Corrosão da estátua de D. José I em Lisboa
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Fontinha, I. R.; Salta, M. M.
Vol. 27 Nº3.
Keywords: Liga de cobre; Estátuas; Corrosão atmosférica
Corrosão e conservação de estátuas de liga de cobre
As esculturas de exterior em liga de cobre, sem a aplicação de medidas de protecção, podem mostrar aceleração da degradação devido à corrosão, agravada pelo aumento da poluição atmosférica associado ao desenvolvimento industrial e social do último século. Da corrosão resulta a alteração cromática da superfície das estátuas, com a formação de patinas de cor verde e preta, cujas características definem níveis de risco de degradação e, consequentemente, o tipo de intervenção a que a escultura deverá ser submetida para a sua conservação. Neste artigo abordam-se os processos de corrosão mais comuns em estátuas de ligas de cobre expostas no exterior e descreve-se a formação, composição e estrutura das patinas resultantes dessa corrosão. Referem-se ainda alguns aspectos sobre a conservação deste tipo de obras de arte
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Fontinha, I. R.; Salta, M. M.
Vol. 27 nº3.
Keywords: Ligas de cobre; Conservação; Estátuas; Corrosão atmosférica
Development of lime based mortars for repairing glazed tiles coatings of historic buildings in the city of Ovar, Portugal
Portugal is one of the European countries in which built heritage is a testimony of its history. In this context, the legacy of the decorative glazed tile coatings of facades must be preserved and restored. This research is dedicated to the conservation of such facades in the city of Ovar, considered an example due to its rich heritage in glazed tiles, a high percentage of which requires a deep intervention. Therefore, this work is focused on the study of lime renders, serving as a support for this type of tile facades. For this, samples were collected from several buildings in the city, targeting their mechanical and physical study with the aim of producing compatible mortars to be used for application of detached tiles in these buildings and generally for the repair of the facades with glazed tile coatings. For this purpose, four mixtures of lime mortars with different volumetric ratios were composed. The aggregates used were: ordinary river sand and a local gravel. In three of the mixtures metakaolin, was added, with the intention of acting as an artificial pozzolan and thus improving the performance of these mortars. The use of a pozzolanic addition promotes hardening of lime mortars in cases when the ingression of carbon dioxide is low as is the case of mortars placed below glazed tile coatings. These mortars were also tested in the laboratory taking into account their physical and mechanical characteristics. The mechanical characteristics determined were: modulus of elasticity (E) by two different methods, compressive strength and flexural strength. In turn, the physical characteristics determined were: water vapour permeability and water absorption by total immersion and capillary action. The best mechanical behaviour (compressive and flexural) was observed in the mortar with pozzolanic additions. Similarly, the value of the modulus of elasticity was better in mortars with pozzolanic additions. The performance of these mortars was also adequate in terms of water behaviour.The mortars revealed suitable characteristics for application in building conservation situations concerning coating with glazed tiles.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Teixeira, B.; Valente, C.; Velosa, A.; Veiga, M. R.; Ferreira, I. M.
Keywords: Pozzolanic additions; Lime mortars; Glazed tiles; Conservation
Digital preservation of heterogeneous data
Digital preservation aims at maintaining digital objects anddata accessible over long periods of time. The emerging context of e-Science imposes new scenarios and new requirements for digital preser-vation. This paper presents the main issues, current solutions and promi-nent projects for digital preservation and e-Science data management. Fi-nally, it presents the problem to be addressed, the solutions to explore,the proposed methodology and expected contributions of the associatedPhD work.
Year: 2008
Author(s): Barateiro, J.
Keywords: Interoperability; E-science; Data grid; Digital preservation; Digital libraries
Digital Preservation of Scientific Data
Digital preservation aims at maintaining digital objects anddata accessible over long periods of time. We propose the use of dedicatedor surplus storage resources of data grids to build frameworks of digitalpreservation. In this paper we focus on the problem of digital preservationin two scenarios: a national digital library and a repository of scientificinformation for dam safety. We detail the scenario of dam safety dataand provide an analysis of an existing data grid solution that can be usedfor this purpose.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Barateiro, J.; Antunes, G. J.; Cabral, M.; Borbinha, J. L.; Rodrigues, R.
Editor: Springer
Keywords: Data grid; Digital preservation; Digital libraries
Dinâmica fisiográfica da orla costeira: Estudos de reabilitação e protecção
Apresenta-se uma panorâmica geral sobre os principais problemas relacionados com a fisiografia costeira e as principaistécnicas de protecção da orla costeira. Referem-se os processos físicos responsáveis pela dinâmica sedimentar, e os principaisproblemas a ela associados que afectam praias e embocaduras de estuários e lagunas. As soluções mais comuns para estetipo de problemas são depois revistas de forma crítica. Finalmente, três casos de estudo são utilizados para exemplificarproblemas e soluções, e, simultaneamente, ilustrar abordagens seguidas em estudos de engenharia: uma praia encaixadaem erosão (praia de Hac-Sá, República Popular da China), um sistema no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, composto por uma praiaarqueada (praias de Leblon, Ipanema e Arpoador), um canal e uma laguna com problemas simultâneos de erosão eassoreamento e uma embocadura lagunar com problemas de assoreamento e de estabilidade (Lagoa de Óbidos, Portugal).
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
8/1: 45-63.
Author(s): Fortunato, A. B.; Clímaco, M.; Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Oliveira, A.; Sancho, F. E.; Freire, P.
Drinking water treatment plants assessment through performance indicators
Performance assessment (PA) of urban infrastructure services, mainly in the case of water systems, is becoming a major issue worldwide. Therefore, in the last decade, the need for a clear definition of management objectives of water services and the subsequent need to monitor goals achievement have led to the development of some initiatives to tackle the evaluation of the efficiency of those services, their main aim being the definitin of systems of performance indicators. However, these PA systems are strongly oriented by a management/economic perspective and technical aspects have often been ignored. In addition, none of them has specifically addressed the drinking water treatment. This paper presents a proposal for a PI system that applies to drinking water treatment facilities as a part of a standardised methodology for performance assessment. In total, ca.80 PI have been define and classified according to seven evaluation domains, namely: treated water quality; plant reliability; use of natural resources and raw materials; by-products management; safety; human resources; and, economical and financial resources.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
245-253 pp..
Author(s): Vieira, P.; Alegre, H.; Rosa, M. J.; Lucas, H.
: Water Science and Technology: Water Supply.
Editor: IWA
Keywords: Treatmentplant; Performance; Indicators; Drinkingwater
Durabilidade - a importância dos pormenores.
Em muitas utilizações, especialmente em ambientes húmidos ou expostosà chuva, o risco de degradação da madeira depende em grandemedida das disposições construtivas adoptadas, no que se refere àpormenorização e ao cuidado na realização das ligações.A absorção e retenção de água pela madeira podem ocasionar o seuinchamento e ataque por insectos como as térmitas subterrâneas, ou ainstalação e o desenvolvimento de fungos causadores de manchas ou depodridão. A variação das condições ambientais provoca ainda empenose fendas. Compreende-se assim a importância da pormenorização parao desempenho e a durabilidade das estruturas de madeira, no sentidode limitar o acesso da água à madeira, promover a sua eliminação rápidae/ou minimizar as suas consequências. Também a escolha de materiaise a execução podem comprometer de forma drástica a qualidade e adurabilidade das estruturas, referindo-se adiante alguns aspectosrelacionados com as ligações.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cruz, H.
Editor: Publindústria, Lda.
nº 27.
Keywords: Durabilidade; Podridão; Insectos; Térmitas; Disposições construtivas
Earthquake shaking scenarios for the metropolitan area of Lisbon
In this study, we simulate and compare ground motion shaking in the city of Lisbon and surrounding counties (metropolitan area of Lisbon (MAL)), using two possible earthquake models: the onshore source area of Lower Tagus Valley, M5.7 and M4.7 and the offshore source area, Marques de Pombal Fault, M7.6, one of the possible source of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. The stochastic and a new hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach (DSM) are used in order to evaluate the ground shaking and to characterize its spatial variability. Results are presented in terms of response acceleration spectra (PSA) and peak ground acceleration (PGA) with respect to bedrock and surface. Site effects are evaluated by means of equivalent stochastic non-linear one-dimensional ground responses analysis, performed for a set of stratified soil profile units properly designed to cope with the soil site conditions of MAL region. A sensitive study is carried out using different input parameters and different approaches in order to give the basic information to evaluate the range of uncertainty in seismic scenarios.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Zonno , G.; Franceschina, G.; Bilé Serra, J.; Campos Costa, A.
: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Editor: Elsevier
Vol. 28, Issue 5.
Keywords: Metropolitan area of Lisbon; Local effects; Power spectral density function; Non-stationary random process; Deterministic-stochastic method; Response spectra; Ground motion simulation; Stochastic finite-fault modelling
Earthquake shaking scenarios for the metropolitan area of Lisbon
In this study, we simulate and compare ground motion shaking in the city of Lisbon and surrounding counties (metropolitan area of Lisbon (MAL)), using two possible earthquake models: the onshore source area of Lower Tagus Valley, M5.7 and M4.7 and the offshore source area, Marques de Pombal Fault, M7.6, one of the possible source of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. The stochastic and a new hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach (DSM) are used in order to evaluate the ground shaking and to characterize its spatial variability.Results are presented in terms of response acceleration spectra (PSA) and peak ground acceleration (PGA) with respect to bedrock and surface. Site effects are evaluated by means of equivalent stochastic non-linear one-dimensional ground responses analysis, performed for a set of stratified soil profile units properly designed to cope with the soil site conditions of MAL region. A sensitive study is carried out using different input parameters and different approaches in order to give the basic information to evaluate the range of uncertainty in seismic scenarios.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Zonno , G.; Franceschina, G.; Bilé Serra, J.; Campos Costa, A.
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Ground motion simulations; Stochastic finite-fault modelling