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Capítulos de livros

Capítulos de Livros
Info Análise comparada de um agregado de escória de aciaria como material alternativo para lastro de vias férreas do tipo heavy haul por meio de ensaios triaxiais
Info DEM modelling of the non-linear static and dynamic response of masonry structures + Info: DEM modelling of the non-linear static and dynamic response of masonry structures
Info Digital in action in a neighbourhood in transformation: Notes from Mouraria in Lisbon
Info High-performance computing applied in project ubest + Info: High-performance computing applied  in project ubest
Info Opencoasts: an open-access app for sharing coastal prediction information for management and recreation
Info Seismic and Structural Health Monitoring of Dams in Portugal + Info: Seismic and Structural Health Monitoring of Dams in Portugal
Info Shaping favorable beliefs towards seismic protection through risk communication: A pilot-experience in two Lisbon schools (Portugal).
Info Towards a framework for understanding the synergies between public spaces, people and technologies
Info Building a theory on co-creating a Cyberpark: lessons learnt from the COST Action CyberParks and the Flussbad Project, Berlin
Info Characterization of timber masonry walls with dynamic tests