Artigos de Revista
The importance of the topo-hydrogaphy in the prediction of the short and medium-term evolution of the coastal zone
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Oliveira, F. S. B. F.; Freire, P.; Clímaco, M.
Editor: Instituro Hidrográfico
Keywords: Beach; Shoreline; Morphodynamics; Prediction; Coastal evolution
Using Components of the Mahalanobis Squared Norm of the Residuals Vector for Quality Control in Local Engineering Networks
ABSTRACT: Local engineering precision networks are currently used to monitor the displacements of large dams, with safety control purposes. These one, two or three-dimensional networks are local, be-cause they are tied to local reference frames, and they are precision networks, because they aim at millimetric, or even submillimetric, accuracy. The most important obstacles to such an accuracy are the instrumental and environmental systematic errors. The atmospheric refraction, which cau-ses curvature of the path of the electromagnetic waves and changes its propagation velocity, is the major source of systematic errors. Effective measurement quality control strategies are of utmost importance to guarantee the quality of the results (displacements). The paper presents a quality control strategy supported by random quadratic forms that result from the decomposition of the Mahalanobis squared norm of the residuals vector. The strategy is compared to the well known da-ta-snooping method with regard to the quality control and parameter estimation performances.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Casaca, J. M.; Henriques, M. J.
Revista: Survey Review
Editor: Survey Review
Vol. 43, n.º 321.
Keywords: Variance components; Geodetic networks
Waves, wind and tidal forcing on a sandpit morphodynamics
Due to the increasing demand of sand for construction and beach nourishment, offshore extraction is being considered as an alternative source. Long term morphological changes caused by such an extraction must bepredicted because they can affect the sediments budget and potentially promote coastal erosion. Numerical models are powerful tools that can help in the evaluation of environmental impacts induced by this activity.The objective of this study is to describe the morphodynamics in the area surrounding a sandpit through the use of the MORSYS2D modelling system. The sandpit under study is located offshore Vale do Lobo, an importantbeach and golf resort located on the Southern Portuguese coast. The numerical solutions of the mean flow and the wave height around the pit were obtained with MORSYS2D between March 28 and April 29, 2008 when two storm events with significant wave height (Hs) greater than 2.5 m occurred.The numerical results are analysed in terms of the sand fluxes and bathymetry changes induced by wind and tidal currents and wave orbital velocities. The results show the strong impact of storm events in the morphologic evolution of the pit and surrounding area. The value for Hs > 2.5m was also confirmed as determinant for thesediment dynamics.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
1170 - 1174.
Autor(es): Rosa, J.; Silva, P. A.; Bertin, X.; Fortunato, A. B.
Revista: Journal of Coastal Research, ICS2011 (Proceedings)
SI 64.
Keywords: Morphodynamic model; Continental shelf; Sand extraction
Zonas Costeiras Continentais Portuguesas: questões prévias sobre a ecologia humana das zonas costeiras e os conflitos pelo uso e a regulação dos territórios
O artigo desenvolve uma análise sobre as homogeneidades sócio-económicoas e ambientais das zonas costeiras continentais portuguesas, explorando a exposição humana ao risco de erosão costeira e perspectivas interdisciplinares de abordagem sobre os riscos ambientais. A análise desenvolvida cruza indicadores sociais e geofísicos, embora o enfoque de partida privilegie as dimensões sócio-ecológicas dos usos e ocupações humanas do território. O artigo resume actividades concluídas no âmbito de um projecto em curso financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, tendo como objectivo principal contribuir para uma gestão integrada das zonas costeiras, desenvolver indicadores de vulnerabilidade e discutir, a propósito do risco de erosão costeira, medidas de prevenção, protecção e socorro.
Ano: 2011
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Craveiro, J.
Revista: RevCEDOUA, CEDOUA - Revista do Centro de Estudos de Direito do Ordenamento, do Urbanismo e do Ambiente
Editor: CEDOUA - Centro de Estudos de Direito do Ordenamento, do Urbanismo e do Ambiente da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
N.º24_Ano XII_2-09.
Porosity and degree of saturation - or the water content - are important parameters for hydrogeological, geotechnical and environmental studies. Geophysical methods, especially the resistivity method, are routinely employed to study the spatial variations of these parameters. Resistivity is highly influenced by the presence of water in pore spaces and hence is well suited for studying the presence of fluids on a site and its saturation condition However, the non-uniqueness of the solution of resistivity models has lead to the joint use of more than one geophysical method in order to reach more accurate geophysical models. In this research work, we have decided to combine resistivity and seismic refraction profiles. The integration of these methods was particularly aimed to obtain 2D sections for estimating porosity, water saturation and volumetric water content rather than to obtain a better geophysical solution. Independently inverted resistivity and P-wave refraction sections are the input data of an iterative process using Simulated Annealing. Empirical equations from literature are used, which relate both the seismic velocity and the electrical resistivity with porosity and water saturation. Several parameters, such as resistivity of water and clay; velocity of water, clay, air and matrix; clay percentage and Archie
Ano: 2010
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Mota, R.; Monteiro dos Santos, F.A.
Revista: Near Surface Geophysics
Editor: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
2010, 8.
Keywords: 2d sections; Refraction; Resistivity; Water saturation; Porosity
3D geological model of Lisbon
Within the GeoSIS_Lx project, a geotechnical data base is being implementedand methodologies to generate tridimensional geological and geotechnical models of thecity of Lisbon are being developed. The generation of the tridimensional model is beingpursued through an iterative process using a Geographical Information System (GIS) platform,designed to be open to the use of several technicians that may not be geology orsoftware experts. Geological surfaces were derived based on information interpolated fromcross-sections, resulting in a simple model where first order geological patterns are present,following a validation with the cartographic patterns of geological outcrops and with selectedinformation of the geological database. Future developments include refinement of modelingof faults and an automatic validation procedure against the borehole database and geologiccartographic patterns taking into account the data uncertainties. Results indicate that themethodology in this test suits the requisites of the geological formations of Lisbon.
Ano: 2010
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Matildes, R.; Pinto, C.; Jeremias, T.
Editor: Geologically Active
9.º Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa - 9.º Silusba
Ano: 2010
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Lobo Ferreira, J. P. C.
Revista: Boletim Informativo
Editor: APRH
A casa dos sentidos de Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues
Ano: 2010
Número Páginas:
7 p..
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Revista Infohabitar
Editor: Revista www
Keywords: Qualidade arquitectónica residencial; A casa dos sentidos
A Cidade Com os Imigrantes
O texto discute a importância de se pensar a cidade com o imigrante
Ano: 2010
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Menezes, M.
Revista: J.A - Jornal Arquitectos
Editor: Ordem dos Arquitectos - Portugal
Keywords: Interculturalidade; Democracia; Desigualdade; Diversidade; Imigrantes; Cidade
A marcação CE da caixilharia
A madeira foi historicamente um dos materiais mais utilizados em caixilharia e ainda hoje é utilizada para a realização de caixilharia de elevado desempenho.
Ano: 2010
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Cruz, H.; Viegas, J.
Editor: Publindústria, Lda.
Keywords: Marcação ce; Caixilharia