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Artigos de Revista

Artigos de Revista
Info Performance parameters of ETICS: Correlating water resistance, bio-susceptibility and surface properties + Info: Performance parameters of ETICS: Correlating water resistance, bio-susceptibility and surface properties
Info Performance parameters of ETICS: Correlating water resistance, bio-susceptibility and surface properties. + Info: Performance parameters of ETICS: Correlating water resistance, bio-susceptibility and surface properties.
Info Physical and Mechanical Performance of Coir Fiber-Reinforced Rendering Mortars. + Info: Physical and Mechanical Performance of Coir Fiber-Reinforced Rendering Mortars.
Info Por uma nova + Info: Por uma nova
Info Potencialidades e problemas a considerar nas circulações domésticas – infohabitar # 788 + Info: Potencialidades e problemas a considerar nas circulações domésticas – infohabitar # 788
Info Practical Methodology for Forecasting the Impact of Changes in Influent Loads and Discharge Consents on Average Energy Consumption and Sludge Production by Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment. + Info: Practical Methodology for Forecasting the Impact of Changes in Influent Loads and Discharge Consents on Average Energy Consumption and Sludge Production by Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment.
Info Problemas e potencialidades da sala-comum doméstica - infohabitar # 798 + Info: Problemas e potencialidades da sala-comum doméstica - infohabitar # 798
Info Prótotipo do To-Sealert para o Porto da Ericeira. To-SEAlert prototype for Ericeira harbour + Info: Prótotipo do To-Sealert para o Porto da Ericeira. To-SEAlert prototype for Ericeira harbour
Info Qualidade e inovação nas escadas domésticas + Info: Qualidade e inovação nas escadas domésticas
Info Reduction of the Cement Content by Incorporation of Fine Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Rendering Mortars. + Info: Reduction of the Cement Content by Incorporation of Fine Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Rendering Mortars.