develops R&D&I activity in the fields of structural safety, behaviour
of structures in the life cycle, in particular the dynamic behaviour of
structures and their vulnerability, seismic risk assessment, aerodynamics of
structures, risk assessment of physical and biological degradation of wood and
other natural materials and characterization of innovative products and
construction systems.
R&D&I strategy adopted by DE, in coherence with the research and
innovation strategy (E2I) established by LNEC for the period 2013-2020, answers
the request of the Action Plan of this E2I for discussion of the global
strategy within LNEC research units. This strategy adopts nine priority
research lines and details its contents and previsions of projects and
participation of research staff of DE, of other LNEC research units and of external
partners. For
the period 2013-2020, the strategic lines of R&D&I of DE are:
1. Management
of transport infrastructures - New
technologies for bridge inspection
- Integration
of information obtained in situ in the assessment of structural performance
- Development
of models for the degradation and maintenance of bridges and special structures
- Life
cycle analysis of bridges and special structures
2. Assessment,
rehabilitation and structural strengthening - Identification
and characterization of existing constructions in Portugal in terms of current
structural systems
- Evaluation
of structural behaviour and structural typologies
- Structural
strengthening techniques
- Pre-normative
and normative research to support structural rehabilitation
3. Development
and optimization of biomaterials for construction - Innovation
and development of products and processes of wood based materials
- Construction
products with incorporation of bio-waste
- Integrated
pest control in biomaterials in construction
4. Structural
systems and innovative products - Defining
performance requirements for alternative markets
- Development/improvement
of kits and systems of industrialized construction for alternative markets
- Prefabricated
construction systems for temporary shelters
- Innovative
construction products
5. Aerodynamics
in energy and comfort - Monitoring
of small urban wind towers
- Single-aperture
natural ventilation strategies
- Aerodynamics
of vehicles and impact in surroundings areas
6. Evaluation
and mitigation of risk for extreme actions - Improvement
of loss simulation and risk assessment methods and tools
- Risk
- Cost-effectiveness
analysis and definition of mitigation strategies
7. Quality
of materials, safety and structural strength - Development
of quality control criteria for materials based on the monitoring of their
- Quality
control of bars for reinforced and prestressed concrete
- Behaviour
of structures under fire
- Security
and structural robustness of buildings
8. Methodologies
for monitoring structural integrity - Optimization
of structural monitoring systems
- Exploitation
of low cost equipment
- Structural
integrity analysis
9. Modeling
actions and structural behaviour - Numerical
modeling of seismic action
- Numerical
modeling of wind action with CFD
- Numerical
modeling of structural response
- Physical
modelling with sub structuring
- Developments
linked to experimental activity