Relatório de atividades: Programa de Capacitação dos Laboratórios de Engenharia dos PALOP e Administração Pública de Timor-Leste 2014-2015
Neste relatório apresentam-se as atividades realizadas no ano de 2014/2015 no âmbito do Programa deCapacitação dos Laboratórios de Engenharia dos PALOP e Administração Pública de Timor-Leste,implementadas com recursos do Fundo Especial da CPLP, com a coordenação do Laboratório Nacional deEngenharia Civil (LNEC), na qualidade de instituição Proponente. Tem-se assim em vista fornecer aoSecretariado Executivo da CPLP elementos que permitam a realização do acompanhamento e monitorizaçãodas Atividades e a avaliação do cumprimento da metodologia e procedimentos propostos bem como o alcance dos resultados e objetivos previstos
Ano: 2015
Autor(es): Antunes, M. L.; Portugal, J. C.; França Martins, M.
Segurança estrutural e sísmica das construções nas intervenções de reabilitação - Enquadramento jurídico da reabilitação urbana síntese dos instrumentos jurídicos e conceitos relevantes
O presente relatório, elaborado no âmbito de um estudo em curso no LNEC sobre a segurança sísmica das construções nas intervenções de reabilitação, sintetiza os instrumentos jurídicos e os conceitos relevantes para a análise do atual regime jurídico da reabilitação urbana (RJRU), e do regime excecional de reabilitação urbana (RERU).
Ano: 2015
Autor(es): Coelho, E.
Keywords: Instrumentos legais; Reabilitação urbana; Segurança sísmica
Tactical planning of urban water services at utility level.
The scope of this TRUST series of best practice manuals is the integrated planning of urban water services, focusing on Infrastructure Asset Management (IAM). IAM aims at ensuring that infrastructures are managed in such a way that sustainability of the service is ensured by maximizing service performance at the minimum cost and with acceptable risk levels, in the long term. This manual is addressed to the utilities of urban water services whose main activity is based on network infrastructures. Urban water services include water supply, wastewater and storm water management. This manual provides guidance on the tactical planning process that utilities need to carry out in order to ensure sustainable water services in the medium-term, assuring an alignment with the strategic plan.
Ano: 2015
Autor(es): Alegre, H.; Brito, R.; Covas, D.
Keywords: Urban water services; Tactical planning; Medium-term planning; Infrastructure Asset Management (IAM)
Utilização do cluster Medusa a partir de ambiente Windows com o Eclipse
O LNEC mantém desde 2007 uma infraestrutura cluster, o Medusa, com o objectivo de proporcionar aos seus investigadores acesso a capacidades modernas de computação científica para resolução de problemas de engenharia. No entanto, algumas características do cluster têm atrasado a sua adoção generalizada pelos investigadores, sendo uma delas a necessidade de utilizar um ambiente Linux para interagir com o Medusa da forma convencional. Neste relatório é introduzida uma alternativa a esta forma convencional de utilização do Medusa, recorrendo ao ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado (IDE) Eclipse e à ferramenta Parallel Tools Platform (PTP), que permite evitar a interacção com o ambiente Linux e utilizar o cluster a partir de um ambiente mais familiar, como o Windows. A expetativa é que esta solução alternativa contribua para facilitar a transição dos investigadores para o Medusa, conduzindo a um melhor aproveitamento dos recursos computacionais disponíveis no laboratório e à exploração de novas possibilidades no domínio da resolução de problemas de cálculo complexos.
Ano: 2015
Autor(es): Inês, A.; Coelho, J.
Keywords: Eclipse; Computação paralela; Medusa
Análise e acompanhamento dos trabalhos de reabilitação para melhoria da situação ambiental envolvente aos furos de abastecimento de água do concelho de Praia da Vitória, Açores - 1.º Relatório
O presente estudo tem por objeto dar seguimento ao trabalho de análise e de acompanhamento dosprocessos de reabilitação das águas subterrâneas, que vêm sendo desenvolvidos desde há algunsanos, através de uma assessoria técnica anual em curso desde 2012 para a Entidade Reguladorados Serviços de Águas e Resíduos dos Açores (ERSARA).Este é o 1.º Relatório elaborado no âmbito do ajuste direto n.º AjD/ERSARA/2014/07, tendo comoobjetivo estabelecer o Caderno de Encargos para realização de análises químicas em águassubterrâneas do concelho de Praia da Vitória, ilha Terceira, Açores.O objetivo destas análises químicas é a monitorização semestral das águas subterrâneas, visando ocomplemento e a fiscalização dos dados de qualidade das águas obtidos pela Força AéreaAmericana (dentro dos locais contaminados) e da entidade gestora da água para consumo humano(furos de captação), na perspetiva da salvaguarda da água para consumo humano, incluindo arepetição de algumas das análises de TCE e PCE realizadas pela entidade gestora nos furos decaptação. Os elementos fornecidos no caderno de encargos visam: (1) fornecer as especificaçõestécnicas e os elementos necessários para dar resposta ao pedido de realização de um conjunto deanálises químicas em amostras de águas subterrâneas; (2) definir os responsáveis pela recolha deamostras; (3) explicitar as informações necessárias e as responsabilidades do laboratório a contratare (4) definir os parâmetros de referência que serão utilizados pelo LNEC para a seleção dolaboratório.
Ano: 2014
Autor(es): Leitão, T. E.
Keywords: Praia da vitória; Águas subterrâneas; Reabilitação; Assessoria
Ano: 2014
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Ramos, A.; Gabriel. S.; Simão, J.; Passarinho, A.; Lemos, R.; Fortes, C. J. E. M.
Avaliação ambiental do plano estratégico dos transportes e infraestruturas - Relatório Ambiental
Por solicitação da Secretaria de Estado dos Transportes, Obras Públicas e Comunicações, doMinistério da Economia do Governo de Portugal, entidade responsável pelo
Ano: 2014
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Macedo, A. L.; Arsénio, E.; Rodrigues, M.; Patrício, J.; Campos, V.; Cabaço, A.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Avaliação ambiental; Infraestruturas; Infraestruturas; Planeamento estratégico
BioBuild Project Deliverable Report 3.5
The overall aim of the BioBuild project is to create a set of new bio-composite construction systems that can replace high-embodied energy materials by significantly improving the environmental impact and sustainability of the building industry. The project aims to fulfil this goal by introducing and broadening the use of bio-composite material systems in order to reduce the overall embodied energy associated to facades, supporting structure and internal partition systems by at least 50 % over benchmark solutions. The result of the project would be a set of low cost, lightweight, durable and sustainable biocomposite building systems for both new-build and refurbished structures, based on panels, profiles, frames and sandwich structures, with full technical and environmental validation. Throughout the project, and particularly within WP 2 and 3, the natural fibres have been optimised in terms of mechanical performance as well as surface treatment, while the resins have been tailored to achieve the best durability and compatibility with the reinforcements, as well as improved resistance to biodegradation. In general the materials have been optimized to improve other relevant performance such as: mechanical performance, fire resistance, biodegradation resistance, fibre-matrix interface, so that they can be used in a wide range of building components.
Ano: 2014
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Stevenson, A.; Pina dos Santos, C.; Carra, G.; Pereira, J.; Custódio, J.; Viegas, J.; Patrício, J.; Ribeiro Nunes, L. M.; Real, L. P.; Veras, M.; Rodrigues, M. P.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Building construction elements; Bio-composites
Deliverable 4.3.5 Real-time monitoring and forecast platform to support early warning of faecal contamination in recreational waters
Controlling urban floods and managing direct discharges of effluents intoreceiving waters from combined sewer overflows (CSO) are two majorchallenges faced by urban water management utilities. Discharges from largecities can have significant environmental impacts on marginal water bodies,affecting the quality of life in general, and recreational activities in particular(Marsalek and Rochfort, 2004; David and Matos, 2005; Passerat et al., 2011).These impacts can be exacerbated by climate change. First, the growingmagnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events (Groisman et al.,2005; Frei et al., 2006) will increase the number and severity of the discharges.Secondly, sea level rise and the resulting increase of salinity intrusion into thesewers can degrade the performance of wastewater infrastructures, affectinggate and pump operations and advanced biological wastewater treatmentprocedures.The ability to jointly manage an entire urban drainage and treatment system,towards an efficient and environmental-friendly operation of theseinfrastructures in a climate-change context, is often limited by the lack ofreliable real-time information. Existing information systems are frequentlydevoted to specific parts of the network, lacking synoptic and cross-domaindata. In addition, data and prediction tools are usually focused on physicalvariables alone. Water quality information is, at best, supported by verysimple modelling approaches and limited sensors. More often, thisinformation is sparse and not organized to provide efficient command andcontrol procedures, taking into account climate change effects in the variousdomains.Timely prediction and monitoring of environmental conditions, as well asanticipation of hazardous events, are essential parts of recreational watersmanagement. Monitoring and forecasting platforms can provide the necessaryinformation for safe and efficient economic activities, and the protection ofvaluable natural assets, including the preservation of ecosystems andrecreational areas.To this end, an innovative, real-time, coupled urban and estuarine platformwas developed to support the integrated water quality management ofwastewater systems, from the upstream catchment to the receiving waters.The platform efficiently integrates the monitoring and modelling of thedifferent physical and water quality processes from the catchment to thereceiving waters, at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales. It providesreal-time web access to on-line hydrodynamic and water quality monitoringnetworks and short-term model predictions, based on a coupled modellingsystem that includes relevant interactions between the urban drainage systemand the receiving waters, automatically compared with available on-linenetwork data. This innovative decision support tool for urban drainagesystems management is organized to provide tailor-made, automatic servicesto support the major operation tasks, drilled-down to the necessary details fordecision support.The forecasting engine behind the platform provides hydrodynamic andfaecal contamination predictions in all components of the systems (drainagenetwork, wastewater treatment plant and estuary), accounting for allinteractions between them. Prediction models are forced by regional forecastswhenever possible, and by real-time data otherwise. The accuracy of thepredictions is verified through continuous, automatic comparison with datafrom the innovative on-line monitoring network, including both physical andwater quality sensors (Rodrigues et al., 2014).Based on the platform
Ano: 2014
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Oliveira, A.; Rogeiro, J.; Jesus, G.; Fortunato, A. B.; David, L. M.; Rodrigues, M.; Costa, J.; Mota, T.; Gomes, J. L.; Matos, R. S.
Keywords: Real-time monitoring and forecast platform to support early warning of faecal contamination in recreational waters
DRYMASS Drying of porous building materials possibly contaminated with soluble salts (PTDC/ECM/100553/2008): Final Report
The research project DRYMASS Drying of porous building materials possibly contaminated with soluble salts (PTDC/ECM/100553/2008) took place from February 2010 to January 2014. The project allowed advancing the knowledge on drying of porous building materials, as well as about how soluble salts and some types of surface layers affect that behaviour. A new method to characterize salt decay processes by optical profilometry was proposed, and the usefulness of NMR to clarify the causes of such processes demonstrated. There was also a provisional patent application, which was based on research results about the influence that lime coatings have on drying. The main findings of the project were specifically the following. Lime coatings may accelerate the drying of porous substrates. Also due to their high drying rate, ordinary building materials have a high evaporative cooling potential. With salt solutions, the drying kinetics of porous building materials is slower than with pure water. One of the causes is the reduction in sorptivity. Occasionally, there is also obstruction to vapour transport by the efflorescence. However, in most cases, porous efflorescence occurs, which pose no obstruction to this transport. Further, fissures or disaggregation may accelerate drying. Soluble salts amplify the effects that the natural heterogeneity of porous materials has on the drying kinetics. Due to the chaotic nature of the process, lime coatings will not necessarily enhance drying in this case. Sodium sulfate can be very destructive in the absence of high temperature or successive wet/dry cycles. A delamination pattern similar to those found in real constructions was observed on the well-known Ançã limestone. NMR showed that mirabilite and heptahydrate can both be responsible for this delamination pattern, in different conditions. Thermal expansion may be one of the mechanisms involved in salt decay processes.
Ano: 2014
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Gonçalves, T. D.
Keywords: Final report; Fct; Research project; Soluble salts; Porous building materials; Drying