Artigos de Revista
Notre propos est une invitation à réfléchir aux activités formelles/informelles dans les espaces urbains. A Lisbonne, la Place Martim Moniz - et à Rio de Janeiro, la plage de Copacabana - seront explorées, à partir de nos travaux de recherches empiriques. Nous avons revisité nos terrains pour montrer que la vie quotidienne dans ces deux villes mêlent étroitement l'informel et le formel et cela dans des proportions parfois, difficiles à évaluer mais en tous les cas, significatives selon le moment, le lieu et le type d'activités que de nombreux citadins pratiquent. Nous souhaitons commencer à construire une démarche comparative pour analyser le processus d'informalité dans deux contextes différents. Mots-clés: espace public, formalité, informalité, micro géographies quotidiennes.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Reginensi, C.; Menezes, M.
Revista: hal.archives-ouvertes
Editor: HAL - Archives - Ourvetures - França
HAL : hal-00605013, version 1.
Keywords: Micro géographies quotidiennes; Informalité; Formalité; Espace public
Properties of cork oak wood related to solid wood flooring performance
Application of cork oak wood as solid wood elements for flooring was experimentally assessed by measuring dimensional stability to air humidity and liquid water, response to loads applied while in serviceand abrasion due to people traffic using boards cut from the stem of five mature cork oak trees (Quercus suber L.). The results obtained from dimensional stability tests showed a performance of a medium movementin-service and small swelling in liquid water (2
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
569-573 pp.
Autor(es): Knapic, S.; Saporiti Machado, J.; Pereira, H.
Revista: Construction and Building Materials
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
Keywords: Level of use; Dimensional stability; Swelling; Hardness; Wear; Flooring performance; Cork oak wood
Properties of furfurylated wood (Pinus pinaster)
Sapwood samples of Pinus pinaster wood weretreated with a 70% furfuryl alcohol mixture.Weight percent gain (WPG), equilibrium moisture content, dimensional stability, MOE, bending strength, hardness, density and durability were determined.WPG was on average 38%. Equilibrium moisture content decreased more than 40%. Dimensional stability increased reaching an ASE of 45%.MOE was little affected by the treatment but bending strength increased by about 6%.Hardness increased by about 50%, and density by 37%.Mass loss due to Postia placenta and Coniophora puteana decreased by 96% and 86%, respectively. Furfurylation of Pinus pinaster wood shows an interesting potential to improve the wood quality for solid timber products.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Esteves, B.; Lina Nunes; Pereira, H.
Revista: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
Editor: Verlag
Keywords: Pinus pinaster; Furfurylated wood
Proposed Idealized Design Fire Curves for Road Tunnels
In designing tunnels for fires, the design fire needs to be quantified. Design fires form the base input for emergency ventilation, evacuation, and structural design analyses. A design fire is the idealization of a real fire that may occur in a tunnel. It describes, quantitatively, the characteristics of a particular fire with respect to time and space, e.g. fuel state (solid, liquid, or gas), fuel type and quantity, fuel configuration and location, heat release rate, rate of growth, production rate of combustion products (smoke, CO, CO2, etc.). A design fire is in general defined in terms of heat release rate, and species output as functions of time. This paper summarizes the efforts to develop a set of idealized design fire curves as a useful tool for road tunnel fire risk assessment. The developed idealized design fire curves include the following phases: (1) incubation phase, (2) growth phase, (3) fully-developed phase, and (4) decay phase.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Kashef, A.; Viegas, J.; Mos, N.; Harvey, N.
Keywords: Fire scenario; Tunnels
QUARTEIRÕES DE VIZINHANÇA I: Sobre diferentes formas de ocupação do interior de quarteirões urbanos
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
15 p..
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Revista Infohabitar
Editor: Grupo Habitar
Keywords: Quarteirões urbanos; Quarteirões habitacionais; Quarteirão; Interiores de quarteirão; Gestão de proximidade; Espaços de vizinhança; Cidade e gestão
Reabilitação integrada de bairros de interesse social: o Bairro Sá Carneiro em Marrazes Leiria (I)
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
19 p..
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Revista Infohabitar
Editor: Revista www
Keywords: Reabilitação urbana e habitacional; Reabilitação de bairros sociais; Reabilitação; Leiria; Ihru
Rehabilitation and protection of Colwyn Bay beach: a case study
Colwyn Bay beach is undergoing a process of erosion. The present study aims at characterizing the beachdynamics and developing alternative solutions for beach rehabilitation and protection. The method applied tocharacterize the foreshore morphological evolution was the assessment of the shoreline evolution, the analysis ofthe foreshore 3D evolution and the analysis of cross-shore profile evolution. The sedimentologic contents of thebeach were characterized based on the analysis of superficial samples. The hydrodynamic characterization wasbased on the analysis of the wave climate at three inshore points in front of the beach and of the tidal and surgelevels. These data provided the necessary information for the characterization of the longshore transport andevaluation of the beach active zone. The first part of developing alternative solutions was the definition of theoptimum long-term recharged beach profile, which, due to the high tidal range, was calculated based on the2S-EBP method. The beach berm was designed to avoid direct wave action on the seawall existent at the beachbackshore. For that, a morphodynamic model was applied to test the beach retreat under storm events. Finally,alternative long-term solutions based on a nourishment strategy were tested with two shoreline evolution models.Two initial alternative solutions of beach recharge with different grain size sand followed by six alternativesolutions of beach recharge with sand retention structures arrangements were tested. The results, herequalitatively and qu
Ano: 2011
Autor(es): Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Freire, P.; Sancho, F. E.; Vicente, C.; Clímaco, M.
Revista: Journal of Coastal Research
Editor: Journal of Coastal Research
Nº. 64, Vol.II.
Keywords: Beach nourishment; Beach dynamics; Erosion
Rehabilitation of Sines West Breakwater: wave overtopping study
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
15 32pp.
Autor(es): Reis, M. T.; Neves, M. G.; Lopes, M.; Hu, K.; Silva, L. G.
Revista: Maritime Engineering Journal
Vol. 164(MA1).
Rehabilitation of timber structures Preparation and environmental service condition effects on the bulk performance of epoxy adhesives
Epoxy adhesives have been used for many years in the rehabilitation of timber structures and are currently the most appropriate adhesive type for on-site operations. However, because they exhibit excellent initial joint strength when tested in standard climate conditions, there has not been a major concern about their service durability. In order to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the reliability of these adhesives, a study was conducted to evaluate the effect of environmental service conditions on the durability of four commercial two-component structural epoxy adhesives, as well as the effect that the type of mixing, curing and postcuring conditions, as well as the presence of moisture have on the adhesives viscoelastic properties. It was found that the preparation conditions, cure schedule and moisture have a significant effect on the performance of the bulk adhesives. Moreover, it was found that under ambient conditions there is potential for under-cure or slow progression of cure for the epoxy adhesive products typically employed in these applications, which in turn can compromise the durability of a bonded joint.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Custódio, J.
Revista: Construction and Building Materials
Editor: Elsevier, Ltd.
Keywords: Service conditions; Moisture; Preparation conditions; Epoxy adhesives; Durability
Rehabilitation of timber structures: novel test method to assess the durability of bonded-in rod connections
Rehabilitation/restoration systems involvingbonded-in rods represent an efficient alternative method for the repair and/or reinforcement of structural timber members. However, in spite of their advantages, their use is still restrained by the lack ofknowledge about their long-term performance. In order to correct this situation it is necessary to gain a greater understanding of their durability, creep and fatigue behaviour. However, reliable and realisticaccelerated ageing tests do not yet exist, and the application of the existing European or American standards to epoxy bonded products are much too penalising, since they merely impose severe conditions that are not verified in service although these may be suitable for other adhesives. To address these concerns a test procedure to assess long-term behaviour of bonded-in rod connections was developed with the aim of providing a simple method for the selection of candidate repair system materials forspecific applications. The data collected so far using the realistic performance assessment test (RPAT) appears to predict correctly the end-use performance for different adhesives as well as for differenttimbers.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Custódio, J.; Broughton, J.; Cruz, H.
Revista: Materials and Structures
publicação online: 01 Julho 2011.
Keywords: Realistic test; Durability; Bonded-in rod connections; Epoxy adhesives; Timber structures