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Info A Durabilidade dos geossintéticos: Estigma ou fator de sustentabilidade + Info: A Durabilidade dos geossintéticos: Estigma ou fator de sustentabilidade
Info Albufeiras na Ilha da Madeira: (imprescindível) impermeabilização com geossintéticos + Info: Albufeiras na Ilha da Madeira: (imprescindível) impermeabilização com geossintéticos
Info An assessment of 3D scanning methods in physical models + Info: An assessment of 3D scanning methods in physical models
Info Assessment of contact laws accounting for softening in 3D rigid concrete particle models + Info: Assessment of contact laws accounting for softening in 3D rigid concrete particle models
Info Comparative analysis of MT-InSAR algorithms supported by GNSS data and corner reflectors: Assessing performance and accuracy + Info: Comparative analysis of MT-InSAR algorithms supported by GNSS data and corner reflectors: Assessing performance and accuracy
Info Deterioration Models and Service Life Prediction of Vertical Assets of Urban Water Systems + Info: Deterioration Models and Service Life Prediction of Vertical Assets of Urban Water Systems
Info Development of a Bayesian network-based early warning system for storm-driven coastal erosion + Info: Development of a Bayesian network-based early warning system for  storm-driven coastal erosion
Info Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz + Info: Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz
Info Effects of hygrothermal and natural aging on the durability of multilayer insulation systems incorporating thermal mortars with EPS and aerogel + Info: Effects of hygrothermal and natural aging on the durability of multilayer insulation systems incorporating thermal mortars with EPS and aerogel
Info Evaluating Different Track Sub-Ballast Solutions Considering Traffic Loads and Sustainability + Info: Evaluating Different Track Sub-Ballast Solutions Considering Traffic Loads and Sustainability