Phone: 218 443 306
Professional Situation
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics Unit (NESDE), Dept. of Structures (DE).
Academic and Scientific Degrees
Functions and Relevant Public Offices
Areas of Research / Interest
Research and Professional Activity
Scientific Orientation
Co-supervision of 1 PhD thesis and 4 MSc
dissertations, in cooperation with UME School, Univ. of Naples and Instituto Superior
de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL).
Relevant Publications
Other scientific and technical Activities
serves in the Technical Secretariat of Sub-Commission 8 (Eurocode 8) of
Technical Committee 250 (Structural Eurocodes) of the European Standardization
Committee (CEN/TC250/SC8), and is a member of the Technical Committee 203
(TC203: Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems) of the
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
and of the Working Group on Eurocode 8 of the Portuguese Technical Committee
for Standardization related to the Structural Eurocodes (CT115/GTEC8). Also was
member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th Portuguese Conference on
Structural Engineering (JPEE 2014) and 9th Portuguese Conference on Seismology
and Earthquake Engineering (Sísmica 2014) and is a regular scientific reviewer
in several international journals.
Other Information