The MARCLAIMED European project has started 2024-04-01 The European project MARCLAIMED, running from 2024 to 2027, aims to integrate aquifer recharge management (MAR), using alternative water sources, into river basin and drought management plans, supporting the adaptation and resilience of structural supply systems in the context of climate change. The project is coordinated by Cetaqua Barcelona, Centro tecnológico del agua (CETBCN), has 12 partners and three case studies in Spain, the Netherlands and Portugal. LNEC is coordinating one of the work packages and is co-responsible, together with Águas do Alentejo, for the Portuguese case study where the decision support tools produced will be implemented and validated, with a view to high replication potential. The project kick-off meeting was held in Barcelona on 20 and 21 February, and LNEC was present. |