HALLS OF RIVER HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES AND HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS NRE has developed more than 200 physical models studies (spillways, water intakes, hydraulic circuits, etc.) for almost all large Portuguese dams, as well as for river systems in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. To perform these studies, NRE owns two halls for hydraulic tests with an area of 5,000 m2. The largest hall is mostly occupied with three-dimensional hydraulic physical models. In this hall there is a Control Room where a centralized control of the discharge measuring devices is installed. This Control Room also receives electric signals that convey information from discharge measuring devices. The testing facilities in the largest hall have: i) 4 motor pump group with electronic control speed variation for discharges varying from 5l/s up to 800 l/s, with a total capacity of 800 l/s; ii) 2 elevated reservoirs to supply the models; iii) 300 m of tubes to supply the models e iv) canals to drainage the models to the underground reservoir from pumping.
Pumping system and main supply tubes to physical models