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Labsummit 2024
labsummit is the event that aims to bring together laboratory and industry professionals, scientists, managers and administrators, students, and other stakeholders to share new and innovative ideas, trends, technologies, and knowledge, inspiring a new vision for the laboratory community.
11.ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária
Members of the Ports and Maritime Structures Unit and the Estuaries and Coastal Zone Unit took part in the conference 11.ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária
3D model testing of the breakwater of Lajes harbour
LNEC is carrying out tests on a three-dimensional physical model of the design solution for the reconstruction of the breakwater of Lajes harbour, Flores Island, Azores
RUN - Naturalized Urban River
LNEC is a parter of research project RUN - Naturalized Urban Rivers with the study on "The social and urban memory of urban rivers”
C2IMPRESS project - 1st General Assembly
The C2IMPRESS consortium, of which LNEC is a partner, attended their 1st General Assembly meeting on May 2023 in Egaleo, Greece.

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