Force-based higher-order beam element with flexural-shear-torsional interaction in 3D frames. Part I: Theory
An innovative higher-order beam theory, capable of accurately taking into account flexural
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Correia, A.A.; Almeida, J.P.; Pinho, R.
: Engineering Structures
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Timoshenko; Warping; Flexural
Force-based higher-order beam element with flexural-shear-torsional interaction in 3D frames. Part II: Applications
The specific features of the proposed force-based formulation derived in the companion paper, which is applied for the first time to higher-order beam theories, are herein thoroughly validated. Introductory numerical examples illustrate the influence of mesh refinement, boundary conditions, and slenderness ratios for isotropic linear elastic response. Specific higher-order effects
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Correia, A.A.; Almeida, J.P.; Pinho, R.
: Engineering Structures
Editor: Elsevier
Vol. 89.
Keywords: Timoshenko; Warping; Flexural
Measuring and estimating airflow in naturally ventilated double skin facades
An accurate assessment of the airflow in naturally ventilated double skin facades (DSF) is crucial for a correct design and performance evaluation. Measuring and predicting DSF airflow is not a straightforward task, given the stochastic nature of the wind, which can assist or oppose the buoyancy force. The present paper resumes the results of airflow measurements inside a naturally ventilated double skin facade using a tracer gas technique. The tests were performed on an outdoor air curtain (OAC) DSF test cell with a movable slat venetian blind. Measurements with no active shading and at night were also performed. Outdoor and test cell air gap temperatures were continuously measured and wind pressure coefficients were determined from wind tunnel tests. Experimental results were then compared to those obtained by a simple model taking into account both thermal and wind effects on the facade. From this comparison discharge coefficients were estimated, which can be used for characterizing the DSF behaviour.
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Marques da Silva, F.; Gomes, M.; Rodrigues. A.
: Building and Environment
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Wind tunnel tests; Tracer gas; Test cell experiments; Natural ventilation; Double skin facades
The role of source and site effects on structural failures due to Azores earthquakes.
The existing building stock in Azores islands (Portugal) was severely damaged during 1980and 1998 earthquakes. Structural failure was probably caused by a combination of factorsthat are not yet well understood. Earthquake source characteristics, site effects and structuralvulnerability may be some of those factors. However, it is very difficult to assess theinfluence of each factor on structural failure, mainly because recorded accelerograms usedin nonlinear structural analysis are influenced by both source characteristics and site conditions.The only way to overcome this problem is to control each factor individually whichcan be done by using simulated accelerograms. In our previous work, stochastic groundmotion simulations results were compared with earthquake records. Results seem to indicatethat simulated accelerograms can match recorded accelerograms if proper sourcecharacteristics and geological site conditions are selected. In this work, simulated accelerogramswere used for seismic nonlinear structural analysis. Simulations were carried outconsidering several 1980 Azores earthquake possible sources and for different geologicalsite conditions. Simulated accelerograms were then used to evaluate the structural nonlinearbehaviour of a reinforced concrete structure and of two masonry structures. The resultsof this work highlight the importance of site conditions and earthquake source characteristicsto the determination of the design seismic actions of Azores islands. This work wasperformed in the scope of
Year: 2015
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Estêvão, J.M.C.
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Site effects; Source effects; Earthquakes; Structural failures
Duas décadas de cooperação europeia no âmbito da ID&I em engenharia sísmica no LNEC
O Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil tem uma longa experiência na área da Engenharia Sísmica, sendo uma das instituições de referência, a nível europeu, em todos os campos desta área das Ciências da Engenharia. A investigação europeia em Engenharia Sísmica teve início no final da década de 50, tendo sido o LNEC, na pessoa do Engenheiro Júlio Ferry Borges, o seu principal impulsionador. Desde então, assistiu-se ao estudo dos diferentes aspetos da fenomenologia ligada à caraterização da ação sísmica e ao comportamento das estruturas sujeitas à ação dos sismos, como ilustrado pelas cerca de 50 teses de mestrado e doutoramento nos diferentes domínios da Engenharia Sísmica, desenvolvidas no Núcleo de Engenharia Sísmica e Dinâmica de Estruturas (NESDE), nas duas ultimas décadas, e por mais de uma centena de investigadores visitantes, nacionais e estrangeiros. No âmbito da avaliação do risco sísmico, o LNEC tem tido um papel fundamental a nível nacional, assumindo a liderança da investigação científica nas matérias relacionadas com a perigosidade sísmica, a caraterização da ação sísmica, a avaliação do risco, e o desenvolvimento de estratégias para redução da vulnerabilidade sísmica...
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Campos Costa, A.; Coelho, E.; Carvalho, A. M.; Candeias, P.; Correia, A.A.
: Construção Magazine
Editor: Engenho e Média
Nº 62.
Keywords: Engenharia sísmica
Shaking table testing of an existing masonry building: assessment and improvement of the seismic performance
This paper aims to assess and improve the seismic performance of an existing masonry building withflexible floors, representative of a Portuguese building typology
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Campos Costa, A.; Lourenço, P.; Mendes, N.
Editor: Wiley Online Library
Vol. 43, Issue 2.
Keywords: Strengthening; Shaking table; Seismic performance; Masonry; Earthquake
Shaking table tests of a structure equipped with superelastic dampers
The energy dissipation capacity of the NiTi alloy was evaluated as part of a series of shake table tests. A superelastic damper was developed to take advantage of the hysteretic energy dissipation associated with this type of shape memory alloy. Each device was tested at different intensity levels. A vertical steel cantilever with 600 kg mass on top was subjected to a series of ground motions with different spectral characteristics. The dampers were placed as part of a tie system, restraining the horizontal movement of the top mass. The devices showed stable hysteretic behavior allowing for energy dissipation.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Campos Costa, A.; Candeias, P.; Guerreiro, L.; Branco, M.
: Journal of Earthquake Engineering
Editor: Taylor & Francis
Vol. 18, Issue 5.
Keywords: Energy dissipation; Shake table test; Shape memory alloy; Superelastic damper
The role of non-linear dynamic soil-foundation interaction on the seismic response of structures
In this paper we provide an overview of recent research work that contributes to clarify the effects of non-linear dynamic interaction on the seismic response of soil foundation-superstructure systems. Such work includes experimental results of seismically loaded structures on shallow foundations, theoretical advancements based on improved macro-elementmodeling of the soil-foundation system, examples of seismic design of bridge piers considering non-linear soil-foundation interaction effects, and numerical results of incremental non-linear dynamic analyses. The objective of this paper is to support the concept of a controlled share of ductility demand between the superstructure and the foundation as a key ingredient for a rational and integrated approach to seismic design of foundations and structures.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Correia, A.A.; Pecker, A.; Paolucci, R.; Chatzigogos, C.; Figini, R.
: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Editor: Springer
Vol. 12, Issue 3.
Keywords: Incremental dynamic analysis; Displacement-based seismic design; Non-linear macro-element; Experimental testing; Seismic foundation response; Non-linear dynamic soil-structure interaction
Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings
This paper is focused on the study of an earthquake protection system, the tuned liquid damper (TLD), which can, if adequately designed, reduce earthquake demands on buildings. This positive effect is accomplished taking into account the oscillation of the free surface of a fluid inside a tank (sloshing). The behaviour of an isolated TLD, subjected to a sinusoidal excitation at its base, with different displacement amplitudes, was studied by finite element analysis. The efficiency of the TLD in improving the seismic response of an existing building, representative of modern architecture buildings in southern European countries was also evaluated based on linear dynamic analyses.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Falcão Silva, M. J.; Lourenço, P.; Varum, H.; Campos Costa, A.; Teixeira-Dias, F.; Guerreiro, L.
: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Editor: Springer
Vol. 12, Issue 2.
Keywords: Energy dissipation; Sloshing; Earthquake protection systems; Tuned liquid damper
A segurança sísmica na reabilitação de edifícios
Year: 2013
Number Pages:
Author(s): Coelho, E.; Bairrão, R.
: Tecnica Revista Engenharia
Editor: Associação dos Estudantes do Instituto Superior Técnico
Nº 01.
Equações de previsão dos movimentos sísmicos à superfície para o Arquipélago dos Açores.
Utilizam-se modelos estocásticos para a simulação dos movimentos sísmicos intensos do solopara construção de uma base de dados sintética de registos que se crêem representativos dosmovimentos do solo no Arquipélago dos Açores, no substrato rochoso.De modo a considerar a influência das condições locais do terreno, foram considerados: (i)perfis geotécnicos sintéticos, para cada tipo de terreno do Anexo Nacional do Eurocódigo 8, (ii)o modelo de propagação vertical de ondas S com polarização horizontal associado a umacoluna estratigráfica com interface inferior materializada por um semi-espaço elástico rochoso e(iii) o método linear equivalente para considerar de forma aproximada a resposta não linear dossolos.Tais simulações permitiram criar uma base de dados sintética de registos sísmicos à superfície,para as gamas de frequência, magnitude e distância hipocentral de interesse para aengenharia, permitindo a elaboração de equações de previsão dos movimentos do solo, paraos diferentes tipos de terreno referidos no Anexo Nacional do EC8, para o Arquipélago dosAçores.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Bilé Serra, J.; Malfeito, N.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Equações de Previsão de Movimentos.; Coeficientes de Atenuação; Movimentos à Superfície nos Açores; Propagação unidimensional de Energia Sísmica
Evolution of earthquake losses in portuguese residential building stock
The objective of this paper is to analyse the evolution of expected earthquake losses in Portuguese residential buildings, to determine if their natural regeneration originates the mitigation of the seismic risk, although exposure in the region increased over time. To achieve this goal, the evolution of quantified risk measures was evaluated, based on the surveys of the residential building stock obtained in the 2001 and 2011 Portuguese census. This study provides a global perspective of the seismic risk on the Portuguese mainland, and makes possible the comparison of risk levels between different regions and epochs. The comparison of economic losses obtained in these two different moments in time, took into consideration the inflation rate, and led to the conclusion that the natural regeneration of the residential housing stock contributed to the mitigation of seismic risk, even if there was a significant increase in the exposure.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Luísa Sousa, M.; Campos Costa, A.
Editor: Turkish Earthquake Foundation
Keywords: Seismic risk
Full-scale seismic testing of modern unreinforced thermal insulation clay block masonry houses
In the scope of the transnational access activities of the European research project SERIES, the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) has provided access to its 3-D shaking table to the international construction company Wienerberger AG and to a group of European experts, in order to perform full-scale seismic tests on an industrial solution for buildings using a modern unreinforced thermal insulation clay block masonry structure.Such solution represents a very common construction method in Central Europe and, although there are cyclic shear test results available, its effective dynamic response under seismic events still requires experimental validation. For this purpose, two full-scale mock-ups with different geometries were tested on the 3-D shaking table using a series of seismic records with increasing intensity.This paper focuses on the most relevant experimental results regarding the structural response of the specimens, e.g., the dynamic response evolution, the collapse mechanism identified and the maximum drift values measured. The paper closes with the main conclusions drawn and with proposals for future developments.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Candeias, P.; Mendes, L.; Correia, A.A.; Campos Costa, A.; Coelho, E.; Jäger, A.; Lu, S.; Degée, H.; Mordant, C.
Editor: Universidade do Minho
Keywords: Shaking table; Full-scale testing; Modern masonry
Geração de perfis estratigráficos artificiais para o Arquipélago dos Açores.
A avaliação dos movimentos sísmicos à superfície, contemplando os efeitos de sítio, estádependente das caraterísticas geológicas dos terrenos no local em análise.Para o Arquipélago dos Açores a informação geotécnica disponível não permite umaavaliação geograficamente global da resposta sísmica dos terrenos caraterísticos destaregião.Assim, após levantamento e síntese de toda a informação disponível, foram idealizadosperfis estratigráficos sintéticos, representativos da variabilidade dos solos da região,permitindo posteriormente modelar a propagação da energia sísmica, materializada naforma de ondas de corte S, através de um meio estratificado representado por umasequência de camadas, e consequentemente, avaliar a alteração do movimento sísmicodevido à influência daquela.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Bilé Serra, J.; Malfeito, N.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Efeitos de sítio; Arquipélago dos Açores; Perfil estratigráfico
Incertezas na simulação estocástica de sismos: o caso dos Açores.
A simulação estocástica tem sido utilizada, com algum grau de sucesso, para a obtenção deacelerogramas em zonas onde não existem muitos registos instrumentais de sismosintensos ocorridos no passado, e pode ser uma ferramenta importante nesse contexto.Contudo, essas simulações deverão, necessariamente, ser previamente validadas atravésde registos de sismos ocorridos no passado, dada a grande incerteza associada à definiçãode cenários sísmicos. É muito difícil prever qualquer um dos processos, complexos, degeração do sismo, de propagação da energia e dos efeitos locais, nomeadamente ascaracterísticas da rotura, designadamente o padrão de deslizamentos e a queda de tensãomédia no plano da falha, a atenuação das ondas sísmicas ao longo do percurso depropagação e a obtenção da amplificação local das camadas de solo superficial.Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados de diversas simulações estocásticas dosismo ocorrido nos Açores em 1998, considerando diferentes localizações da rotura,juntamente com os respetivos parâmetros, variação das características da atenuação ediferentes condições geológicas locais. Os acelerogramas simulados, e correspondentesespectros de resposta, foram comparados com os registos instrumentais do sismo, e com osresultados de leis de atenuação obtidas para a Europa e, em particular, para o arquipélagodos Açores.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Estêvão, J.M.C.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Sismo de 1998; Simulação estocástica; Açores
Mechanical characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth masonry
Earth has been a traditional building material to construct houses in Africa. One of the most common techniques is the use of sun dried or kiln fired adobe bricks with mud mortar. Although this technique is low-cost, the bricks vary largely in shape, strength and durability. This leads to weak houses which suffer considerable damage during floods and seismic events. A solution is the use of dry-stack masonry with stabilized interlocking compressed earth blocks (ICEB). These blocks are manufactured by compacting cement stabilized earth in a manual or hydraulic press into a mould and then air dried. The resulting blocks present uniform shapes and higher values of strength and durability. This work presents the work made in the context of the HiLoTec project. It focuses on the experimental campaign of the project to characterize the strength of ICEBs and the behaviour of dry-stack masonry.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Ramos, L.; Lourenço, P.; Campos Costa, A.; Sturm, T.
Editor: Universidade do Minho
Keywords: Testing; Interlocking; Dry-stack; Compressed earth blocks; Social houses
Poderão os blocos de terra compactada com estabilização fazer parte de um sistema sismo-resistente?
No âmbito do projeto HiLoTec (desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia construtiva simples, inovadora e sustentável para edifícios de pequeno porte em países em desenvolvimento) foi desenvolvido um sistema construtivo baseado na utilização de blocos de terra compactada com estabilização hidráulica e junta seca. O presente artigo apresenta os principais resultados do ponto de vista estrutural obtidos ao longo do projeto, com especial ênfase para o comportamento sísmico, lançando contribuições para a resposta à pergunta se se poderão os blocos de terra compactada com estabilização fazer um sistema sismo-resistente para construções de pequeno porte. A campanha experimental incluiu ensaios de caracterização do sistema a diferentes níveis: material (solo), bloco, prismas de alvenaria, paredes de alvenaria e um protótipo ensaiado na mesa sísmica no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, em Lisboa.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Campos Costa, A.; Lourenço, P.; Ramos, L.; Sturm, T.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Alvenaria; Blocos de terra compactada
Processos físicos para simulação de movimentos sísmicos intensos para o arquipélago dos Açores.
A simulação de movimentos intensos do solo torna-se necessária em regiões de sismicidademoderada, onde os registos de interesse para a engenharia são escassos e insuficientes, oupara estudos que exijam especificamente registos de uma determinada magnitude edistância de interesse. O modelo estocástico, partindo do conhecimento das característicasespetrais da fonte e considerando os efeitos de propagação das ondas sísmicas no percursodesde a fonte até ao local, estima os movimentos intensos do solo em termos da suaintensidade, conteúdo em frequência duração e variabilidade espacial.Neste trabalho apresenta-se o procedimento efectuado, com base nos registos obtidos narede acelerográfica nacional, para quantificação dos parâmetros que descrevem osprocessos envolvidos na geração de movimentos intensos do solo e que são necessáriospara a aplicação do modelo estocástico. Estuda-se o processo de propagação das ondassísmicas (atenuação geométrica e inelástica), o processo de atenuação na crusta superior edeterminam-se as caraterísticas espetrais da fonte sísmica.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Reis, C.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Movimentos sísmicos; Açores; Modelos estocásticos
Simplified wide-column model for the blind prediction shake table test of a U-shaped wall building
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures with tri-dimensional asymmetries tend to exhibit torsional effects that are of great concern in the field of earthquake engineering, in particular at large ductility levels where they become more relevant [MAN09]. In nuclear facilities, this issue assumes particular relevance considering that these structures are designed to respond essentially in the elastic range with a controlled level of deformations and accelerations when subjected to strong ground motions. Within the previous framework, the research project SMART 2013 (
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Correia, A.A.; Sousa, R.; Pinho, R.; Almeida, J.P.
Editor: Oxand
Keywords: Reinforced concrete; Wall; Wide-column model; Blind test; U-shaped
Spectral-based damage identification technique on an earthen mock-up construction tested on a shaking table
Conservation of ancient built heritage plays a leading role for modern societies. Knowledge about ancient building methods, essentially based on the use of natural materials such as earth, stone and wood, is fundamental to plan interventions aimed at preserving the architectural heritage. Due to the growing research on sustainable technologies, the interest in structural systems built using natural materials has been rising more and more. Taking an earthen mock-up construction as model, the paper focuses on the dynamic behaviour of such a system tested on a shaking table. Detailed descriptions of the model, its mechanical features, the seismic test performed and the damage pattern obtained are first presented. Then, the dynamic identification of the structure during damage occurrence is performed through the decomposition of the power spectral density matrix. Damage evolution and localization are also analyzed by an index based on the complex eigenvectors estimated from the matrix. Finally, comparisons between experimental and analytical results are addressed.
Year: 2014
Number Pages:
Author(s): Lourenço, P.; Ramos, L.; Campos Costa, A.; Masciotta, M.G.; Vasta, M.; Sturm, T.
Editor: Universidade do Minho
Keywords: Earthquake; Shaking table test; Spectral-based identification technique; Damage localization; Dynamic identification; Earth construction
Historical earthquake-resistant timber framing in the mediterranean area
This book presents a selection of the best papers from the HEaRT 2015 conference, held in Lisbon, Portugal, which provided a valuable forum for engineers and architects, researchers and educators to exchange views and findings concerning the technological history, construction features and seismic behavior of historical timber-framed walls in the Mediterranean countries. The topics covered are wide ranging and include historical aspects and examples of the use of timber-framed construction systems in response to earthquakes, such as the gaiola system in Portugal and the Bourbon system in southern Italy; interpretation of the response of timber-framed walls to seismic actions based on calculations and experimental tests; assessment of the effectiveness of repair and strengthening techniques, e.g., using aramid fiber wires or sheets; and modelling analyses. In addition, on the basis of case studies, a methodology is presented that is applicable to diagnosis, strengthening and improvement of seismic performance and is compatible with modern theoretical principles and conservation criteria. It is hoped that, by contributing to the knowledge of this construction technique, the book will help to promote conservation of this important component of Europe
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Cruz, H.; Saporiti Machado, J.; Campos Costa, A.; Candeias, P.; Catarino, J. M.
Editor: Springer
Vol. 1.
Keywords: Heart 2015 Conference; Historic Masonry; Performance-based Assessment; Structural Health Monitoring; Timber-Framed Construction Systems; Seismic-Resistant Timber Frames; Historical Constructive Analysis; Historical Timber-Framed Walls
Assessment of the seismic capacity of stone masonry walls with block models
The applications of discrete elements models based on rigid block formulations to the analysis of masonry walls under horizontal out-of-plane loading is simplified block pattern are addressed. Two procedures for creating irregular block systems are presented, one using Voronoi polygons, the other based on a bed and cross joint structure with random deviations. A test problem provides a comparison of various regular and random block patterns, showing their influence on the failure loads. The estimation of manual frequencies of rigid block models, and its application to static pushover analyses, is addressed. An example of application of rigid block model to wall capacity problem is presented.
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Lemos, J. V.; Campos Costa, A.; Bretas, E. M.
: Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering
Editor: Springer
Vol. 21.
Keywords: RTigid blocks; Discrete elements; Seismic assessment; Masonry structures
Earthquake disaster scenario prediction and loss modelling for urban areas
The overall aim of Sub-Project 10 (Earthquake disaster scenario predictions and loss modelling for urban areas) has been to create a tool, based on state-of-the-art loss modelling software, to provide strong, quantified statements about the benefits of a range of possible mitigation actions, in order to support decision-making by urban authorities for seismic risk mitigation strategies. A further larger aim has been to contribute to a seismic risk mitigation policy for future implementation at European level. Among the European cities for which loss estimation studies have been carried out are Istanbul, Lisbon and Thessaloniki, and tools, using GIS mapping, have been developed by research teams in each of these cities; these were made available for further development to examine mitigation strategies within SP10. Related research studies
Year: 2007
Number Pages:
Author(s): Campos Costa, A.; Carvalho, A. M.
Editor: IUSS Press
Keywords: Shaking scenarios
European manual for in-situ assessment of important existing structures. LessLoss Sub Project 5-In-situ assessment, monitoring and typification of buildings and infrastructure
Much work in Earthquake Engineering was devoted to the improvement of earthquake resistant design of new structures. One European result is EN 1998, which will be in several years the main seismic code for all European countries. But it is well known, that older existing structures cause in many large earthquakes much more casualties and damages than new structures. It is certainly not possible to retrofit all existing structures, but agreement exists, that assessment and retrofit of safety - critical - structures and lifeline structures must have priority. In September 2004 the European Integrated Research Project LESSLOSS on Risk Mitigation for Earthquakes and Landslides was started. The project will run for three years and comprises 13 Sub-Projects (SP´s). The consortium consists of 46 partners (see http:\\ LESSLOSS SP5 is on In-situ Assessment, Monitoring and Typification of buildings and Infrastructure. The project partners of SP5 are ARS, CESI, LNEC, RWTH and VCE. This Sub Project focuses mainly on the assessment of important existing structures and tries to integrate experimental methods into the assessment procedure. The progress of SP5 obtained in the first year is summarized in this paper. Highlights presented by all partners are mentioned and the assessment of Hospital Innsbruck is presented in more detail. The most innovative task of LESSLOSS/ SP5 is Update of vulnerability estimates via monitoring, which was also started in the first year.
Year: 2007
Number Pages:
Author(s): Campos Costa, A.; Candeias, P.; Mendes, L.; Flesch, R.; Pellegrini, R.; Friedl, H.; Hoffmeister, B.; Oppe, M.; Veit-Egerer, R.; Wenzel, H.; Eusebio, M.
Editor: IUSS Press
Keywords: Structures; Earthquake
Modal analysis from ambient vibration survey of bridges: LNEC experience
In order to study the behavior of bridge structures in relation to traffic, wind and seismic loads, it is extremely important to know their actual dynamic properties (natural frequencies, vibration mode shapes and damping). The experimentally identified dynamic properties of bridge structures are also an effective way to characterize their actual global structural behavior. Whether included in the reception load tests of recently built bridges, before they are opened to the traffic, or as part of the inspection works of bridges already in service, LNEC has performed modal analysis studies based on the results of ambient vibration tests. Some of the studies carried out recently in important bridges are reported in this paper.
Year: 1999
Number Pages:
Author(s): Rodrigues, J.; Campos Costa, A.
: Proceedings of the 17th International Modal Analysis Conference : February 8 - 11, 1999 / IMAC XVII.
Editor: SEM
Vol. 3727.
Keywords: Dynamic properties; Bridge structures
O Sismo de Northridge, Los Angeles, de 17 Janeiro de 1994. Ensinamentos para Portugal.
O sismo de Northridge ocorreu na parte norte da área metropolitana de Los Angeles, Califórnia, às 4:31 h do dia 17 de janeiro, uma segunda-feira coincidente com dia de feriado nacional, tendo atingindo uma magnitude de 6.6 na escala de Richter. O número total de vítimas mortais cifra-se em 57, havendo para cima de 8 000 feridos e 20 000 desalojados.As estimativas de perdas totais, feitas em meados de fevereiro de 1994, apontavam para valores de 15 biliões de US dólares, tendo o Estado da Califórnia apresentado um impacto económico total de ordem dos 30 biliões de dólares, perto do valor do Orçamento Geral do estado Português para 1994. Os prejuízos infligidos na indústria e no comércio são também surpreendentemente elevados, exigindo longos períodos de interrupção das atividades económicas.
Year: 1995
Number Pages:
Author(s): Oliveira, C.S.; Costa, A.; Campos Costa, A.; Azevedo, J.; Delgado, R.M.
Editor: IST e FEUP
Keywords: Northridge earthquake; Earthquake effects
Capítulo de Livro
Shaping favorable beliefs towards seismic protection through risk communication: A pilot-experience in two Lisbon schools (Portugal).
Communicating science within disaster risk reduction using methods that encourage two-way dialogue between scientists and laypersons is a challenging task. This paper aims at presenting a methodological strategy of communicating risk and non-structural seismic protection measures through participatory approach. Such methodological strategy is part of a pilot experience of risk communication in two schools in Lisbon (Portugal) under the EU project KnowRISK (Know your city, Reduce seISmic risK through non-structural elements). The efficacy of education for seismic safety is often inhibited by an incomplete understanding of the process by which individuals decide to protect themselves from harm (Becker JS, Paton D,Johnston DM, Ronan KR. Nat Hazards 64(1):107
Year: 2019
Number Pages:
Author(s): Silva, D. S.; Vicente, M.; Pereira, A.; Candeias, P.; Ferreira, M.A.; Oliveira, C.S.; Bernardo, R.; Lopes, M.; Henriques, P.
: Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
Editor: Springer Link
Volume 47.
Keywords: Non-structural; Protective behaviours; Risk communication; Seismic risk
Characterization of timber masonry walls with dynamic tests
Most of the Lisbon 18th century timber-framed masonry
Year: 2018
Number Pages:
Author(s): Gonçalves, A.; Candeias, P.; Guerreiro, L.; Ferreira, J.; Campos Costa, A.
: Historical earthquake-resistant timber framing in the mediterranean area
Editor: Springer
Vol. 1.
Keywords: Shaking table tests; Timber-masonry walls;
KnowRISK practical guide for mitigation of seismic risk due to non-structural components
Good performance of non-structural elements can be decisive in saving lives and costs when an earthquake strikes. The European project KnowRISK aims to educate and encourage households to take the necessary precautionary measures to protect people, houses, and contents. Preparedness and prevention act on community resilience. Within the KnowRISK project, the idea of a Practical Guide has been conceived suggesting seismic mitigation solutions for non-structural components to non-experts stakeholders. It is intended to guide people into the first steps of prevention in a straightforward manner, minimizing or avoiding injuries, damage, and long-term financial consequences. The novelty of the Guide belongs to his philosophy: a path through increasing challenges corresponds to a growing level of safety. The idea is that anyone can mitigate seismic risk in its own environment by adopting simple and low cost measures. The Practical Guide may contribute to increase risk awareness. This kind of initiatives if undertaken at larger scales may also enhance social resilience.
Year: 2018
Number Pages:
Author(s): Ferreira, M.A.; Oliveira, C.S.; Lopes, M.; Musacchio, G; Candeias, P.; Vicente, M.; Silva, D. S.; O
: Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
Editor: Springer Link
Volume 47.
Keywords: Practical guide; Community resilience; Preparedness; Non-structural elements
Elastic and inelastic analyses of frames with a force-based higher-order 3D beam element accounting for axial-flexural-sheartorsional interaction
When one of the dimensions of a structural member is not clearly larger than the two orthogonal ones, engineers are usually compelled to simulate it with refined meshes of shell or solid finite elements that typically impose a large computational burden. The alternative use of classical beam theories, either based on Euler-Bernoulli or Timoshenko
Year: 2016
Number Pages:
Author(s): Correia, A.A.; Almeida, J.P.; Pinho, R.
: Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
Editor: Springer
Vol. 3.
Keywords: Inelastic response; Boundary conditions; Flexural-shear-torsional interaction; Higher-order; Force-based; Beam element
A finite-fault modeling of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake sources
A non
Year: 2009
Number Pages:
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.; Campos Costa, A.; Sousa Oliveira, C.
Editor: L.A. Mendes-Victor et al. (eds)
Keywords: Earthquake scenarios; Finite-fault modeling
Simulating earthquake scenarios in the european project Lessloss: the case of Lisbon
Year: 2009
Number Pages:
Author(s): Zonno, G.; Carvalho, A. M.; Franceschina, G.; Akinci, A.; Campos Costa, A.; Coelho, E.; Cultrera, G.; Pacor, F.; Pessina, V.; Cocco, M.
Editor: L.A. Mendes-Victor et al. (eds)
Keywords: Earthquake scenarios
Shaking table testing
This text reflects the first of the four lectures that the author has presented at Udine, Italy, at CISM
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Bairrão, R.
Editor: Springer Verlag
Keywords: Shaking table testing
Tese de Doutoramento
Modelos estocáticos para a caracterização da acção sísmica em Portugal Continental
Um dos principais problemas e interesses da engenharia sísmica é a caracterizaçãoda acção sísmica, envolvendo a estimativa da intensidade, conteúdo em frequência,duração e variabilidade espacial dos movimentos intensos do solo mais gravosos, emtermos dos seus efeitos nas estruturas, que pode ocorrer num local.O presente trabalho de investigação desenvolve e aplica a metodologia estocástica etécnicas de modelação de fonte
Year: 2009
Author(s): Carvalho, A. M.
Keywords: Portugal continental; Risco sísmico; Fonte sísmica; Modelos estocásticos; Acção sísmica
Risco sísmico em Portugal Continental
Os sismos são encarados frequentemente como desastres naturais inevitáveis. Todavia,deveriam ser considerados fenómenos naturais, cujos efeitos adversos podem ser minimizadoscaso se proceda a uma gestão efectiva do risco sísmico.O objectivo principal do presente trabalho de investigação é o de avaliar o risco sísmicoem Portugal Continental.Sendo um tema de natureza multidisciplinar, apresentam-se e discutem-se modelos deavaliação probabilística da perigosidade sísmica e sua desagregação, de vulnerabilidade efragilidade sísmicas de tipologias construtivas, de danos e de perdas económicas e humanas.Aplica-se a análise probabilística da perigosidade sísmica, e sua desagregação, aPortugal Continental, obtendo-se cenários modais capazes de reproduzir os níveis deperigosidade que os condicionam. Apresenta-se o inventário do parque habitacional e seushabitantes, descriminado por factores de vulnerabilidade, e classifica-se a sua vulnerabilidadesegundo os modelos de dano. Procede-se à actualização e aferição de uma metodologia parasimulação de cenários sísmicos, integrada num Sistema de Informação Geográfico. Avalia-seo risco sísmico, seguindo diversas abordagens, comparando-se os resultados com o risco deoutros países.Construiu-se assim uma ferramenta de avaliação de perdas devidas a sismos, queconstitui uma primeira contribuição para o desenvolvimento de um processo de gestão dorisco sísmico aplicado ao Continente Português.
Year: 2009
Author(s): Sousa, M. L.
Avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de edifícios de alvenaria
O parque habitacional de Portugal Continental contém algumas tipologias construtivas deelevada vulnerabilidade sísmica em relação às quais urge actuar no sentido de reduzir o riscosísmico a elas associado. No projecto de investigação
Year: 2008
Author(s): Candeias, P.
Keywords: Reforço sísmico; Vulnerabilidade sísmica; Ensaios sísmicos; Edifícios
Relatório Científico
Earthquake risk scenarios for selected European cities
O Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) participa atualmente numa das sete Tarefas, doprojeto Europeu SHARE- Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe, mais precisamente na tarefa nº 2,intitulada Requisitos de engenharia e aplicações.O presente relatório de progresso descreve a participação do LNEC na sub-tarefa 2.5 - Cenários derisco sísmico para cidades Europeias selecionadas
Year: 2012
Number Pages:
Author(s): Luísa Sousa, M.; Carvalho, A. M.
Editor: LNEC
Actividade experimental na área dos sistemas passivos para a protecção sísmica de estruturas: Experiência do NESDE - Relatório de estágio
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Falcão Silva, M. J.; Campos Costa, A.
Editor: LNEC
Modelos de comportamento dinâmico aplicáveis a amortecedores de líquido sintonizado - Relatório de estágio
No presente relatório pretendem-se apresentar e definir alguns das linhasorientadoras para a simulação do comportamento dinâmico de fluidos no interior deAmortecedores de Líquido Sintonizado (TLDs), de acordo com o proposto na literatura.O problema da modelação do comportamento de fluidos no interior deAmortecedores de Líquido Sintonizado, à semelhança do que acontece parareservatórios, é complexo, sendo apresentados os principais modelos matemáticos emecânicos utilizados na actualidade.Assim serão descritos modelos de comportamento adoptados no casoparticular dos Amortecedores de Líquido Sintonizado (TLDs) e modelos simplificadosde sistemas de 1 (SDOF) ou mais graus (MDOF) de liberdade com com os referidosdispositivos de mitigação de acções dinâmicas acopladosO presente relatório servirá, à semelhança dos relatórios Sistemas passivos,activos, híbridos e semi-activos: Estado dos conhecimentos, Actividade experimentalna área dos sistemas passivos para a protecção sísmica de estruturas: Experiência doNESDE e Modelos de comportamento dinâmico para fluidos no interior dereservatórios como uma das linhas orientadoras para o desenvolvimento dos trabalhospropostos no âmbito do PIP 2009-2012 do NESDE-DE Protecção Sísmica deEstruturas: Reabilitação, reforço e sistemas inteligentes.
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Falcão Silva, M. J.; Campos Costa, A.
Editor: LNEC
Modelos de comportamento dinâmico para fluidos no interior de reservatórios - Relatório de estágio
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Falcão Silva, M. J.; Campos Costa, A.
Editor: LNEC
Sistemas passivos, activos, híbridos e semiactivos para a protecção sísmica de estruturas: Estado dos conhecimentos - Relatório de estágio
Year: 2011
Number Pages:
Author(s): Falcão Silva, M. J.; Campos Costa, A.
Editor: LNEC
Estabelecimento de cenários sísmicos para a região do Algarve com base em metodologias probabilísticas - Relatório de Estágio
Year: 2010
Number Pages:
Author(s): RODRIGUES, I.; Sousa, M. L.
This Report corresponds to Task 2 of the NEFOREEE (New Fields of Research inEarthquake Engineering Experimentation) Project and comprises the description of theLNEC triaxial seismic platform and a presentation of the experimental programdeveloped in the scope of this Project.It is presented a description of the facility and the 3D seismic table with graphicalsupport, drawings of sizing and photographs, as well as its control system. The maininstrumentation available at the NESDE laboratory and used for this test is alsoincluded in this report.The model tested is described as well as the sequence of tests and the correspondingobtained results. Finally a brief analysis of the results is made.
Year: 2009
Number Pages:
Author(s): Falcão Silva, M. J.; Campos Costa, A.; Bairrão, R.
O presente relatório final do projecto USuET integra o trabalho já apresentado norelatório de progresso de Sousa & Afonso [2007], nomeadamente no que toca aoscapítulos 2, 3 e parte do capítulo 4 e, adicionalmente, descreve, em detalhe, asactividades desenvolvidas no projecto desde a data desse relatório (secção 4.2, ecapítulos 5 e 6). A parte da investigação conducente à actualização do Simulador deCenários Sísmicos para ambiente WebSIG, aplicado ao Arquipélago dos Açores, não seencontra descrita com o mesmo detalhe, neste relatório, pois enquadra-se na tese demestrado em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica de Afonso [2007], submetida àUniversidade Técnica de Lisboa. A versão definitiva desta tese, cuja discussão se prevêainda em 2008, será enviada oportunamente.
Year: 2008
Number Pages:
Author(s): Sousa, M. L.; Afonso, N.
Keywords: Projecto usuet; Análise sistémica
Cyclic tests of joints from a reinforced concrete precast building system
Year: 2007
Number Pages:
Author(s): Mendes, L.; Coelho, E.; Campos Costa, A.
Cyclic tests of joints from a reinforced concrete precast building system
This report describes the second phase activity of the Portuguese group in the Precast Structures EC8 research project. The Portuguese group is composed by Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) and the Civibral, S.A. precast company. This phase follows the shaking table tests of a 2 stories structure of the same precast system, which is commercialized by Civibral. More information about these tests can be found in the repor.The goal of the work presented in this document is to assess the seismic behaviour of column-foundation and beam-column connections from the same precast system. To help achieve this goal, 4 column-foundation and 10 beam-column connections were tested using quasi-static, monotonic and cyclic tests, which were made imposing displacements to the specimens. The column-foundation connections (CFC) can be categorized as socket connections and the beam-column connections (BCC) as dry connections using only mechanical devices to transmit forces between elements. All the specimens were supplied and mounted by Civibral personal.
Year: 2007
Author(s): Mendes, L.; Coelho, E.; Campos Costa, A.
Keywords: Reinforced concrete; Cyclic tests
Sensibilidade climática, capacidade adaptativa e de vulnerabilidades atuais e futuras da AML
Análise dos registos históricos de eventos climáticos e o seu impacto no setor da energia da AML, para identificar o grau em que este setor foi afetado por estímulos relacionados com o clima. Avaliação de capacidades adaptativas.
Year: 2019
Author(s): Marques da Silva, F.; Pinto, A.; Machado, P.
Keywords: Energia; Alterações climáticas
A propósito da forma na engenharia do vento
Análise da forma das edificações nas ações do vento
Year: 2018
Author(s): Marques da Silva, F.
Keywords: Engenharia do vento; Aerodinãmica
Forma e desenho urbano - efeitos na ventilação
As condicionantes arquitetónicas e de urbanização na ventilação natural
Year: 2018
Author(s): Marques da Silva, F.
Keywords: Engenharia do vento; Ventilação
Wind and structures
Caracterização do vento. Ações sobre estruturas. Ensaios em túnel de vento
Year: 2017
Author(s): Marques da Silva, F.
Keywords: Wind tunnel; Actions on structures; Wind engineering