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Departamento de Hidráulica e Ambiente Departamento de Hidráulica e Ambiente
Núcleo de Estuários e Zonas Costeiras
Núcleo de Estuários e Zonas Costeiras


Artigos de Revista
Info Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz + Info: Dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz
Info 2DH modelling and mapping of surfbeat-driven flooding in the shadow of a jettied tidal inlet + Info: 2DH modelling and mapping of surfbeat-driven flooding in the shadow of a jettied tidal inlet
Info Effects of droughts, sea level rise, and increase in outfall discharges on phytoplankton in a temperate estuary (Tagus Estuary, Portugal) + Info: Effects of droughts, sea level rise, and increase in outfall discharges on phytoplankton in a temperate estuary (Tagus Estuary, Portugal)
Info The complexity of the coastal zone: definition of typologies in Portugal as a contribution to coastal disaster risk reduction and management + Info: The complexity of the coastal zone: definition of typologies in Portugal as a contribution to coastal disaster risk reduction and management
Info Modeling LoRa communications in estuaries for IoT environmental monitoring systems + Info: Modeling LoRa communications in estuaries for IoT environmental monitoring systems
Info Modelling the contribution of wind waves to Cap Ferret's updrift erosion + Info: Modelling the contribution of wind waves to Cap Ferret's updrift erosion
Info One step from the deep ocean: Linking research and governance for the Tagus river estuary and the Lisbon canyon system + Info: One step from the deep ocean: Linking research and governance for the Tagus river estuary and the Lisbon canyon system
Info Wave-current interactions at the Tagus Estuary Mouth (Portugal) under storm wave conditions + Info: Wave-current interactions at the Tagus Estuary Mouth (Portugal) under storm wave conditions
Info A coastal flooding database from 1980 to 2018 for the continental Portuguese coastal zone + Info: A coastal flooding database from 1980 to 2018 for the continental Portuguese coastal zone
Info Comprehensive bathymetry and intertidal topography of the Amazon estuary + Info: Comprehensive bathymetry and intertidal topography of the Amazon estuary

Info Evolução morfológica sedimentar da baía da cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde + Info: Evolução morfológica  sedimentar da baía da cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde
Info Field observations of infragravity waves during storm LESLIE in a wave-dominated inlet + Info: Field  observations of infragravity waves during storm LESLIE in a wave-dominated inlet
Info Morphodynamic modeling of the tagus estuary inlet + Info: Morphodynamic modeling of the tagus estuary inlet
Info Morphodynamics of the tagus estuary mouth: contributions from a citizen-science project + Info: Morphodynamics of the tagus estuary mouth: contributions from a citizen-science project
Info Multi-source flood risk analysis for safe coastal communities and sustainable development + Info: Multi-source flood risk analysis for safe coastal communities and sustainable development
Info Numerical assessment of the saltwater propagation in the upper Tagus estuary during droughts + Info: Numerical assessment of the saltwater propagation in the upper Tagus estuary during droughts
Info Observatórios costeiros: integração em tempo real de previsões de circulação e da qualidade da água em sistemas de classificação + Info: Observatórios costeiros: integração em tempo real de previsões de circulação e da qualidade da água em sistemas de classificação
Info OPENCoastS: on-demand forecast tool for management + Info: OPENCoastS: on-demand forecast tool for management
Info Salinity in the upper Tagus estuary + Info: Salinity  in  the  upper  Tagus estuary
Info Tagus estuary observatory: seasonal monitoring of the water quality + Info: Tagus estuary observatory: seasonal monitoring of the water quality

Info MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira + Info: MEC2011 - Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira

Capítulos de Livros
Info Evaluating the geomorphologic stability of an estuarine sandy beach. Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Teses de Doutoramento
Info Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments + Info: Three-dimensional modelling of cohesive sediment transport in estuarine environments
Info A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach + Info: A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Using a Finite-Volume Approach
Info Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters + Info: Flow-Fine Sediment Hysteresis in Sediment-Stratified Coastal Waters
Info Alimentação artificial de praias + Info: Alimentação artificial de praias
Info Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics + Info: Solution of Advection-Dominated Transport by Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods Using Backwards Method of Characteristics
Info Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution + Info: Accurate Numerical Modeling of Advection-Dominated Transport of Passive Scalars. A Contribution
Info Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões + Info: Sobre a Avaliação de Parâmetros de Qualidade de Água por Detecção Remota: Suspensões
Info Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water + Info: Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of Pollutant Transport in Shallow Water
Info Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos + Info: Sobre a Propagação de Ondas do Mar em Regiões Costeiras. Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
Info Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries + Info: Numerical simulation of the tidal flow in homogeneous estuaries

Info Extracção de areias na plataforma Continental Portuguesa: Impactos e evolução morfodinâmica - Evolução da linha de costa + Info: Extracção de areias na plataforma Continental Portuguesa: Impactos e evolução morfodinâmica - Evolução da linha de costa
Info Impacte das alterações climáticas na embocadura da Lagoa de Óbidos - Relatório de actividades do Doutor Nicolas Bruneau no projecto G-CAST + Info: Impacte das alterações climáticas na embocadura da Lagoa de Óbidos - Relatório de actividades do Doutor Nicolas Bruneau no projecto G-CAST
Info Madycos + Info: Madycos
Info Madycos + Info: Madycos
Info Caracterização hidrodinâmica e sedimentar do Esteiro dos Frades, Ria de Aveiro - Observações em 2009 + Info: Caracterização hidrodinâmica e sedimentar do Esteiro dos Frades, Ria de Aveiro - Observações em 2009
Info Coluna de sedimentação - Velocidade de queda de sedimentos do Esteiro dos Frades, Ria de Aveiro + Info: Coluna de sedimentação - Velocidade de queda de sedimentos do Esteiro dos Frades, Ria de Aveiro
Info Modelação numérica de praias encaixadas + Info: Modelação numérica de praias encaixadas

Info Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics