The Structures Department (DE) carries out R&D&I activity in the fields as follows: safety of structures; performance of structures over their lifetime, particularly as regards dynamic performance and vulnerability; evaluation of seismic risk; structural aerodynamics; evaluation of the physical and biological degradation of timber; and characterisation of innovative construction products and systems.
The Department provides support to decision-making as regards asset management of infrastructures through co-operation with both public and private bodies, by carrying out site inspections, tests and studies. Moreover, DE represents Portugal in the preparation of Structural Eurocodes and is responsible for the transposition of European Standards, in its area of activity, into Portuguese Standards.
DE performs the activities as follows: shaking table and wind tunnel testing; vibration measurements for the dynamic characterisation of structural systems; certification and approval of structural systems and elements; expert opinions to investigate the causes for accidents and for structural anomalies.
The Structures Department is organised into three operating units as follows:
- Structural Behaviour Unit
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Unit
- Structure Monitoring Unit