Artigos de Revista
Numerical modelling of deformation of multi-directional random waves over a varying topography
Ano: 2007
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Oliveira, F. S. B. F.
Editor: Ocean Engineering
A methodology for defining homogeneous water bodies in estuaries - Application to the transitional systems of the EU Water Framework Directive
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Ferreira, J. G.; Nobre, A. M.; Simas, T. C.; Cardoso da Silva, M.; Newton, A.; Bricker, S. B.; Wolff, W. J.; Stacey, P. E.; Sequeira, A.
Editor: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
66 (2006).
An urban hypertrophic coastal system: Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, R. J. Brazil
Ano: 2006
Autor(es): Cardoso da Silva, M.
Editor: Multiple Dimensionds of global environmental change
Calculation of Sediment Delivery from the Guadiana Estuary to the Coastal
Astudy has been conducted to provide updated estimates (period 1980-2000) of the transfer of sedimentary materialfrom the Guadiana river (SW Europe) to the coastal ocean, focusing on the role played by the estuarine system. Thedischarge of fine suspended sediment from the river to the estuary has been calculated based on measured data andcompared with previous estimates. Numerical models of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment transport have beenused to provide order of magnitude estimates of sediment fluxes from the estuary to the continental shelf for differentfreshwater flow scenarios. Episodic flood events play a crucial role in the discharge of sediment from the Guadianariver to the coastal ocean. Apparently, the estuary retains only a minor share (about 10%) of the total amount of finegrainedsediment produced in the drainage basin, which is presently estimated at 0.5-1.5 x 10 t year . Based on thecalculation of sediment transport capacities, it is estimated that the order of magnitude of the transfer of sand fromthe estuary to the coastal region is 0.1 x 10 m year , which seems in agreement with the recent pattern of shoreline
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
5 pp..
Autor(es): Portela, L. I.
Editor: Journal of Coastal Research
Keywords: Coastal evolution; Estuary; River basin; Sand; Fine sediment
Effect of morphological changes on the hydrodynamics and flushing properties of the Óbidos lagoon (Portugal)
This paper investigates the effect of natural and artificial morphological changes in a tidal inlet on the tidal propagation and on the water exchanges with the sea, through data analysis and numerical modeling. Bathymetric and tidal data reveal a strong seasonal signal, as a result of the changes in the relative importance of tidal and wave action: during the maritime winter the M2 tidal amplitude decreases by 50% and flood dominance increases. This trend is reverted during maritime summer, and tidal amplitudes can be further enhanced by dredging of the inlet.Hydrodynamic and residence time (RT) simulations were set up for three different bathymetric configurations of the lower lagoon, representative of distinct situations. Hydrodynamic results confirmed that tidal propagation depends strongly on the bathymetric configuration. At the transitions between channels, tidal energy losses occur and flooddominance increases. Dredging the channels and repositioning the inlet throat improve tidal propagation and promote sediment flushing to the sea.The spatial variability of RTs was evaluated through the integration of individual particle results in morphologically relevant units, while time variability was examined within the tidal and neap/spring cycles. Residence times depend heavily on the morphological changes associated with both dredging operations and inlet migration, and on the particle releasetime, both within the tidal cycle and within neap/spring cycles. The relative importance of each of these factors depends on the particle location within the lagoon. The upstream regions of the lagoon have very large RTs (years), as a result of the small tidal amplitudes and velocities. In some of these regions, RTs vary by a factor of 4 depending on the bathymetry ofthe inlet. In the lower lagoon, tidal amplitude also has a significant effect on RTs. Dredging the channels and repositioning the inlet throat from the southern margin to a central position improves the flushing of both southern and northernchannels.
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Oliveira, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Rego, J.
Editor: Continental Shelf Research
Modelling the hydrodynamics and the fate of passive and active organisms in the Guadiana estuary
Hydrodynamics, salinity intrusion and stratification in the Guadiana estuary were characterized using two- and three-dimensional models for fresh water flows covering the range of monthly averaged river flows for dry to wet years. Two- and three-dimensional circulation model results were then used to investigate the flushing properties of the lower estuary for passive organisms and for organisms with vertical migration capabilities, respectively. Stratification can occur in the Guadiana estuary for river flows as small as 10 m3 s-1, depending on the tidal amplitude.For homogeneous or weakly stratified conditions, salinity can be found upstream of Alcoutim (km 40) during neap tides, and extends even furtherfor spring tides. For a river flow of 10 m3 s-1, euhaline conditions reach 25 km upstream of the mouth during spring tides. For larger riverflows, the region under stratified conditions is located in the downstream 10 km, and its extent depends mainly on the tidal phase. For river flowsbetween 50 and 300 m3 s-1, salinity intrusion does not extend beyond km 20. As the river flow increases, the upper limits of the several halineregions approach one another, creating a lower estuary where salinity conditions have a wide range of horizontal variability. Residence times of passive organisms in the lower Guadiana estuary depend on the magnitude of the river flow, tides and other mechanisms, varying from a fewhours to 60 days in the range of river flows considered. The variability of residence times with different environmental conditions is similar for all river flows, the upper limit of residence times being about one order of magnitude larger than the lower limit. For river flows above 200 m3 s1, both limits of residence times are small (from a few hours to a few days), showing the dominant role of river flow in these conditions.However, active organisms, with vertical migration capabilities, can remain inside the Guadiana estuary under strong river flows, by taking advantage of the phase lag along the vertical profiles of velocity under stratified conditions. Permanence conditions improve for organisms located in the main channel, due to the larger stratification in deeper areas. The tidal amplitude also plays an important role, spring tides being more favourable to permanence than neap tides.
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
70, 76-84.
Autor(es): Oliveira, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Pinto, L.
Editor: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
O rigor e a garantia de qualidade na modelação em recursos hídricos
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Rocha, J. S.; Oliveira, A.; Cardoso da Silva, M.; Barbosa, A. E.; Fortunato, A. B.
Editor: Revista Engenharia e Vida
On the Generation and Propagation of Internal Solitary Waves in the Southern Bay of Biscay
Internal solitary waves (ISWs), travelling towards the South South-West (SSW), are now well documented in the northern and central Bay of Biscay. These are formed from large-amplitude internal tides which result from the interaction of the barotropic tide with the steep shelf-break topography. In the present paper, we investigate available satellite imagery (Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and ASAR data) to reveal that the southern Bay of Biscay is also a hotspot region which has a high level of ISW activity. Here, the ISWs travel towards the East North-East from the Cape Finisterre region off North-West Spain. In fact, we reveal the presence of two wave-trains travelling in slightly different directions (0551T and 0401T). By calculating the strength of the barotropic tidal forcing in the region, and identifying the likely propagation pathways (rays) of internal tidal (IT) energy, we identify the generation sites for these wave-trains as lying on either side of the Ortegal Promontory (OP). This is an undersea headland projecting towards the North-West from the north-western coast of Spain (near 441N, 8.51W), and over which the barotropic tides are forced to flow. For each generation site, IT rays emanating from critical topography (where the ray slope is equal to the topographic slope) in regions of strong barotropic forcing, rise to the surface (for one site after a reflection from the sea-floor) and pass through the thermocline close to the earliest occurrences of the ISWs in the respective wave trains. These rays would then produce, through nonlinear processes, the ISWs through the same local generation mechanism that has been used to explain the occurrence of the ISWs in the northern and central Bay. The local generation mechanism may therefore be more widely applicable than previously thought. In addition, the methods we have used to deduce the generation sites for these waves are expected to prove equally useful for studies in other areas of the world s oceans.
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
927 941.
Autor(es): Azevedo, A.; Silva, J. C.; New, A. L.
Editor: Deep-Sea Research Part I
vol. 53.
Sensitivity Analysis of Non-cohesive Sediment Transport Formulae
Sand transport models are often based on semi-empirical equilibrium transport formulae that relate sediment fluxes to physical properties such as velocity, depth and characteristic sediment grain sizes. In engineering applications, errors in these physical properties affect the accuracy of the sediment fluxes. The present analysis quantifies error propagation from the input physical properties to the sediment fluxes, determines which ones control the final errors, and provides insight into the relative strengths, weaknesses and limitations of four total load formulae (Ackers and White, Engelund and Hansen, van Rijn, and Karim and Kennedy) and one bed load formulation (van Rijn).The various sources of uncertainty are first investigated individually, in order to pinpoint the key physical properties that control the errors. Since the strong non-linearity of most sand transport formulae precludes analytical approaches, a Monte Carlo method is validated and used in the analysis. Results show that the accuracy in total sediment transport evaluations is mainly determined by errors in the current velocity and in the sediment median grain size. For the bed load transport using the van Rijn formula, errors in the current velocity alone control the final accuracy. In a final set of tests, all physical properties are allowed to vary simultaneously in order to analyze the combined effect of errors. The combined effect of errors in all the physical properties is then compared to an estimate of the errors due to the intrinsic limitations of the formulae. Results show that errors in the physical properties can be dominant for typical uncertainties associated with these properties, particularly for small depths.A comparison between the various formulae reveals that the van Rijn formula is more sensitive to basic physical properties. Hence, it should only be used when physical properties are known with precision. Keywords: Sediment transport models; Sensitivity analysis; Uncertainty analysis; Monte Carlo method
Ano: 2006
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Pinto, L.; Fortunato, A. B.; Freire, P.
Editor: Continental Shelf Research
Sistema de videomonitorização da zona costeira
Ano: 2006
Autor(es): Fachin, S.; Sancho, F. E.; Ortega, M.; Losada, M. A.
Editor: Tecnologia da água
Nº 41.
Sand wave morphometrics the main channel of the outer tagus estuary
The geometric characteristics of sand waves in the main channel of the outer Tagus estuary are investigated, using high-resolution surveys conducted in 2019 and 2020. The relationship between bedform height and spacing over a 1400 m transect, at ca. 20 m depth, is in good agreement with the global mean trend equation proposed by Flemming (1988). The consistent ebb-oriented asymmetry suggests that the direction of net sediment transport is seaward. The apparent direction of sand wave migration obtained from the comparison between surveys is more variable, but on average also ebb-oriented.
Ano: 2024
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Portela, L. I.
Revista: Livro de Resumos, 2024
Editor: Universidade de Aveiro
Keywords: Morphodynamics.; Ebb tidal delta; Bedform asymmetry; Bedform shape
Evolução da cota de dragagem dos acessos marítimos aos portos de Portugal Continental
O aprofundamento dos canais de acesso por dragagem, associado ou não à construção de molhes e quebra-mares, tem sido uma característica da evolução dos portos nacionais nos últimos 100 anos. Nesta comunicação, analisa-se a evolução da cota de dragagem dos acessos marítimos aos portos do Continente com base em fontes documentais e levantamentos hidrográficos. No início do século XX verificava-se uma diferença apreciável entre as condições oferecidas pelos portos situados em estuários de maiores dimensões (Lisboa e Setúbal) e artificiais (Leixões), por um lado, e os portos situados em estuários e sistemas lagunares com menor prisma de maré, por outro. Entre 1920 e a atualidade, principalmente desde 1950, todos os portos comerciais em atividade (excetuando Sines) registaram um aumento da profundidade dos canais de acesso entre cerca de 5,5 m e 11,2 m. Considerando os portos no seu conjunto, estima-se que em média, entre 1950 e 2020, se tenha verificado um aumento da profundidade de dragagem na zona da barra de 1,0 m por década.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Portela, L. I.
Editor: PIANC Portugal
Risco de inundação costeira: contributo para uma melhor gestão
As inundações costeiras afetam anualmente milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, com grandes perdas socioeconómicas que irão aumentar face à subida do nível médio do mar e ao aumento dos níveis extremos de água. A extensa linha de costa continental portuguesa, caracterizada por grande diversidade natural e de ocupação, apresenta elevada exposição a fenómenos de galgamento e inundação costeira. Estima-se que o impacto da tempestade Hércules, no início do ano 2014, tenha sido cerca de 16 milhões de euros (Santos et al., 2015). As consequências do impacto de níveis extremos na zona costeira dependem das características do território, pelo que a capacidade de obter e integrar esse conhecimento em ferramentas de previsão que suportem adequadamente as necessidades da gestão do risco deve ser uma prioridade. No âmbito do projeto ( desenvolveram-se ferramentas de avaliação do risco de inundação costeira, integrando a dimensão territorial. A complexidade e a diversidade da costa continental recomendam uma abordagem holística na identificação e diferenciação das características territoriais, que dependem da escala espacial considerada. Assim, a abordagem metodológica do projeto seguiu duas escalas espaciais de análise: a costa continental portuguesa e três observatórios representativos do trecho costeiro Ovar - Marinha Grande, onde se concentra o maior número de ocorrências de inundação costeira (Tavares et al., 2021). Estes observatórios são o setor Barra
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Tavares, A.; Oliveira, A.; Barros, J.; Nahon, A.; Santos, P.; Jesus, G.
Revista: Livro de Resumos do 16º Congresso da Agua
Editor: APRH - Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos
Keywords: apoio à decisão; previsão e monitorização em tempo real; vulnerabilidade; tipologias críticas; ocorrências históricas
Coastal territorial vulnerability index: the importance of a local approach in anticipating the impacts of coastal flooding
The continental coastal zone of Portugal is characterized by its morpho-sedimentary diversity. The high population density and range of land uses, occupation and activities make it an area of great national strategic value, and a multi-hazard zone. In this study, a multidimensional methodology to analyse, evaluate and interpret local vulnerability (Coastal Territorial Vulnerability Index - CTVI) has been developed and applied in three study areas.
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Barros, J.; Tavares, A.; Santos, P.; Freire, P.
Revista: Livro de Resumos da 6ª Conferência Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira, LNEC, ISBN 978-972-49-2322-2
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Multidimensional methodology; Vulnerabilities; Overtopping; Flood; Coastal zone
Definition of coastal typologies considering territorial flooding ocurrences, impacts and the territorial complexity
Continental Portugal presents an extensive and diversified coastal zone. This diversity gives rise to the existence of different coastal typologies such as sand beaches, rocky, cliffed and artificialized coasts, which support distinct levels of human occupancy. To identify and distinguish the different coastal typologies, cluster analysis was used based on a set of variables, expressing the territorial complexity, as well as the occurrences and impacts resulting from coastal flooding.
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Barros, J.; Tavares, A.; Santos, P.; Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Rilo, Ana; Oliveira , F.
Revista: Livro de Resumos da 6ª Conferência Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira, LNEC, ISBN 978-972-49-2322-2
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: territorial complexity; impacts; occurrences; cluster analysis; Coastal typologies
Dragagens nos portos comerciais Portugal Continental (1991-2020): contributo para uma sínteseSÍNTESE
As dragagens constituem uma atividade necessária à operação dos portos nacionais, que, todavia, pode ter impactos sobre a dinâmica sedimentar e a evolução costeiras. O presente trabalho reúne informação de base sobre dragagens e gestão dos dragados nos nove portos comerciais do Continente (Viana do Castelo, Leixões, Aveiro, Figueira da Foz, Lisboa, Setúbal, Sines, Portimão e Faro) ao longo de um período de três décadas (1991-2020). Sendo apenas um primeiro contributo para uma avaliação de tendências, a informação recolhida é preliminar e apresenta ainda lacunas significativas. Com esta condicionante, estima-se que na última década se tenha verificado uma diminuição do volume global de dragagem (4,5 x 106 m3 ano-1 em 1991- 2010, excluindo extrações em praias e áreas adjacentes; 3,2 x 106 m3 ano-1 em 2011-2020) e, principalmente, uma alteração do destino dos sedimentos dragados de natureza arenosa, com um forte crescimento da opção de colocação na faixa costeira, em praia emersa ou submarina (13% do volume global de dragagem em 1991-2010; 50% em 2011-2020).
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Portela, L. I.
Editor: Pianc Portugal
Comunicação 63.
Keywords: porto; dragagens
Impact of a sandy shore morphology on overtopping
An objective of the project is to develop an operational forecasting system for coastal flooding capable of accounting for storm driven morphodynamics. The developed system relies on the OPENCoastS architecture for downscaling North-Atlantic metocean conditions at any local beach or waterfront (Oliveira et al., 2021). The downscaled conditions then serve to force local applications of XBeach (Roelvink et al., 2018), in 2DH and using its surfbeat hydrodynamic solver. Based on hydro- and geomorphological data collected within the project (Freire et al., 2020), an application was setup and validated for the waterfront of Cova-Gala, south of the entrance to the Figueira da Foz harbour. The system runs for now with or without morphological evolution over 48-hour periods. So it is important to quantify the errors induced by geomorphological changes over longer timescales.
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Nahon, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Freire, P.
Revista: Livro de Resumos da 6ª Conferência Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Portugal; XBeach; Runup; Infragravity wave;; Coastal flooding
Mapping coastal overtopping in the shadow of large ebb-tidal deltas with XBeach surfbeat: insights from the western coast of Portugal
The exposure to wave overtopping is growing worldwide which forces coastal communities toadopt methodologies for anticipating the risks associated with it. In areas with shallow foreshores,like those created by extended ebb-tidal deltas, at the entrance of estuaries or harbours forinstance, infragravity waves play an important, if not dominant, role. Therefore, hydrodynamic andtopographic data collected on the downdrift side of the entrance to Figueira da Foz harbour, alongthe wave exposed western coast of Portugal, were used to calibrate a local XBbeach 2DH-surfbeatmodel to (1) investigate the role of infragravity waves and (2) the ability of a phase average modelto account for the main drivers of coastal overtopping in similar locations. The local model wasforced on its open boundary by water levels and 2D wave spectra dynamically downscaled usingan operational model workflow developed for providing near real-time forecasts. The localdissipation of short-waves in the surf zone was calibrated based on the hydrodynamic data. Thisdata, collected under a moderate swell, was also used to ensure the model
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Nahon, A.; Fortunato, A. B.; Oliveira , F.; Freire, P.
Revista: EGU General Assembly
Editor: EGU
Keywords: Portugal; XBeach
Info flood risk framework to support management in coastal zones
Extending for more than 900 km with diverse geomorphologies and land-use occupations, the Portuguese coastal zone is highly vulnerable to overtopping and flooding. The project developed a flood risk framework to support management in coastal zones taking the territorial diversity into account. The framework delivers improved hazard prediction strategies and guidelines for spatial planning and increased coastal community resilience.
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Freire, P.; Fortunato, A. B.; Tavares, A.; Oliveira, A.; Santos, P.; Nahon, A.; Barros, J.; Rocha, M.; Oliveira , F.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.; Jesus, G.; Azevedo, A.; Oliveira, J. N.; Bortoli, A.; Rilo, A
Revista: Livro de Resumos da 6ª Conferência Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira, LNEC, ISBN 978-972-49-2322-2
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Safe communities; Vulnerability; Real-time prediction and monitoring; Critical typologies; Coastal flooding
Analysis of S. João da Caparica beach vulnerability to a maritime storm event
The morphological response of the S. João da Caparica beach, Almada, to the maritime stormHercules that occurred in January/2014, was studied through mathematical modelling, for three oftwelve topo-bathymetric configurations surveyed between 2008 and 2017: the two with the lowest andthe one with the highest volume of sediment in the topographic part. This study aimed to quantifyindicators of beach vulnerability, such as sand volume above three reference vertical levels, averageand maximum retreat of two reference isobaths and maximum topo-bathymetric lowering, in order toprovide guidance for future nourishment interventions. Hydrodynamic models at regional andintermediate scales were used to determine the forcing of the morphodynamic local model applied,XBeach. Besides the beach vulnerability indicators, the results revealed that the morphologicalconfiguration of the submerged zone plays an important role in the beach response when submitted toa storm with the characteristics of Hercules.
Ano: 2020
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Oliveira , F.; Fortunato, A. B.; Freire, P.
Editor: Instituto Hidrográfico
Keywords: sediment dynamics; extreme maritime event; Costa da Caparica beach
MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira
Ano: 2011
Autor(es): Fortunato, A. B.; Freire, P.; Oliveira, A.
Editor: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
CD Room.
Capítulos de Livros
Evaluating the geomorphologic stability of an estuarine sandy beach. Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of a low energy estuarine beach was analysed. The beach is subjected to local wind waves generated in an area of restricted fetch, wake waves generated by catamarans and a semi diurnal meso-tidal regime. Only storm events of short duration modify the beach profile, which, once the normal hydrodynamic conditions are restored, naturally recovers its initial shape. The beach is characterised by having a steep upper slope until mean sea level, followed, seaward, by a low gradient terrace, and a bimodal sediment distribution. To investigate the hydro sedimentologic beach behaviour, wind, topo-hydrographic and sedimentologic data were used as input and validation of process based numerical modelling. Wave generation and transformation in an area of restricted fetch, nearshore circulation, sediment transport and morphological evolution were simulated for average annual conditions and storm conditions. The statistical analysis of a six-year wind data series allowed to derive the average wind regime, based on which, the average annual wave regime and the average annual longshore sediment budget, 14.5x103 m3year-1, were calculated. The contribution of the individual components of the representative wave regime, discretised by directional sector and height class of incidence, was evaluated as well as the spatial distribution of the longshore sediment transport in the active part of the beach profile. The characteristics of the wave groups generated by the passage of catamarans at different speeds were estimated and their action on the beach morphology was simulated. Although when the catamarans travel at 20 knots speed the average annual wake wave energy dissipated at the beach is 2.5 times higher than the average annual wind wave energy, the erosion effect on the beach profile is still not relevant for the present traffic. In opposition, short duration storm events generate the formation of an erosion scarp at the upper part of the beach face. The numerical modelling of this phenomenon allowed to acknowledge on the protective effect that the low gradient terrace has on the beach face.
Ano: 2009
Número Páginas:
pp. 35-49.
Autor(es): Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Vargas, C.
Editor: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
Teses de Doutoramento
Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Costa, R.
Editor: ******
A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach
A two-dimensional model of wind-driven circulation in a closed basin was developed using a finite-volume technique for generalized curvilinear grids and applying some of the recent developments in hydrodynamic modeling. The terms in the Navier¬Stokes equations were treated separately according to the fractional step method and the propagation step, including the continuity equation and the pressure and stress terms in the momentum equations, was solved using a conjugate gradient method.The model was then applied to a number of test cases to examine the feasibility of the approach used by comparing with results obtained with the two-dimensional version of the three-dimensional model CH3D. These included a square basin with constant slope and with a V-shaped bottom and Lake Okeechobee, in South Florida. To evaluate the long-term numerical stability of the model, a ten-day model simu¬lation with varying wind was also run for Lake Okeechobee.
Ano: 1989
Autor(es): Capitao, J.
Editor: ******
Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters
An examination of the causes for generation and dynamics of turbidity maxima in estuaries reveals the critical role of sediment tidal pumping phenomenon and, to a lesser extent, of the well-known effect of residual gravitational circulation due to salt water penetration. Both phenomena depend on the vertical sediment concentration profile and, consequently, on the magnitude of the vertical mass transport fluxes. Where high concentration suspensions occur regularly, the erosion/deposition fluxes can be drastically modified by sediment stratification, consequently influencing sus¬pended sediment response to currents and wave action. This influence is inherent in flow-sediment hysteresis, which therefore reflects the role of vertical mass transport in the estuarine and coastal suspended fine sediment regime.A vertical transport numerical model was used to investigate the influence of several key parameters describing sediment settling, bed properties and stabilized diffusion on the concentration profile. The model was also applied to simulate the influence of the same parameters on the time-lagged sediment response to flow variations, reflected in the characteristics of flow-sediment hysteresis loops.Field data obtained in Hangzhou Bay (People´s Republic of China), a high concentration environment, showed typical features of flow-sediment hysteresis and confirmed the importance of the vertical mass fluxes in contributing to sediment transport in the bay. A qualitative simulation provided by the numerical model, using settling parameters corresponding to local sediment, while confirming the importance of the hysteresis phenomenon, also revealed the critical need to use algorithms describing adequately stabilized diffusion and bed fluxes.Additional evidence of hysteresis was obtained through analysis of microscale variables, such as the Reynolds stresses and the variances of the velocity components resulting from combined effects of wave action and turbulence. Spectral analysis of the measured random variations did not support the commonly accepted hypothesis of similarity between the responses to turbulent flow of sediment concentration and temperature. The normalized turbulent intensities for all the measured veloc¬ity components showed their highest values during the period of lowest sediment concentration; this result is consistent with the hypothesis of turbulent intensity damping by suspended sediment.
Ano: 1989
Autor(es): Costa, R.
Editor: ******
Alimentação artificial de praias
A contribution to increased use and development of the method of artificial nourishment of beaches is the main objective of this thesis. It also aims at being a guide for the design of the reconsctrution or outright creation of beaches.In the first chapter, the subject is introduced and the objectives of the thesis are outlined. The second chapter cover´s some general considerations on littoral dynamics, beach equilibrium and sediment budget.Since the theoretical foundations of the artificial nourishment of beaches still leave much to be desired, a description of this method and its principles are presented in the third chapter. Important technical and economic aspects are included, such as: sampling, analysis and characterization of native and borrow material; selection Of nourishment sources; extraction and transport of borrow sand; and characteristics of the theoretical final beach profile. Such problems as the integration of ecological aspects, and cost-benefit analysis are also the fourth chapter, the Portuguese experience in this domain is described. The experience of such countries as France and the U.S., where this method has frequently been used is also mentioned. In this way a considerable amount of hitherto scattered information is presented in a unified way.The fifth chapter, treats briefly the problem of coastal model similitude, both as a support for the experimental work: which was carried out and to help engineers in the design of a coastal physical model or in merely assessing the possibilities of such a model.In the sixth chapter, an experimental study is described of the influence of both the grain size of borrow material and the nourishment method on the redistribution of sediments after the nourishment. The obtained results are compared with existing theoretical methods and some prototype results.Finally, in the last chapter the main conclusions and recomendations of the thesis are presented.
Ano: 1987
Autor(es): Clímaco, M.
Editor: ******
Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics
We provide a systematic analysis of the consistency, stability, convergence and accuracy of the numerical solution of the transport equation by a general Eulerian-Lagrangian Method (ELM). The method involvesthree basic steps: the backwards tracking of characteristic lines following the flow, the interpolation of concentrations at the feet of these lines, and the solution of dispersion taking such concentrations as initial conditions. The first two steps constitute the Backwards Method of Characteristics (BMC); the third step involves a time-discretization along the characteristic lines, and a spatial discretization of the dispersion operator, both based on conventional techniques (e.g.. Euler or Crank¬Nicholson for time; finite-elements or finite-differences for space).The choice of the spatial interpolator is shown to impact the consistency, stability and convergence, as well as the accuracy of the BMC. Most interpolators ensure consistency, but only a few ensure stability, hence convergence; stability criteria are derived from a newly developed generalized Fourier analysis, which can account for non-linearities introduced by quadratic grids. The comparison of formally derived propagation and truncation errors, complemented by numerical experimentation, provides a reference for the choice of the interpolator, given a specific transport problem characterized by prevailing concentration gradients.The BMC potentiates the use of large time-steps, well above Courant number of order one. In the limiting case of pure advection, optimal accuracy would be obtained for a At close to the total time of interest; the presence of dispersion constrains, however, the size of At, especially in the case of non-uniform flows. The comparison of the truncation errors for the three basic steps of ELM provides a reference to select At. as a function of Ax, of the spatial interpolators and time-discretization schemes, and of the gradients of flow and concentrations.
Ano: 1987
Autor(es): Melo Baptista, A.
Editor: ******
Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution
Apresenta-se um estudo sistemático, baseado simultaneamente em análises formais e em experimentação numérica, da precisão e estabilidade da solução da equação de transporte por um método Euleriana-Lagrangeana (MEL). 0 método decompõe a equação de transporte em equações separadas de advecção e de difusão, resolvendo a primeira pelo método das características regressivas no tempo (MCR), e a segundo por um método de elementos finitos, do tipo Galerkin.Mostra-se que as interpolações no espaço requeridas pelo MCR são um factor limitativo da precisão global do MEL, e comparam-se diversas técnicas alternativas de interpolação, algumas das quais originais. A combinação de esquemas compactos e não-compactos de interpolação, baseados em polinómios de Lagrange, é apontada como uma potencial solução óptima.Demonstra-se que, para uma adequada escolha do esquema de interpolação, o MCR é consistente, estável e convergente e tem boas características de precisão. Escolhas inadequadas do esquema de interpolação podem, no entanto, causar instabilidade e inconsistência.Estabelece-se a dependência da precisão do MCR no passo de cálculo, mostrando-se que essa precisão aumenta, em geral (para um tempo total fixo), quando se reduz o número de passos de cálculo, isto é, quando se aumenta o passo de cálculo (uma propriedade simultaneamente pouco habitual e muito conveniente). No entanto, na gama de valores muito pequenos do Número de Courant, a precisão é praticamente independente do passo de cálculo, o que evita que o método se torne divergente.Analisa-se brevemente o efeito de malhas irregulares e pluridimensionais sobre a aplicabilidade e precisão do MCR. Apesar de sensível à irregularidade da malha, o método mantém boas características de precisão desde que as distorções geométricas não sejam excessivas. Malhas pluri-dimensionais, quando simultaneamente irregulares, levantam problemas específicos de aplicabilidade de esquemas não-compactos de interpolação; esses problemas poderão se resolvidos através da utilização conjugada de esquemas compactos e não-compactos, para um mesmo problema. Investigação adicional a ainda requerida nestas áreas.Mostra-se ainda que a presença de mecanismos físicos de difusão beneficia tanta a precisão da solução da equação de advecção como a precisão global do MEL.Finalmente, demonstra-se a eficácia da aplicação do MEL (numa forma particular, restricta a esquemas de interpolação compactos) à simulação do transporte de poluentes em águas costeiras. 0 método permite, em particular, realizar simulações longas (várias marés) a custos moderados, mesma para malhas irregulares com elevado número de nós, e, também, evitar a necessidade do uso de difusividades artificiais como garante de estabilidade; em geral, e nestes dois aspectos em particular, o método revela-se superior a métodos Eulerianos, mais convencionais (por exemplo, métodos de elementos finitos, do tipo Galrkin ou Petrov-Galerkin, aplicados à equação de transporte indivisa).
Ano: 1986
Autor(es): Melo Baptista, A.
Editor: ******
Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões
No âmbito de um projecto de investigação intitulado caracterizarão de Formações Estuárias e do Meio Marítimo Litoral Por Técnicas de Detecção Remota , insere-se o estu¬do da avaliação de suspensões na água do mar com recurso à aplicação de técnicas de detecção remota como meio de caracterização de parâmetros de qualidade de água. 0 trabalho que se apresenta foi desenvolvido com os seguintes objectivos:1- Desenvolvimento de metodologias de análise e quantificação de suspensões na água do mar a partir de dados de satélite;2- Implementação sob forma de programas para computador de modelos de quantificação de suspensões orgânicas e inorgânicas na água do mar, a aplicar aos dados do radiómetro CZCS do satélite NIMBUS-7;3- Aplicação e verificação do modelo ao litoral português.Corn vista à consecussão destes objectivos, começa-se por apresentar uma extensa análise das formas de abordagem do problema, enumerando-se os diversos métodos actualmente seguidos, nomeadamente o Empírico, o Teórico e, neste, os métodos microscópico e macroscópico.Com base nesta análise, propõe-se um modelo numérico de quantificção das suspensões a partir dos dados do radiómetro CZCS do satélite NIMBUS-7, o qual, embora empírico na sua formulação como a maioria dos actualmente existentes, se apoia no comportamento radiomótrico da água do mar e dos seus constituintes típicos, cujas características se apresentam também.A implementação prática do modelo exige a filtragem da componente atmosférica presente nos dados rediométricos. Com este objectivo, apresenta-se um modelo baseado na metodo¬logia correntemente utilizada. Consiste na consideração da difusão simples, causada pelos constituintes básicos da atmosfera (moléculas gasosas, aerosóis e ozono) na gama de comprimentos de onda considerada (440, 520, 550 e 670nm). Esta metodologia conduz, porém, a um sistema de equações indeterminado e que é resolvido pela consideração de uma equação ´exterior´ ao processo de transferência radiativa que tem lugar na atmasfera. Para este efeito, utilizou-se a equação de Smith e Wilson por ser a mais divulgada, ressalvando-se, contudo, a necessidade de verificação da sua efectiva aplicação às águas do litoral português, o oqe não foi possível concretizar dada a inexistência de dados.
Ano: 1986
Autor(es): Oliveira, E. M.
Editor: ******
Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water
A numerical method for the solution of the two-dimensional, unsteady, transport equation is formulated, and its accuracy is tested.The method uses a Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, in which the transport equation is divided into a diffusion equation (solved by a finite element method) and a convection equation (solved by the method of characteristics). This approach leads to results that are free of spurious oscillations and excessive numerical damping, even in the case where advection strongly dominates diffusion. For pure diffusion problems, optimal accuracy is approached as the time-step, At, goes to zero; conversely, for pure-convection problems, accuracy improves with increasing At; for convection-diffusion problems the At leading to optimal accuracy depends on the characteristics of the spatial discretization and on the relative importance of convection and diffusion.The method is cost-effective in modeling pollutant transport in coastal waters, as demonstrated by an illustrative application to a case study (sludge dumping in Massachusetts Bay). Numerical diffusion is eliminated or greatly reduced, raising the need for realistic estimation of dispersion coefficients. Costs (based on CPU time) should not exceed those of conventional Eulerian methods and, in some cases (e.g., problems involving predictions over several tidal cycles), considerable savings may even be achieved.
Ano: 1984
Autor(es): Melo Baptista, A.
Editor: ******
Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
0 principal objectivo desta tese é mostrar a habilidade do métodos dos elementos finitos e do método dos elementos de fronteira na modelação das ondas gravíticas de superfície.Na análise linear, as equações reduzidas do movimento ondulatório são resolvidas pelo método dos elementos finitos, levando em linha de conta a reflexão parcial, a radiação e o atrito de fundo. A modelação da radiação é feita com elementos infinitos ou com elementos de radiação, sendo estes encarados como um caso particular dos elementos de reflexão. 0 atrito de fundo é introduzido após a discretização e é levado a efeito através de um coeficiente empírico que se pode relacionar com o coeficiente de Chezy.Quer o modelo determinístico quer o modelo estocástico, obtido do primeiro com base na noção do estimador natural, permitem a realização de ensaios de ressonância ou de agitação. Nos ensaios de ressonância de uma bacia portuária tem particular interesse o conhecimento do espectro de resposta ao ruído bran¬co de banda limitada.A título de exemplo de aplicação mostram-se alguns aspectos do estudo das condições de ressonância do porto de Leixões.Logo que não sejam válidas as hipóteses simplificativas que permitem uma abordagem linear das ondas gravíticas de superfície, são resolvidas as equações não lineares do movimento ondulatório com superfície livre, pelo método dos elementos de fronteira. As suas peculiaridades permitem, sem qualquer dúvida, considerar o método dos elementos de fronteira como o mais vocacionado para este tipo de análise.Os programas de cálculo automático para o estudo da análise não linear estão ainda em fase de teste, pelo que não se apresentam exemplos de aplicação.
Ano: 1982
Autor(es): Portela, A.
Editor: ******
Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries
Este trabalho é dirigido principalmente para o uso da simulação numérica dos escoamentos em estuários como uma ferramenta pa¬ra estudos de engenharia. Fazem-se algumas considerações gerais sobre a definição e classificação de estuários seguidas por uma descrição sumária da hidrodinâmica dos estuários. Descrevem-se e comparam-se as várias técnicas utilizadas na solução de problemas de hidradinâmica de stuários.Faz-se a dedução formal de um modelo matemático do escoamento em estuários homogéneos e integram-se verticalmente as suas e¬quações, obtendo-se as conhecidas equações do escoamento em águas pouco profundas ("shallow water equations"). Estas equações são discretizadas utilizando os métodos dos elementos finitos e das diferenças finitas, respectivamente no espaço e no tempo.Faz-se a descrição de um sistema de cálculo para determinar a solução do modelo matemático discretizado e tecem-se várias considerações acerca do seu desenvolvimento e uso.Finalmente apresentam-se os resultados de alguns testes utilizados para verificar o funcionamento do sistema de cálculo.
Ano: 1981
Autor(es): Figueira, P.
Editor: ******
Modelo matemático de evolução de linhas de costa. Aplicação a casos de alimentação artificial de praias.
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Vicente, C.
Programa provisional para estudos sobre infra-escavações.
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Pires Elias, N.; Oliveira, E. M.
Restabelecimento da ligação da lagoa de Óbidos ao mar. Dragagens de canais interiores
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Vicente, C.; Clímaco, M.
Scoping study on integrated environmental assessment of coastal zones.
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Silva, M. C.; de Vrees, L.; Medina, J. M.
Scoping study on integrated environmental assessment of coastal zones.
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Silva, M. C.; de Vrees, L.; Medina, J. M.
Standardisation of consolidation tests and sample characterisation.
Ano: 1995
Autor(es): Costa, R. G.; Freire, P.
Aperfeiçoamento de metodologias de modelação aplicáveis a projectos de alimentação artificial de praias
Ano: 1994
Autor(es): Vicente, C.; Clímaco, M.
Avaliação das reservas submarinas de areia na costa sul da Ilha da Madeira. Trecho: Cabo Girão - Madalena do Mar
Ano: 1994
Autor(es): Vicente, C.; Clímaco, M.
Caracterização de aspectos fisiográficos de praias da costa portuguesa. Orla litoral da ria de Aveiro
Ano: 1994
Autor(es): Vicente, C.; Clímaco, M.
Dique-Leste Taipa-Coaloane: Estudo Hidráulico e Sedimentológico em Modelo Físico.
Ano: 1994
Autor(es): Oliveira, E. M.
Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics
Ano: 2015
Autor(es): Fortunato, A. B.; Bertin, X.; Coco , G.; Concejo, A.; Dias, J. M.; Fernandes, E.; Larson, M.; Matias, A.; Oliveira, A.; Silva, P. A.; Dias, J. A.; Azeiteiro, U.; Costa , M.; Boski, T.
Keywords: coastal; Estuarine