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Structures Department Structures Department
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Unit
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Unit


Info Force-based higher-order beam element with flexural-shear-torsional interaction in 3D frames. Part I: Theory + Info: Force-based higher-order beam element with flexural-shear-torsional interaction in 3D frames. Part I: Theory
Info Force-based higher-order beam element with flexural-shear-torsional interaction in 3D frames. Part II: Applications + Info: Force-based higher-order beam element with flexural-shear-torsional interaction in 3D frames. Part II: Applications
Info Measuring and estimating airflow in naturally ventilated double skin facades + Info: Measuring and estimating airflow in naturally ventilated double skin facades
Info The role of source and site effects on structural failures due to Azores earthquakes. + Info: The role of source and site effects on structural failures due to Azores earthquakes.
Info Duas décadas de cooperação europeia no âmbito da ID&I em engenharia sísmica no LNEC + Info: Duas décadas de cooperação europeia no âmbito da ID&I em engenharia sísmica no LNEC
Info Shaking table testing of an existing masonry building: assessment and improvement of the seismic performance + Info: Shaking table testing of an existing masonry building: assessment and improvement of the seismic performance
Info Shaking table tests of a structure equipped with superelastic dampers + Info: Shaking table tests of a structure equipped with superelastic dampers
Info The role of non-linear dynamic soil-foundation interaction on the seismic response of structures + Info: The role of non-linear dynamic soil-foundation interaction on the seismic response of structures
Info Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings + Info: Tuned liquid dampers simulation for earthquake response control of buildings
Info A segurança sísmica na reabilitação de edifícios + Info: A segurança sísmica na reabilitação de edifícios

Info Equações de previsão dos movimentos sísmicos à superfície para o Arquipélago dos Açores. + Info: Equações de previsão dos movimentos sísmicos à superfície para o Arquipélago dos Açores.
Info Evolution of earthquake losses in portuguese residential building stock + Info: Evolution of earthquake losses in portuguese residential building stock
Info Full-scale seismic testing of modern unreinforced thermal insulation clay block masonry houses + Info: Full-scale seismic testing of modern unreinforced thermal insulation clay block masonry houses
Info Geração de perfis estratigráficos artificiais para o Arquipélago dos Açores. + Info: Geração de perfis estratigráficos artificiais para o Arquipélago dos Açores.
Info Incertezas na simulação estocástica de sismos: o caso dos Açores. + Info: Incertezas na simulação estocástica de sismos: o caso dos Açores.
Info Mechanical characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth masonry + Info: Mechanical characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth masonry
Info Poderão os blocos de terra compactada com estabilização fazer parte de um sistema sismo-resistente? + Info: Poderão os blocos de terra compactada com estabilização fazer parte de um sistema sismo-resistente?
Info Processos físicos para simulação de movimentos sísmicos intensos para o arquipélago dos Açores. + Info: Processos físicos para simulação de movimentos sísmicos intensos para o arquipélago dos Açores.
Info Simplified wide-column model for the blind prediction shake table test of a U-shaped wall building + Info: Simplified wide-column model for the blind prediction shake table test of a U-shaped wall building
Info Spectral-based damage identification technique on an earthen mock-up construction tested on a shaking table + Info: Spectral-based damage identification technique on an earthen mock-up construction tested on a shaking table

Info Historical earthquake-resistant timber framing in the mediterranean area
Info Assessment of the seismic capacity of stone masonry walls with block models
Info Earthquake disaster scenario prediction and loss modelling for urban areas
Info European manual for in-situ assessment of important existing structures. LessLoss Sub Project 5-In-situ assessment, monitoring and typification of buildings and infrastructure
Info Modal analysis from ambient vibration survey of bridges: LNEC experience
Info O Sismo de Northridge, Los Angeles, de 17 Janeiro de 1994. Ensinamentos para Portugal.

Capítulo de Livro
Info Shaping favorable beliefs towards seismic protection through risk communication: A pilot-experience in two Lisbon schools (Portugal).
Info Characterization of timber masonry walls with dynamic tests
Info KnowRISK practical guide for mitigation of seismic risk due to non-structural components
Info Elastic and inelastic analyses of frames with a force-based higher-order 3D beam element accounting for axial-flexural-sheartorsional interaction
Info A finite-fault modeling of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake sources
Info Simulating earthquake scenarios in the european project Lessloss: the case of Lisbon
Info Shaking table testing

Tese de Doutoramento
Info Modelos estocáticos para a caracterização da acção sísmica em Portugal Continental + Info: Modelos estocáticos para a caracterização da acção sísmica em Portugal Continental
Info Risco sísmico em Portugal Continental + Info: Risco sísmico em Portugal Continental
Info Avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de edifícios de alvenaria + Info: Avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de edifícios de alvenaria

Relatório Científico
Info LNEC-SPA, signal processing and analysis tools for civil engineers - Version 1.0 + Info: LNEC-SPA, signal processing and analysis tools for civil engineers - Version 1.0
Info Loss estimations for a reference situation + Info: Loss estimations for a reference situation
Info Loss estimations for a reference situation - Application to Lisbon Metropolitan Area + Info: Loss estimations for a reference situation - Application to Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Info Enhancing seismic resistance and durability of natural masonry stone- Construction and 1st phase of the experimental program + Info: Enhancing seismic resistance and durability of natural masonry stone- Construction and 1st phase of the experimental program
Info Shaking table tests of a reinforced concrete precast building system. + Info: Shaking table tests of a reinforced concrete precast building system.
Info Building stock inventory and vulnerability data for Lisbon Metropolitan Area + Info: Building stock inventory and vulnerability data for Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Info Dinámica de bloques de piedra. + Info: Dinámica de bloques de piedra.
Info Seismic risk mitigation options and actions to be studied for Lisbon Metropolitan Area + Info: Seismic risk mitigation options and actions to be studied for Lisbon Metropolitan Area

Info Sensibilidade climática, capacidade adaptativa e de vulnerabilidades atuais e futuras da AML
Info A propósito da forma na engenharia do vento
Info Forma e desenho urbano - efeitos na ventilação
Info Wind and structures