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Transportation Department Transportation Department
Transport Infrastructures Unit
Transport Infrastructures Unit


Info A contribution for integrated analysis of railway track performance at transition zones and other discontinuities + Info: A contribution for integrated analysis of railway track performance at transition zones and other discontinuities
Info Assessment of Environmental Hazardous of Construction and Demolition Recycled Materials (C&DRM) from Laboratory and Field Leaching Tests Application in Road Pavement Layers + Info: Assessment of Environmental Hazardous of Construction and Demolition Recycled Materials (C&DRM) from Laboratory and Field Leaching Tests Application in Road Pavement Layers
Info Main results of the questionnaire for portuguese entities potential users of Construction and Demolition Recycled Materials (C&DRM) + Info: Main results of the questionnaire for portuguese entities potential users of Construction and Demolition Recycled Materials (C&DRM)
Info A numerical study on the influence of backfill settlements in the train/track interaction at transition zones to railway bridges + Info: A numerical study on the influence of backfill settlements in the train/track interaction at transition zones to railway bridges
Info Design and construction of backfills for railway track transition zones + Info: Design and construction of backfills for railway track transition zones
Info On the use of under sleeper pads in transition zones at railway underpasses: experimental field testing + Info: On the use of under sleeper pads in transition zones at railway underpasses: experimental field testing
Info Rock joint topography: three-dimensional scanning and numerical analysis + Info: Rock joint topography: three-dimensional scanning and numerical analysis
Info The effect of differential settlements on the dynamic response of the train-track system: a numerical study + Info: The effect of differential settlements on the dynamic response of the train-track system: a numerical study
Info Caracterização e modelação numérica da rugosidade de descontinuidades rochosas + Info: Caracterização e modelação numérica da rugosidade de descontinuidades rochosas

Info Recycling of construction and demolition waste in geotechnical works + Info: Recycling of construction and demolition waste in geotechnical works
Info Recycling of construction and demolition waste in geotechnical works + Info: Recycling of construction and demolition waste in geotechnical works
Info The Falling Weight Deflectometer: Application to Railway Substructure Evaluation + Info: The Falling Weight Deflectometer: Application to Railway Substructure Evaluation
Info Track substructure assessment using non-destructive load tests. A Portuguese case study. + Info: Track substructure assessment using non-destructive load tests. A Portuguese case study.
Info A case study in construction optimisation for sub-ballast layer + Info: A case study in construction optimisation for sub-ballast layer
Info Bituminous mixtures application in railway sub-ballast layer + Info: Bituminous mixtures application in railway sub-ballast layer
Info Estudo da sensibilidade à água de misturas betuminosas + Info: Estudo da sensibilidade à água de misturas betuminosas
Info Non destructive tests for railway infrastructure stiffness evaluation + Info: Non destructive tests for railway infrastructure  stiffness evaluation
Info Rockfill and soil-rock mixtures in road embankments - a case study + Info: Rockfill and soil-rock mixtures in road embankments - a case study
Info Sustainable application of construction and demolition + Info: Sustainable application of construction and demolition

Info Application of a gap-graded asphalt rubber wearing course in the rehabilitation of the pavement of two national road stretches (EN104 and EN105) located in the north of Portugal - Field and laboratory
Info Application of an open-graded asphalt rubber wearing course in the rehabilitation of the pavement of a stretch of the National Road EN 14 located in the North of Portugal - Field and laboratory case s
Info Application of hot mix asphalt with 20% - 25% reclaimed asphalt in the rehabilitation of the pavement of the motorway A1 between Pombal and Condeixa (Portugal) - Field and laboratory case study
Info Application of hot mix asphalt with 35% - 40% reclaimed asphalt in the rehabilitation of the pavement of the National road EN 105 between Travagem and Santo Tirso (Portugal) - Field and laboratory cas
Info Cold insitu recycling of the pavement of EN 260 between Serpa and Vila Verde de Ficalho (Portugal) - Field and laboratory case study
Info Rehabilitation of the IP2 pavement between Barragem do Fratel and EN 118 (Portugal) using cold insitu recycling of existing asphalt layers - Field and laboratory case study

Capítulo de Livro
Info Case Study of an Inert Steel Aggregate in Road Construction: Characterization and Monitoring of the Structural Behaviour
Info Testing and monitoring in railway tracks
Info Modelação numérica avançada do comportamento estrutural de vias-férreas
Info Técnicas de machine learning em sistemas de gestão de pavimentos
Info Análise comparada de um agregado de escória de aciaria como material alternativo para lastro de vias férreas do tipo heavy haul por meio de ensaios triaxiais
Info Current state of the use of recycled materials in geotechnical works in Portugal

Tese de Doutoramento
Info A New Approach for the Maintenance Management of Transportation Infrastructures using Machine Learning + Info: A New Approach for the Maintenance Management of Transportation Infrastructures using Machine Learning
Info Transition zones in railway tracks: An experimental and numerical study on the structural behaviour + Info: Transition zones in railway tracks: An experimental and numerical study on the structural behaviour
Info Renovação de plataformas ferroviárias. Estudos relativos à capacidade de carga + Info: Renovação de plataformas ferroviárias. Estudos relativos à capacidade de carga
Info Deformações permanentes de misturas betuminosas em pavimentos rodoviários + Info: Deformações permanentes de misturas betuminosas em pavimentos rodoviários

Relatório Científico
Info The way forward for pavement performance indicators across Europe COST Action 354 Performance Indicators for Road Pavements Final Report + Info: The way forward for pavement performance indicators across Europe COST Action 354 Performance Indicators for Road Pavements Final Report
Info MISTURAS BETUMINOSAS DE ALTO MÓDULO Aplicação na Beneficiação da EN 14, entre Chantre e Trofa + Info: MISTURAS BETUMINOSAS DE ALTO MÓDULO Aplicação na Beneficiação da EN 14, entre Chantre e Trofa
Info COST 334 - Effects of wide tyres and dual tvres task group 3 - Pavement wear effects - Mechanistic approach for rutting - Stage 4 + Info: COST 334 - Effects of wide tyres and dual tvres task group 3 - Pavement wear effects - Mechanistic approach for rutting - Stage 4
Info COST 334 - Effects of wide tyres and dual tyres task group 3 - Pavement wear effects - Mechanistic approach for rutting - Stage 2 + Info: COST 334 - Effects of wide tyres and dual tyres task group 3 - Pavement wear effects - Mechanistic approach for rutting - Stage 2

Info Current state of the re-use of waste materials in geotechnical works in Portugal

Info ABGER 0/31,5 - Agregados britados de granulometria extensa reciclados
Info Guia para a utilização de misturas betuminosas a frio para a reparação rápida de pavimentos rodoviários
Info Agregado Siderúrgico Inerte para Construção (ASIC) - Utilização em misturas betuminosas do tipo AC20 base + Info: Agregado Siderúrgico Inerte para Construção (ASIC) - Utilização em misturas betuminosas do tipo AC20 base
Info ABGER 0/31,5 - Agregados britados de granulometria extensa reciclados
Info S&P CARBOPHALT® G - Grelha de fibra de carbono pré-revestida com betume oxidado para reforço de pavimentos
Info S&P GLASPHALT® G - Grelha de fibra de vidro pré-revestida com betume oxidado para reforço de pavimentos
Info Guia para a utilização de agregados reciclados provenientes de misturas betuminosas recuperadas para camadas não ligadas de pavimentos rodoviários
Info Guia para a utilização de materiais provenientes de resíduos de construção e demolição em caminhos rurais e florestais
Info Guia para a utilização de materiais provenientes de resíduos de construção e demolição em preenchimento de valas
Info AEIRU - Agregados artificiais de escórias de incineração de resíduos urbanos para pavimentos rodoviários