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Artigos de Revista

Artigos de Revista
Info Climate Change Adaptation of Geo-Structures in Europe: Emerging Issues and Future Steps + Info: Climate Change Adaptation of Geo-Structures in Europe: Emerging Issues and Future Steps
Info Co-Creation of Teenager-Sensitive Public Spaces. The Living Labs of the C3Places Project in Lisbon, Portugal + Info: Co-Creation of Teenager-Sensitive Public Spaces. The Living Labs of the C3Places Project in Lisbon, Portugal
Info CO2 sequestration by construction and demolition waste aggregates and effect on mortars and concrete performance - An overview. + Info: CO2 sequestration by construction and demolition waste aggregates and effect on mortars and concrete performance - An overview.
Info Comentários sobre a recente promoção de habitação de interesse social cooperativa em Portugal + Info: Comentários sobre a recente promoção de habitação de interesse social cooperativa em Portugal
Info Comparison of existing equations for the design of crown walls: application to the case study of Ericeira breakwater (Portugal) + Info: Comparison of existing equations for the design of crown walls: application to the case study of Ericeira breakwater (Portugal)
Info Comprehensive bathymetry and intertidal topography of the Amazon estuary + Info: Comprehensive bathymetry and intertidal topography of the Amazon estuary
Info Conservation and Urban Regeneration. Dossier Editorial. + Info: Conservation and Urban Regeneration. Dossier Editorial.
Info Contribuição para a melhoria da nova Habitação de Interesse Social Portuguesa (série editorial: artigo 6/8) - infohabitar # 769 + Info: Contribuição para a melhoria da nova Habitação de Interesse Social Portuguesa (série editorial: artigo 6/8) - infohabitar # 769
Info Controlo de contaminantes de interesse emergente em ETA e ETAR + Info: Controlo de contaminantes de interesse emergente em ETA e ETAR
Info Defining suitable Safe System projects: The experience of the SaferAfrica project in five African countries + Info: Defining suitable Safe System projects: The experience of the SaferAfrica project in five African countries