JP Lobo Ferreira LNEC Webinar CUNENE_2020_vf from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. |
OUTPUT FROM LNEC'S RESEARCH PROJECTS: INTERVIEWS AND ORAL PRESENTATIONS 1) Portugal National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC): Creating Sustainable & Resilient Green Infrastructure Addressing Severe Climate Change Impacts for Portugal, European Union, and the World [5.12.19] Dr. Joao-Paulo Lobo Ferreira from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. 56:57 min
Program Overview: Portugal National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) has the mission to undertake, coordinate, and promote scientific research and technological development, aiming for continuous improvement, and the good practice of Civil Engineering. It is also LNEC’s responsibility to pursue the public interest, by providing services of Science and Technology to public and private, national and foreign entities, contributing to innovation, dissemination of knowledge, and technology transfer. ![]() Segment ‘1’: Dr. Joao-Paulo Lobo Ferreira, Ing., Principal Research Officer & Director, International Relations, LNEC, (Portugal National Civil Engineering Laboratory), (By Skype)*, Theme: "Environment along with Surface and Groundwater Resources Research in Portugal´s National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC)” |
2) Interview by Dr. Samuel Lee Hancock, CM with the Director of LNEC Structures Department (LNEC/DE) Dr. Manuel Catarino 12:39 min segment_1_Jose_Catarino from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo
Emerald_Planet_June_5_2016_Kazakhstan_LNEC_versao_2 from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. |
4) Aim of LNEC Session on "Output of LNEC Research Projects” by Dr. JP Lobo Ferreira (LNEC/CD/GAPI) 15:45min Dr. JP Lobo Ferreira (LNEC/GAPI) Aim of LNEC Session on "Output of LNEC Research Projects” from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. 5) "Contribution of LNEC Building Department to the development of Sustainable & Resilient green solutions”, by Dr. Jorge Grandão Lopes, Director of LNEC Buildings Department (LNEC/DED).
20:50 min Dr. Jorge Grandão Lopes, Director of LNEC Buildings Department. from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. |
6) "Selected Research Projects of the Urban and Territorial Studies Unit”, by Dr. Delta Sousa e Silva (LNEC/DED/NUT) 11:44 min 7) "Structural Health Monitoring: a tool for a sustainable bridge management”, by Dr. Luís Oliveira Santos (LNEC/DE/NOE) 18:28 min |
8) "Azulejo Research for the candidacy to UNESCO World Heritage status”, by Dr. João Manuel Mimoso (LNEC/DM/NBPC) 19:43 min Dr. João Manuel Mimoso (DM/NBPC) "Azulejo Research for the candidacy to UNESCO World Heritage status” from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. 15:06 min from João-Paulo Lobo-Ferreira on Vimeo. |
10) "Managed Aquifer Recharge for Drought Mitigation and Groundwater Quality Rehabilitation”, by Dr. Teresa Leitão (LNEC/DHA/NRE) 9:03 min 11) "Construction and Demolition Recycled Materials (C&DRM) in Road Pavements”, by Dr. Ana Cristina Freire (LNEC/DT/NIT)
13) OUTPUT PT2 from LNEC FP7 INNO-DEMO MARSOL project (LNEC/DHA/NRE): video on Demo Site Querença-Silves limestone karstic aquifer system (Algarve) activities
15) Oral presentation made to the online International Congress on "Geoethics & Groundwater Management: theory and practice for a sustainable development”, Porto, Portugal, May 22, 2020 on "How to control groundwater quality degradation in coastal zones using Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) optimized by GALDIT Vulnerability Assessment to Saltwater Intrusion and GABA-IFI models”, by Dr. JP Lobo Ferreira (LNEC/CD) 10:03 min
OUTPUT FROM LNEC RESEARCH PROJECTS: INTERVIEWS AND ORAL PRESENTATIONS (Part 2)17) LNEC FP7 INNO-DEMO MARSOL project interview on "Modelling Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions”, by Dr. João Paulo Lobo Ferreira (LNEC/CD)4:01 min |