) and cross-median/centerline head-on collisions, are one of the most lethal crash types. Nationwide, from 2014 to 2016, annual RwD crashes accounted for 53% of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities. Several factors may cause a driver leave the travel lane, including an avoidance maneuver and inattention or fatigue. Roadway and roadside geometric design features (e.g., lane widths and clear zones) play a significant role in whether human error results in a crash. In this paper, we present a hazard-based duration model to investigate the distance traveled by an errant vehicle in a run-off-road crash, the stopping hazard rates, and associated risk factors. For this study, we obtained five years' (2010
Year: 2018
Number Pages:
Author(s): Roque, C. A.; Jalayer, M.
: Accident Analysis and Prevention
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Forgiving roadside; Roadside design; Cox model; Run-off-road crash; Hazard-based duration model
Portuguese mainland road network safety performance indicator
Stepping away from traditional crash-based road safety measurements, several safety performance indicators (SPI) have been proposed in the past few years. SPI can incorporate quantitative and qualitative information on specific aspects that are known to have influence in the safety levels and, not only measure the influence of various safety interventions but also enable comparisons between different road systems. This paper presents the results of the application of a road network SPI to the entire Portuguese road network. This SPI aims at evaluating at the network level, if the connections between urban centres within a region are made by the adequate type of roads regarding generic safety criteria. To this end, the connections to be assessed were classified into pre-defined theoretical safety classes, based on the population of the connected urban centres. Then, the observed safety class of these connections was assessed according to the characteristics of their cross-section and associated road environment of the existing connection between the two urban centres. If the observed class is ensured by a road of higher or equal class than the pre-defined theoretical level in all its extension, the link is considered to be of the appropriate class. For each connection, the results of its evaluation are expressed as a binary value: 0 when the class is not appropriate; and 1 when it is appropriate. The evaluation results are weighted by the road length and aggregated by connection class and throughout the whole road network. The results show a satisfactory network configuration with an SPI of 94% connections with class equal to or higher than the adequate for the type of connection between urban centres they established. The above insights can help in the identification of potential operational inconsistencies that may require safety-related interventions and used for international benchmarks against existing SPI evaluations.
Year: 2018
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.; Lima Azevedo, C.
: Case Studies on Transport Policy
Volume 6, Issue 3.
Keywords: Road network; Spatial analysis; Geographic information system; Safety performance indicator
Assessing intermodal freight transport scenarios bringing the perspective of key stakeholders
This paper extends the previous R&D project on the evaluation of intermodal freight transport scenarios (seamless multimodal logistic chains) centered in the Port of Sines in Portugal where a set of alternative investment options were compared: (i) maritime
Year: 2017
Number Pages:
Author(s): Prata, J.; Arsénio, E.
: Transportation Research Procedia
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Corporate social responsability; CO2 emissons; Shipping speed; Freight transport costs; Intermodal transport
Assessing the market potential of electric bicycles and ICT for low carbon school travel: a case study in the smart city of Águeda
Electric bikes (e-bikes) may help in transport decarbonisation in European cities. To fully assess the market potential of e-bikes, further research is needed to understand users
Year: 2017
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Dias, J.; Azeredo Lopes, S.; Pereira, H.
: Transportation Research Procedia
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Sustainable urban mobility; Low carbon transport; Electric bicycles; Cycling to school
Sustainable urban mobility plans:bridging climate change and equity targets?
The European Commission (EC) introduced the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) as a new planning paradigm with a focus on people
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Martens, K.; Di Ciommo, F.
: Research in Transportation Economics
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Urban transport policy; Equity in transport; Sustainable urban mobility plans; Climate change
Análise da evolução da sinistralidade no corredor Lisboa - Cascais
Sendo elevados os custos sociais gerados pela sinistralidade importa quantificar o impacte dos investimentos rodoviários sobre o nível de segurança rodoviária, por forma a avaliar os ganhos de eficácia e eficiência do sistema de transporte por eles gerados. Na presente comunicação apresentam-se os resultados da avaliação comparada da sinistralidade observada no corredor Lisboa-Cascais após construção da A5, com estimativas para diversos indicadores de segurança para cinco cenários alternativos de evolução das ligações rodoviárias no mesmo corredor. A análise dos cenários permitiu quantificar a frequência esperada de acidentes caso se optasse por uma evolução da rede diferente da efectivamente construída, tendo-se concluído que a sinistralidade nos cenários alternativos seria, genericamente, maior.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.
Road safety management in Lisbon: Development of efficient corrective safety measures
A research project,
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalheira, C.; Picado Santos, L.; Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.
Keywords: Corrective measures; Road safety
Avaliação do impacte sobre a sinistralidade de medidas correctivas em trecho da EN6
A presente comunicação refere-se à actividade desenvolvida pelo LNEC no âmbito do estudo do impacte sobre a sinistralidade e o comportamento do condutor de diversas medidas correctivas aplicadas na EN6, entre os km 3.2 e 6.9, em 1992 e 1993. São apresentados os resultados das comparações de parâmetros seleccionados do comportamento do tráfego motorizado (volumes de tráfego e velocidades) medidos em diversas secções correntes da EN6, bem como as conclusões relativas à avaliação da evolução da sinistralidade na mesma estrada.Concluiu-se que as intervenções efectuadas no trecho referido da EN6 permitiram uma redução de 12% no número anual de acidentes corporais e de 66% no de colisões frontais. Estima-se que terá sido de 34% a diminuição na frequência anual esperada de acidentes envolvendo mortos e feridos graves.
Year: 2006
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cardoso, J. L.; Vieira Gomes, S.
Políticas e programas de segurança rodoviária e sua relação com o risco de acidentes em diferentes países europeus
O projecto europeu SUNflower+6 decorreu em 2004 e 2005. Tratou-se, essencialmente, de um estudo comparativo envolvendo nove países europeus, com o objectivo principal de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre os desenvolvimentos verificados nas últimas décadas, no que se refere às relações entre o risco de acidentes rodoviários nesses países e as respectivas políticas, planos e medidas de segurança.Na presente comunicação faz-se uma apresentação sucinta do âmbito e da metodologia do estudo e da contribuição da participação portuguesa no mesmo, assegurada pelo LNEC. Referem-se alguns resultados e conclusões que se afiguram mais significativos para o caso de Portugal.
Year: 2006
Number Pages:
Author(s): Macedo, A. L.; Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.
Low cost engineering measures for casualty reduction
Accident occurrence is the result of the contribution of several factors associated with the traffic system, namely: road user, road environment and vehicles. English and American studies revealed that about 93% of all accidents involve human factors and nearly 33% are associated with road environment [1, 2]. Finnish studies also revealed that the road environment may lead to wrong driver behaviour, especially where road design discontinuities prevent the driver from being able to predict the environment and situations ahead [3, 4].Road administrations have the responsibility to provide a road environment with the best equilibrium between road infrastructure demand and drivers capabilities throughout all the road life cycle [5].A study on standardization and rationalization of low cost engineering measures (LCEM) application, aimed at road infrastructure correction and road safety improvement, was developed by the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) for the Portugal Roads Institute (IEP)
Year: 2005
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.
Medidas de engenharia de baixo custo para melhoria da segurança rodoviária na rede rodoviária nacional
De acordo com a experiência internacional, a correcção das deficiências da infra-estrutura, designadamente em zonas de acumulação de acidentes, permite obter diminuições importantes da sinistralidade em prazos relativamente curtos. Estas correcções, que podem incidir sobre o traçado da estrada, as zonas adjacentes à faixa de rodagem ou o sistema de gestão do tráfego, quando implicam investimentos pequenos e períodos de execução curtos (comparativamente aos habituais em obras rodoviárias), são agrupadas no designado conjunto de
Year: 2002
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cardoso, J. L.; Vieira Gomes, S.
Editor: CRP
The effect of low cost engineering measures and enforcement on driver behaviour and safety on single carriageway interurban trunk roads. In Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation.
The application of low-cost road and traffic engineering measures (LCEM) is a cost-effective method for reducing accidents and their consequences. Empirical evidence shows that enforcement contributes to improvements on driving behaviour and road safety; however, results from reducing enforcement are seldom presented.In this paper a presentation is made of the impact LCEM and changes in enforcement intensity had on selected driving behaviour variables and safety levels on a 170 km single carriageway trunk road. LCEM were implemented on the road, followed a year later by the commitment of exceptionally intense and severe law enforcement and, after two years, its relaxation. The impacts of these safety interventions were evaluated through observational before-after studies. The expected number of injury accidents was reduced by 41% (less 75% fatalities), when considering the combined effect of LCEM and enforcement; suppression of strict enforcement was related to a 20% increase in the number of fatalities.
Year: 2012
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cardoso, J. L.
Editor: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
Keywords: Driving behaviour; Low cost measures; Safety effects
Application of a gap-graded asphalt rubber wearing course in the rehabilitation of the pavement of a stretch of the national road EN1 located in the north of Portugal - Field and laboratory case study
This case study refers to a successful application of an asphalt rubber wearing course in the frame ofthe rehabilitation of the pavement of the National Road EN 1 between Landiosa and Picoto.It concerns asphalt rubber manufactured by the wet process, using gap-graded aggregates. / O presente caso de estudo refere-se à aplicação bem sucedida de misturas com betume modificadocom borracha reciclada de pneus em camada de desgaste, no âmbito das obras de reabilitação dopavimento da estrada nacional EN 1, entre Landiosa e Picoto.Diz respeito, em particular, ao fabrico, por via húmida, de mistura betuminosa com borrachautilizando agregados com granulometria descontínua.
Year: 2010
Number Pages:
Author(s): Batista, F. A.; Antunes, M. L.
Editor: LNEC
NS 124
Keywords: Laboratory test; In situ test; National road; Rubber; Recycled materials; Road pavement rehabilitation; Asphaltic road pavement; Asphalt; Pt
Modos Suaves, Manual de Boas Práticas para uma Mobilidade Sustentável
Manual de boas práticas para uma mobilidade sustentável, no âmbito do projecto nacional "Mobilidade Sustentável" coordenado pela Agência portuguesa do Ambiente (Vol. II). O projecto Mobilidade Sustentável envolveu uma rede de 15 centros de investigação/universidades do país, incluindo o LNEC.
Year: 2010
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Viegas, F.
Editor: Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA)
Vol. II.
Keywords: Boas práticas; Portugal; Municípios; Planos de mobilidade; Mobilidade sustentável
Projecto Mobilidade Sustentável. Concepção, Principais Conclusões e Recomendações
Nesta publicação apresentam-se os aspectos relativos à concepção do projecto Mobilidade Sustentável, principais conclusões e recomendações.
Year: 2010
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Viegas, F.
Editor: Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA)
Volume I.
Keywords: Planeamento de transportes; Mobilidade sustentável
Capítulo de Livro
Modelos de Duração Aplicados à Engenharia de Transportes
O tempo decorrido (ou a distância percorrida) até à ocorrência de um evento, ou a duração do mesmo, podem ser analisados através de modelos de duração baseados em risco (hazard-based duration models), os quais têm sido amplamente utilizados em campos como a medicina, as ciências sociais e a engenharia industrial. Contudo, são relativamente escassos os estudos que aplicaram modelos de duração à engenharia de transportes.Este capítulo inclui dois exemplos de aplicação de modelos de duração à investigação em engenharia de transportes. O primeiro diz respeito às distâncias percorridas por veículos descontrolados em despistes ocorridos na Carolina do Norte (E.U.A.). O segundo refere-se ao tempo decorrido até à transferência modal nas deslocações para a escola de um conjunto de alunos de 162 turmas de 51 escolas do ensino básico em Portugal.
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Roque, C. A.
: Modelação Matemática em Engenharia de Transportes. A Experiência do Departamento de Transportes do LNEC
Keywords: Modelo de duração; Engenharia de transportes
Modelos de estimativa de frequência de acidentes rodoviários
Em Portugal, a investigação sobre o conhecimento dos fatores que afetam a probabilidade de ocorrência de acidentes tem-se centrado essencialmente nas estradas interurbanas. No entanto, as zonas urbanas, onde ocorrem elevadas percentagens de acidentes corporais requerem uma atenção prioritária. Com o presente estudo pretendeu contribuir-se para a melhoria da segurança rodoviária em meio urbano, através da criação de ferramentas que podem ser utilizadas em métodos de intervenção em que a segurança dos utentes vulneráveis seja considerada explicitamente nas fases de planeamento e gestão das redes viárias. Uma das referidas ferramentas resultou da elaboração de modelos de estimativa de frequência de acidentes para redes urbanas, segundo diversas desagregações, em função de características do elemento rodoviário: em intersecções (três ramos, quatro ramos e rotundas) e em segmentos; segundo o tipo de acidente (atropelamentos e restantes acidentes com vítimas); e segundo a inclusão de variáveis explicativas relacionadas com o ambiente rodoviário: simplificados (apenas com as variáveis de exposição) e globais (com todas as potenciais variáveis explicativas). O desenvolvimento destes modelos foi apoiado numa base de dados georreferenciada dos acidentes rodoviários ocorridos em Lisboa entre 2004 e 2007, com a qual foi possível explorar os dados de sinistralidade na área geográfica em análise. Estas ferramentas podem ser usadas diretamente na gestão das infraestruturas rodoviárias da cidade de Lisboa e, após pequenas adaptações, estendidas a outros municípios, dotando as respetivas entidades competentes em matéria de segurança rodoviária com informação rigorosa e detalhada sobre os fatores intervenientes na ocorrência de acidentes em meio urbano e a respetiva distribuição espacial.
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.
: Modelação Matemática em Engenharia de Transportes
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Método empírico de Bayes; Acidentes rodoviários; Modelação linear generalizada; Zonas de acumulação de acidentes; Modelos de estimativa de frequência de acidentes
Modelos Explicativos da Gravidade dos Acidentes Rodoviários
Os dados discretos ou em escala nominal desempenham um papel fundamental nos transportes porque muitas análises de políticas lidam com estes tipos de dados. Exemplos de dados discretos nos transportes incluem o modo de transporte (automóvel, autocarro, comboio), o tipo ou categoria de veículo e o tipo de acidente rodoviário (despistes, colisões frontais, colisões traseiras, etc.). O conhecimento do efeito das diferentes intervenções de segurança rodoviária na redução da gravidade das lesões resultantes de acidentes rodoviários exige uma avaliação empírica detalhada das interações, reconhecidamente complexas, entre veículos, estrada e fatores humanos.Os avanços mais recentes nas metodologias estatísticas aplicadas a dados discretos sobre sinistralidade rodoviária permitiram o desenvolvimento de modelos sofisticados capazes de serem usados para determinar com rigor a influência dos fatores acima referidos nos níveis de gravidade das lesões resultantes dos acidentes rodoviários.Neste contexto, a aplicação de modelos de resultado discreto permite identificar um conjunto de fatores, relacionados com a envolvente rodoviária, que são estatisticamente relacionáveis com a gravidade das lesões dos utentes envolvidos em acidentes rodoviários, permitindo aperfeiçoar a conceção e o dimensionamento das estradas, bem como orientar políticas conducentes à melhoria da segurança rodoviária. Este capítulo inclui um exemplo de aplicação do modelo logit multinomial usando a gravidade das lesões no condutor como variável de resposta.
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Roque, C. A.; Cardoso, J. L.
: Modelação Matemática em Engenharia de Transportes. A Experiência do Departamento de Transportes do LNEC.
Keywords: Acidente rodoviário; Modelo de resultado discreto; Modelo logit multinomial
A hybrid approach for prioritising road safety interventions in urban areas
Spatial organization in cities has often given a special attention to the requirements of motorized vehicles, neglecting pedestrians and cyclists
Year: 2020
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Roque, C. A.; Cardoso, J. L.
: Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference on Living and Walking in Cities.
Editor: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
Keywords: High crash risk sites; Empirical Bayes method; GIS; Accident prediction models
The role of sustainable urban mobility plans and ICT to improve public space for social inclusion
The importance of sustainable urban mobility plans is widely recognized by local and regional authorities across Europe. Technological innovation opportunities such as those offered by current and future ICT can contribute for cities to advance towards sustainable mobility and accessibility for inclusive public spaces.This article is built on an innovative living lab experience of the Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve (AMAL), the regional transport authority, scientifically supported by the LNEC, in Portugal, that comprised the development of the designated
Year: 2018
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Coelho, J.
: Neighbourhood & City - Between digital and analogue perspectives
Editor: UL/COST
Keywords: Transport decarbonisation; Low carbon mobility; Accessibility; Transport planning and policies; Public spaces; App; Information and communications technology; Sustainable mobility
Tese de Doutoramento
Avaliação da Influência da Infra
O conhecimento dos factores que afectam a probabilidade de ocorrência de um acidente éuma área de investigação relevante de há muitas décadas devido aos enormes custos para asociedade dos acidentes rodoviários. Em Portugal, os desenvolvimentos nesta matériacentraram-se essencialmente nas estradas inter-urbanas. No entanto, as zonas urbanas,caracterizadas por elevadas percentagens de acidentes corporais (cerca de 69% do total entre2004 e 2008), requerem uma atenção prioritária.Com o presente estudo pretendeu contribuir-se para a melhoria da segurança rodoviária emmeio urbano, através da criação de ferramentas que podem ser utilizadas em métodos deintervenção em que a segurança dos utentes vulneráveis seja considerada explicitamente nasfases de planeamento e gestão das redes viárias.A primeira ferramenta correspondeu à criação de uma base de dados georreferenciada dosacidentes rodoviários ocorridos na cidade de Lisboa entre 2004 e 2007, que permitiu adefinição de mapas digitais, com possibilidade de uma grande diversidade de consultas e decruzamentos de informação.A segunda ferramenta refere-se à elaboração de modelos de estimativa de frequência deacidentes para redes urbanas, segundo diversas desagregações: segundo o elementorodoviário: em intersecções (intersecção de três ramos, intersecção de quatro ramos erotundas) e em segmentos; segundo o tipo de acidente: atropelamentos e restantes acidentescom vítimas; e segundo a inclusão de variáveis explicativas relacionadas com o ambienterodoviário: simplificado (apenas com as variáveis de exposição) e global (com todas aspotenciais variáveis explicativas). Foi considerada a incorporação de dados de exposiçãorelativos aos utentes vulneráveis por forma a melhorar a capacidade de estimativa dasinistralidade em redes urbanas.Estas duas ferramentas podem ser usadas directamente na gestão de infra-estruturas, dotandoas entidades com competência em matéria de segurança rodoviária com informação rigorosa edetalhada sobre os factores intervenientes na ocorrência de acidentes em meio urbano erespectiva distribuição espacial.
Year: 2010
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.
Keywords: Sistemas de informação geográficos; Modelos matemáticos; Zona urbana; Segurança rodoviária
Estudo das Relações entre as Características da Estrada, a Velocidade e os Acidentes Rodoviários. Aplicação a Estradas de Duas Vias e Dois Sentidos.
No período de 1988 a 1993, ocorreram anualmente nas estradas rurais de uma faixa de rodagem e dois sentidos da Rede Rodoviária Nacional de Portugal, em média, cerca de 1471 acidentes corporais anuais em curva fora de cruzamentos. Estes acidentes constituem cerca de 33% dos acidentes corporais fora de cruzamentos participados na referida rede.O objectivo do presente trabalho é contribuir para o conhecimento da influência da estrada na ocorrência de acidentes e para o desenvolvimento de um método para avaliação de traçados rodoviários do ponto de vista da segurança.Foram realizadas in situ campanhas de recolha de dados sobre as distribuições de velocidades dos condutores, os quais foram relacionados com as características geométricas das estradas e com a respectiva sinistralidade. Foram desenvolvidos modelos para estimativa de perfis de velocidade de circulação livre, bem como modelos para estimativa da frequência de acidentes, em estradas de uma faixa de rodagem e dois sentidos, adaptados às condições de tráfego nacionais. Os referidos modelos foram integrados num procedimento para detectar inconsistências de velocidade em especial associadas à ocorrência de acidentes em curva, o qual foi usado para fundamentar uma proposta de quantificação de critérios de homogeneidade de traçado, adaptados à realidade do sistema de tráfego rodoviário português.
Year: 1996
Author(s): Cardoso, J. L.
Keywords: estrada de 2 vias e 2 sentidos; Modelos de frequência de acidentes; Homogeneidade de traçado; Velocidade; Acidente rodoviário; Características da estrada
Relatório Científico
The first main objective of work package 3 is to assess the implementation of the Action Plan 2011
Year: 2019
Author(s): Boudry, E.; Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.; Remacle, E.; Sanon, C.; Martin, J.; Mignot, D.; Nabavi, M.; Talbot, R.; Welsh, R.
Keywords: Africa; road safety interventions; capacity building; traffic management; road safety policies; Road safety
According to the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018 (WHO, 2018b), the number of road traffic injuries claimed 1.35 million lives in 2016. Based on the WHO regions, road traffic fatality rates are increasing in the African region from 26.1 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants in 2013 to 26.6 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants in 2016. Therefore, the African region is the worst performing WHO region. Over the same period, there was an improvement in road fatality rates in the WHO Europe region. Road traffic injury in Africa is even expected to worsen further, with an increasing of 55% in road traffic fatalities over the period from 2016 until 2030 (WHO, 2018c).SaferAfrica project aims at establishing a Dialogue Platform between Africa and Europe focused on road safety and traffic management issues. It will represent a high
Year: 2019
Author(s): Boudry, E.; Vieira Gomes, S.; Fernández, E.; Sanon, C.
Keywords: Africa; road safety interventions; capacity building; traffic management; road safety; road safety policies
Fascículo I - Fundamentos sobre Utentes e Rede Rodoviária.
O presente trabalho insere-se no âmbito de um protocolo entre o IMT - Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P. (IMT) e o Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) e destina-se a dar resposta à medida 25.93 do objetivo estratégico Infraestruturas Mais Seguras da Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária
Year: 2019
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.; Roque, C. A.; Macedo, A. L.
Keywords: Ambiente rodoviário; Arruamentos urbanos; Norma de traçado
D6.2 Train-the-trainer manua
This manual is meant to support lecturers who wish to incorporate a course on road safety into the curriculum of another educational program. Various professions have linkages with the problems and issues related to road safety. For some of these it is evident: engineering and technology, political and social sciences. In other professions, specific aspects of road safety can hold important input.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Sanon, C.; Morris, A.; Vieira Gomes, S.; Kluppels, L.
Keywords: Africa; learning outcomes; Safe System approach; education; curriculum; Road safety
Rapport d
Resumem-se o contexto e as atividades de colaboração realizadas no âmbito do projeto de Jumelage DZ20, no âmbito do resultado 3, que visava estabelecer um sistema de recenseamento de tráfego rodoviário na rede interurbana argelina e contribuir para a melhoria do sistema de pesagem de veículos e controlo das cargas dos veículos pesados. Apresentam-se recomendações para a continuidade e sustentabilidade dos trabalhos do CTTP neste domínio.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Rème, A.; Klein, É.; Robin, V.; Cardoso, J. L.
Keywords: Sobrecarga; Rede rodoviária; Tráfego rodoviário
Benchmarking de la seguridad vial en América Latina
Este informe describe y compara la gestión y el desempeño de la seguridad vial en diez países de América Latina: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, México, Paraguay y Uruguay.La evaluación comparativa es una herramienta útil para equiparar países y aprender unos de otros. Las comparaciones en este estudio permiten identificar similitudes y diferencias entre países en cuanto al número de accidentes y víctimas, pero también a los factores que influyen en el riesgo de colisiones y la gravedad de sus resultados.El proyecto se llevó a cabo durante un período de dos años en estrecha cooperación con el Observatorio Iberoamericano de Seguridad Vial (OISEVI) y la participación activa de expertos de los diez países. Se basa en el análisis de una gran cantidad de datos e información sobre el contexto general del transporte para cada país, sus prácticas de gestión de la seguridad vial y las tendencias en el desempeño de la seguridad vial. Los aspectos específicos que se revisaron en detalle fueron la seguridad de los motociclistas y los peatones, el comportamiento al conducir y beber, el uso de cinturones de seguridad y sistemas de retención de niños, gestión de la velocidad y la atención posterior al accidente.
Year: 2017
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Feypell, V.; Wegman, F.
Keywords: Víctimas; Accidentes; Evaluación comparativa; América Latina; Seguridad Vial
Benchmarking road safety in Latin America
What we did This report describes and benchmarks road safety management and performance in ten Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay. Country benchmarking is a useful tool to compare countries and learn from each other. The comparisons in this study allow identifying similarities and differences between countries in the number of crashes and casualties, but also in the factors that influence the risk of crashes and the severity of their outcomes.The project was conducted over a two-year period in close co-operation with the Ibero American Road Safety Observatory (OISEVI) and active involvement of experts from the ten countries. It is based on the analysis of a large amount of data and information on the general transport context for each country, their road safety management practices, and trends in road safety performance. Specific aspects that were reviewed in detail were motorcyclist and pedestrian safety, drinking and driving behaviour, seat belt and child restraint use, speed management and post-crash care. What we foundRoad safety is a major issue in Latin America and substantial actions are needed to reduce the road safety toll. There is a high road mortality rate (fatalities per 100 000 population) in all ten countries compared to the European Union average, except in Cuba, where motorisation is much lower. Across the ten countries, more than 78 000 people were killed on the road in 2014. Some countries have seen a significant increase in the number of road deaths in recent years. For others, the number of road deaths has slightly increased or has more or less stabilised, despite a strong increase in motorisation.In the absence of targeted policy interventions, significant investment and strong leadership, the number of traffic fatalities will grow across Latin America over the next decade. Motorisation has been rising in all countries and significantly increasing the exposure to traffic risks. The deteriorating safety of motorcyclists is a particularly acute problem in Latin America due largely to the dramatic increase in the fleets of powered two-wheelers. In three countries, motorcyclists represent more than 40% of the total number of road deaths. Pedestrians are the largest or second largest group of road deaths in seven countries. While adequate legislations exist in all countries, speeding, drink driving and low levels of seat belt use and wearing motorcycle helmets are common issues in all ten countries. Addressing these issues, and reducing the toll of road deaths and serious injuries, will require substantial efforts.
Year: 2017
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Feypell, V.; Wegman, F.
Keywords: Data collection; Latin America; Benchmarking; Road safety
Deliverable D3.2 - Report on common research challenges regarding safety and security
This report is a deliverable of USE-iT (Users, Safety, Security and Energy in Transport Infrastructure); a Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project managed by the Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL). The aim of USE-iT is to better understand the common challenges facing transport modes and in conjunction with stakeholders to produce a multi-modal research roadmap to develop technologies and approaches to addressing these challenges. In addition to a work package on management (WP1) and a work package on dissemination activities (WP5), USE-iT is divided into three technical Work Packages addressing important challenges facing all modes; providing better customer information (WP2); improving safety and security (WP3) and reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption (WP4). This report summarises the results of WP3.
Year: 2017
Author(s): Erdelean, I.; Rebelo, M.; Ambros, J.; Andriejauskas, T.; Bermejo, J.M.; Bodea, G.; Capitão, R.; Cardoso, J. L.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.; Vieira Gomes, S.; Ihs, A.; Neves, M. G.; Pressley, A.; Steinicke, W
Keywords: energy consumption; carbon emissions; Security; customer information; multi-modal research; transport modes; Road safety
Road safety curriculum for Africa. Deliverable 6.1
The specific aims of WP6 was to identify training needs and to develop capacity building programs on road safety in African countries. This deliverable will formulate the major issues for developing a curriculum for road safety experts in Africa. The different tasks to reach the final goal of this deliverable, are summarized in the following figure (...) On the one hand, the available knowledge and education in Europe (but also worldwide) was gathered. On the other hand, the same was done for Africa and also the different needs and training issues were analysed. Although we could not get information from each country or every existing high level educational institutes, there was enough material to make some analysis and conclusions. Not in every African country, high level education for different professionals (engineers, economics,
Year: 2017
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Kluppels, L.; Schermers, G.
Keywords: Africa; Road safety; Capacity Building; Training
Report on common research challenges regarding energy efficiency and carbon intensity
This report is a deliverable of USE-iT (Users, Safety, Security and Energy in Transport Infrastructure); a Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project managed by the Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL). The aim of USE-iT is to better understand the common challenges facing transport modes and in conjunction with stakeholders to produce a multi-modal research roadmap to develop technologies and approaches to addressing these challenges. In addition to a work package on management (WP1) and on dissemination activities (WP5), USE-iT is divided into three technical Work Packages addressing important challenges facing all modes: providing better customer information (WP2); improving safety and security (WP3) and reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption (WP4). This report relates to Work Package 4 (Deliverable D4.2) on reducing the carbon emissions and energy consumption associated with the transport sector. In the first WP4 report [D4.1], a significant number of technologies, materials and approaches were identified which could help reduce transport energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions. In the present report [D4.2], the common challenges facing all modes as they work to reduce transport carbon emissions are identified, and the potential areas of cross-modal research that could help to address these challenges are evaluated and prioritised.
Year: 2016
Author(s): Reeves, S.; Peeling, J.; Lamb, M.; Arsénio, E.; Bidnenko, N.; Saleh, P.; Carlson, A.; Chen, M.; Saleh, P.; Spicka, L.; Steinicke, W.; Zofka, E.
Keywords: Sustainable transport; Transport technology; Transport infrastructures; Transport decarbonisation; Vehicle fuel efficiency; Asset management; Greenhouse gas emissions; Climate change
Audit de sécurité routière au projet de routes du réseau routier national
Ce document est la traduction en langue française du manuel destiné à appuyer la mise en oeuvre d'audits de sécurité routière au projet d
Year: 2018
Author(s): Cardoso, J. L.
Keywords: PT; La sécurité routière; Manuel; Audit; Projet routier
Estado-da-arte sobre medidas de engenharia de segurança rodoviária em ambiente urbano e sobre modelos de estimativa da frequência de acidentes - Resultados do projecto IRUMS
O presente documento constitui o primeiro relatório referente à actividadedesenvolvida pelo Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) e pela Faculdadede Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade de Coimbra (FCT/UC) no âmbito doprojecto IRUMS
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.; Carvalheira, C.; Picado Santos, L.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Previsão estatística; Modelo estatístico; Acidente rodoviário; Área urbana; Segurança rodoviária
Método para intervenção na infra-estrutura rodoviária urbana para melhoria da segurança - Resultados do projecto IRUMS
O presente documento constitui o quinto relatório referente à actividade desenvolvidapelo Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) e pela Faculdade de Ciências eTecnologias da Universidade de Coimbra (FCT/UC) no âmbito do projecto IRUMS
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.; Carvalheira, C.; Picado Santos, L.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Análise de dados; Modelo estatístico; Acidente rodoviário; Segurança rodoviária; Área urbana; Infra-estrutura rodoviária
Accident prediction models for bidirectional data on portuguese motorways
The present document describes prediction models for accident, fatalities,serious injuries and killed and seriously injured victims, adjusted to bidirectionaldata of Portuguese motorway sections. The study was developed at LaboratórioNacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) in the scope of Workpackage 2 - SafetyImpact Assessment and Accident Prediction Model of the RIPCORD-ISERESTproject, carried out under the 6th European Framework Program. It covers theissues related to modeling accidents using the Negative Binomial modelregressions as well as detailed diagnostic checks of the models obtained.The data used were collected over a five year period, ranging from 1999 to2003. Several explanatory variables were measured concerning exposure,number of lanes, presence of an additional lane, lane widths, type and widths ofthe road
Year: 2009
Number Pages:
Author(s): Lopes, S.; Cardoso, J. L.
Editor: LNEC
Benchmarking road safety in Latin American countries
The main objective of the project was the benchmarking of road safety performances and developments of ten Latin American countries.The comparison allowed to identify the similarities and differences between countries, not only on the number of crashes and casualties, but also on the factors, circumstances and events that influence the risk of a crash and the severity of its outcome. The analysis was performed in the following areas
Year: 2018
Author(s): Vieira Gomes, S.; Feypell, V.; Wegman, F.
Keywords: Data collection; Latin America; Benchmarking; Road safety
Document organisationnel du système de comptage. Document descriptif des besoins
Neste relatório é proposta a estrutura organizacional para realização das contagens tendentes ao recenseamento de tráfego rodoviário na rede de estradas interubanas da Argélia, incluindo o dimensionamento do parque de equipamento de contagem a usar, sua configuração (cntagens permanentes e temporárias), bem como a avaliação dos prazos de realização, em função da dimensão das equipas encarregadas da colocação e exploração dos equipamentos nos trechos da rede rodoviária.
Year: 2017
Author(s): Rème, A.; Courbon, T.; Robin, V.; Cardoso, J. L.
Keywords: Rede rodoviária; Tráfego rodoviário
Transport Challenge in Horizon 2020. ECTRI suggestions for the third work programme (2018-2020) in the field of "Transport economics and policy"
The European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI) is an international non
Year: 2016
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Heddebaut, O.; Tuominen, A.
Keywords: Connected and automated transport; Socio-economic research; Low carbon transport; Behavioural research; Transport policies; Transport economics; Integrated transport; Green transport; Smart transport; Horizon 2020
Assessment of intermodal freight transport costs
The research reported in this paper is part of the R&D project COST-TRENDs, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. It presents a strategic assessment study of the hinterland connections centred in the Port of Sines, in Portugal, that integrates the core network corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) designated as the Atlantic corridor. The study comprised the analysis of trends of maritime freight costs until 2020 and the assessment of alternative intermodal freight transport options to reduce costs along the multimodal transport chains. The options evaluated focused in the Iberian section of the Atlantic corridor and included the combination of maritime-short sea shipping, maritime-rail, maritime-road and, also, rail-air modes. The study estimated several key performance indicators for each option which aim to provide useful inputs to transport policy.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Prata, J.; Arsénio, E.
Keywords: Freight transport costs; Co2 emissions; Climate change externalities; Intermodal freight transport
How to Promote Sustainable Land-Use Changes Through Developing Intermodal High-Speed Railway Stations: a case study in Portugal
The literature shows that the development of the railway system in most European countries had a key role both in the evolution of urban systems and regional dynamics. On the other hand, it can be said that railway stations might act as important drivers for promoting sustainable land-use changes, namely of node and place functions which can be consistently balanced.The future Portuguese High-Speed Railway (HSR) network is considered as a major strategic transport scheme at both the Iberian and national levels. Its first stage comprises three routes. Of these, one links the Lisbon Metropolitan Area with the Spanish border of Badajoz, being an integral part of the HSR between both Iberian capitals, whereas the other two form the Atlantic Axis, encompassing a system of cities ranging from Lisbon to Porto, an from the latter point to Braga, Vigo and Coruña, concentrating nearly 80% of the whole Portuguese population, and serving an area generating about 90% of Portugal
Year: 2010
Number Pages:
Author(s): Arsénio, E.; Tao, M.; Ferreira, F.
Editor: PTRC, UK
Keywords: Stated-choice survey; Discrete choice models; Territorial impacts; Intermodality; High-speed rail