The Hydraulic Metrology Laboratory (UHM) of LNEC-EM is a laboratory integrated in the Hydraulics and Environment Department. It is equipped with infrastructure able to perform several types of hydraulic testing and calibration, standing out for their importance:
A Hydraulic Testing Bench has been partially structured for future use in the calibration of standards and of flow measuring equipment in open surface flow. As a national reference infrastructure, having the experimental and metrological capabilities to perform highly accurate flow measurements, this laboratory is integrated in the LNEC-EM Quality Field of expertiseUHM develops activity in several areas, in particular:
In the particular case of activity in support to R & D & I, developed at UHM, it comprises experimental activities of a metrological nature which are associated with planned research and research under contract projects within the Civil Engineering domain. Calibration and testingUHM laboratory performs calibration and metrological testing of standards, measuring systems and equipment, this activity being particularly focused on the measurement of flow rates and pressure magnitudes, and presenting the operational capabilities as follows:
Other servicesThe Metrological Hydraulics Laboratory conducts other advisory and consultation activities (both at LNEC and in the field), as well as studies and technical expertise, within the metrological field, either applied to flow or to integrated measurement networks. |