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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department
Ports and Maritime Structures Unit
Ports and Maritime Structures Unit


Info Analysis of forces on a submarine outfall by a RANS-VoF numerical wave tank + Info: Analysis of forces on a submarine outfall by a RANS-VoF numerical wave tank
Info Damage progression in rubble-mound breakwaters scale model tests, under a climate change storm sequence + Info: Damage progression in rubble-mound breakwaters scale model tests, under a climate change storm sequence
Info Experimental investigation on the power capture of an oscillating wave surge converter in unidirectional waves + Info: Experimental investigation on the power capture of an oscillating wave surge converter in unidirectional waves
Info Measuring wave run-up, overtopping and damage of rubble-mound breakwaters in scale model tests + Info: Measuring wave run-up, overtopping and damage of rubble-mound breakwaters in scale model tests
Info Numerical analysis of the interference between two elastically mounted cylinders in tandem subject to flows at low Reynolds numbers + Info: Numerical analysis of the interference between two elastically mounted cylinders in tandem subject to flows at low Reynolds numbers
Info Observação e monitorização de obras marítimas com a nova metodologia OSOM+ + Info: Observação e monitorização de obras marítimas com a nova metodologia OSOM+
Info A methodology to determine the optimal size of a wells turbine in an oscillating water column device by using coupled hydro-aerodynamic models + Info: A methodology to determine the optimal size of a wells turbine in an oscillating water column device by using coupled hydro-aerodynamic models
Info An integrated tool for modelling oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters (WEC) in vertical breakwaters + Info: An integrated tool for modelling oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters (WEC) in vertical breakwaters
Info Asymmetric copula + Info: Asymmetric copula
Info Characterization of ship motions induced by wake waves + Info: Characterization of ship motions induced by wake waves

Info Estudos de agitação e ressonância no porto de Leixões + Info: Estudos de agitação e ressonância no porto de Leixões
Info Evolução do dano num quebra-mar de taludes em cenários de alterações climáticas + Info: Evolução do dano num quebra-mar de taludes em cenários de alterações climáticas
Info Experimental measurments of movements and mooring forces of a ship under wave action + Info: Experimental measurments of movements and mooring forces of a ship under wave action
Info Galgamento em estruturas de proteção marginal face à subida de nível do mar + Info: Galgamento em estruturas de proteção marginal face à subida de nível do mar
Info Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising + Info: Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising
Info Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising + Info: Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising
Info Modelação física do espraiamento e do galgamento de um quebra-mar de talude em cenários de alterações climáticas + Info: Modelação física do espraiamento e do galgamento de um quebra-mar de talude em cenários de alterações climáticas
Info Observing and monitoring maritime works through the use of the new OSOM+ methodology + Info: Observing and monitoring maritime works through the use of the new OSOM+ methodology
Info Physical modelling of motions and forces on a moored ship at the Leixões port + Info: Physical modelling of motions and forces on a moored ship at the Leixões port
Info Reliability of scour protections with copula-based models + Info: Reliability of scour protections with copula-based models

Capítulo de Livro
Info Multi-functional artificial reefs for coastal protection

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Trapped-mode propagation along irregular coasts + Info: Trapped-mode propagation along irregular coasts
Info Probabilistic Assessment of the Safety of Coastal Structures + Info: Probabilistic Assessment of the Safety of Coastal Structures
Info Unsteady Nearshore Currents on Longshore Varying Topographies + Info: Unsteady Nearshore Currents on Longshore Varying Topographies
Info Simulação da agitação irregular. Técnicas matemáticas + Info: Simulação da agitação irregular. Técnicas matemáticas

Relatório Científico

Info Relato da missão a Bruxelas (28 a 30 de Outubro de 1998) para participação na 10ª Reunião da Acção Concertada Added Value Services in VTMIS do Programa Comunitário de I&D TRANSPORTS . Relatório efe
Info Short-term stochastic numerical and physical simulation of sea waves - Proposta de Projecto de Investigação apresentada ao Programa PRAXIS XXI, na área científica de Engenharia Civil
Info Transformações Não-Lineares de Ondas Marítimas em Zonas Costeiras - Proposta de Projecto de Investigação apresentada ao Programa PRAXIS XXI , na área científica de Engenharia Civil
Info V Programa Quadro da União Europeia. Preparação da discussão dos Programas Específicos. Documento de trabalho da Comissão (COM (97) 553 Final). Grupo de Trabalho 6 Sustainable Mobility and Intermod
Info Valores extremos da agitação marítima no Algarve - Proposta de Projecto de Investigação apresentado ao Programa de Intervenção nos Laboratórios do Estado (MCT-FCT), sub-projecto Valorização e Protec