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Info Requirements for Density, Sampling Frequency, Data Storage and Estimate Costs of Groundwater Quantity Monitoring
Info European Water Meeting the Supply Challenges.
Info Quando é Preciso Transportar o Piano...
Info Development of an Inventory of the Groundwater Resources of Portugal. Characterization of Groundwater Resources and DRASTIC Vulnerability Mapping of the Aquifers of Portugal - Executive summary of the
Info Metodologias para recuperação de Águas Subterrâneas e Solos Contaminados.Partes C,D,E,F.3º Relatório de Progresso
Info Le Concept de zonage géographique en matière de protection des eaux souterraines
Info Metodologias para a Recuperação de Águas Subterrâneas e Solos Contaminados. Partes A e B - Relatório Final
Info On the Concept of Geographical Zoning for Groundwater Protection
Info Preparation of a network on monitoring. EC groundwater action plan. Coordinated groundwater monitoring.
Info Report of the Specific Session A: Science and Technology. Relatório Final no âmbito do Projecto Nº 6 intitulado Research and Technological Development for the Supply and Use of Fresh Water Resources