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Materials Department Materials Department
Metallic Materials Unit
Metallic Materials Unit


Info Characterization of Portuguese Historical Gypsum Mortars: a Comparison between Two Case Studies + Info: Characterization of Portuguese Historical Gypsum Mortars: a Comparison between Two Case Studies
Info Characterization of Portuguese Historical Gypsum Mortars: a Comparison between Two Case Studies + Info: Characterization of Portuguese Historical Gypsum Mortars: a Comparison between Two Case Studies
Info Influence of Mineral Additions in the Inhibition of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Cement based Materials – A Microstructural Characterization + Info: Influence of Mineral Additions in the Inhibition of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Cement based Materials – A Microstructural Characterization
Info Influence of Mineral Additions in the Inhibition of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Cement based Materials – A Microstructural Characterization + Info: Influence of Mineral Additions in the Inhibition of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Cement based Materials – A Microstructural Characterization
Info Long-term Efficiency of Two Organic Corrosion Inhibitors for Reinforced Concrete + Info: Long-term Efficiency of Two Organic Corrosion Inhibitors for Reinforced Concrete
Info The Application of Fluorescence Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Detection of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Concrete + Info: The Application of Fluorescence Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Detection of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Concrete
Info The Application of Fluorescence Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Detection of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Concrete + Info: The Application of Fluorescence Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Detection of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Concrete
Info A galvanic sensor for monitoring the corrosion condition of the concrete reinforcing steel: Relation between the galvanic and the corrosion currents + Info: A galvanic sensor for monitoring the corrosion condition of the concrete reinforcing steel: Relation between the galvanic and the corrosion currents
Info Accounting for variability and uncertainties in NDT condition assessment of corroded RC-structures
Info Alkali reactivity of granitic rocks in Portugal: A case study

Info Assessment of ferrous building materials + Info: Assessment of ferrous building materials
Info DB-HERITAGE - Data on construction materials history + Info: DB-HERITAGE - Data on construction materials history
Info DB-HERITAGE Data on construction materials history + Info: DB-HERITAGE Data on construction materials history
Info Electrochemical techniques for patinas and coatings assessment in conservation studies + Info: Electrochemical techniques for patinas and coatings assessment in conservation studies
Info Estudo de revestimentos à base de cal: uma abordagem integrada + Info: Estudo de revestimentos à base de cal: uma abordagem integrada
Info Revestimentos com base em cal em monumentos de interesse histórico e patrimonial: Exemplos do repositório DB-HERITAGE + Info: Revestimentos com base em cal em monumentos de interesse histórico e patrimonial: Exemplos do repositório DB-HERITAGE
Info Building materials with historical and heritage interest – A database in progress
Info Can certain alkali minerals explain the slow reactivity of granitic aggregates in dams?
Info Characterization of renders from buildings awarded with Lisbon’s Valmor prize of architecture (1902 – 2002). State of conservation and contributions for preservation
Info Desempenho de materiais de construção com interesse histórico – arquivo e ferramentas de divulgação

Info Materiais de interesse histórico que constroem o património edificado: Correlações, usos, paisagens
Info On the origin of majolica azulejos production in Portugal. nº 2 - vol II.
Info Characterization of decorative Portuguese gypsum plasters from the 19th and 20th centuries: the case of the Bolsa Palace in Oporto + Info: Characterization of decorative Portuguese gypsum plasters from the 19th and 20th centuries: the case of the Bolsa Palace in Oporto
Info Diagnosis, characterization and restoration of the internal renders of Santíssimo Sacramento church in Lisbon + Info: Diagnosis, characterization and restoration of the internal renders of Santíssimo Sacramento church in Lisbon
Info AS REACÇÕES EXPANSIVAS INTERNAS NO BETÃO. Prevenção dos riscos e gestão das estruturas afectadas + Info: AS REACÇÕES EXPANSIVAS INTERNAS NO BETÃO. Prevenção dos riscos e gestão das estruturas afectadas

Capítulo de Livro
Info Analysis of the behavior of original air lime mortars used in structural brick masonry walls of ancient buildings
Info CDW as sources of CO2 absorption
Info Characterization of mortars and concretes from the Mirante da Quinta da Azeda, Setúbal (Portugal). A case study from the beginning of the 20th century
Info Evaluation of the hygroscopic and CO2 capture capacities of earth and gypsum-based plasters
Info Os revestimentos e os acabamentos do Centro Histórico de Coimbra. Um contributo para o seu estudo

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Revestimentos nanoestruturados para protecção de liga de alumínio + Info: Revestimentos nanoestruturados para protecção de liga de alumínio
Info Passivação do aço inoxidável no betão + Info: Passivação do aço inoxidável no betão

Dissertação de Mestrado
Info Caracterização de argamassas tradicionais e históricas de edifícios religiosos do Alentejo + Info: Caracterização de argamassas tradicionais e históricas de edifícios religiosos do Alentejo
Info Estabilidade stabilidade de taludes em rochas silto-argilosas + Info: Estabilidade stabilidade de taludes em rochas silto-argilosas

Relatório Científico
Info Estudos microestruturais de amostras de argamassa, betão e agregados - Projecto PIP LNEC 2009-2012 “Materiais com interesse histórico. Durabilidade e caracterização” + Info: Estudos microestruturais de amostras de argamassa, betão e agregados - Projecto PIP LNEC 2009-2012 “Materiais com interesse histórico. Durabilidade e caracterização”
Info Abordagem sobre a evolução na construção de pontes metálicas + Info: Abordagem sobre a evolução na construção de pontes metálicas
Info Caracterização química, mineralógica e microestrutural das argamassas da Villa Romana de Pisões – Beja + Info: Caracterização química, mineralógica e microestrutural das argamassas da Villa Romana de Pisões – Beja
Info Inter-Laboratory tests of anodized aluminium testing methods - Statistical analysis – determination of repeatability and reproducibility + Info: Inter-Laboratory tests of anodized aluminium testing methods - Statistical analysis – determination of repeatability and reproducibility
Info Artificial weathering of bronze patinas - Selection of test conditions + Info: Artificial weathering of bronze patinas - Selection of test conditions
Info Caracterização química, mineralógica e microestrutural de amostras de revestimentos exteriores do Palácio do Lidador em Beja + Info: Caracterização química, mineralógica e microestrutural de amostras de revestimentos exteriores do Palácio do Lidador em Beja
Info Estudo da influência de adições minerais na inibição da formação de etringite retardada no betão + Info: Estudo da influência de adições minerais na inibição da formação de etringite retardada no betão
Info Relatório final de actividades da bolseira de investigação Patrícia Adriano no projecto FCT – CATHEDRAL + Info: Relatório final de actividades da bolseira de investigação Patrícia Adriano no projecto FCT – CATHEDRAL
Info Weathering of treatments for bronze conservation - Results of natural and artificial weathering + Info: Weathering of treatments for bronze conservation - Results of natural and artificial weathering

Info Effect of inorganic content on the performance of anticorrosive hybrid sol-gel coated EN AW-6063 alloy + Info: Effect of inorganic content on the performance of anticorrosive hybrid sol-gel coated EN AW-6063 alloy
Info Characterization of the concrete alkali reactivity of granitoid and dolomitic aggregates + Info: Characterization of the concrete alkali reactivity of granitoid and dolomitic aggregates