Relatório Científico
Satisfação com o serviço prestado pelo LNEC em 2017 - Resultados Gerais do Inquérito aos Clientes do LNEC
Este relatório apresenta os resultados de um inquérito por questionário dirigido aos clientes do LNEC em 2018 acerca da satisfação com o serviço prestado por este Laboratório de Estado no ano de 2017. Este inquérito é da responsabilidade da Direção de Serviços de Recursos Humanos e Logística do LNEC (DSRHL) e foi aplicado no âmbito do Sistema Integrado de Avaliação do Desempenho da Administração Pública (SIADAP).
Year: 2018
Author(s): Rebelo, M.
Keywords: LNEC; Clientes; Serviço; Satisfação
Sistema de previsão, alerta e gestão de riscos causados pela agitação marítima - Relatório inicial Arquitetura e características gerais do sistema para os portos de Madalena do Pico, São Roque do Pi
Neste relatório inicial são apresentadas a arquitetura e as caraterísticas gerais dos protótipos do sistema de previsão, alerta e gestão de riscos causados pela agitação marítima para os portos de Madalena do Pico, São Roque do Pico e Praia da Vitória. Os três protótipos em desenvolvimento têm por base uma arquitetura semelhante, com características distintas, nomeadamente no que respeita à localização dos dados de base, às malhas computacionais utilizadas e às características físicas das fronteiras, tanto no plano horizontal (interface terra-mar), como no vertical (batimetria dos fundos). Caracteriza-se o layout geral dos portos, bem como a sua morfologia e operabilidade.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Pinheiro, L.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.; Reis, M. T.; Poseiro, P.
Keywords: Porto de Praia da Vitória; Porto de São Roque do Pico; Porto de Madalena do Pico; Agitação marítima; Alerta e gestão de riscos; Sistema de previsão
Soluções de ponta para a avaliação sustentável das fundações de barragens de betão
O presente relatório descreve de forma sucinta a atividade desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto DAMFA - Soluções de ponta para a avaliação sustentável das fundações de barragens de betão, até ao final de 2017.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Braga Farinha, M. L.; Azevedo, N.; Oliveira, S.; Leitão, N. S.; Câmara, R.; Santos, E.
Keywords: Ferramenta numérica; Interação comportamentos mecânico térmico/hidráulico; Barragens de betão; Maciços rochosos de fundação
The potential and challenges of activated carbon technologies for controlling emerging contaminants in water treatment and reclamation
The presence of emerging contaminants (ECs) in drinking water and treated wastewaters is a recent raising concern in water and wastewater treatment plants (WTPs and WWTPs), as some compounds were already implied in risk cancer increase, bacterial resistance to antibiotics and reproductive abnormalities in aquatic organisms.The control of ECs in WTPs and WWTPs is therefore a priority that requires the assessment of the risks involved, the improvement of the current barriers and, if necessary, their rehabilitation with advanced treatment technologies. Activated carbon-based technologies have been considered one of the best available solutions for they minimize the by-products formation, but their sustainability and cost-efficiency still calls for activated carbon development and process optimization.To overcome the exhisting challenges for activated carbon full-scale application and upgrade WTPs/WWTPs for ECs control our research group is working with several environmental applications of activated carbon based technologies, per se or coupled with biodegradation and membrane processes. This communication presents examples of applications and main achievements. Emphasis is given to: i) chemical enhancement of conventional wastewater treatment using Water reclamation; Water treatment; Emerging contaminants; Activated carbon Viegas, R.M. C.; Mesquita, E.; Campinas, M.; Rosa, M. J. Comunicações RSEQ, ADS, CNRS, University of Oviedo 41st Iberian Adsorption Meeting - 3rd Iberoamerican Adsorption Symposium 5 p. DHA NES
20060 2018 Enhanced conventional treatment and advanced processes using powdered activated carbon for controlling pharmaceutical compounds in reclaimed water There is a significant potential for an increased use of reclaimed wastewater in Europe and a major challenge is to protect the environment and human health without blocking the development of water reuse programs. No legal requirements have been set for pharmaceutical compounds (PhCs) discharge into surface water bodies; however, changes in legislation may arise as a result of their monitoring in the water bodies (e.g. through the watch list of the environmental quality standards directive) and sound cause-effect (e.g. risk cancer increase or reproductive abnormalities) studies. The largest input source of PhCs into the aquatic environment is through wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and, since many of such compounds are resistant to conventional treatment, it is important to anticipate solutions for improving the performance of those infrastructures as crucial barriers for controlling PhCs, and ultimately for the preservation of drinking water sources and the development of safe water reuse projects. The development of technology safety credits towards PhCs control is essential for assisting risk assessment studies, key tools for effective safe water reuse programs. In this perspective, our team has been developing two approaches for controlling PhCs in reclaimed water, on one hand the enhancement of conventional treatment and, on the other hand, the use of advanced wastewater treatment, presenting in this communication one case study for each. Case study I (LIFE Impetus project) focuses the chemical enhancement of conventional activated sludge (CAS) treatment through the addition of commercial and local vegetal waste-based tailored powdered activated carbons (PACs). Case study II (LIFE aWARE project) focuses a PAC/loose nanofiltration (PAC/NF) process for advanced treatment of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) effluent from a Spanish WWTP plant.In case study I, lab adsorption studies and modeling allowed calibrating predictive models of the PAC adsorption capacity and rate. Results anticipate that the addition of 6 mg/L PAC to a well-mixed bioreactor with 12 h of contact time is able to remove 80% of target PhCs. A long-term pilot-scale demonstration with PAC addition to activated sludge systems is on-going in two Portuguese WWTPs.In case study II, two PAC/NF lab configurations were selected and tested at lab scale: i) one with a single PAC dose at the beginning of the filtration cycle (pulse dosing) and ii) another with continuous PAC dosing. No pressure increase was observed during the filtration cycles and high removals of the target PhCs were observed, with 58-89% for the continuous dosing of 50 mg/L PAC. The results were successfully used in the design and operation of the PAC/NF pilot for the technology demonstration in El Prat WWTP (Spain). Water reclamation; Pharmaceutical compounds; PAC/NF; Nanofiltration; Adsorption Viegas, R.M. C.; Mesquita, E.; Campinas, M.; Rosa, M. J. Comunicações IWA Publishing IWA Regional Conference on Water Reuse and Salinity Management 1 p. DHA NES
20061 2018 Improving the control of pharmaceutical compounds in WWTPs through the addition of new waste-based activated carbons Pharmaceutical compounds (PhCs) are concerning the regulators and the general public because very little is known about their long-term and synergistic health-environmental effects. As some of these compounds are resistant to conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) though prone to adsorption, the addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) emerges as a low capital cost and efficient complementary barrier against PhCs in the treated water. This paper reports the potential application of a newly developed waste-derived PAC for PhC removal in conventional activated sludge WWTPs, during the secondary treatment. The results obtained show that a dose of 6 mg/L of PAC will assure > 80% removal of the three PhCs tested (diclofenac, carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole). Waste-derived activated carbons; Pharmaceutical compounds; Adsorption Viegas, R.M. C.; Mesquita, E.; Campinas, M.; Andrade, M. A.; Mestre, A.S.; Carvalho, A. P.; Rosa, M. J. Comunicações IWA Publishing IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 4 p. DHA NES
20062 2018 Ensaios dinâmicos ambiente para avaliação dos danos na Ponte Antiga da Foz do Dão As características dinâmicas de uma estrutura refletem o seu comportamento global, pelo que alterações dos parâmetros modais podem indicar eventuais alterações da rigidez da estrutura e das suas condições de fronteira. Neste sentido tem-se vindo a desenvolver a técnica de deteção de dano através de ensaios de caracterização dinâmica ambientais, realizados in situ sem restrições ao funcionamento das obras.Nesta comunicação apresenta-se a aplicação dessa técnica de ensaios na ponte antiga de Foz do Dão, atualmente desativada. A ponte apresenta danos evidentes nos seus elementos estruturais, em parte resultantes de reações expansivas no betão. Foram efetuados ensaios de caracterização dinâmica durante os últimos anos, permitindo um acompanhamento da evolução do seu estado de conservação geral e dos efeitos desses danos no comportamento estrutural global. Na análise da evolução das características dinâmicas tiveram-se em consideração os efeitos das condições ambientais e operacionais. Efeitos ambientais; Reações expansivas do betão; Avaliação de danos; Caracterização dinâmica Xu, Min; Oliveira Santos, L.; Pipa, M. Comunicações BE2018 Encontro Nacional BETÃO ESTRUTURAL - BE2018 10p. DE NOE
20063 2018 Monitorização dos efeitos estruturais das reações expansivas do betão nas pontes do Criz II e de São João das Areias As pontes de São João das Areias e de Criz II foram afetadas pelo desenvolvimento de reaçõesexpansivas do betão, que afetaram particularmente os seus pilares e fundações, motivando importantestrabalhos de reabilitação destes elementos estruturais. No decurso destes trabalhos, as duas obras de arteforam instrumentadas visando proceder à caracterização dos efeitos estruturais das referidas reaçõesexpansivas, tanto em termos da perda de rigidez como da evolução temporal dessa degradação. Reações expansivas do betão; Monitorização estrutural; Ponte betão armado Oliveira Santos, L.; Xu, Min; Freire, L. Comunicações BE2018 Encontro Nacional BETÃO ESTRUTURAL - BE2018 8p. DE NOE
20064 2018 Developing sustainable activated carbons for improved pharmaceutical compounds removal from urban wastewaters in the framework of LIFE IMPETUS project Water treatment technologies improvement is the key to face current water quality challenges (2030Agenda). A challenge in wastewater treatment and water reuse relates to the presence of micropollutants in raw water, the latter often related with pharmaceutical compounds (PhCs). Although WWTPs are crucial barriers against PhCs, many of these compounds are resistant to conventional treatments, thus cost-effective and resource efficient solutions based on existing infrastructure are essential.LIFE Impetus project (LIFE14 ENV/PT/000739) aims at demonstrating feasible measures for improving the control of PhCs in urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with conventional activated sludge (CAS) treatment. Namely, strategies based on chemically enhanced barriers, with adsorbent and/or coagulant addition, are underway. New powdered activated carbons (PACs) are being developed from industrial wastes available in Portugal (cork, carob processing residues and pinion shell) by chemical and steam activation. The novel biomass-derived PACs (apparent surface areas > 1000 m2/g) are being benchmarked against commercial counterparts.Selected lab-made PACs were already used in laboratory tests assessing the competitive adsorption of a short-list of representative PhCs (diclofenac - DCF, carbamazepine - CBZ and sulfamethoxazole - SMX). Adsorption studies were conducted in synthetic inorganic matrix and in real wastewater effluents from one of the CAS-WWTPs selected as case study. For the carob-derived PAC, 10 to 20 mg/L are needed to attain, in 5 h of contact time, 80% removal of the target PhCs in the mixed liquor of that WWTP. Water treatment; Adsorption; Pharmaceutical compounds; Biomass-derived activated carbons Carvalho, A. P.; Mestre, A.S.; Andrade, M. A.; Viegas, R.M. C.; Mesquita, E. Comunicações Elsevier 3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Congress 1 p. DHA NES
20065 2018 Abordagem integrada para um controlo sustentável de fármacos em ETAR urbanas: projeto LIFE Impetus Os compostos farmacêuticos são contaminantes de interesse emergente que, caso não sejamremovidos das águas residuais, podem ter impactos ambientais e para a saúde públicaimprevisíveis, prejudicando a preservação de origens de água potável e a reutilização deáguas residuais, questões-chave para a gestão sustentável da água. A resposta a estesdesafios passa necessariamente pela inovação e evolução tecnológica.As estações de tratamento de águas residuais (ETAR) funcionam como barreira de proteçãoda qualidade ambiental. No entanto, muitos destes contaminantes podem resistir aotratamento convencional, dependendo principalmente das suas características e dascondições de funcionamento das ETAR. Nesta comunicação é apresentado o projeto deinvestigação LIFE Impetus - Improving current barriers for controlling pharmaceuticalcompounds in urban wastewater treatment plants, que visa testar soluções para a remoçãode compostos farmacêuticos a partir de águas residuais urbanas em sistemas de tratamentoconvencionais de lamas ativadas. Pretende-se com a presente comunicação divulgar aabordagem LIFE Impetus, no sentido de promover a sua futura implementação noutrasETAR. Replicação; Contaminantes de interesse emergente; Benchmarking; Adsorção a carvão ativado; Águas residuais Ribeiro, R.; Limbert, E.; Rosa, M. J. Comunicações APESB 978-989-54301-0-9 8 p. DHA NES
20066 2018 Sistemas de aproveitamento de águas pluviais em edifícios: aplicação da norma europeia EN 16941-1 O aproveitamento de águas pluviais em usos urbanos diversos tem vindo a serprogressivamente valorizada como resultado de crescente necessidade de conservação daágua e da procura de soluções mais sustentáveis na utilização de recursos. Esta práticaapresenta diversos benefícios ambientais e económicos, designadamente, evitando autilização de água para consumo humano em usos não potáveis e reduzindo a produção deescoamentos superficiais. Apesar do consenso existente em termos do reconhecimento dovalor associado ao aproveitamento de águas pluviais, diversas barreiras têm limitado ageneralização da sua aplicação.A normalização técnica pode desempenhar um papel importante na eliminação de barreirastécnicas à circulação e comércio de produtos e serviços, através da uniformização deprocedimentos e critérios. Neste sentido, foi recentemente desenvolvida a norma europeiaEN 16941-1:2018 Uso eficiente da água; Normalização; Eficiência hídrica; Edifícios; Águas pluviais Caetano, M.F.; Silva, H.T.; Ribeiro, R. Comunicações APESB 978-989-54301-0-9 18.º ENASB/18.º SILUBESA 8 p. DHA NES
20067 2018 Importância da revisão da norma EN 12255 num cenário de evolução do tratamento de águas residuais Está em curso uma transformação no papel desempenhado pelas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, no sentido de incluir objetivos como a redução da emissão de gases com efeito de estufa e a promoção da recuperação de nutrientes, para além das tarefas fundamentais de proteção da saúde pública e de proteção da qualidade da água.As normas europeias fornecem especificações para produtos, materiais, serviços e processos, no sentido de assegurar qualidade, segurança e eficiência. Podem assim apoiar processos de evolução tecnológica, como o que se assiste no sector da água, funcionando como um repositório de boas práticas.Nesta comunicação é feita uma apresentação da norma europeia EN 12255 Desenvolvimento sustentável; Normalização; ETAR; Economia circular; Águas residuais Ribeiro, R.; Teixeira, A.P. Comunicações APESB 978-989-54301-0-9 18.º ENASB/18.º SILUBESA 8 p. DHA NES
20068 2018 Systems for the use of rainwater in buildings: the European standard EN 16941-1 Rainwater harvesting is being gradually valued as a result of the increased need forwater conservation and the search for more sustainable solutions in the use of resources.This practice has several environmental and economic benefits, namely avoiding the useof drinking water in non-potable uses and reducing the production of stormwater runoff.Despite the existing consensus regarding the acknowledgment of the value associatedwith the use of rainwater, several barriers have limited the generalization of itsapplication. Technical standardization can play an important role in eliminatingtechnical barriers to the circulation and trade of products and services by unifyingprocedures and criteria. Standardization is a framework of agreements aiming that theprocesses associated with the creation of a product or the performance of a service areaccomplished within a set of guidelines. Its goal is to voluntary define the level ofquality safety that should be recognized and approved in a given field.The European standard EN 16941-1:2018 "On-site non-potable water systems - Part 1:Systems for the use of rainwater", published in January 2018, can help to buildconfidence in the quality and safety of rainwater harvesting. This standard specifies therequirements and gives recommendations for the design, sizing, installation,identification, commissioning and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems for theuse of rainwater on-site as non-potable water. The rainwater harvesting systems aredescribed through four main functional elements: collection, treatment, storage, anddistribution. This communication presents the EN 16941-1:2018, focusing on generalaspects of interest that may promote its use. Water efficiency; Standardization; Rainwater use; Buildings Caetano, M.F.; Silva, H.T.; Ribeiro, R. Comunicações ANQIP 978-989-97476-2-3 2018 Symposium CIB W062 8 p. DHA NES
20070 2018 Stability analysis of excavation slopes of Baihetan arch dam foundation - Reliability analysis by application of the response surface method This document presents the work developed by the PhD student Margarida Espada in the scope of the course unit Risk Analysis in Geotechnical Works of the Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). This work presents a reliability analysis, using the response surface method (RSM), for the case study of the left bank excavation slopes of the Baihetan arch dam foundation, which is one of the case studies of Margarida Espada's PhD thesis. The aim was to approximate an implicit limit state function by computing safety factors, using a discrete element model of the Baihetan left bank developed in 3DEC software, where the shear strength parameters of two important rock discontinuities were considered as random variables. The probability of failure was then obtained through an iterativeprocess, using approximation methods. This work presents the 3DEC model developed to analyse thestability conditions in the Baihetan left bank and the results of the reliability analysis. Dam foundation; Baihetan dam; Discrete element method; Reliability; Slopes stability Espada, M. Informações Científicas e Técnicas 978-972-49-2303-1 DBB NMMR
20071 2018 Identification of transversely isotropic parameters in overcored rock specimens - A back analysis approach This document presents a back analysis procedure for identification of the elastic parameters of transversely isotropic rock cores, containing an overcoring triaxial strain probe, from the strains measured during a biaxial test. A three-dimensional finite element model was developed to simulate the biaxial test on the overcored rock specimen and to compute the strains at the location of the strain gauges. Different optimisation algorithms were tested and the most suitable one was selected. The back analysis procedure was tested for identification of the five elastic parameters and the two orientation angles that characterise a transversely isotropic rock core. In spite that, with the developed methodology, convergence was reached and all those parameters could be identified, sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the results obtained were not stable and therefore they were not reliable. By introducing constrains based on common practice and previous experience, a stable and robust methodology was achieved: the three elastic parameters, E1, E2 and Transversely isotropic rock; Numerical method; Rock test; Optimisation; Triaxial strain probe; In situ stress; Overcoring; Biaxial test Espada, M.; Lamas, L. Informações Científicas e Técnicas 978-972-49-2304-8 DBB NMMR
20072 2018 Luso Spray Branco - Produto para marcação rodoviária N/A Europa; Termoplástico; Pavimento betuminoso; Marca rodoviária entidade LNEC Outros DM NMO
20073 2018 Sika Losa Filtrante, Sika Losa Filtrante F Blanco, Sika Losa Filtrante, Sika Losa Filtrante Blanco - Kits para isolamento térmico de coberturas invertidas N/A Europa; Lajeta; Isolamento térmico; Material compósito; Revestimento de coberturas; Cobertura invertida entidade LNEC Outros DED NRI
20075 2018 Experimental study on the aerodynamic sealing of air curtains Controlling the air quality is of the utmost importance in today Contamination; Indoor air quality; Aerodynamic sealing; Air curtain Viegas, J.; Fernando Oliveira; Aelenei, D. Artigos de Revista Fluids Fluids 3, 49. 21p. CIC Chefia doi:10.3390/fluids3030049
20077 2018 Plano de atividades do Departamento de Barragens de Betão para 2019 Apresenta-se o plano de atividades do Departamento de Barragens de Betão (DBB) para 2019, considerando as componentes principais de investigação programada e de estudos por contrato. Caracteriza-se a unidade departamental em termos de recursos humanos e equipamentos eenquadram-se as atividades no contexto dos objetivos do LNEC. Faz-se ainda referência à previsão dodesempenho operacional e financeiro do DBB em 2019, bem como às necessidades existentes faceao cumprimento do plano proposto. Estudos por contrato; Investigação programada; Plano de atividades; Departamento de Barragens de Betão Batista, A. L.; Lamas, L.; Tavares de Castro, A.; Fonseca, A. M. Relatórios DBB Chefia
20084 2018 UBEST field campaigns - 5th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, September 27, 2018 The present report summarizes the 5th field campaign of the project UBEST, performed in the Tagus estuary on September 27, 2018. This campaign was the second in the Tagus estuary and was representative of summer conditions. Seven stations were chosen along the estuary. In situ measurements of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L) were carried out and water samples were collected to determine in laboratory the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and confirm dissolved oxygen and pH on samples where pH sensors were not available. The data acquired will contribute to a better understanding of the biogeochemical functioning of the Tagus estuary and to calibrate and validate numerical models (hydrodynamic and biogeochemical), that will attempt to predict the response of the estuary to future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic inputs. Physico-chemical parameters; Water samples; Field campaign; Tagus estuary Santos, D.; Freire, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Cravo, A. Relatórios DHA NEC
20085 2018 Air curtains combined with smoke exhaust for smoke control in case of fire: Full-size experiments This paper analyses the possibility of using air curtains to prevent smoke flow from fire compartments. Full size experiments have been carried out and several relevant conditions to assess smoke-tightness have been tested. The smoke temperature during the tests was ranging from 182ºC to 351ºC, the angle measured between the curtain axis and the vertical plane was ranging from 18º and 26º, the nozzle thickness was ranging from 0.017 m to 0.045 m and the velocity at the nozzle was ranging from 8.3 m/s to 19.9 m/s. During the tests, the air curtain Vertical air curtains; Full size experiments; Plane jets; Smoke control Viegas, J.; Teixeira da Cruz, H. Artigos de Revista Springer Fire Technology 22p. CIC Chefia
20086 2018 Sistema de previsão, alerta e gestão de riscos causados pela agitação marítima - Relatório inicial Neste relatório inicial são apresentadas a arquitetura e as caraterísticas gerais dos protótipos do sistema de previsão, alerta e gestão de riscos causados pela agitação marítima para os portos de Madalena do Pico, São Roque do Pico e Praia da Vitória. Os três protótipos em desenvolvimento têm por base uma arquitetura semelhante, com características distintas, nomeadamente no que respeita à localização dos dados de base, às malhas computacionais utilizadas e às características físicas das fronteiras, tanto no plano horizontal (interface terra-mar), como no vertical (batimetria dos fundos). Caracteriza-se o layout geral dos portos, bem como a sua morfologia e operabilidade. Porto de Praia da Vitória; Porto de São Roque do Pico; Porto de Madalena do Pico; Agitação marítima; Alerta e gestão de riscos; Sistema de previsão Pinheiro, L.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.; Reis, M. T.; Poseiro, P. Relatórios DHA NPE
20088 2018 Enhancement of heat transfer in office buildings during night cooling Most office buildings are designed to be ventilated and cooled using mechanical systems. However, in a temperateclimate, passive ventilation and cooling techniques can reduce energy consumption when the outdoortemperatures are favourable, e.g., at night. Nevertheless, decorative components like the suspended ceiling (SC)contribute to insulation, preventing the desired thermal exchange with the slab. This work investigates an innovativesolution to the optimization of the night cooling phenomenon by using a SC with a peripheral gap andtaking advantage of the plenum formed by the space between the slab and the SC for cooling purposes. Theexperiments were carried out on a reduced scale model. It was found that a SC with a gap allows part of the heatdissipated in the room during the occupation period to be used to heat the slab, thus reducing the air temperatureduring the day, in comparison with a conventional SC with no gap. Moreover, a SC with a gap, and withsupply and extraction slots placed above it, improves the air cooling during the night, and reduces the temperaturesin the occupation zone during the following day, in comparison with a conventional SC with no gap,and with the ventilation slots located below it. Sustainable buildings; Natural ventilation; Suspended ceiling; Night cooling Lança, M.; Coelho, P. J.; Viegas, J. Artigos de Revista Elsevier Ltd. Building and Environment 148 (2019). 653 CIC Chefia
20089 2018 Impacte das diferenças de pressão geradas pelo controlo de fumo em túneis Os túneis rodoviários longos dotados de duas galerias unidirecionais independentes sãonormalmente dotados de ventilação longitudinal. Este esquema de ventilação, quando aplicadoao controlo do fumo, pode gerar diferenças de pressão significativas entre ambas as galeriasrodoviárias, o que pode ter impacto na utilização das galerias transversais do túnel. Nestacomunicação são apresentados resultados de medições dessas diferenças de pressão emtúneis que serviram de referência experimental para validar um modelo analítico de previsão doescoamento em túneis. É realizada uma análise de sensibilidade desse modelo que permiteevidenciar o impacte que essas diferenças de pressão podem ter na utilização das galeriastransversais. Pressões; Controlo de fumo;; Túneis Viegas, J.; Oliveira Costa, C.; Bernardo Monteiro; Paulo Pereira Comunicações Universidade de Coimbra Atas das 6as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos e das 1as Jornadas de Proteção Civil 6as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos. 1as Jornadas de Proteção Civil 157-168pp. CIC Chefia
20095 2017 Enhancement of heat transfer in office buildings during night cooling Most office buildings are designed to be ventilated and cooled using mechanical systems. In a temperateclimate, when the outdoor temperatures are favourable, e.g. at night, passive ventilation and cooling techniques can beused to reduce energy consumption. Building Sustainable buildings; Natural ventilation; Suspended ceiling; Night cooling Lança, M.; Coelho, P.; Viegas, J. Comunicações Assembly of World Conferences on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 8p. DED NAICI
20101 2018 Análise e acompanhamento dos trabalhos de reabilitação para melhoria da situação ambiental envolvente aos furos de abastecimento de água do concelho de Praia da Vitória, Açores - Relatório Final, 2018 No âmbito da assessoria técnica para a Análise e acompanhamento dos trabalhos de reabilitação para melhoria da situação ambiental envolvente aos furos de abastecimento de água do concelho de Praia da Vitória, Açores", que o LNEC tem vindo a prestar à Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos dos Açores (ERSARA) desde 2012, o presente contrato, AJD-ERSARA/2017/10, visa dar seguimento ao estudo que vem sendo desenvolvido. Neste relatório final de 2018 apresenta-se uma análise dos resultados obtidos nos últimos dois anos relativamente a: (1) trabalhos de reabilitação e de monitorização promovidos pela 65 Air Base Group; (2) resultados dos trabalhos de monitorização desenvolvidos pelo LNEC; (3) resultados do programa de controlo da qualidade da água para consumo humano promovido pela Praia Ambiente. No final apresenta-se uma síntese dos resultados, conclusões e recomendações.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Leitão, T. E.; Henriques, M. J. A.
Keywords: Monitorização; Reabilitação; Águas subterrâneas; Concelho de Praia da Vitória
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the H2020 Piano Project.
Relations between the EU and China have developed rapidly since the first diplomatic ties were established in 1975. Since 1998, EU-China summits have been held almost every year. The creation of the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic partnership in 2003 has deepened and broadened collaboration in a wide range of areas. The EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for cooperation, jointly signed and adopted in 2013, provides strategic guidance for the relations between these two regions of the world on many topics, including science, technology and innovation.In fact, both the EU and China need to foster science, technology and innovation (STI) development to address the economic, social and sustainability challenges they encounter. Interactions between the two regions have also been growing across themes such as environment, energy, climate issues and many others.Within the field of environment, water is a priority for the cooperation with China. An EU-China water platform (CEWP) was established in 2012 to promote policy dialogue, joint research and business development in the water sector.The European partners of the PIANO project (Policies, Innovation, And Network for enhancing Opportunities for China-Europe water cooperation) have worked on the development of this Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in close cooperation with the representatives of the Chinese institutions, who signed a letter of intent to be involved in the project activities at the time the proposal was presented to the European Commission for its funding by the programme Horizon 2020. Then, in 2015, the EU-China Research and Innovation Co-funding mechanism was not yet in place and Chinese researchers could not be proper partners in the PIANO project activities. Nevertheless, they have provided a very relevant and effective contribution to this SRIA.This Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda is conceived to be a forward-looking document that sets out the direction of future collaborative EU-China research and innovation activities in the water sector, with a special attention to the thematic areas identified and focused on by the PIANO project. This document builds on strategic agendas of European and international actors in water management and internal and external consultations among experts and relevant stakeholders of both areas of cooperation.The PIANO SRIA aims to support the activities of the China-Europe Water Platform in its research pillar being the reference document for the implementation of further initiatives of joint international cooperation between Europe and China in water innovation, a sector which offers increasing opportunities to all interested actors, in particular European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) able to produce advanced technological solutions.This SRIA identifies needs and priorities in the EU-China cooperation in water innovation. It also highlights the main opportunities for the development of further collaborative actions engaging public and private partnerships based on the sharing of knowledge and good practices. In this way, strategic long-term agreements involving multi-stakeholders in research and innovation applied to water management will be fostered. Researchers, governmental agencies, innovative enterprises and private stakeholders should combine synergies to strengthen innovation capacity and promote social and economic cooperation in both regions of the world.Moreover, the PIANO SRIA intends to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations
Year: 2018
Number Pages:
Author(s): GIUSTA, E.; Lobo Ferreira, J. P. C.
Editor: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna , Austria
Keywords: H2020 PIANO project; China-Europe Water Platform; Technological Water Innovations; Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
UBEST field Campaigns - 4th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, May 10, 2018
The present report summarizes the 4th field campaign of the project UBEST, performed in the Tagus estuary on May 10, 2018. This campaign was the first in the Tagus estuary and was representative of spring conditions. Seven stations were chosen along the estuary where in situ measurements of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L) were carried out and water samples were collected to determine in laboratory the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and confirm dissolved oxygen and pH on samples where pH sensors were not available. The data acquired will contribute to better understanding the biogeochemical functioning of the Tagus estuary and to calibrate and validate numerical models (hydrodynamic and biogeochemical), that will attempt to predict the response of the estuary to future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic inputs.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Santos, D.; Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Cravo, A.
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters; Water samples; Field campaign; Tagus estuary
UBEST field campaigns - 5th Campaign: Tagus Estuary, September 27, 2018
The present report summarizes the 5th field campaign of the project UBEST, performed in the Tagus estuary on September 27, 2018. This campaign was the second in the Tagus estuary and was representative of summer conditions. Seven stations were chosen along the estuary. In situ measurements of temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L) were carried out and water samples were collected to determine in laboratory the concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and confirm dissolved oxygen and pH on samples where pH sensors were not available. The data acquired will contribute to a better understanding of the biogeochemical functioning of the Tagus estuary and to calibrate and validate numerical models (hydrodynamic and biogeochemical), that will attempt to predict the response of the estuary to future scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic inputs.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Santos, D.; Freire, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Cravo, A.
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters; Water samples; Field campaign; Tagus estuary
Ventilação das Termas Romanas de Chaves - Estudo de estratégias de ventilação e de aquecimento
A Câmara Municipal de Chaves solicitou ao Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, I. P. um estudo sobre o sistema de ventilação do Museu das Termas Romanas de Chaves (MTR) destinado a reduzir os problemas de ocorrência de condensações superficiais. No presente relatório apresentam-se os resultados do estudo sobre as diferentes soluções de ventilação e de aquecimento do MTR e definem-se os princípios base do anteprojeto a desenvolver pelos projetistas. Os resultados desta fase do estudo irão permitir ao dono-de-obra decidir sobre a solução a adotar e a detalhar em projeto de execução.
Year: 2018
Author(s): Pinto, A.
Keywords: Aquecimento geotérmico; Ventilação natural; Condensação
This report stands for the project deliverable 1.1 and concerns the results from task 1.1 of the PROPERProject, namely literature review on road runoff pollution on Europe.This review presents the most relevant literature references on road runoff pollution and was mainlyfocused on references published since the year 2000. It aims at identifying the most important pollutantsin road runoff
Year: 2018
Author(s): Fernandes, J. N.; Barbosa, A. E.
Keywords: Road runoff pollution; Modelling; Prediction; Literature review; Data collection
Application of the three-layer model questionnaire on policy and governance to the Portuguese research site of BINGO project
The BINGO project Work Package 5 envisages the understanding and improving of the decision making process at the individual, societal and institutional levels to cope with the expected impacts of climate change at six European research sites. The initial input of this work is based on interviews at each research site using the three-layer model questionnaire on water policy and governance from the Water Governance Centre
Year: 2017
Author(s): Rocha, F.; Viseu, T.
Keywords: Water resources governance; Water resources policy; BINGO