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Levee Breach and Dam Failure Experimental Facility

Levee Breach and Dam Failure Experimental Facility

The objective of this facility is to study earthfill enbankments failures and to gather detailed experimental information on the geotechnical and hydrodynamic phenomena involved in earthfill enbankment breaching and on the hydrodynamics of the flow over the body of dams and leves. The facility allows earth dam tests with a maximum height of 1.25m.

The main features of the facility are: i) a storing tank with approximately 90m3 of volume; ii) a pumping circuit with a flow controller with 200 l/s of capacity; iii) a pool representative of a reservoir with a volume of 45m3/s; iv) an implantation space for the earth dam models; v) a 14.75m length flume downstream the earth dams foot.

The breach discharge hydrograph is computed as the product of the flow area and the instantaneous velocity, which is an advancement relatively to the studies carried out so far. The experiments contemplate both time and spatial evolution of the breaching process that is accomplished by advanced measuring techniques and instrumentation.

Views of the Levee Breach and Dam Failure Experimental Facility

Design Plans of the Levee Breach and Dam Failure Experimental Facility