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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department
Ports and Maritime Structures Unit
Ports and Maritime Structures Unit


Info Study of the turbine power output of an oscillating water column device by using a hydrodynamic - aerodynamic coupled model + Info: Study of the turbine power output of an oscillating water column device by using a hydrodynamic - aerodynamic coupled model
Info Força de impacto num quebra-mar vertical: comparação entre um modelo numérico SPH e formulações empiricas + Info: Força de impacto num quebra-mar vertical: comparação entre um modelo numérico SPH e formulações empiricas
Info Physical modelling as a fundamental tool for the design of harbours and maritime structures + Info: Physical modelling as a fundamental tool for the design of harbours and maritime structures + Info: Physical modelling as a fundamental tool for the design of harbours and maritime structures
Info Propuesta de estudio de la morfología determinada por el oleaje en playas fluviales. "La Concordia" en el río Uruguay, un caso práctico + Info: Propuesta de estudio de la morfología determinada por el oleaje en playas fluviales.
Info Sinking of concrete modules into a sandy seabed: a case study + Info: Sinking of concrete modules into a sandy seabed: a case study
Info Stability formula and failure probability analysis of wave-dissipating blocks considering wave breaking + Info: Stability formula and failure probability analysis of wave-dissipating blocks considering wave breaking
Info Tools for forecasting and evaluation of structural risk on maritime works + Info: Tools for forecasting and evaluation of structural risk on maritime works
Info Wave propagation on a flume: numerical simulation + Info: Wave propagation on a flume: numerical simulation
Info A modelação física no apoio ao projeto de obras marítimas + Info: A modelação física no apoio ao projeto de obras marítimas
Info Avaliação da probabilidade de ocorrência de galgamentos não admissíveis no posto 2 do Terminal de granéis líquidos do porto de Sines + Info: Avaliação da probabilidade de ocorrência de galgamentos não admissíveis no posto 2 do Terminal de granéis líquidos do porto de Sines

Info Monitoring the Madeira airport protection breakwater using visual and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle observations + Info: Monitoring the Madeira airport protection breakwater using visual and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle observations
Info Numerical and Physical Modeling of Ship Impacts on Fenders + Info: Numerical and Physical Modeling of Ship  Impacts on Fenders
Info Numerical and Physical Modeling of Ship Impacts on Fenders + Info: Numerical and Physical Modeling of Ship  Impacts on Fenders
Info OSOM+: Aplicação às estruturas marítimo-portuárias do porto de Sines + Info: OSOM+: Aplicação às estruturas marítimo-portuárias do porto de Sines
Info Perceção de risco costeiro na Costa da Caparica: Aplicação da metodologia AHP a um grupo de stakeholders locais
Info Safety System for Ships in Harbours + Info: Safety System for Ships in Harbours
Info Sistema de alerta para riscos portuários. Análise de eventos extremos nos portos dos Açores + Info: Sistema de alerta para riscos portuários. Análise de eventos extremos nos portos dos Açores
Info The Hidralerta System: Peniche, Quarteira and Faro applications + Info: The Hidralerta System: Peniche, Quarteira and Faro applications
Info To-SEAlert project. Main developments and results + Info: To-SEAlert project. Main developments and results
Info To-SEAlert project. Wave overtopping and flooding in coastal and port areas: Tools for an early warning, emergency planning and risk management system + Info: To-SEAlert project. Wave overtopping and flooding in coastal and port areas: Tools for an early warning, emergency planning and risk management system

Capítulo de Livro
Info Multi-functional artificial reefs for coastal protection

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Trapped-mode propagation along irregular coasts + Info: Trapped-mode propagation along irregular coasts
Info Probabilistic Assessment of the Safety of Coastal Structures + Info: Probabilistic Assessment of the Safety of Coastal Structures
Info Unsteady Nearshore Currents on Longshore Varying Topographies + Info: Unsteady Nearshore Currents on Longshore Varying Topographies
Info Simulação da agitação irregular. Técnicas matemáticas + Info: Simulação da agitação irregular. Técnicas matemáticas

Relatório Científico
Info Demonstration and technical tours plan + Info: Demonstration  and technical tours  plan
Info Demonstration submission and selection guidelines + Info: Demonstration  submission and  selection guidelines
Info Technical tours organization criteria and procedures report + Info: Technical tours organization criteria and procedures report
Info Data Repository Rules. Deliverable 10.4 + Info: Data Repository Rules. Deliverable 10.4
Info Data Storage Report. RECIPE Task 8.2: Overtopping events in breakwaters under climate change scenarios + Info: Data Storage Report. RECIPE Task 8.2: Overtopping events in breakwaters under climate change scenarios
Info Facilitating the re-use and exchange of experimental data. Task 10.1 Critical review. D10.2 Critical Review of data flux between laboratory models, numerical models and field case studies + Info: Facilitating the re-use and exchange of experimental data. Task 10.1 Critical review. D10.2 Critical Review of data flux between laboratory models, numerical models and field case studies
Info Facilitating the re-use and exchange of experimental data. Task 10.2 Data Standards and Licenses. D 10.3 Data Standards Report + Info: Facilitating the re-use and exchange of experimental data. Task 10.2 Data Standards and Licenses. D 10.3 Data Standards Report
Info Protocols for representing variability and unsteadiness in flume facilities. Deliverable Number 8.2 + Info: Protocols for representing variability and unsteadiness in flume facilities. Deliverable Number 8.2
Info Sistema de previsão, alerta e gestão de riscos causados pela agitação marítima - Relatório inicial – Arquitetura e características gerais do sistema para os portos de Madalena do Pico, São Roque do Pi + Info: Sistema de previsão, alerta e gestão de riscos causados pela agitação marítima - Relatório inicial – Arquitetura e características gerais do sistema para os portos de Madalena do Pico, São Roque do Pi

Info Avaliação da Estabilidade do Quebra-Mar Destacado do Porto Inglês (Ilha do Maio
Info Physical modelling of wave-induced plant drag coefficient + Info: Physical modelling of wave-induced plant drag coefficient
Info Evaluation of wave overtopping consequences for risk assessment using ANP methodology
Info Sistema de alerta para a navegação em portos
CONSTRUÇÃO DA EXPANSÃO DO PORTO DE SAL-REI – 1ª FASE (ILHA DA BOAVISTA – CABO VERDE) Ensaios bidimensionais em modelo reduzido Parecer Técnico
Info Definição da Geometria para um Recife Artificial Multifuncional em Leirosa (Poster) + Info: Definição da Geometria para um Recife Artificial Multifuncional em Leirosa (Poster)
Info Probabilistic Assessment of Hazards from Overtopping of Seawalls in Urban Environments: Annual Report of pOST-dOCTORAL rESEARCH
Info Guidelines and Recommendations for River Information Services - PIANC
Info Porto Santo Island. Wave Characterization and propagation. poster apresentado ao International Coastal Symposium (ICS 04)
Info Probabilistic Assessment of Hazards from Overtopping of Seawalls in Urban Environments: Annual report of Post-Doctoral Research.