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Hydraulics and Environment Department Hydraulics and Environment Department
Estuaries and Coastal Zone Unit
Estuaries and Coastal Zone Unit


Info Simulating morphodynamics with unstructured grids: Description and validation of a modeling system for coastal applications + Info: Simulating morphodynamics with unstructured grids: Description and validation of a modeling system for coastal applications
Info Space and time variability of uncertainty in morphodynamic simulations + Info: Space and time variability of uncertainty in morphodynamic simulations
Info Three-dimensional modeling of the lower trophic levels in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) + Info: Three-dimensional modeling of the lower trophic levels in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal)
Info Tidal and river discharge forcing upon water and sediment circulation at a rock-bound estuary (Guadiana estuary, Portugal) + Info: Tidal and river discharge forcing upon water and sediment circulation at a rock-bound estuary (Guadiana estuary, Portugal)
Info Wave climate variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the six last decades + Info: Wave climate variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the six last decades
Info A case study of wave climate changes due to nearshore morphological evolution + Info: A case study of wave climate changes due to nearshore morphological evolution
Info Análise da vulnerabilidade de uma praia estuarina à inundação + Info: Análise da vulnerabilidade de uma praia estuarina à inundação
Info Dinâmica fisiográfica da orla costeira: Estudos de reabilitação e protecção + Info: Dinâmica fisiográfica da orla costeira: Estudos de reabilitação e protecção
Info Improvement of sand activation depth prediction under conditions of oblique wave breaking + Info: Improvement of sand activation depth prediction under conditions of oblique wave breaking
Info Longshore transport estimation and inter-annual variability at a high-energy dissipative beach: St Trojan beach, SW Oleron island, France + Info: Longshore transport estimation and inter-annual variability at a high-energy dissipative beach: St Trojan beach, SW Oleron island, France

Info Evolução da cota de dragagem dos acessos marítimos aos portos de Portugal Continental + Info: Evolução da cota de dragagem dos acessos marítimos aos portos de Portugal Continental
Info Risco de inundação costeira: contributo para uma melhor gestão + Info: Risco de inundação costeira: contributo para uma melhor gestão
Info Coastal territorial vulnerability index: the importance of a local approach in anticipating the impacts of coastal flooding + Info: Coastal territorial vulnerability index: the importance of a local approach in anticipating the impacts of coastal flooding
Info Definition of coastal typologies considering territorial flooding ocurrences, impacts and the territorial complexity + Info: Definition of coastal typologies considering territorial flooding ocurrences, impacts and the territorial complexity
Info Dragagens nos portos comerciais Portugal Continental (1991-2020): contributo para uma sínteseSÍNTESE + Info: Dragagens nos portos comerciais  Portugal Continental (1991-2020): contributo para uma sínteseSÍNTESE
Info Impact of a sandy shore morphology on overtopping + Info: Impact of a sandy shore morphology on overtopping
Info Mapping coastal overtopping in the shadow of large ebb-tidal deltas with XBeach surfbeat: insights from the western coast of Portugal + Info: Mapping coastal overtopping in the shadow of large ebb-tidal deltas with XBeach surfbeat: insights from the western coast of Portugal
Info Mosaic.pt. flood risk framework to support management in coastal zones + Info: Mosaic.pt. flood risk framework to support management in coastal zones
Info Analysis of S. João da Caparica beach vulnerability to a maritime storm event + Info: Analysis of S. João da Caparica beach vulnerability to a maritime storm event
Info Correntes, ondas e transporte de sedimentos na baía de Nacala, Moçambique + Info: Correntes, ondas e transporte de sedimentos na baía de Nacala, Moçambique

Info MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira + Info: MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira

Capítulo de Livro
Info Evaluating the geomorphologic stability of an estuarine sandy beach. Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments + Info: Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments
Info A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach + Info: A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach
Info Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters + Info: Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters
Info Alimentação artificial de praias + Info: Alimentação artificial de praias
Info Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics + Info: Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics
Info Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution + Info: Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution
Info Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões + Info: Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões
Info Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water + Info: Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water
Info Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos + Info: Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
Info Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries + Info: Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries

Relatório Científico
Info Project UBEST: Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and anthropogenic inputs - Final Report + Info: Project UBEST: Understanding the biogeochemical buffering capacity of estuaries relative to climate change and anthropogenic inputs - Final Report
Info MOSAIC.PT field campaigns - Cova-Gala, Vieira and São Pedro de Moel beaches, January-March 2019 + Info: MOSAIC.PT field campaigns - Cova-Gala, Vieira and São Pedro de Moel beaches, January-March 2019
Info UBEST field campaigns - 6th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, November 6, 2018 + Info: UBEST field campaigns - 6th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, November 6, 2018
Info UBEST field Campaigns - 4th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, May 10, 2018 + Info: UBEST field Campaigns - 4th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, May 10, 2018
Info UBEST field campaigns - 5th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, September 27, 2018 + Info: UBEST field campaigns - 5th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, September 27, 2018
Info Online monitoring in the Tagus estuary: Parque das Nações station - Installation and operation between January 2016 and February 2017 + Info: Online monitoring in the Tagus estuary: Parque das Nações station - Installation and operation between January 2016 and February 2017
Info Agitação marítima a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego + Info: Agitação marítima a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego
Info Characterization of the hydro-agricultural development of the Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira and of the Mouchão de Alhandra + Info: Characterization of the hydro-agricultural development of the Lezíria Grande de Vila Franca de Xira and of the Mouchão de Alhandra
Info E7 + Info: E7
Info Impacte do prolongamento do molhe norte da embocadura do rio Mondego nas praias adjacentes a sul + Info: Impacte do prolongamento do molhe norte da embocadura do rio Mondego nas praias adjacentes a sul

Info Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics