Quality Assessment Guide for Water and Waste Services Provided to Users: 4th Generation Assessment System
The Technical Guide presents the 4th generation of the service quality assessment system, which abandons some 3rd generation indicators and adds new ones to respond to the latest challenges to supply services, urban waste water management and urban waste management. Changes are also made to definitions and benchmarks for some indicators are adjusted.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Cardoso, M. A.; Rosa, M. J.; Brito, R.; Silva, C.; Beceiro, P.; Jorge, C.; Alegre, H.; Martinho, G.; Pina, J.; Silveira, A.; Alves, A.V.; Brito Ana, J.; Ramos, M.; Carrega, M.
Keywords: Benchmarking; Performance indicators; Waste services; Water services; Quality assessment
Territorial capacity and inclusion: Co-creation of public space with teenagers
This book provides insights regarding the involvement of teenagers in the co-creation of public open spaces. It brings together conceptual reflections and an exploratory case study in Lisbon. It is an attempt to point out the intangible benefits of engaging young people in placemaking to academics, practitioners, policymakers, students, and all parties concerned with urban development. This book aims at inspiring progressive placemaking and co-creation processes. It attempts to reframe the debate on how vulnerable members of the community access public spaces, what their needs are, and what their response would be to a more people-centred urban design. It is with respect to these points that the book Territorial capacity and inclusion: Co-creating a public space with teenagers explores and analyses the engagement of teenagers in the production of public spaces. A group who rarely have opportunities to be heard and for their views to be considered. On these particular matters, the teenagers
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
vol. 6.
Autor(es): Costa, C.; Menezes, M.; Batista, J.
Revista: Series Culture and Territory
Editor: Lusófona University Press.
Weathering of Polymers and Plastic Materials
This book presents the state of the art on the weathering of polymers and plastic materials in outdoor applications, comprising natural weathering, accelerated climatic weathering, laboratory artificial accelerated weathering, and lifetime prediction methodology. It summarizes the most suitable methods of instrumental analysis to access and quantify (when possible) degradation caused by weathering, while also covering the degradation and stabilization of polymers based on environmental and artificially induced factors. Innovative polymer additives and some developments in polymeric materials designed for outdoor applications are also included, emphasizing a few selected cases. the book intends to be an important reference source for those involved in the study of the durability of polymers and plastics, production of plastics for exterior applications, chemists responsible for quality control of plastic products, and researchers and students across plastics engineering, polymer science, polymer chemistry and environmental science.
Ano: 2023
Número Páginas:
XXIV, 136.
Autor(es): Real, L. P.
Revista: Weathering of Polymers and Plastic Materials
Keywords: Lifetime prediction; Correlation; Durability; Polymer degradation; Polymer stabilization; Plastics; Artificial weathering; Climatic weathering
Alojamentos de Estudantes do Ensino Superior. Guia de Apoio à Aplicação das Normas Técnicas
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Branco Pedro, J.; Cabaço, A.; Poças, A.; Pinto, A.; Santos, A.; Cordeiro, E.; Grandão Lopes, J.; Patrício, J.
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Guia; Normalização; Edifício universitário; Construção de edifício
International Symposium Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage - Extended Abstracts
This volume contains the extended abstracts submitted to the Symposium
Ano: 2022
Autor(es): Costa, D.; Delgado Rodrigues, J.
Keywords: Stone deterioration; Compatibility; Treatments; Treatments effectiveness; Consolidation protocols; Consolidation products; stone conservation
International Symposium Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage - Full Papers
This volume contains the full papers submitted to the Symposium.
Ano: 2022
Autor(es): Menezes, M.; Delgado Rodrigues, J.
Keywords: Stone deterioration; Stone deteriorationpatibility; Treatments compatibility; Treatments effectiveness; Consolidation protocols; Stone consolidation; Consolidation products
International Symposium Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage
This volume contains the contributions of personalities with longcareers dedicated to the conservation of Cultural Heritage. Thesecontributions were prepared by invitation of the OrganisingCommittee and reflect the personal perspectives of the authors ontopics, events, and achievements relevant for the history ofconservation of Cultural Heritage.
Ano: 2022
Autor(es): Delgado Rodrigues, J.
Keywords: history of stone conservation; cultural heritage; stone conservation
Materiais de interesse histórico que constroem o património edificado: Correlações, usos, paisagens
Os artigos que compõem esta edição foram criteriosamente selecionados e aprimorados, seguindo igual metodologia de trabalho do número anterior, contribuindo para compor um dossier temático de elevado interesse e qualidade. No seu conjunto, os vários textos sublinham o papel dos materiais históricos na construção multidimensional do território humanizado, ligando os aspetos tangíveis e intangíveis, transportando saber e gosto, tradição e inovação. Estes artigos, bem como os do primeiro volume, são também uma fonte reflexão e de conhecimento sobre alguns dos materiais de construção mais empregues no Património abrindo, nalguns casos, novas perspetivas para futuras investigações nesta área do conhecimento.
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Veiga, M. R.; Santos Silva, A.; Menezes, M.
Revista: Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal
Editor: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Vol. II, Nº 17.
Keywords: Calçada Portuguesa; Ouro Preto, Brasil; Baixa Pombalina; Mansardas; Fábrica de cerâmica Lusitânia; Lisboa; Mármore; Raul Lino; Azulejo; Património; Materiais de construção
Recycled Materials for Construction Applications - Plastic Products and Composites.
In this work, a general approach to the recyclability of plastics and composites used in construction, with the purpose of their reuse, is made.The various recycling technologies applicable to the plastic materials, most used in construction, and their various stages are described, detailing for the main polymers, and indicating the difficulties inherent in these processes. In this context, several Illustrative cases of success and examples of recent technological innovation are presented.It also addresses the issue of quality control, certification, and standardization adopted in Europe for recycled plastics.Some market data are presented, namely the production capacity, data for bio-based plastics and polymers, the quantities of recycled plastic and, for each type of polymer, statistics data on recycling and market barriers of recycled materials, also referring to the variables that most influence recycling costs and the price of recycled materials.The conclusions drawn from this work are of several types. In a succinct way, they demonstrate that recycling is a fundamental resource to minimize waste and reduce environmental pollution, constituting a strategic approach to the management of waste from plastic construction products at the end of its useful life.The main challenges and future perspectives that arise from the most recent developments in this area are made.Finally, the most relevant strategic recommendations are presented in order to continue and concretize the resolution of the problem of recycling plastics and seek to achieve the objectives of the circular economy, which involves the development of the specialized market for recycling and recycled plastics and, consequently, promote the purchase and sale operations of economic agents and interested parties (sellers, buyers, consumers, associations, recyclers, manufacturers of production machinery, etc.) in order to also increase the recycling and recyclability of plastic waste.
Ano: 2022
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Real, L. P.
Revista: Recycled Materials for Construction Applications - Plastic Products and Composites.
Editor: Springer
Keywords: Environmental impact; Recycling; Circular economy; Construction; Sustainability; Composites; Plastics
Thermal and Visual Adaptive Comfort: Field Studies in Portugal
Personal well-being, health and productivity of building occupants depend to a large extent on available thermal and visual conditions.Thermal and visual requirements have changed across centuries. Last century, as a result of the economic growth that occurred in developed societies, the satisfaction of those requirements gained importance. In a society and period where energy was abundant and cheap, the easiest way to provide desired indoor conditions consisted in the systematic use of artificial conditioning (AC) and electric lighting. As a consequence, resulting energy consumption became significant.Actually, the growing tendency for the use of AC systems, particularly in office buildings, transports and, more recently, in residential buildings and the systematic and the permanent use of electric lighting proceed.Although this fact may derive from a change in user comfort requirements and expectations, they may also reveal design and lifestyle trends conducting to unsustainable options concerning construction, rehabilitation and everyday use of buildings.As a matter of fact, some contradictory aspects can be detect: intolerance in relation to exterior/interior climate variations, the option of non-climate-conscious building solutions and the creation of controlled indoor climates which frequently do not provide the desired well-being conditions (in working, leisure or living places) and unnecessary and excessive energy consumption...
Ano: 2022
Autor(es): Matias, L.; Santos, A.; Guedes, M.
Revista: Achieving Building Comfort by Natural Means, Innovative Renewable Energy
Editor: Springer Nature
Keywords: unsustainable; energy consumption; electric lighting; artificial conditioning (AC); thermal and visual conditions