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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department

Projects - SPRES - Oil spill prevention and response at local scales
The main aims of this project are to: (i) develop a set of high resolution operational oceanographic systems in s everal estuaries or ports located in the Atlantic Area, and (ii) establish local oil spill response plans for these local areas based on risk as sessment. To achieve these goals the project include the following activities which are defined in much more detail in Section 5: (1) preparation, (2) project management, (3) development of a set of high resolution operational oceanographic systems, (4) development of a set of high resolution operational oil spill forecast systems, (5) development of a risk assessment system, (6) development of local oil spill response plans and (7) a communication plan. In order to manage and distribute the work, some of the partners will lead specific activities due to their wide experience in a concrete field. Nevertheless, they will count on with the collaboration of one or more of the other partners depending on their skills.

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