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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department
Estuaries and Coastal Zone Unit
Estuaries and Coastal Zone Unit


Info Morphodynamic modeling of tidal inlets and embayments + Info: Morphodynamic modeling of tidal inlets and embayments
Info Tidal changes in estuarine systems induced by local geomorphologic modifications + Info: Tidal changes in estuarine systems induced by local geomorphologic modifications
Info A modeling-based analysis of processes driving wave-dominated inlets. + Info: A modeling-based analysis of processes driving wave-dominated inlets.
Info Application of an Eulerian-Lagrangian oil spill modeling system to the Prestige accident: trajectory analisys + Info: Application of an Eulerian-Lagrangian oil spill modeling system to the Prestige accident: trajectory analisys
Info Beach nourishment at Coollangatta Bay (Australia) over the period 1987-2005: impacts and lessons + Info: Beach nourishment at Coollangatta Bay (Australia) over the period 1987-2005: impacts and lessons
Info Beach nourishments at Coolangatta Bay over the period 1987 + Info: Beach nourishments at Coolangatta Bay over the period 1987
Info Bottom shear stress formulations to compute sediment fluxes in accelerated skewed waves + Info: Bottom shear stress formulations to compute sediment fluxes in accelerated skewed waves
Info Characterisation of the alongshore dynamics of an estuarine beach + Info: Characterisation of the alongshore dynamics of an estuarine beach
Info DTM extraction using video-monitoring techniques: application to a fetch limited beach + Info: DTM extraction using video-monitoring techniques: application to a fetch limited beach
Info Dynamics of a fetch-limited beach: a numerical modelling based analysis + Info: Dynamics of a fetch-limited beach: a numerical modelling based analysis

Info Determination de la période de retour des niveaux extrêmes dans la côte Atlantique + Info: Determination de la période de retour des niveaux extrêmes dans la côte Atlantique
Info Determination of Extreme Sea Levels along the Portuguese Coas t + Info: Determination of Extreme Sea Levels along the Portuguese Coas t
Info Dinâmica de trocas entre a Ria Formosa e o oceano: modelação numérica do transporte de matéria em suspensão + Info: Dinâmica de trocas entre a Ria Formosa e o oceano: modelação numérica do transporte de matéria em suspensão
Info Dynamics of exchanges between the Ria Formosa and the ocean: role of environmental forcings + Info: Dynamics of exchanges between the Ria Formosa and the ocean: role of environmental forcings
Info Flood risk assessment in estuaries. The importance of historical data integration in predictive tools development + Info: Flood risk assessment in estuaries. The importance of historical data integration in predictive tools development
Info Influence of nonlinear waves on oscillatory boundary layers + Info: Influence of nonlinear waves on oscillatory boundary layers
Info Management of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: observatories as effective tools to predict and anticipate changes + Info: Management of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: observatories as effective tools to predict and anticipate changes
Info Modelling beach morphological changes during episodic erosion-recovery events: preliminary results + Info: Modelling beach morphological changes during episodic erosion-recovery events: preliminary results
Info Suscetibilidade à inundação de margens estuarinas. Aplicação à baía do Seixal (estuário do Tejo, Portugal) + Info: Suscetibilidade à inundação de margens estuarinas. Aplicação à baía do Seixal (estuário do Tejo, Portugal)
Info The effect of dune morphology longshore variation in the beach-dune system resilience + Info: The effect of dune morphology longshore variation in the beach-dune system resilience

Info MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira + Info: MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira

Capítulo de Livro
Info Evaluating the geomorphologic stability of an estuarine sandy beach. Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Avaliação da eficiência energética nos serviços urbanos de águas. Guia para diagnóstico, priorização de alternativas, monitorização e revisão do plano de ação
Info Análise dos Efeitos de Factores Climáticos e Antropogénicos na Ria de Aveiro + Info: Análise dos Efeitos de Factores Climáticos e Antropogénicos na Ria de Aveiro
Info Modelação da Morfodinâmica de Estuários + Info: Modelação da Morfodinâmica de Estuários
Info Sistema integrado de modelação para apoio à prevenção e mitigação de acidentes de hidrocarbonetos em estuários e orla costeira + Info: Sistema integrado de modelação para apoio à prevenção e mitigação de acidentes de hidrocarbonetos em estuários e orla costeira
Info Evolução Morfo-Sedimentar de Margens Estuarinas (Estuário do Tejo, Portugal) + Info: Evolução Morfo-Sedimentar de Margens Estuarinas (Estuário do Tejo, Portugal)
Info Instrumentos de Apoio à Gestão de Estuários - Indicadores Ambientais + Info: Instrumentos de Apoio à Gestão de Estuários - Indicadores Ambientais
Info Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis of transport and residence times in estuaries and coasts + Info: Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis of transport and residence times in estuaries and coasts
Info Numerical modelling of irregular wave propagation in the nearshore region + Info: Numerical modelling of irregular wave propagation in the nearshore region
Info Modelação matemática de processos hidrodinâmicos e da qualidade da água no estuário do Tejo + Info: Modelação matemática de processos hidrodinâmicos e da qualidade da água no estuário do Tejo
Info Three-dimensional modeling of coastal flows using unstructured grids + Info: Three-dimensional modeling of coastal flows using unstructured grids

Relatório Científico

Info Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics