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1D shake table

1D shake table

The 1D shake table, built in the early 1970s, consists of a steel platform body and a hydraulic circuit. It has the possibility of being used both as a horizontal and vertical shake table, but it is necessary to rotate the position of the hydraulic actuator.
The vertical platform is fixed to the frame of the horizontal platform, so that the same hydraulic actuator can be used. The restraining of the shake table rotations is ensured by a metal structure that supports the main frame through springs.

Main characteristics:
  • Useful dimensions (mxm): 3,0x2,0 (horizontal shake table), 2,45x1,45 (vertical shake table)
  • Drilling (mxm): 0,5x0,5
  • Specimen dead weight (kN): 60
  • Force (kN): 250
  • Displacements (mm): ±100
  • Velocity (cm/s): 21
  • Frequency range from 0 up to 25Hz
The shake table motions (horizontal and vertical) are analogically controlled by the proportional only internal loop (P) of the servo valves.