LNEC Lisbon Conference 2024 - Urban Risks and Societal Resilience
from 14/10/2024 to 15/10/2024
On October
14th and 15th, 2024, the LNEC Lisbon Conference
will be held, an annual and international event
dedicated to strategic debates on emerging-relevant
themes to the progress of civil engineering and related
societies are growing in complexity, leading to a rise
of interdependencies between various sectors and
systems. Densely populated urban areas, with
concentrated infrastructure and economic activities, are
at greater risk of adverse impacts from natural hazards,
such as geohazards.
geohazards may trigger cascading effects across and
within regions and sectors, amplifying critical
vulnerabilities. They transcend geographical boundaries
while crippling networked infrastructure that sustains
urban regions, revealing the systemic risk posed by such
second edition of the LNEC Lisbon Conference, focusing
on Urban Risks and Societal Resilience, aims to
address the following goals:
● Exploring
science-based solutions and innovative approaches to
manage systemic risks related to geohazards
Identifying stakeholders’ needs to inform research
agendas on fields related to urban risk management and
societal resilience
● Promoting
stakeholders’ involvement on the exchange of knowledge
and expertise
LNEC Congress Center | Lisbon | Portugal
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Avenida do Brasil, 101
Start Date: 14/10/2024
End Date: 15/10/2024
Start Date: 18/09/2024
End Date: 18/09/2024
12th Luso-Brazilian Congress of Geotechnics (12th CLBG) and the 8th Luso-Spanish Geotechnical Conferences (8th JLEG)
"New paradigms in Geotechnics”
Before the XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) will host the 12th Luso-Brazilian Geotechnical Congress (12th CLBG) and the 8th Luso-Spanish Geotechnical Conference (8th JLEG).
It is a joint organization of LNEC, the Portuguese Society of Geotechnics (SPG), the Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ABMS) and the Spanish Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (SEMSIG). The aim is to provide technical and scientific exchange between geotechnicians from the three countries, facilitated by face-to-face interaction, in a formula that has proven successful in previous editions, including the most recent ones in Campinas, within the scope of COBRAMSEG 2022, and in Mieres, in scope of the XI National Geotechnical Engineering Symposium.
LNEC Congress Center,
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil Av. Brasil 101 1700-066 Lisbon | Portugal
Start Date: 23/08/2024
End Date: 23/08/2024
from 04/06/2024 to 07/06/2024
LC3 Day Portugal
Leading experts in academia and industry will present the latest
developments of cements containing calcined clays and limestone
(LC3), with emphasis on the environmental and economic impact of
the new material.
The program will look closely at the Portuguese, European and West
African markets and pinpoint opportunities for use of calcined
clays to rapidly decarbonise the sector. You will hear from LC3
Project experts, "early adopters” – companies already producing
LC3 at industrial levels across the world – as well as equipment
and admixture suppliers with first-hand experience using LC3.
Registration for LC3 Day Portugal is
free, but mandatory and limited to available places.
Presentations will be made in English.
Register today and be part of the
conversation of low-carbon cement LC3!
Start Date: 28/05/2024
End Date: 28/05/2024
GlazeArt Conference 2024
from 22/02/2024 to 23/02/2024
The presence of clay objects is one of the foremost symbols of
the onset of technology associated to art. Initially decorated with
incised, molded or modeled elements,
with different colours of clay and pigments, the objects became
increasingly sophisticated. The introduction of a glaze amplified the
options for more refined
decorative solutions, including in architectural integration.
The Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage (GlazeArt) conference aims
to promote and discuss novel scientific research studies on glazed
ceramic cultural heritage.
It conveys researchers with diverse academic backgrounds from both the
humanities and the exact sciences fields. The conference covers various
aspects ranging from
glazed ceramic material characterisation, decay, conservation,
production, art and technical art history, socio-cultural contexts, and
other intangible aspects of glazed ceramic materials.
The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Museu Nacional
do Azulejo (MNAz) and the Vicarte Research Unit ("Glass and Ceramics for
the Arts” – FCT-NOVA)
are pleased to announce the next GlazeArt Conference, to be held at LNEC
from 22 to 23 of February 2024.
This Conference is a networking activity of the transnational
research consortium IPERION HS and an outcome of the Portuguese
FCT-funded ChromAz Project.
The official language of the Conference is English. REGISTRATION | FLYER | WEBSITE
LNEC Congress Center | Lisbon | Portugal |
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Avenida do Brasil, 101
Start Date: 22/02/2024
End Date: 23/02/2024
Start Date: 25/10/2023
End Date: 26/10/2023
LNEC Lisbon conference 2023 - Floods, Water Scarcity and Extreme Events
from 19/10/2023 to 20/10/2023
Start Date: 19/10/2023
End Date: 20/10/2023
12th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar
from 05/07/2023 to 07/07/2023
This three-day workshop is the 12th of a biennial
series of international scientific meetings aimed at exploring
advancements in Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) techniques and
There will be sessions in the workshop covering (but not limited to) the following areas of GPR research, development and usage:
• Novel developments in GPR systems and antennas
• Advanced data and image processing algorithms
• Forward modelling techniques and inversion methodologies
• Archaeology and cultural heritage
Engineering and Geotechnical applications, e.g. utility detection, road
and pavement inspection, concrete evaluation, NDT, tunnelling and
• Geological and environmental applications, e.g. geology,
sedimentology, hydrogeophysics, soil contamination, glaciology, and
planetary exploration
• Security applications, unexploded ordnance and landmine detection
The official language of the workshop is English.
LNEC Congress Centre, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering Av. Brasil 101 | 1700-066 Lisboa | Portugal
Start Date: 05/07/2023
End Date: 07/07/2023
NATURELAB Opening Ceremony and Kick-off Meeting
from 27/06/2023 to 29/06/2023
Start Date: 27/06/2023
End Date: 29/06/2023
YRS 2023 | Young Researchers Seminar 2023
from 15/05/2023 to 17/05/2023
Start Date: 15/05/2023
End Date: 17/05/2023
Final Conference | AGEO Project - Platform for Atlantic Geohazard Risk Management
from 19/04/2023 to 20/04/2023
The Platform for Atlantic
Geohazard Risk Management (AGEO) is a
project funded by the Interreg Atlantic
Area programme, which aims to explore new forms of engagement between civil
society and local authorities on risk management systems. The participation of
individuals from outside professional organizations is widely recognized as a
key factor to build resilience towards geohazards. It is nevertheless
imperative to explore new forms of deepening such participation where both
citizens and risk managers generate, use and share different forms of
hazard-related information.
Five pilot sites located in
Canary Islands (Spain), Causeway Coast (Northern Ireland), Lisbon (Portugal),
Madeira Island (Portugal) and Brittany (France) were selected for the creation
of Geohazard Citizen Observatories.
AGEO also intends to encourage
the local use of innovative Earth observation products and services provided by
European data infrastructures, in particular Copernicus, which will support
geohazard risk management.
Target audience
The programme of the conference
is primarily designed to:
• AGEO project participants,
pilots’ representatives, and project relevant stakeholders;
• Government agencies and
municipalities, including practitioners-oriented stakeholders dealing with the
full disaster cycle;
• Experts on geohazards, risk
management, risk communication, and European spatial data infrastructures;
• Policymakers taking part in the
science-policy interface and policy cycle;
• Civil society organizations
such as professional associations, informal groups, and community members;
• Business or industry stakeholders,
such as media and insurance industry.
Conference venue
The conference and the final
project meeting will be hosted by Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
(National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, LNEC)
that is located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Conference language
The official language of the AGEO
Final Conference will be English.
Start Date: 19/04/2023
End Date: 20/04/2023
WORKSHOP Home Acoustics: Comfort, requirements and recommendations
This Workshop follows the recent amendments and additions made to Decree-Law 96/2008, which amends and republishes the Regulation of Acoustic Requirements for Buildings, namely with regard to aspects related to the rehabilitation of buildings and technical standards for construction of residences for higher education students.
Within this framework, the availability of the Acoustic Classification of Buildings Platform will also be discussed, based on a method developed by LNEC, as well as aspects related to measurement uncertainty in experimental tests and the importance of low-frequency noise (structural noise), in the context of acoustic comfort in homes.
The Workshop will take place on March 9, 2023, between 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm, at the LNEC Congress Center.
Designers, engineers, technicians, consultants, acoustics laboratories and licensing entities.
Price (in addition to the legal rate VAT):
50 €
Start Date: 09/03/2023
End Date: 09/03/2023
A PACT FOR CONSTRUCTION - Meeting and debate on challenges and paths
Lisbon, LNEC Congress Center
Start Date: 10/02/2023
End Date: 10/02/2023
Start Date: 21/11/2022
End Date: 21/11/2022
Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas
from 09/11/2022 to 11/11/2022
Start Date: 09/11/2022
End Date: 11/11/2022
European Façade Network Conference ‘Teaching Façades for a Sustainable Future’
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon
Start Date: 14/06/2022
End Date: 14/06/2022
Start Date: 09/06/2022
End Date: 09/06/2022
6th Estuarine and Coastal Morphodynamics Conference
from 06/06/2022 to 08/06/2022
COURSES "WORSICA course, new service dedicated to the detection of water and shorelines through remote detection and in situ data" Presentation course of the new WORSICA service, developed under the H2020 EOSC-Synergy project, which aims to detection of water and shorelines through the analysis of remote detection data (satellite images or UAVs) and in situ. In this course will be held a brief theoretical exhibition and possible practical session of the three sub-services implemented, namely coastline detection, in-land and leak detection. The course will be taught by Doctor Alberto Azevedo "OPENCoastS+ travel, tool for on-demand circulation and water quality forecasting" The OPENCoastS+ service allows you to operationally implement and simulate circulation or water quality forecasting systems in any coastal zone. This course will include theoretical aspects and practical applications, in particular related to the coupled forecasting of waves and currents, baroclinical circulation and water quality. The course will be taught by Dr. Marta Rodrigues, Dr. Anabela Oliveira and Dr. André Fortunato.
Start Date: 06/06/2022
End Date: 08/06/2022
ICAAR 2020-2022 - 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete
from 31/05/2022 to 05/06/2022
Start Date: 31/05/2022
End Date: 05/06/2022
Start Date: 25/05/2022
End Date: 25/05/2022
Start Date: 23/05/2022
End Date: 25/05/2022
International Symposium on Stone Consolidation "Consolidation 2021"
from 23/03/2022 to 25/03/2022
Start Date: 23/03/2022
End Date: 25/03/2022
Release of N 3 and 4 of "Studies in Heritage Glazed Ceramics"
Webinar "Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment"
The Webinar "Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment" will take place on December 3, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Registration open until December 2nd.
Start Date: 03/12/2021
End Date: 03/12/2021
Final Seminar CLOSER | Pre-Demolition Audits: Step by Step
Webinar CPGA/SPG and LNEC
Webinar CPGA/SPG - Portuguese Commission for Environmental Geotechnics/Portuguese Society of Geotechnics - and LNEC - National Laboratory for Civil Engineering June 28th, 4:00 pm (UTC/GMT+1) Keynote Speaker - Professor Paul Bardos Theme - "Sustainable and Risk Based Contaminated Sites Management" This presentation provides a broad conceptual overview and a decision making framework. It is based on a forthcoming book on Sustainable and Risk Based Land Management for Contaminated Sites, due to be released later in 2021, which has been supported, in large part, by the Ministry of Environment and Ecology of the Peoples Republic of China. The book provides a comprehensive narrative over the entire process on sustainable and risk based land management for a site, through stakeholder engagement, conceptual site models, site investigation, risk assessment, risk management, remediation options and their delivery, to the achievement of sustainable remediation and concludes with a simple decision support framework. Organizers - Contaminated Land Working Group of CPGA/SPG and LNEC Supporting Entities - AECSAS (Technical Association for the Study of Soil and Groundwater Contamination) and APEMETA (Portuguese Association of Environmental Technology Companies) Webinar link -
Start Date: 28/06/2021
End Date: 28/06/2021
Conferência Internacional sobre Gestão e Reabilitação de Áreas Contaminadas (CIGRAC 2020)
from 11/05/2021 to 14/05/2021
Start Date: 28/04/2021
End Date: 28/04/2021
CemRestore - Mortars for the preservation of the early 20th century buildings - Compatibility and Sustainability
Start Date: 25/01/2021
End Date: 27/01/2021
Fourth International DAM WORLD Conference - dates to be announced Fourth International DAM WORLD Webinar
from 21/09/2020 to 25/09/2020
Fourth International DAM WORLD Conference - Conference Postponement We regret to announce that the Fourth International DAM WORLD Conference is now suspended. New dates will be announced when the Pandemic Crisis is under control.
Start Date: 21/09/2020
End Date: 25/09/2020
Start Date: 05/03/2020
End Date: 05/03/2020
Start Date: 15/01/2020
End Date: 15/01/2020
LIFE Impetus International Final Conference
The LIFE Impetus International Final Conference will take place at LNEC, on 5 December 2019.
The objectives of the conference are to present and discuss the project outcomes. This conference will gather the LIFE Impetus Project Partners and Stakeholders’ Panel, two invited speakers and members from networking LIFE projects, as well as the water industry, water professionals, technology providers, press and general public. Please register until 30 November 2019.
Start Date: 05/12/2019
End Date: 05/12/2019
from 20/11/2019 to 22/11/2019
MATHMET is the European platform for metrologists, academia and industry regarding mathematical and statistical research in all metrological areas, established as an outcome of the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) project NEW04 "Novel mathematical and statistical approaches to uncertainty evaluation" (2011-2014).
MATHMET 2019 International Workshop will be held in Lisbon (Portugal), 20–22 November 2019, aiming at providing a forum for applied mathematicians, statisticians, and metrologists to present and discuss contemporary methods and challenges in applications of mathematical models and statistical data analysis to measurement science.
Participants from Countries worldwide will network in sessions on theoretical and applied science, bringing together experts from related fields of knowledge, including uncertainty quantification, interlaboratory studies, medical and industrial imaging, atmospheric science and climatology, chemometrics, molecular biology, machine learning, dynamic measurements and big data.
Start Date: 20/11/2019
End Date: 22/11/2019
5th International Seminar on Underground Space “Health and Safety in Underground Space”
LNEC and the Portuguese Commission on Tunneling and Underground Space (CPT) of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) are organizing the 5th International Seminar on Underground Space with the lemma "Health and Safety in Underground Space”. The Seminar will be held at LNEC, on October 18th, 2019.
Registration: e-mail to with fiscal data for invoice and transfer receipt.
Start Date: 18/10/2019
End Date: 18/10/2019
Geodecision 2019 - Geodecision for Sustainable Communities
from 09/10/2019 to 11/10/2019
Start Date: 09/10/2019
End Date: 11/10/2019
from 26/06/2019 to 28/06/2019
FLOMEKO 2019 will be held in Lisbon (Portugal), 26 – 28 June 2019, being the 18th Conference of IMEKO TC9 (Flow measurement), following a long tradition of events organized since the first one that took place in Groningen (the Netherlands) in 1978.
This event will bring together experts in flow and volume measurements from industry, national metrology institutes, metrology and testing laboratories, regulators, service providers and other stakeholders from all over the world.
Participants from Countries worldwide will network in sessions on theoretical principles of flow measurement metrology and applied measurements in industries including energy, aeronautics, chemicals, healthcare and the environment. Papers and presentations will share knowledge from internationally recognized experts in their fields, providing innovative solutions and ideas.
Start Date: 26/06/2019
End Date: 28/06/2019
10º Encontro Técnico-Científico dos Laboratórios de Engenharia Civil da CPLP
from 17/06/2019 to 18/06/2019
Construir infraestruturas resilientes e reduzir a vulnerabilidade face às alterações climáticas
Start Date: 17/06/2019
End Date: 18/06/2019
ISO/TC 282 - Water Reuse International Workshop
Start Date: 22/05/2019
End Date: 22/05/2019
Start Date: 14/05/2019
End Date: 14/05/2019
3rd Meeting of EWG Dams and Earthquakes An International Symposium
from 06/05/2019 to 09/05/2019
Start Date: 06/05/2019
End Date: 09/05/2019
Start Date: 08/04/2019
End Date: 12/04/2019
Launching of the first publication "Studies in Heritage Glazed Ceramics "
Start Date: 20/03/2019
End Date: 20/03/2019
OPENcoastS e-Tutorial: from processes knowledge to on-demand circulation forecasts
Start Date: 13/12/2018
End Date: 13/12/2018
International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage
from 29/10/2018 to 30/10/2018
Start Date: 29/10/2018
End Date: 30/10/2018
2018 European Workshop AFB20 (2) Roadside Safety Design
Third International Dam World Conference "DAM WORLD 2018"
from 17/09/2018 to 21/09/2018
8º Encontro Técnico-Científico dos Laboratórios de Engenharia Civil da da CPLP
Start Date: 21/05/2018
End Date: 21/05/2018
fórum iAFLUI - iniciativa nacional para controlo de AFLUências Indevidas
O fórum iAFLUI é um evento destinado a divulgar publicamente o trabalho e os resultados obtidos pelas entidades gestoras participantes na iniciativa para controlo de afluências indevidas iAFLUI, que decorreu entre 2016 e 2017 no LNEC. Este fórum pretende igualmente promover a discussão em torno dos principais desafios e oportunidades associados à implementação e manutenção de planos de controlo de afluências indevidas, em contextos bastante diversificados, com base na experiência já adquirida pelos participantes na iAFLUI. Estará também disponível uma exposição técnica sobre a temática. Ficha de Inscrição
Administradores e técnicos de entidades gestoras, consultores, investigadores, alunos de mestrado e doutoramento e demais interessados nestas matérias.
Start Date: 13/04/2018
End Date: 13/04/2018
Execução de túneis e obras geotécnicas complexas. O que muda com o CCP revisto? Boas práticas internacionais.
Start Date: 02/02/2018
End Date: 02/02/2018
Workshop “Economia Circular em Geotecnia Ambiental”
Start Date: 22/11/2017
End Date: 22/11/2017
Lis-Water - Lisbon International Centre for Water
Seminário de Verão 2017 da Sociedade Portuguesa de Engenharia Sísmica
from 26/10/2017 to 27/10/2017
INGEO 2017 - 7th International Conference on Engineering Surveying
from 18/10/2017 to 20/10/2017
Start Date: 18/10/2017
End Date: 20/10/2017
1º Seminário Geotecnia nos Transportes
from 12/10/2017 to 13/10/2017
Melhoramento, Reforço e Reabilitação de Infraestruturas de Transporte
Start Date: 12/10/2017
End Date: 13/10/2017
RCD 2017 - Confiança nos materiais reciclados
Start Date: 09/10/2017
End Date: 09/10/2017
Intangibility Matters - International Conference on the values of tangible heritage
from 29/05/2017 to 30/05/2017
Tangible heritage is the support of some of the most relevant and perennial values of Mankind.It connects us with History, projects us to past environments and to lost cultural contexts,includes landmarks of our identity and constitutes a relevant economic asset. Therefore tangible heritage has intangible aspects inextricably associated to it and when tangible heritage is addressed, intangibility matters.
Portugal, Lisboa, LNEC
Start Date: 29/05/2017
End Date: 30/05/2017
Workshop External Sulfate Attack
from 03/11/2016 to 04/11/2016
Isabel Martins
Price (in addition to the legal rate VAT):
200 €
Start Date: 03/11/2016
End Date: 04/11/2016
Congresso Ibero-Americano: Património, suas matérias e imatérias
from 02/11/2016 to 03/11/2016
O Congresso será uma organização do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC –, do Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CRIA-IUL – e o Centro de Estudos Internacionais do ISCTE-IUL (CEI-IUL –
Lisboa, LNEC
Price (in addition to the legal rate VAT):
150 €
Start Date: 02/11/2016
End Date: 03/11/2016
Workshop sobre acesso a meios instrumentais para investigação no domínio do património cultural ao abrigo do Projecto Europeu IPERION CH
Start Date: 28/10/2016
End Date: 28/10/2016
CNME2016-10th National Congress of Experimental Mechanics
from 12/10/2016 to 14/10/2016
The 10th National Congress of Experimental Mechanics-CNME2016 will take place at the Congress Centre of the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering from the 12th to 14th October, 2016. This Conference is intended for all researchers, teachers, technicians and students to develop work in the different thematic areas of Experimental Analysis and Experimental Mechanics.
Price (in addition to the legal rate VAT):
450 €
Start Date: 12/10/2016
End Date: 14/10/2016
Jornadas Europeias do Património 2016
RCD um Recurso Valorizável
47th Annual Meeting of the International Research Group on Wood Protection
from 15/05/2016 to 19/05/2016
Semana da Reabilitação Urbana
from 05/04/2016 to 07/04/2016
Workshop on Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar
The seminar will take place at LNEC Congress Centre on March 2, 2016 between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.
Simona Fontul (LNEC)
Start Date: 02/03/2016
End Date: 02/03/2016
H.Ea.R.T 2015 - 2nd Conference on Historic Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area
from 02/12/2015 to 04/12/2015
Historic masonry reinforced with timber framing is a
constructive system common to many European Countries. This system has
proved its high resilience in earthquake scenarios and thus its
suitability in seismic regions all across the Mediterranean basin.
Numerous timber framed buildings have survived severe earthquakes with
negligible damage. Besides, timber systems, like roof and floor
structures, may play a fundamental role in bracing masonry walls and
contributing to the overall earthquake resistance of historic buildings.
from the experience and integrate innovative approaches towards a
better assessment, improvement and safeguard of these structures are
great challenges. Sound commonly accepted criteria regarding safety
requirements, performance based assessment and code provisions
applicable to existing buildings, particularly historic timber frames,
are also key aspects that deserve our attention and should be addressed.
2015 will provide a forum for engineers and architects, researchers,
practitioners and authorities involved in history of technology, seismic
engineering, construction, assessment, modeling, conservation,
reinforcement and monitoring.
Start Date: 02/12/2015
End Date: 04/12/2015
Conference on "Industrial Heritage: Tradition, innovation, conservation"
Conference on "Industrial Heritage: Tradition, innovation, conservation" at 25th September at LNEC. Entries are free and limited to the capacity of the room.
Ranjan Menezes and Maria do Rosário Veiga
Price (in addition to the legal rate VAT):
150 €
Start Date: 25/09/2015
End Date: 25/09/2015
GlazeArch2015 - International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Architectural Heritage
from 02/07/2015 to 03/07/2015
The conference will last for two days and shall include invited lectures, oral presentations and poster presentations.
The Scientific Committee will select the form of presentation of communications considering the slots available, their originality and thematic affinities.
Start Date: 02/07/2015
End Date: 03/07/2015
"Current trends in european building regulations and the Dutch experience"
Dam World Conference 2015
from 21/04/2015 to 24/04/2015
We are glad to announce the Second International DAM WORLD Conference, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 21-24 April 2015. The Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) will be hosting the event.
We are preparing an exciting programme which will include high level scientific sessions, with Plenary one well-known Lecturers, One-Day Courses on the 20th April and an interesting Technical Visit to important dams in the beautiful Douro River region.
We invite all dam engineering professionals to participate in the event and share your valuable experience and achievements.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Lisbon!
Start Date: 21/04/2015
End Date: 24/04/2015