DHA research topics cover the whole water cycle, including surface and groundwater resources and urban, coastal and port engineering, taking advantage of innovative information technologies applied to water and environment. This research is achieved through synergistic collaboration within LNEC departments and through partnerships with the public and private sector.
DHA’s ativity is based on a multidisciplinary approach, addressing challenges in the water domains and their interactions with the environment and the society, with a strong focus on risk management. Integrated approaches, combining mathematical and physical modeling, in-situ and remote sensing and lab experiments, are privileged.
The strategic lines for 2013-2020 are:
1. Risk management and safety- Climate change and associated risks
- Coastal and ocean risks
- Risk in hydraulic and maritime structures
- Water and public health risks
2. Infrastructures- Ports and Marinas
- Navigation and ships maneuvering
- Coastal and maritime structures
- Hydraulics works related to dams and roads
- Requalification and coastal protection
- River Requalification and aquifer protection
- Infraestruturas urbanas
3. Environment and Aquatic systems- Water resources management in a climate change context
- Coastal management in a climate change context
- Water quality and ecosystem dynamics in rivers and reservoirs
- Water quality, ecosystem dynamics and ecosystem services in estuaries and coastal zones
- Water reuse
4. Water in the city- Water-energy nexus
- Asset management
- Water and wastewater treatment
- Urban hydrogeology
5. Information and Decision support technologies- Real time forecast and monitoring system for water and environment
- Intelligent platforms in support of risk and emergency management
- High performance modeling of aquatic systems using clusters, cloud and supercomputers
- Autonomous systems in support of water resources decision taking and management