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Departamento de Hidráulica e Ambiente Departamento de Hidráulica e Ambiente
Núcleo de Estuários e Zonas Costeiras
Núcleo de Estuários e Zonas Costeiras


Artigos de Revista
Info Generating inundationmapsforacoastallagoon:AcasestudyintheRiade Aveiro (Portugal) + Info: Generating inundationmapsforacoastallagoon:AcasestudyintheRiade Aveiro (Portugal)
Info Geomorphological response of the salt-marshes in the Tagus estuary to sea level rise + Info: Geomorphological response of the salt-marshes in the Tagus estuary to sea level rise
Info Numerical modelling of shoreline evolution in the Aveiro coast, Portugal + Info: Numerical modelling of shoreline evolution in the Aveiro coast, Portugal
Info Scale effects in numerical modelling of beach profile erosion + Info: Scale effects in numerical modelling of beach profile erosion
Info Use of the velocity defect law to assess sand transport rates + Info: Use of the velocity defect law to assess sand transport rates
Info Wave-current interactions in a wave-dominated tidal inlet + Info: Wave-current interactions in a wave-dominated tidal inlet
Info Development and validation of a three-dimensional morphodynamic modelling system for non-cohesive sediments + Info: Development and validation of a three-dimensional morphodynamic modelling system for non-cohesive sediments
Info Erosão de dunas com os modelos XBeach e Litprof + Info: Erosão de dunas com os modelos XBeach e Litprof
Info Flood hazard assessment and management of fetch-limited coastal environments + Info: Flood hazard assessment and management of fetch-limited coastal environments
Info Importance of wave age and resonance in storm surges: The case Xynthia, Bay of Biscay + Info: Importance of wave age and resonance in storm surges: The case Xynthia, Bay of Biscay

Info On the Portuguese Wave Regime + Info: On the Portuguese Wave Regime
Info Means of Controlling Littoral Drift to Protect Beaches, Dunes, Estuaries and Harbour Entrances. Establishment of Artificial Beaches + Info: Means of Controlling Littoral Drift to Protect Beaches, Dunes, Estuaries and Harbour Entrances. Establishment of Artificial Beaches
Info Sobre o Cálculo do Comprimento de Onda na Teoria Linear, + Info: Sobre o Cálculo do Comprimento de Onda na Teoria Linear,
Info Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Behaviour of Inclined Groyne Systems + Info: Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Behaviour of Inclined Groyne Systems
Info Natural Flushing Ability in Tidal Inlets + Info: Natural Flushing Ability in Tidal Inlets
Info The Probabilistic Approach in the Design of Maritime Structures + Info: The Probabilistic Approach in the Design of Maritime Structures
Info Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Behaviour of Groyne Systems + Info: Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Behaviour of Groyne Systems
Info Caractéristiques de l´Agitation Maritime dans la Côte Ouest du Portugal Metropolitan + Info: Caractéristiques de l´Agitation Maritime dans la Côte Ouest du Portugal Metropolitan
Info Praia da Victória Harbour (Azores). Damages in the Breakwater Due to the Storm of 26th-27th December 1962 + Info: Praia da Victória Harbour (Azores). Damages in the Breakwater Due to the Storm of 26th-27th December 1962

Info MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira + Info: MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira

Capítulos de Livros
Info Evaluating the geomorphologic stability of an estuarine sandy beach. Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Teses de Doutoramento
Info Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments + Info: Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments
Info A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach + Info: A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach
Info Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters + Info: Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters
Info Alimentação artificial de praias + Info: Alimentação artificial de praias
Info Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics + Info: Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics
Info Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution + Info: Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution
Info Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões + Info: Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões
Info Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water + Info: Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water
Info Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos + Info: Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
Info Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries + Info: Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries

Info Project Molines: Modelling floods in estuaries. From the hazard to the critical management - Final Report + Info: Project Molines: Modelling floods in estuaries. From the hazard to the critical management - Final Report
Info Transporte sedimentar potencial a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego + Info: Transporte sedimentar potencial a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego
Info Evolução costeira do Douro ao Cabo Mondego - Proposta de uma metodologia de estudo + Info: Evolução costeira do Douro ao Cabo Mondego - Proposta de uma metodologia de estudo
Info Monitorização da hidrodinâmica da abertura e aprofundamento dos canais da zona inferior da Lagoa de Óbidos - Relatório 1 + Info: Monitorização da hidrodinâmica da abertura e aprofundamento dos canais da zona inferior da Lagoa de Óbidos - Relatório 1
Info RealQual: Towards real-time high-resolution monitoring and prediction of water quality in estuaries and coastal areas - Final Report + Info: RealQual: Towards real-time high-resolution monitoring and prediction of water quality in estuaries and coastal areas - Final Report
Info Modelação numérica da circulação e do transporte na Ria Formosa + Info: Modelação numérica da circulação e do transporte na Ria Formosa
Info Prepared Project: Deliverable 4.3.4 On-line monitoring of CSO: sewer and receiving waters + Info: Prepared Project: Deliverable 4.3.4 On-line monitoring of CSO: sewer and receiving waters
Info Análise granulométrica por difração laser em ensaios em canal anular - Sedimento do Esteiro dos Frades, Ria de Aveiro + Info: Análise granulométrica por difração laser em ensaios em canal anular - Sedimento do Esteiro dos Frades, Ria de Aveiro
Info Estudo da Lagoa de Albufeira Estudo da dinâmica da barra de maré e das suas relações com a agitação marítima incidente e as marés (Batimetria de todo o sistema lagunar) + Info: Estudo da Lagoa de Albufeira Estudo da dinâmica da barra de maré e das suas relações com a agitação marítima incidente e as marés (Batimetria de todo o sistema lagunar)

Info Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics