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Info Verificação de Fórmulas Para a Evolução da Erosão em Taludes de Quebra-Mares + Info: Verificação de Fórmulas Para a Evolução da Erosão em Taludes de Quebra-Mares
Info Vivências e vivendas I + Info: Vivências e vivendas I
Info Vivências e vivendas II + Info: Vivências e vivendas II
Info Wave climate variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the six last decades + Info: Wave climate variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the six last decades
Info Wave Overtopping of a Porous Structure: Numerical and Physical Modeling + Info: Wave Overtopping of a Porous Structure: Numerical and Physical Modeling
Info What can be learnt from stated choice experiments in transport noise valuation? + Info: What can be learnt from stated choice experiments in transport noise valuation?
Info A case study of wave climate changes due to nearshore morphological evolution + Info: A case study of wave climate changes due to nearshore morphological evolution
Info A review of adhesion promotion techniques for solid timber substrates + Info: A review of adhesion promotion techniques for solid timber substrates
Info Análise da vulnerabilidade de uma praia estuarina à inundação + Info: Análise da vulnerabilidade de uma praia estuarina à inundação
Info Analytical formulation for the deformations of I-shapes and RHS at the plastic strain ultimate limit state + Info: Analytical formulation for the deformations of I-shapes and RHS at the plastic strain ultimate limit state