Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz
A first characterization of greenhouse gases had been carried out to study their role and impact in a productive transitional coastal system of the southern Portugal
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Sierra, A.; Correia, C.; Ortega, T.; Forja, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Cravo, A.
: Science of the Total Environment
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Coastal lagoon; Ria Formosa; Gas mass transport; Water - atmosphere fluxes; Greenhouse gases
2DH modelling and mapping of surfbeat-driven flooding in the shadow of a jettied tidal inlet
Near estuaries and harbours, submerged shoals and defence structures impact the exposure to overtopping. These features may be accounted for in two-dimensional horizontal (2DH) numerical models, either based on phase resolving or phase-average solvers for wave propagation. In between, surfbeat solvers, such as in XBeach, combine an affordable computational cost with the ability to generate and propagate the longer infragravity (IG) waves. However, surfzone wave characteristics and the overtopping exposure modelled with XBeach are sensi tive to settings such as the shape of the forcing wave spectra and the numerical scheme for wave propagation. The present paper explores this sensitivity and assesses the performance of different inundation models built with the 2DH surfbeat solver of XBeach. These models were forced with downscaled water levels and directional wave spectra and the results fuelled a discussion bounded by data collected downdrift of the entrance to the harbour of Figueira da Foz (Portugal). The original second-order upwind scheme, which propagates short-waves with a lower numerical diffusion improved the model performance in terms of long-wave height, and an unconventional breaking criterion better represented the cross-shore distribution of short-wave height near the shore. A cali brated model was validated through the hindcast of an overtopping event observed under moderate swell forcing, and was used to map the overtopping exposure during a hypothetical combination of an energetic swell with a water level having a return period of ~70 years. Compared to the default wave spectra shape and model settings, using an appropriate representation of the short-wave directional spectrum at the open boundary was necessary to reproduce the observed overtopping extent. Refining the cross-shore resolution of the model helped to better represent the observed inundation extents, as also did the reduction of the friction coefficient. Addi tional phase-resolving simulations in 1DH overestimated IG wave energy and produced higher and more frequent overtopping discharges. The differences with the calibrated 2DH surfbeat model increased with the proximity of the inlet and with short-wave height and angle of incidence. Overall, required calibration steps were provided. They aim at making 2DH XBeach surfbeat a credible tool for 1) predicting short and IG wave characteristics up to the shoreline, as well as for 2) providing first estimates of exposure to overtopping in areas with shallow and alongshore-irregular morphologies.
Year: 2023
Number Pages:
Author(s): Nahon, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Oliveira , F.; Azevedo, A.; Henriques, M.; Silva, P. A.; Baptista, P.; Freire, P.
: Coastal Engineering
Editor: Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: XBeach; Infragravity waves; Ebb-tidal delta; Intermediate beach; Overtopping
Effects of droughts, sea level rise, and increase in outfall discharges on phytoplankton in a temperate estuary (Tagus Estuary, Portugal)
The efects of climate change on the estuarine environment are not fully understood. In temperate regions, droughts are expected to increase in frequency and severity, due to lower precipitation, and the mean sea level is expected to rise. This study aimed to assess how the estuarine environment will be afected by river fow
Year: 2023
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cereja, R.; Brotas, V.; Brito, A.; Rodrigues, M.
: Regional Environmental Change
Editor: Springer
Volume 23.
Keywords: Modeling; Climate change; Phytoplankton; River discharges; Sea level rise; Tagus Estuary
The complexity of the coastal zone: definition of typologies in Portugal as a contribution to coastal disaster risk reduction and management
Mainland Portugal presents an extensive, diversified and complex coastal zone. This diversity gives rise to diverse geomorphologic features which support different densities of human occupancy and a range of land uses and activities. In this sense, the coastal zone becomes an area of great national strategic value, but has also into a multi-hazard zone. To understand this complexity, two statistical techniques, namely Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis, were used to identify and differentiate, between the different coastal typologies, based on a set of variables that express the territorial complexity and the occurrences and impacts of coastal flooding. The chosen methodology enabled a diverse set of coastal typologies to be identified, which contributes towards differentiating local specific characteristics. The holistic and differentiating nature of the applied methodology and the results obtained allows it to contribute to the definition of mitigation strategies and the implementation of adaptation measures. The results enable us to define a set of typologies associated with Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management which are an important contribution to comprehensive coastal flood risk assessment and management.
Year: 2023
Number Pages:
Author(s): Barros, J.; Santos, P.; Tavares, A.; Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Rilo, Ana; Oliveira , F.
: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Editor: Elsevier
Volume 86.
Keywords: Principal component analysis; Cluster analysi; Disaster risk reduction; Risk management; Portugal; Coastal zone; Coastal typologies
Modeling LoRa communications in estuaries for IoT environmental monitoring systems
Low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) are extending beyond the conventional terrestrial domain.Coastal zones, rivers, and wetlands, among others, are nowa days common deployment settings for Internet-of-Things nodes where communication technologies such as Long Range (LoRa) are becoming popular. In this article, we inves tigate large-scale fading dynamics of LoRa line-of-sight (LoS) links deployed over an estuary with characteristic intertidal zones, considering both shore-to-shore (S2S) and shore-to vessel (S2V) communications. We propose a novel method ology for path-loss prediction which captures: 1) spatial;2) temporal; and 3) physical features of the RF signal interaction with the environmental dynamics, integrating those features into the two-ray propagation model. To this purpose, we resort to precise hydrodynamic modeling of the estuary, including the specific terrain profile (bathymetry) at the reflection point. These aspects are key to accounting for a reflecting surface of varying altitude and permittivity as a function of the tide. Experimental measurements using LoRa devices operating in the 868-MHz band show major trends in the received signal power in agreement with the methodology
Year: 2022
Number Pages:
Author(s): Gaitán, M.; d'Orey, P.; Cecílio, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Santos, P; Pinto, L.; Oliveira, A.; Casimiro, A.; Almeida, L.
: IEEE Sensors Journal
Editor: IEEE
Volume 22, Issue 21.
Keywords: two-ray mode; tidal fading; radio-frequency (RF) propagation; path loss,; overwater communications; Long Range (LoRa); Intertidal zone
Modelling the contribution of wind waves to Cap Ferret's updrift erosion
Wind waves breaking at an angle with the shoreline force the drifting of littoral sediments, which is known forcontributing to the formation and growth of barrier spits. Intriguingly, increased rates of longshore wave powerhave also been associated with the erosion of some barrier spits on the updrift margin of tidal inlets. Therefore, a numerical experiment was designed and is presented here, which investigates the possible links between thelongshore wave power and the shortening of these elongated coastal barriers. Based on a process-based model, the experiment provides new insights into the forces at play in the redistribution of sediments between a sandspit and its adjacent inlet, respectively the Cap Ferret and the Bay of Arcachon
Year: 2022
Number Pages:
Author(s): Nahon, A.; Idier, D; Bertin, X.; Guérin, T.; Marieu, V.; Sénéchal, N.; Mugica, J.
: Coastal Engineering
Editor: Elsevier B.V.
Volume 172.
Keywords: SCHISM; NAO; Wave power; Sediment transport; Tidal inlet; Sandspit
One step from the deep ocean: Linking research and governance for the Tagus river estuary and the Lisbon canyon system
Ministry of the Sea promoted an expert conference to discuss the currentstate of the Tagus river estuary and adjacent oceanic areas and to promotefuture action. The Tagus river estuary shapes the Lisbon MetropolitanArea, bordering 11 water-facing municipalities across 320 km2(among the largest in Europe and critically positioned along the North-South bird migration corridor of the East Atlantic [1]). It communicateswith the deep North Atlantic through the Tagus submarine prodelta andthe Lisbon/Cascais/Setúbal canyon system (Fig. 1). This proximity allowsinteraction of water masses and biological communities betweenthe estuary and the deep ocean and deserves scientific attention.The conference integrated perspectives on current threats, aftermillennia of human occupation and decades of local efforts to improveenvironmental status and contributed towards an action plan to maintainor improve ecosystem services for this densely populated area,following an ecosystem stewardship framework [2].
Year: 2022
Number Pages:
Author(s): Stratoudakis, Y.; Caetano, M.; Afonso, C.; Bartilloti, C.; Santos, A.; Terrinha, P.; Figueiredo, I.; Miranda, M.; Costa, J. L.; Caçador, M.; Fonseca, V.; Chainho, P.; Melo , Ricardo .; Quintella, B.;
: Marine Policy
Editor: Elsevier
Vol. 144 (2022).
Keywords: Integrated ecosystem stewardship; Connectivity; Submarine prodelta and canyon; Tagus urban estuary
Wave-current interactions at the Tagus Estuary Mouth (Portugal) under storm wave conditions
This study investigates interactions between waves, water levels and currents at the mouth of the second largest estuary in Europe (the Tagus Estuary, Portugal) under storm waves, combining field observations and a threedimensional fully coupled wave-current modelling system. Tidal-induced water depth variations substantially modulate waves over the ebb shoal. During energetic conditions, low tide levels promote depth-limited wave breaking and energy transfer towards higher harmonics (triad interactions), which reduces wave heights and periods. Furthermore, for a given water level, tidal currents also influence wave propagation and drive strong modulations over shallow regions characterized by cross-channel current gradients. Flood currents change the mean wave direction by about 10
Year: 2022
Number Pages:
Author(s): Mengual , B.; Bertin, X.; Place, F.; Pezerat, M.; Coulombier, T.; Mendes, D.; Fortunato, A. B.
: Ocean Modelling
Editor: Elsevier
Vol. 175 (não tem número).
Keywords: The Tagus Estuary; Large estuary mouth; Storm waves; Wave-current interactions
A coastal flooding database from 1980 to 2018 for the continental Portuguese coastal zone
Continental Portugal presents an extensive and diversified coastal zone which concentrates the main public andprivate infrastructures of the different economic sectors, as well as the main critical infrastructures. This area isalso characterized by a high population density, being a differentiated territory in geophysical, biological andlandscape terms. The wave regime is highly energetic, and storms are frequent. In the last decades, the coast ofcontinental Portugal has been affected numerous times by overtopping and coastal flooding processes. Identifyingthe critical coastal typologies affected by flooding can contribute to a comprehensive flood risk managementframework for the Portuguese coastal zones. Hence, a historical database of coastal flooding occurrenceswas created for the period 1980
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Tavares, A.; Barros, J.; Freire, P.; Santos, P.; Perdiz, L.; Fortunato, A. B.
: Applied Geography
Editor: Elsevier
Volume 135, 2021 102534.
Keywords: Occurrences; Impacts; Database; Coastal flooding; Coastal zone
Comprehensive bathymetry and intertidal topography of the Amazon estuary
The characterization of estuarine hydrodynamics primarily depends on knowledge of the bathymetryand topography. Here, we present the first comprehensive, high-resolution dataset of the topography andbathymetry of the Amazon River estuary, the world
Year: 2021
Number Pages:
Author(s): Andrade, A.; Durand, F.; Moreira, D.; Azevedo, A.; Santos, V. F.; Funi, C.; Laraque, A.
: Earth System Science Data
Editor: Earth System Science Data
Keywords: estuary; Amazon
Inundação das margens do estuário do Tejo: o caso da tempestade de fevereiro de 1941
A margem sul do estuário do Tejo é composta por extensas áreas com cotas baixas, logo suscetíveis a inundações. A determinação da perigosidade associada a estas inundações é por isso fundamental para a gestão territorial. Uma das mais graves inundações do último século ocorreu em 15 de fevereiro de 1941, existindo poucos dados quantitativos sobre o evento. Este trabalho vem colmatar esta lacuna através da implementação, validação e exploração de um conjunto de modelos numéricos que permitiu determinar a extensão da inundação da margem sul do estuário do Tejo, caso se repetisse um fenómeno semelhante, e determinar a importância relativa dos principais agentes forçadores nos níveis extremos neste estuário. Os modelos implementados incluem um modelo atmosférico à escala regional e local, modelos de agitação marítima e de circulação à escala regional, e um modelo acoplado de circulação e de agitação marítima à escala do estuário. Mostra-se também que a modulação do setup devido à agitação marítima na embocadura gera um sinal semi-diurno que é amplificado por ressonância no interior do estuário
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Fortunato, A. B.; Freire, P.; Bertin, X.; Rodrigues, M.; Liberato, M.; Ferreira, J.
: Actas das 4 as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica
Editor: Instituto Hidrográfico
Keywords: Eventos extremos; Processos físicos; Inundação; Modelação numérica
Non-linear infra-gravity and sea-swell wave-wave interactions at S. Jacinto beach
Non-linear wave-wave interactions between sea-swell waves (0.5 < f < 0.04 Hz) and infragravity waves (0.04 < f < 0.004 Hz) are studied in detail from field data using bispectral analysis. This methodology allowed to understand the direction and magnitude of the non-linear energy transfers within the spectrum. Field measurements of pressure data were collected at S. Jacinto beach during a full tidal cycle on a cross-shore transect at the subtidal and intertidal zone. Bispectral estimates showed triad interactions between two sea-swell waves and one infra-gravity wave at the surf zone. The non-linear transfers were out of phase which indicates the presence of bound waves. These results evidenced the presence of energy transfers from infra-gravity to sea-swell band where the sea-swell waves are more energetic, during shoaling and breaking.
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Mendes, D.; Pires Silva, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Pinto, J. P.
: Actas das 4 as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica
Editor: Instituto Hidrográfico
Keywords: Wave observations; Bispectral analysis; Non-linear wave-wave interactions; Infra-gravity waves
Observations of infra-gravity waves at S. Jacinto beach
Generation mechanisms of infra-gravity motions are analysed using field observations at S. Jacinto beach. These observations were, tipically, bottom-pressure time series collected in June 2015 during a full spring tidal cycle from the subtidal to the intertidal zone. Bound wave and breakpoint generation mechanisms were assessed using the parameters proposed in the available literature. The results put in evidence the importance of infra-gravity wave energy close to the shoreline. An increase of up to 0.42 m was estimated. The clearest generation mechanism was the bound wave release. The breakpoint generation also contributed but to a less extent and only during high-water.
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Mendes, D.; Pires Silva, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Pinto, J. P.
: Actas das 4 as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica
Editor: Instituto Hidrográfico
Keywords: Surf beat; Wave observations; Breakpoint generation; Bound wave release; Infra-gravity waves
Salinity evolution in the Tagus estuary relative to climate change
Climate change represents a potential threat for estuaries, via potential landward intrusionof saltwater, inundation of low-lying areas, acceleration in the nutrients cycling and disruption ofaquatic ecosystems. The Tagus estuary, one of the largest estuaries in Europe, holds a major naturalreserve and supports diverse activities, some of which may be negatively affected by the landwardintrusion of saltwater (e.g. agriculture). In this study, a new three-dimensional hydrodynamicsbaroclinic model is implemented and validated in the Tagus estuary. A preliminary analysis of thesalinity distribution relative to different river flows and sea level rise is also performed. Results showthat the model adequately represents the main patterns observed, with significant improvements fromprevious applications. The classification of the estuary, based on the Venice system, showscontrasting situations regarding the salinity distribution for extreme river flows, and the progressionfurther upstream of the saltwater due to mean sea level rise.
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Rodrigues, M.; Fortunato, A. B.; Freire, P.
: Atas das 4 as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica
Editor: Instituto Hidrográfico
Keywords: River flow; Sea level rise; Salinity; Venice system; Numerical modelling
Scale issues in local vulnerability assessment: implications in risk and urban planning
The assessment of vulnerability provides valuable knowledge in the risk assessment steps of a risk governance process. Given the multiscale, multilevel and multisectorial aspects of flood risk, the diversified entities that directly and indirectly intervene in risk management require specific outputs from the assessment studies. Vulnerability assessment methodologies should, therefore, produce the most adequate information considering their final end-users. Urban areas in estuarine margins are particularly exposed and vulnerable to flooding due to the high dynamics of such natural and human systems. That interface conditions are found in the Old City Centre of the Seixal municipality, located in the left margin of the Tagus River, near Lisbon (Portugal). In this study area two distinct methodologies were applied for the assessment of territorial vulnerability to estuarine flooding. After a description of the assessment procedures results are presented, compared and discussed. A first, lower-scale, methodology explores the application of the statistical procedure based on the SoVI® at the statistical block level. The second, higher-scale, methodology is based in data collected through field matrices at the building and statistical sub-block level. The comparison of both vulnerability classifications revealed that the lower-scale vulnerability assessment provides information with the ability to identify vulnerability drivers at the regional and municipal level. Nevertheless, only at a higher-scale it is possible to characterize and differentiate the smaller units of analysis that compose the Old City Centre of Seixal. It is argued that the most efficient implementation of local flood risk management strategies in the study area
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Santos, P.; Tavares, A.; Freire, P.; Rilo, Ana
: Atas do ICUR 2016 - International Conference on Urban Risks
Editor: CERU
Keywords: Risk management; Multiscale; Vulnerability; Flood hazard
The effect of storm events in the Tagus estuarine margins
Floods in estuaries can be forced by factors associated to ocean and inland sources. In the particular case of the Tagus estuary, the water level variability is mostly driven by tides and storm surges. One of the most recent flood events with the greatest impact in this estuary occurred on February 2010 associated with the passage of the Xynthia storm by the Portuguese coast. In the present study this flood event and related impacts are characterized considering two different territorial contexts: urbanised and productive agricultural areas. The territorial characterization of the potential flooding areas for a similar event considering a sea level rise scenario, obtained through numerical modelling, shows important contrasts in flooding extensions and in the exposed elements typology. These results are relevant for flood risk management, contributing to the definition of adaptation measures to improve the capability to cope with future extreme events.
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Rodrigues, M.; Santos, P.; Rilo, Ana; Tavares, A.
: Actas das 4 as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica
Editor: Instituto Hidrográfico
Keywords: Territorial context; Sea level rise; Estuaries; Flood; Storm surge
Durante temporais marítimos que atingem a costa ocorre, frequentemente, a erosão de sistemas praia duna. Apesar da componente transversal dos processos costeiros ser predominante relativamente à componente longitudinal durante eventos deste tipo, é importante conhecer como os gradientes longitudinais da geomorfologia afetam a morfodinâmica do sistema praia-duna no seu todo. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito da variação longitudinal da morfologia da duna frontal na morfodinâmica do sistema praia-duna sob ação de ondas incidentes oblíquas e variação do nível do mar devida à ação das marés astronómica e meteorológica. A insuficiência de dados de campo ou laboratório deste tipo para condições de temporal marítimo é uma limitação à compreensão dos processos costeiros subjacentes. Por isso, nesta análise recorreu-se a um modelo numérico 2DH de morfodinâmica baseado nos processos costeiros. A morfologia do caso de estudo foi simplificada para limitar a complexidade dos fenómenos físicos envolvidos e, assim, melhor se identificarem os mecanismos responsáveis pela evolução morfológica verificada. Inicialmente apenas a altura da duna frontal variava na direção longitudinal. Contudo, no decorrer da tempestade, com a erosão da duna, outras características morfológicas no topo e acima da face de praia deixaram de ser uniformes na direção longitudinal. Apesar do volume de sedimentos erodidos da zona face de praia-berma-duna frontal ser mais elevado para os trechos de duna mais alta e o recuo da duna frontal ser maior para os trechos de duna mais baixa, a nova topo-hidrografia das zonas de rebentação e face de praia continuou bastante uniforme na direção longitudinal. Concluiu-se que parte do volume de sedimentos erodidos da zona face de praia-berma-duna frontal dos trechos de duna mais alta é transportada pela corrente longitudinal e depositada na área submersa dos trechos de duna mais baixa, atenuando assim os gradientes longitudinais da topo hidrografia das zonas de rebentação e face de praia.
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Oliveira, F. S. B. F.
Editor: Universidade de Aveiro
Keywords: Proteção costeira; Temporal marítimo; Morfodinâmica; Erosão; Praia
Avaliação do transporte sedimentar coesivo na Ria de Aveiro
A Ria de Aveiro sofreu alterações hidrodinâmicas e morfológicas ao longo da sua evolução, que conduziram a modificações nos padrões de circulação e sedimentares. A dinâmica dos sedimentos em suspensão reveste-se de enorme importância local, na medida em que o transporte dos sedimentos em suspensão pode provocar alterações batimétricas pontuais.Neste trabalho foi simulada a concentração de sedimentos em suspensão na Ria de Aveiro através da utilização de um modelo numérico, efetuando-se análise da sensibilidade dos seus resultados face a diferentes cenários de caudais fluviais afluentes à Ria de Aveiro, associados a períodos de retorno de 2, 10 e 100 anos, em situações extremas e médias de maré. As velocidades do escoamento, a concentração de sedimentos em suspensão e os fluxos de água e sedimentos foram determinados em secções de estudo, localizadas na entrada dos principais canais.Os resultados evidenciaram a exportação de sedimentos da Ria de Aveiro e da sua bacia hidrográfica no sentido do oceano. O aumento dos caudais fluviais apenas induz alterações na magnitude dos fluxos sedimentares em suspensão em situação de maré viva, não ocorrendo quaisquer alterações em situação de maré morta e maré média.
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Costa, S.; Picado, A.; Vaz, N.; Coelho, C.; Portela, L. I.; Dias, J. M.
Editor: APRH
Keywords: Velocidades de escoamento; Períodos de retorno; Fluxos sedimentares; Concentração de sedimentos em suspensão; Caudais fluviais
Aveiro lagoon fine sediment laboratory tests
Cohesive sediment transport is not directly related to easilymeasurable parameters. Erosion and deposition properties are usually described bycritical bed shear stresses, erosion rate coefficients and settling velocities. Toimprove the reliability of numerical models, these parameters should bedetermined from observations and experiments, either in situ or in the laboratory.This work presents some results of laboratory tests (settling column, annular flumeand straight, recirculating flume tests) with fine sediments collected in the AveiroLagoon, in order to contribute to that improvement. The results indicate thatlaboratory tests can indeed provide insight into erosion and deposition properties.The results also suggest that fine sediment transport depends partly on cohesiveproperties, such as flocculation, and partly on particle size.
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Coelho, C.; Costa, S.; Portela, L. I.; Ribeiro, F.; Cunha, R.
Editor: World Scientific
Keywords: Lagoon; Sediment
Desenvolvimento de um sistema operacional de previsão de temporais na costa portuguesa
As inundações em zonas estuarinas e costeiras podem causar danos significativos, como os que ocorreram no inverno 2013/2014 na costa Portuguesa. No entanto, estes danos podem ser mitigados se os eventos forem previstos com antecedência. Com vista a fornecer a informação necessária às autoridades, desenvolveu-se um sistema operacional de previsão dos níveis do mar na costa Portuguesa. Este sistema tem por base a simulação da agitação marítima e dos níveis devidos à maré e aos agentes atmosféricos, a escalas regionais e locais.À escala regional, simula-se a agitação marítima com o modelo WaveWatch III no Atlântico Norte, com uma malha encaixada na costa Portuguesa. Paralelamente, simulam-se os níveis devidos à maré e agentes atmosféricos no Atlântico Nordeste com o modelo SCHISM. Numa segunda fase, estes modelos regionais são utilizados para forçar modelos locais que simulam de forma acoplada a agitação marítima e os níveis com base no código SCHISM-WWM. Como teste piloto a nível local, implementou-se um modelo do estuário do Tejo, incluindo zonas inundáveis na margem sul. O conjunto de modelos é executado diariamente, de forma automática, produzindo previsões de 48 horas. Os resultados são integrados na plataforma WIFF (Water Information and Forecasting Framework - que os disponibilizam de forma ágil através de um browser.
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Fortunato, A. B.; Costa, R.; Rogeiro, J.; Gomes, J. L.; Oliveira, A.; Li., K; Freire, P.; Rilo, Ana; Mendes, A.; Rodrigues, M.
Editor: APRH
Keywords: Agitação marítima; Marés; Níveis extremos; Estuário do Tejo; Costa portuguesa; Oceanografia operacional
MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira
Year: 2011
Author(s): Fortunato, A. B.; Freire, P.; Oliveira, A.
Editor: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
CD Room.
Capítulo de Livro
Evaluating the geomorphologic stability of an estuarine sandy beach. Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of a low energy estuarine beach was analysed. The beach is subjected to local wind waves generated in an area of restricted fetch, wake waves generated by catamarans and a semi diurnal meso-tidal regime. Only storm events of short duration modify the beach profile, which, once the normal hydrodynamic conditions are restored, naturally recovers its initial shape. The beach is characterised by having a steep upper slope until mean sea level, followed, seaward, by a low gradient terrace, and a bimodal sediment distribution. To investigate the hydro sedimentologic beach behaviour, wind, topo-hydrographic and sedimentologic data were used as input and validation of process based numerical modelling. Wave generation and transformation in an area of restricted fetch, nearshore circulation, sediment transport and morphological evolution were simulated for average annual conditions and storm conditions. The statistical analysis of a six-year wind data series allowed to derive the average wind regime, based on which, the average annual wave regime and the average annual longshore sediment budget, 14.5x103 m3year-1, were calculated. The contribution of the individual components of the representative wave regime, discretised by directional sector and height class of incidence, was evaluated as well as the spatial distribution of the longshore sediment transport in the active part of the beach profile. The characteristics of the wave groups generated by the passage of catamarans at different speeds were estimated and their action on the beach morphology was simulated. Although when the catamarans travel at 20 knots speed the average annual wake wave energy dissipated at the beach is 2.5 times higher than the average annual wind wave energy, the erosion effect on the beach profile is still not relevant for the present traffic. In opposition, short duration storm events generate the formation of an erosion scarp at the upper part of the beach face. The numerical modelling of this phenomenon allowed to acknowledge on the protective effect that the low gradient terrace has on the beach face.
Year: 2009
Number Pages:
pp. 35-49.
Author(s): Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Vargas, C.
Editor: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
Tese de Doutoramento
Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments
Year: 1995
Author(s): Costa, R.
Editor: ******
A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach
A two-dimensional model of wind-driven circulation in a closed basin was developed using a finite-volume technique for generalized curvilinear grids and applying some of the recent developments in hydrodynamic modeling. The terms in the Navier¬Stokes equations were treated separately according to the fractional step method and the propagation step, including the continuity equation and the pressure and stress terms in the momentum equations, was solved using a conjugate gradient method.The model was then applied to a number of test cases to examine the feasibility of the approach used by comparing with results obtained with the two-dimensional version of the three-dimensional model CH3D. These included a square basin with constant slope and with a V-shaped bottom and Lake Okeechobee, in South Florida. To evaluate the long-term numerical stability of the model, a ten-day model simu¬lation with varying wind was also run for Lake Okeechobee.
Year: 1989
Author(s): Capitao, J.
Editor: ******
Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters
An examination of the causes for generation and dynamics of turbidity maxima in estuaries reveals the critical role of sediment tidal pumping phenomenon and, to a lesser extent, of the well-known effect of residual gravitational circulation due to salt water penetration. Both phenomena depend on the vertical sediment concentration profile and, consequently, on the magnitude of the vertical mass transport fluxes. Where high concentration suspensions occur regularly, the erosion/deposition fluxes can be drastically modified by sediment stratification, consequently influencing sus¬pended sediment response to currents and wave action. This influence is inherent in flow-sediment hysteresis, which therefore reflects the role of vertical mass transport in the estuarine and coastal suspended fine sediment regime.A vertical transport numerical model was used to investigate the influence of several key parameters describing sediment settling, bed properties and stabilized diffusion on the concentration profile. The model was also applied to simulate the influence of the same parameters on the time-lagged sediment response to flow variations, reflected in the characteristics of flow-sediment hysteresis loops.Field data obtained in Hangzhou Bay (People´s Republic of China), a high concentration environment, showed typical features of flow-sediment hysteresis and confirmed the importance of the vertical mass fluxes in contributing to sediment transport in the bay. A qualitative simulation provided by the numerical model, using settling parameters corresponding to local sediment, while confirming the importance of the hysteresis phenomenon, also revealed the critical need to use algorithms describing adequately stabilized diffusion and bed fluxes.Additional evidence of hysteresis was obtained through analysis of microscale variables, such as the Reynolds stresses and the variances of the velocity components resulting from combined effects of wave action and turbulence. Spectral analysis of the measured random variations did not support the commonly accepted hypothesis of similarity between the responses to turbulent flow of sediment concentration and temperature. The normalized turbulent intensities for all the measured veloc¬ity components showed their highest values during the period of lowest sediment concentration; this result is consistent with the hypothesis of turbulent intensity damping by suspended sediment.
Year: 1989
Author(s): Costa, R.
Editor: ******
Alimentação artificial de praias
A contribution to increased use and development of the method of artificial nourishment of beaches is the main objective of this thesis. It also aims at being a guide for the design of the reconsctrution or outright creation of beaches.In the first chapter, the subject is introduced and the objectives of the thesis are outlined. The second chapter cover´s some general considerations on littoral dynamics, beach equilibrium and sediment budget.Since the theoretical foundations of the artificial nourishment of beaches still leave much to be desired, a description of this method and its principles are presented in the third chapter. Important technical and economic aspects are included, such as: sampling, analysis and characterization of native and borrow material; selection Of nourishment sources; extraction and transport of borrow sand; and characteristics of the theoretical final beach profile. Such problems as the integration of ecological aspects, and cost-benefit analysis are also the fourth chapter, the Portuguese experience in this domain is described. The experience of such countries as France and the U.S., where this method has frequently been used is also mentioned. In this way a considerable amount of hitherto scattered information is presented in a unified way.The fifth chapter, treats briefly the problem of coastal model similitude, both as a support for the experimental work: which was carried out and to help engineers in the design of a coastal physical model or in merely assessing the possibilities of such a model.In the sixth chapter, an experimental study is described of the influence of both the grain size of borrow material and the nourishment method on the redistribution of sediments after the nourishment. The obtained results are compared with existing theoretical methods and some prototype results.Finally, in the last chapter the main conclusions and recomendations of the thesis are presented.
Year: 1987
Author(s): Clímaco, M.
Editor: ******
Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics
We provide a systematic analysis of the consistency, stability, convergence and accuracy of the numerical solution of the transport equation by a general Eulerian-Lagrangian Method (ELM). The method involvesthree basic steps: the backwards tracking of characteristic lines following the flow, the interpolation of concentrations at the feet of these lines, and the solution of dispersion taking such concentrations as initial conditions. The first two steps constitute the Backwards Method of Characteristics (BMC); the third step involves a time-discretization along the characteristic lines, and a spatial discretization of the dispersion operator, both based on conventional techniques (e.g.. Euler or Crank¬Nicholson for time; finite-elements or finite-differences for space).The choice of the spatial interpolator is shown to impact the consistency, stability and convergence, as well as the accuracy of the BMC. Most interpolators ensure consistency, but only a few ensure stability, hence convergence; stability criteria are derived from a newly developed generalized Fourier analysis, which can account for non-linearities introduced by quadratic grids. The comparison of formally derived propagation and truncation errors, complemented by numerical experimentation, provides a reference for the choice of the interpolator, given a specific transport problem characterized by prevailing concentration gradients.The BMC potentiates the use of large time-steps, well above Courant number of order one. In the limiting case of pure advection, optimal accuracy would be obtained for a At close to the total time of interest; the presence of dispersion constrains, however, the size of At, especially in the case of non-uniform flows. The comparison of the truncation errors for the three basic steps of ELM provides a reference to select At. as a function of Ax, of the spatial interpolators and time-discretization schemes, and of the gradients of flow and concentrations.
Year: 1987
Author(s): Melo Baptista, A.
Editor: ******
Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution
Apresenta-se um estudo sistemático, baseado simultaneamente em análises formais e em experimentação numérica, da precisão e estabilidade da solução da equação de transporte por um método Euleriana-Lagrangeana (MEL). 0 método decompõe a equação de transporte em equações separadas de advecção e de difusão, resolvendo a primeira pelo método das características regressivas no tempo (MCR), e a segundo por um método de elementos finitos, do tipo Galerkin.Mostra-se que as interpolações no espaço requeridas pelo MCR são um factor limitativo da precisão global do MEL, e comparam-se diversas técnicas alternativas de interpolação, algumas das quais originais. A combinação de esquemas compactos e não-compactos de interpolação, baseados em polinómios de Lagrange, é apontada como uma potencial solução óptima.Demonstra-se que, para uma adequada escolha do esquema de interpolação, o MCR é consistente, estável e convergente e tem boas características de precisão. Escolhas inadequadas do esquema de interpolação podem, no entanto, causar instabilidade e inconsistência.Estabelece-se a dependência da precisão do MCR no passo de cálculo, mostrando-se que essa precisão aumenta, em geral (para um tempo total fixo), quando se reduz o número de passos de cálculo, isto é, quando se aumenta o passo de cálculo (uma propriedade simultaneamente pouco habitual e muito conveniente). No entanto, na gama de valores muito pequenos do Número de Courant, a precisão é praticamente independente do passo de cálculo, o que evita que o método se torne divergente.Analisa-se brevemente o efeito de malhas irregulares e pluridimensionais sobre a aplicabilidade e precisão do MCR. Apesar de sensível à irregularidade da malha, o método mantém boas características de precisão desde que as distorções geométricas não sejam excessivas. Malhas pluri-dimensionais, quando simultaneamente irregulares, levantam problemas específicos de aplicabilidade de esquemas não-compactos de interpolação; esses problemas poderão se resolvidos através da utilização conjugada de esquemas compactos e não-compactos, para um mesmo problema. Investigação adicional a ainda requerida nestas áreas.Mostra-se ainda que a presença de mecanismos físicos de difusão beneficia tanta a precisão da solução da equação de advecção como a precisão global do MEL.Finalmente, demonstra-se a eficácia da aplicação do MEL (numa forma particular, restricta a esquemas de interpolação compactos) à simulação do transporte de poluentes em águas costeiras. 0 método permite, em particular, realizar simulações longas (várias marés) a custos moderados, mesma para malhas irregulares com elevado número de nós, e, também, evitar a necessidade do uso de difusividades artificiais como garante de estabilidade; em geral, e nestes dois aspectos em particular, o método revela-se superior a métodos Eulerianos, mais convencionais (por exemplo, métodos de elementos finitos, do tipo Galrkin ou Petrov-Galerkin, aplicados à equação de transporte indivisa).
Year: 1986
Author(s): Melo Baptista, A.
Editor: ******
Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões
No âmbito de um projecto de investigação intitulado caracterizarão de Formações Estuárias e do Meio Marítimo Litoral Por Técnicas de Detecção Remota , insere-se o estu¬do da avaliação de suspensões na água do mar com recurso à aplicação de técnicas de detecção remota como meio de caracterização de parâmetros de qualidade de água. 0 trabalho que se apresenta foi desenvolvido com os seguintes objectivos:1- Desenvolvimento de metodologias de análise e quantificação de suspensões na água do mar a partir de dados de satélite;2- Implementação sob forma de programas para computador de modelos de quantificação de suspensões orgânicas e inorgânicas na água do mar, a aplicar aos dados do radiómetro CZCS do satélite NIMBUS-7;3- Aplicação e verificação do modelo ao litoral português.Corn vista à consecussão destes objectivos, começa-se por apresentar uma extensa análise das formas de abordagem do problema, enumerando-se os diversos métodos actualmente seguidos, nomeadamente o Empírico, o Teórico e, neste, os métodos microscópico e macroscópico.Com base nesta análise, propõe-se um modelo numérico de quantificção das suspensões a partir dos dados do radiómetro CZCS do satélite NIMBUS-7, o qual, embora empírico na sua formulação como a maioria dos actualmente existentes, se apoia no comportamento radiomótrico da água do mar e dos seus constituintes típicos, cujas características se apresentam também.A implementação prática do modelo exige a filtragem da componente atmosférica presente nos dados rediométricos. Com este objectivo, apresenta-se um modelo baseado na metodo¬logia correntemente utilizada. Consiste na consideração da difusão simples, causada pelos constituintes básicos da atmosfera (moléculas gasosas, aerosóis e ozono) na gama de comprimentos de onda considerada (440, 520, 550 e 670nm). Esta metodologia conduz, porém, a um sistema de equações indeterminado e que é resolvido pela consideração de uma equação ´exterior´ ao processo de transferência radiativa que tem lugar na atmasfera. Para este efeito, utilizou-se a equação de Smith e Wilson por ser a mais divulgada, ressalvando-se, contudo, a necessidade de verificação da sua efectiva aplicação às águas do litoral português, o oqe não foi possível concretizar dada a inexistência de dados.
Year: 1986
Author(s): Oliveira, E. M.
Editor: ******
Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water
A numerical method for the solution of the two-dimensional, unsteady, transport equation is formulated, and its accuracy is tested.The method uses a Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, in which the transport equation is divided into a diffusion equation (solved by a finite element method) and a convection equation (solved by the method of characteristics). This approach leads to results that are free of spurious oscillations and excessive numerical damping, even in the case where advection strongly dominates diffusion. For pure diffusion problems, optimal accuracy is approached as the time-step, At, goes to zero; conversely, for pure-convection problems, accuracy improves with increasing At; for convection-diffusion problems the At leading to optimal accuracy depends on the characteristics of the spatial discretization and on the relative importance of convection and diffusion.The method is cost-effective in modeling pollutant transport in coastal waters, as demonstrated by an illustrative application to a case study (sludge dumping in Massachusetts Bay). Numerical diffusion is eliminated or greatly reduced, raising the need for realistic estimation of dispersion coefficients. Costs (based on CPU time) should not exceed those of conventional Eulerian methods and, in some cases (e.g., problems involving predictions over several tidal cycles), considerable savings may even be achieved.
Year: 1984
Author(s): Melo Baptista, A.
Editor: ******
Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
0 principal objectivo desta tese é mostrar a habilidade do métodos dos elementos finitos e do método dos elementos de fronteira na modelação das ondas gravíticas de superfície.Na análise linear, as equações reduzidas do movimento ondulatório são resolvidas pelo método dos elementos finitos, levando em linha de conta a reflexão parcial, a radiação e o atrito de fundo. A modelação da radiação é feita com elementos infinitos ou com elementos de radiação, sendo estes encarados como um caso particular dos elementos de reflexão. 0 atrito de fundo é introduzido após a discretização e é levado a efeito através de um coeficiente empírico que se pode relacionar com o coeficiente de Chezy.Quer o modelo determinístico quer o modelo estocástico, obtido do primeiro com base na noção do estimador natural, permitem a realização de ensaios de ressonância ou de agitação. Nos ensaios de ressonância de uma bacia portuária tem particular interesse o conhecimento do espectro de resposta ao ruído bran¬co de banda limitada.A título de exemplo de aplicação mostram-se alguns aspectos do estudo das condições de ressonância do porto de Leixões.Logo que não sejam válidas as hipóteses simplificativas que permitem uma abordagem linear das ondas gravíticas de superfície, são resolvidas as equações não lineares do movimento ondulatório com superfície livre, pelo método dos elementos de fronteira. As suas peculiaridades permitem, sem qualquer dúvida, considerar o método dos elementos de fronteira como o mais vocacionado para este tipo de análise.Os programas de cálculo automático para o estudo da análise não linear estão ainda em fase de teste, pelo que não se apresentam exemplos de aplicação.
Year: 1982
Author(s): Portela, A.
Editor: ******
Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries
Este trabalho é dirigido principalmente para o uso da simulação numérica dos escoamentos em estuários como uma ferramenta pa¬ra estudos de engenharia. Fazem-se algumas considerações gerais sobre a definição e classificação de estuários seguidas por uma descrição sumária da hidrodinâmica dos estuários. Descrevem-se e comparam-se as várias técnicas utilizadas na solução de problemas de hidradinâmica de stuários.Faz-se a dedução formal de um modelo matemático do escoamento em estuários homogéneos e integram-se verticalmente as suas e¬quações, obtendo-se as conhecidas equações do escoamento em águas pouco profundas ("shallow water equations"). Estas equações são discretizadas utilizando os métodos dos elementos finitos e das diferenças finitas, respectivamente no espaço e no tempo.Faz-se a descrição de um sistema de cálculo para determinar a solução do modelo matemático discretizado e tecem-se várias considerações acerca do seu desenvolvimento e uso.Finalmente apresentam-se os resultados de alguns testes utilizados para verificar o funcionamento do sistema de cálculo.
Year: 1981
Author(s): Figueira, P.
Editor: ******
Relatório Científico
Project UBEST: Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and anthropogenic inputs - Final Report
The final technical report of the project
Year: 2020
Author(s): Rodrigues, M.; Fortunato, A. B.; Martins, R.; Rogeiro, J.; Oliveira, A.; Azevedo, A.; Freire, P.; Cravo, A.; Jacob, J.; Rosa, A.
Keywords: Ria Formosa; UBEST coastal observatory; Tagus estuary; Water quality; Hydrodynamics
MOSAIC.PT field campaigns - Cova-Gala, Vieira and São Pedro de Moel beaches, January-March 2019
The present report summarizes the field campaigns of the project, performed between January and March 2019 in the Cova-Gala, Vieira and São Pedro de Moel beaches, located in the Portuguese west coast. The campaigns aimed to characterize the response of the beaches, with diverse typology, to the hydrodynamic forcing and included topographic surveys by GNSS-RTK, drone surveys, superficial sediment sampling and the report of the territorial elements affected.
Year: 2019
Author(s): Freire, P.; Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Oliveira, J. N.; Henriques, M. J.
Keywords: Sediment sampling; Territorial elements; Photogrammetric survey; Topographic survey
UBEST field campaigns - 6th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, November 6, 2018
The present report summarizes the 6th field campaign of the project UBEST, performed in the Tagus estuary on November 6, 2018. This campaign was the third in the Tagus estuary and was representative of autumn conditions. Seven stations were chosen along the estuary. In situ measurements of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen were carried out and water samples were collected to determine in laboratory the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and confirm dissolved oxygen and pH on samples where pH sensors were not available. The data acquired will contribute to a better understanding of the biogeochemical functioning of the Tagus estuary and to calibrate and validate numerical models (hydrodynamic and biogeochemical), that will attempt to predict the response of the estuary to future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic inputs.
Year: 2019
Author(s): Santos, D.; Rodrigues, M.; Freire, P.; Cravo, A.
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters; Water samples; Field campaign; Tagus estuary
UBEST field Campaigns - 4th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, May 10, 2018
The present report summarizes the 4th field campaign of the project UBEST, performed in the Tagus estuary on May 10, 2018. This campaign was the first in the Tagus estuary and was representative of spring conditions. Seven stations were chosen along the estuary where in situ measurements of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L) were carried out and water samples were collected to determine in laboratory the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and confirm dissolved oxygen and pH on samples where pH sensors were not available. The data acquired will contribute to better understanding the biogeochemical functioning of the Tagus estuary and to calibrate and validate numerical models (hydrodynamic and biogeochemical), that will attempt to predict the response of the estuary to future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic inputs.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Santos, D.; Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Cravo, A.
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters; Water samples; Field campaign; Tagus estuary
UBEST field campaigns - 5th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, September 27, 2018
The present report summarizes the 5th field campaign of the project UBEST, performed in the Tagus estuary on September 27, 2018. This campaign was the second in the Tagus estuary and was representative of summer conditions. Seven stations were chosen along the estuary. In situ measurements of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L) were carried out and water samples were collected to determine in laboratory the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and confirm dissolved oxygen and pH on samples where pH sensors were not available. The data acquired will contribute to a better understanding of the biogeochemical functioning of the Tagus estuary and to calibrate and validate numerical models (hydrodynamic and biogeochemical), that will attempt to predict the response of the estuary to future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic inputs.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Santos, D.; Freire, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Cravo, A.
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters; Water samples; Field campaign; Tagus estuary
Online monitoring in the Tagus estuary: Parque das Nações station - Installation and operation between January 2016 and February 2017
This report describes the design and installation of the Parque das Nações online monitoring station and the procedures relative to its maintenance and data verification undertaken between January 2016 and February 2017. This station is equipped with a SEBA MPS D3 multiparameter probe, which measures water levels, conductivity and water temperature, and a SEBA Slimcom2 data logger, for data acquisition and transmission. The data acquired during the period to which this report refers are also briefly presented. This monitoring station is under operation in the scope of the projects H2020 BINGO and FCT UBEST.
Year: 2017
Author(s): Rodrigues, M.; Freire, P.; Rogeiro, J.; Fortunato, A. B.
Keywords: Temperature; Tagus estuary; Conductivity; Water levels; Monitoring
Agitação marítima a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego
O presente estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar o regime de agitação marítima na zona costeira entre as embocaduras dos rios Mondego e Lis no período 1952-2010. Enquadra-se no âmbito de um estudo mais alargado, cujo objetivo é o estudo da dinâmica sedimentar costeira e a previsão da evolução futura da linha de costa do mesmo trecho.A série cronológica compreende 59 anos de dados, de 1952 a 2010, resultando num total de 86200 trios de valores para os parâmetros Hs, Tp e Dir, indissociáveis na caracterização do regime de agitação marítima. Numa primeira fase, estimam-se as frequências de ocorrência relativas destes parâmetros por classes de intervalos semiabertos no limite superior e com amplitudes 0.50 m, 2 s e 10º, respetivamente, sendo consideradas para as direções escalões de 5º quando se justifica maior pormenor. São analisados os parâmetros estatísticos média, desvio-padrão, mínimo e máximo, e 1º, 2º e 3º quartis das séries temporais destes três parâmetros, correspondentes aos regimes geral e sazonais. A sazonalidade considerada tem por base o inverno marítimo, de outubro a março, e o verão marítimo, de abril a setembro, e a mensalidade, na qual a análise incide sobre cada mês individualmente e na inter mensalidade.Concluiu-se que a zona de estudo está sujeita a um regime geral de agitação marítima de elevada energia caracterizado por uma forte sazonalidade. Com características médias Hs 2.15 m, Dir 299.5ºN e Tp 11.6 s, e Hs mais frequente de 1.00 1.50 m associada a Dir 300 310ºN e Tp 8-10 s, o regime geral regista eventos máximos com Hs de 13.13 m. Eventos de Hs>5.00 m representaram 3.69% das ocorrências, sendo que Hs>9.50 m ocorreram exclusivamente para Dir 270 290ºN e Tp 16-22 s, e os valores médio e máximo de Hs no inverno/verão marítimo foram 2.66/1.63 m e 13.13/8.32 m, respetivamente. Da análise mensal verificou-se que as médias de Hs e Tp são máximas em janeiro, 3.02 m e 14 s, respetivamente, e mínimas em julho, 1.39 m e 9 s, restringindo se as médias mensais de Dir a 289 311ºN, com as obliquidades extremas, oeste/noroeste (289/311ºN), em janeiro/agosto. Da comparação com outros estudos concluiu-se que a sazonalidade e anos atípicos influenciam as análises baseadas em períodos restritos e que uma análise baseada numa série temporal de dados de agitação marítima muito longa robustece a representatividade dos parâmetros expostos neste estudo.
Year: 2016
Author(s): Oliveira, J. N.; Oliveira, F. S. B. F.
Keywords: Figueira da Foz; Agitação marítima; Coasta oeste portuguesa
Characterization of the hydro-agricultural development of the Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira and of the Mouchão de Alhandra
The agricultural area of the Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira is part of one of the case studies at the Tagus Research Site, in the scope of the BINGO project (Horizon 2020). Thus, as a support for the characterization of this area, three exploratory visits were performed to the agricultural area of the upper Tagus estuary, and in particular to the irrigation area of the Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira (Aproveitamento Hidroagrícola da Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira) and to one of the adjacent
Year: 2016
Author(s): Rodrigues, M.; Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Alves, E.
Keywords: Droughts; Floods; Mouchão de Alhandra; Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira; Exploratory visits
We present herein the implementation, test and performance comparison of GPUs inphysical and cloud/virtual environment of: i) an image processing algorithm for coastalapplications using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery; ii) a hybrid programmingalgorithm (CPU/GPU) to automatically compute the correspondences between similarimages. The first test is based on an algorithm developed by LNEC in OpenCL and therespective Python wrapper. The second test uses the photogrammetry software
Year: 2016
Author(s): Azevedo, A.; Rogeiro, J.; Oliveira, A.; Rico, J.; Inês, A.; Barateiro, J.
Keywords: Cloud computing; GPU; Hybrid GPU/CPU; Image processing
Impacte do prolongamento do molhe norte da embocadura do rio Mondego nas praias adjacentes a sul
A necessidade de proteger as povoações costeiras e mitigar o efeito erosivo observado na costa oeste portuguesa, resultante da carência sedimentar, levou a que a extensão de 30 km de linha de costa (LC) a sul da Figueira da Foz tenha sido fortemente intervencionada através da construção de esporões e defesas longitudinais aderentes. Este estudo caracteriza o transporte sedimentar potencial induzido pela agitação marítima combinada com a variação do nível do mar devida às marés astronómica e meteorológica a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego, no período de 1952 a 2010. Com base na análise estatística da série temporal de parâmetros de onda (hindcast) relativos ao referido período, identificou-se um regime com grande variabilidade interanual e sazonal e bastante energético, com 40% de ocorrência de Hs superior a 2 m e direção média 299.5ºN. Do cálculo do transporte longitudinal potencial (LITDRIFT) destacam-se valores anuais bastante variáveis, entre 580 1500 x103 m3.ano-1, com deriva para sul de média 385 x103 m3.ano-1 em 78% dos anos, identificando-se também a distribuição transversal do transporte longitudinal na zona ativa, com extensão variável (~2000 m). Entre 2008 e 2010 foi prolongado o molhe norte da embocadura do rio Mondego em cerca de 400 m, motivando o principal objetivo do presente estudo: avaliar o impacte desse prolongamento nas praias a sul, recorrendo a modelação numérica (LITLINE). O modelo de evolução de LC foi calibrado (1996-2001) e verificado (2001-2008) com base em LC observadas e dados de agitação marítima sinóticos. A previsão da evolução nos 12 anos subsequentes ao prolongamento evidencia um recuo generalizado da LC, acentuado a sotamar dos esporões existentes.
Year: 2016
Author(s): Oliveira, J. N.; Oliveira, F. S. B. F.
Keywords: Processos costeiros; Modelação numérica; Figueira da Foz; Evolução da linha de costa; Transporte sedimentar longitudinal
Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics
Year: 2015
Author(s): Fortunato, A. B.; Bertin, X.; Coco , G.; Concejo, A.; Dias, J. M.; Fernandes, E.; Larson, M.; Matias, A.; Oliveira, A.; Silva, P. A.; Dias, J. A.; Azeiteiro, U.; Costa , M.; Boski, T.
Keywords: coastal; Estuarine