A Durabilidade dos geossintéticos: Estigma ou fator de sustentabilidade
Este artigo pretende mostrar que, paralelamente ao sucesso da utilização dos geossintéticos eminúmeras aplicações, estes tiveram sempre de superar grandes desafios/estigmas para se impor no mercado,muitos deles relacionados com a sua durabilidade: numa 1ª fase era questionado se a sua durabilidade seriasuficiente, tendo em consideração a vida útil das obras geotécnico-ambientais em que eram (e são) aplicados e mais recentemente, questionando a sua durabilidade excessiva, pondo em causa a sua sustentabilidade. Assim, pretende-se mostrar que a durabilidade dos geossintéticos é e sempre foi um fator de sustentabilidade e desmistificar esse estigma.
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Lopes, M.G.; Barroso, M.P.
Editor: Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia
N.º Extra 2024.
Keywords: Sustentabilidade; Durabilidade; Geossintéticos
Albufeiras na Ilha da Madeira: (imprescindível) impermeabilização com geossintéticos
Na ilha da Madeira, existem vários reservatórios de água para diferentes fins, entre eles as albufeiras das barragens de Pico da Urze e da Portela. Estas infraestruturas têm em comum a particularidade de as características das formações geológicas vulcânicas ocorrentes e os materiais de construção das barragens não garantirem a estanquidade necessária para a retenção da água, tornando imprescindível o uso de geossintéticos na impermeabilização do corpo das barragens e das suas albufeiras. Na Barragem do Pico da Urze foi utilizado um geocompósito de impermeabilização (geomembrana de PVC termoacoplada a um geotêxtil) e na Barragem da Portela foi usada uma geomembrana de PEAD. A utilização destes materiais colocou alguns desafios ao nível da conceção e construção dos seus sistemas de impermeabilização. Neste artigo, apresentam-se os principais desafios enfrentados durante as fases de projeto e de construção dos sistemas de impermeabilização, que o Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil acompanhou no âmbito de assessorias técnicas prestadas aos donos de obra.
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Barroso, M. P.; Caldeira, L.; Ferreira, P. F.; França, P.; Maligno, C.
: Revista Geotecnia
Editor: Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia
N.º Extra 2024.
Keywords: Geossintéticos; Sistema de impermeabilização; Formações vulcânicas; Albufeira; Barragem
An assessment of 3D scanning methods in physical models
The evaluation of damage progression caused by wave action on physical models of rubble-mound breakwaters can be accomplished through two types of methods: quantifying the movements and falls of the resistant armor elements by visual inspection (the traditional, classical method) or determining the eroded volumes and depths between consecutive surveys of armor layers using sensors and photogrammetric methods (3D scanning methods). Of the latter, one may use techniques such as the so-called "Kinect", "Photogrammetry" and "LiDAR". The end-product of these techniques is, among others, point clouds, which allow obtaining three-dimensional surface models. In this paper, four of the latter techniques (3D scanning methods) are briefly described, and a comparison is made between them regarding their usability in current tests, their advantages and disadvantages, among themselves for a study case of the physical 3D model of the Ericeira breakwater. In evaluating survey quality across the four methods, RMSE (root mean square error) was employed to align obtained point clouds with ground control points (GCP). Notably, Photogrammetry, Kinect, and Azure techniques showed excellent RMSE values. Conversely, the LiDAR-derived-method cloud, using a smartphone with LiDAR sensor and 3dScanner app, fails to yield acceptable and accurate results for the research objectives of this paper.
Year: 2024
Author(s): Capitão, R.; Lemos, R.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.; Jónatas, R.
Editor: COSE
Keywords: 3D scans; Reconstruction Techniques; Damage Progression; Breakwater; Physical Modelling
Assessment of contact laws accounting for softening in 3D rigid concrete particle models
o obtain predictions closer to concrete behaviour, it is necessary to employ a particle model(PM) that considers contact softening. A bilinear softening contact model (BL) has been adoptedin PM studies. Several limitations in PM predictions have been identified that may be due to BLassumptions. For this reason, this paper compares BL predictions with those obtained with morecomplex models to assess if PM predictions can be improved. As shown, it is possible to calibrateeach contact model to reproduce the complex behaviour observed in concrete in uniaxial and biaxialloading. The predicted responses are similar, and the known PM limitations still occur independentlyof the adopted model. Under biaxial loading, it is shown that a response closer to that observed inconcrete can be obtained (higher normal-to-stiffness ratio of
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Azevedo, N.; Braga Farinha, M. L.; Oliveira, S.
: Buildings
Editor: MDPI
Keywords: concrete fracture; contact softening laws; discrete element; particle model
Comparative analysis of MT-InSAR algorithms supported by GNSS data and corner reflectors: Assessing performance and accuracy
This paper presents a comparative analysis of Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT-InSAR) algorithms in a corner reflector located in Lisbon, Portugal. The reflector was monitored using daily observations from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technique with submillimeter precision. The study focuses on comparing the performance and accuracy of different MT-InSAR approaches i) the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) method using the open-source software StaMPS, ii) the PSI method using the commercial software SARPROZ, iii) the Quasi-PS method implemented with the SARPROZ software, as well as iv) a hybrid method Persistent scatterer
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Diaz, A.; Roque, D.; Solla, M.; Lima, J. N.
: Procedia Computer Science
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Corner reflector; Accuracy; GNSS; QPS; PSI
Deterioration Models and Service Life Prediction of Vertical Assets of Urban Water Systems
This study proposes a methodology for developing deterioration models and predicting the service lives of vertical assets of urban water systems (i.e., water storage tanks and pumping stations) using regression analysis. The main factors contributing to the deterioration of these assets are analyzed. Simple and multiple linear regression models of average and maximum deterioration are calculated for 22 water storage tanks and 17 wastewater pumping stations. Data on a set of four water storage tanks are used to validate the developed deterioration models. Service life prediction is carried out using the developed models and considering two maximum deterioration levels: the maximum recommended and admissible deterioration levels. Two water storage tanks are further studied to illustrate and discuss the effect of maintenance and rehabilitation interventions on asset service life by comparing the asset deterioration before and after the interventions.
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cabral , M.; Loureiro, D.; Amado, C; Covas, D.
: Water Resources Research
Editor: AGU
Volume 60, Issue 4.
Keywords: Urban water systems; Service life prediction; Deterioration models
Development of a Bayesian network-based early warning system for storm-driven coastal erosion
Coastal hazards such as flooding and erosion can cause large economic and human losses. Under this threat, early warning systems can be very cost-effective solutions for disaster preparation. The goal of this study was to develop, test, and implement an operational coastal erosion early warning system supported by a particular method of machine learning. Thus, the system combines Bayesian Networks, and state-of-the-art numerical models, such as XBeach and SWAN, to predict storm erosion impacts in urbanized areas. This system was developed in two phases. In the development phase, all information required to apply the machine learning method was generated including the definition of hundreds of oceanic synthetic storms, modeling of the erosion caused by these storms, and characterization of the impact levels according to a newly defined eerosion iimpact index. This adimensional index relates the distance from the edge of the dune/beach scarp to buildings and the height of that scarp. Finally, a Bayesian Network that acted as a surrogate of the previously generated information was built. After the training of the network, the conditional probability tables were created. These tables constituted the ground knowledge to make the predictions in the second phase. This methodology was validated (1) by comparing 6-h predictions obtained with the Bayesian Network and with process-based models, the latest considered as the benchmark, and (2) by assessing the predictive skills of the Bayesian Network through the unbiased iterative k-fold cross-validation procedure. Regarding the first comparison, the analysis considered the entire duration of three large storms whose return periods were 10, 16, and 25 years, and it was observed that the Bayesian Network correctly predicted between 64% and 72% of the impacts during the course of the storms, depending on the area analyzed. Importantly, this method was also able to identify when the hazardous conditions disappeared after predicting potential consequences. Regarding the Regarding the second validation approach, second validation approach, the k-fold cross-validation procedure was applied to the peak of a set of varying storms and it demonstrated that the predictive skills were maximized (63%
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Garzon, J.L.; Ferreira, Ó.; PLOMARITIS, T.A.; Zózimo, A. C.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.; Pinheiro, L.
: Coastal Engineering
Editor: Elsevier
Vol 189 (104460).
Keywords: HIDRALERTA; Sandy beaches; Bayesian networks; Numerical modeling; Prediction system
Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz
A first characterization of greenhouse gases had been carried out to study their role and impact in a productive transitional coastal system of the southern Portugal
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Sierra, A.; Correia, C.; Ortega, T.; Forja, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Cravo, A.
: Science of the Total Environment
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Coastal lagoon; Ria Formosa; Gas mass transport; Water - atmosphere fluxes; Greenhouse gases
Effects of hygrothermal and natural aging on the durability of multilayer insulation systems incorporating thermal mortars with EPS and aerogel
This study evaluated the durability of three innovative multilayer insulation systems incorporating thermal mortars with EPS aggregates and silica aerogel granules after hygrothermal accelerated aging and one year of natural aging at an urban site in Portugal. The loss of performance was assessed after the accelerated aging and every three months of natural aging using non-destructive testing. Chemical-morphological analyses were alsocarried out prior to and after accelerated and natural aging. Results obtained after accelerated and natural aging were compared, thus contributing towards a deeper understanding of possible synergistic effects of several degradation agents and mechanisms on the long-term durability of multilayer insulation systems. The Coffin-Manson equation showed that the accelerated aging procedure (~13 days of heat/rain cycles and 5 days of heat/cold cycles) adopted herein corresponds to approximately 11 years of natural aging in typical urban conditions. The results show a significant increase in capillary water absorption and drying capacity after aging.Extensive surface microcracking was observed after accelerated aging and after 3 months of natural aging, especially in the systems facing North. Traces of biological growth were detected on both the artificially and naturally aged systems, whereas aesthetic alterations were more pronounced in North-oriented specimens after 3 months of exposure, with significantly lower surface gloss and a darker tone. On the other hand, color change cannot be detected in the artificially aged systems (
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Parracha, J.; Veiga, M. R.; Lina Nunes; Flores-Colen, I.
: Cement and Concrete Composites
Editor: Elsevier, Ltd.
148 (2024) 105483.
Keywords: Aesthetic performance; Bio-susceptibility; Water resistance; Natural aging; Accelerated aging; ETICS
Evaluating Different Track Sub-Ballast Solutions Considering Traffic Loads and Sustainability
The railway industry is seeking high-performance and sustainable solutions for sub-ballast materials, particularly in light of increasing cargo transport demands and climate events. The meticulous design and construction of track bed geomaterials play a crucial role in ensuring an extended track service life. The global push for sustainability has prompted the evaluation of recycling ballast waste within the railway sector, aiming to mitigate environmental contamination, reduce the consumption of natural resources, and lower costs. This study explores materials for application and compaction using a formation rehabilitation machine equipped with an integrated ballast recycling system designed for heavy haul railways. Two recycled ballast-stabilised soil materials underwent investigation, meeting the necessary grain size distribution for the proper compaction and structural conditions. One utilised a low-bearing-capacity silty sand soil stabilised with recycled ballast fouled waste (RFBW) with iron ore at a 3:7 weight ratio, while the second was stabilised with 3% cement. Laboratory tests were conducted to assess their physical, chemical, and mechanical properties, and a non-linear elastic finite element numerical model was developed to evaluate the potential of these alternative solutions for railway sub-ballast. The findings indicate the significant potential of using soils stabilised with recycled fouled ballast as sub-ballast for heavy haul tracks, underscoring the advantages of adopting sustainable sub-ballast solutions through the reuse of crushed deteriorated ballast material.
Year: 2024
Number Pages:
Author(s): Castro, G.; Moura, E.; Motta, R.; Bernucci, L.; Paixão, A.; Fortunato, E.; Oliveira, L.; Quispe, J.
: Infrastructures
Editor: MDPI
9(3), 54.
Keywords: numerical modelling; ballast waste; recycled ballast