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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department
Ports and Maritime Structures Unit
Ports and Maritime Structures Unit


Info Analysis of forces on a submarine outfall by a RANS-VoF numerical wave tank + Info: Analysis of forces on a submarine outfall by a RANS-VoF numerical wave tank
Info Damage progression in rubble-mound breakwaters scale model tests, under a climate change storm sequence + Info: Damage progression in rubble-mound breakwaters scale model tests, under a climate change storm sequence
Info Experimental investigation on the power capture of an oscillating wave surge converter in unidirectional waves + Info: Experimental investigation on the power capture of an oscillating wave surge converter in unidirectional waves
Info Measuring wave run-up, overtopping and damage of rubble-mound breakwaters in scale model tests + Info: Measuring wave run-up, overtopping and damage of rubble-mound breakwaters in scale model tests
Info Numerical analysis of the interference between two elastically mounted cylinders in tandem subject to flows at low Reynolds numbers + Info: Numerical analysis of the interference between two elastically mounted cylinders in tandem subject to flows at low Reynolds numbers
Info Observação e monitorização de obras marítimas com a nova metodologia OSOM+ + Info: Observação e monitorização de obras marítimas com a nova metodologia OSOM+
Info A methodology to determine the optimal size of a wells turbine in an oscillating water column device by using coupled hydro-aerodynamic models + Info: A methodology to determine the optimal size of a wells turbine in an oscillating water column device by using coupled hydro-aerodynamic models
Info An integrated tool for modelling oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters (WEC) in vertical breakwaters + Info: An integrated tool for modelling oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters (WEC) in vertical breakwaters
Info Asymmetric copula + Info: Asymmetric copula
Info Characterization of ship motions induced by wake waves + Info: Characterization of ship motions induced by wake waves

Info Estudos de agitação e ressonância no porto de Leixões + Info: Estudos de agitação e ressonância no porto de Leixões
Info Evolução do dano num quebra-mar de taludes em cenários de alterações climáticas + Info: Evolução do dano num quebra-mar de taludes em cenários de alterações climáticas
Info Experimental measurments of movements and mooring forces of a ship under wave action + Info: Experimental measurments of movements and mooring forces of a ship under wave action
Info Galgamento em estruturas de proteção marginal face à subida de nível do mar + Info: Galgamento em estruturas de proteção marginal face à subida de nível do mar
Info Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising + Info: Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising
Info Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising + Info: Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising
Info Modelação física do espraiamento e do galgamento de um quebra-mar de talude em cenários de alterações climáticas + Info: Modelação física do espraiamento e do galgamento de um quebra-mar de talude em cenários de alterações climáticas
Info Observing and monitoring maritime works through the use of the new OSOM+ methodology + Info: Observing and monitoring maritime works through the use of the new OSOM+ methodology
Info Physical modelling of motions and forces on a moored ship at the Leixões port + Info: Physical modelling of motions and forces on a moored ship at the Leixões port
Info Reliability of scour protections with copula-based models + Info: Reliability of scour protections with copula-based models

Capítulo de Livro
Info Multi-functional artificial reefs for coastal protection

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Trapped-mode propagation along irregular coasts + Info: Trapped-mode propagation along irregular coasts
Info Probabilistic Assessment of the Safety of Coastal Structures + Info: Probabilistic Assessment of the Safety of Coastal Structures
Info Unsteady Nearshore Currents on Longshore Varying Topographies + Info: Unsteady Nearshore Currents on Longshore Varying Topographies
Info Simulação da agitação irregular. Técnicas matemáticas + Info: Simulação da agitação irregular. Técnicas matemáticas

Relatório Científico

Info Software do Núcleo de Portos e Estruturas Marítimas
Info River Information Services. PIANC s Technical Brief on vessel traffic and transport management in inland waterways and modern information systems
Info Vessel Traffic and Transport Management in the Inland Waterways and Modern Information Systems
Info MEDIRES - Ferramentas de Diagóstico e de Inspecção Robotizada de Estruturas Semi-Submersas
Info Observação Sistemática de Obras Marítimas. Súmula da actividade desenvolvida pelo LNEC
Info Protecção da Orla Costeira da Vila das Lajes do Pico. Relatório do Grupo de Trabalho para Definição e Análise de Soluções Alternativas
Info Software do Núcleo de Portos e Praias
Info Solução Vectorizável e Parelelizável de Sistemas de Equações de Grande Dimensão Proposta para passagem à 2ª fase do projecto, financiado pela FCT, no âmbito dos Programas Operacionais Ciência, Tecnol
Info Transformações Não Lineares de Ondas Marítimas em Zonas Costeiras (2ª Fase). Proposta para passagem à 2ª fase do projecto, financiado pela FCT, no âmbito dos Programas Operacionais Ciência, Tecnologi
Info Wave effects on Ships Moored at Figueira da Foz Harbour