Artigos de Revista
Sensitivity analysis of a simplified precipitation-runoff model to estimate water availability in Southern Portuguese watersheds.
The water availability estimation in large regions is a relevant procedure to define broad water resourcesmanagement policies but may prove difficult due to the lack of data and uncertainty to related regionalhydrological and hydrogeological characterization. BALSEQ, a daily sequential water budget model, wasapplied in a set of twenty-two watersheds in southern Portugal, aiming to understand the possible relationsbetween the model parameters and watershed characteristics that may allow assembling calibration functionsfor non-monitored watersheds. A sensitivity analysis was conducted by comparing BALSEQ results withmeasured surface flow, focusing specifically on the fraction of the potential maximum retention (
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Martins, T.; Oliveira, M. M.; Portela, M. M.; Leitão, T. E.
Revista: Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater
Editor: PAGEPress
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021).
Keywords: BALSEQ; Daily sequential soil-water budget; Hydrological modelling; Aquifer recharge; Surface runoff
Síntese geral qualitativa da Habitação de Custos Controlados (HCC) apoiada pelo INH/IHRU (série editorial: artigo 4/8)
Neste quarto artigo (de oito) da série editorial intitulada
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Infohabitar
Editor: GHabitar - Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Qualidade Habitacional (GHabitar APPQH)
Infohabitar, Ano XVII, n.º 767
Keywords: infohabitar; história da habitação; habitação em Portugal; habitação social; arquitectura; habitação
Sliding stability analyses of a rock slope using deterministic, semiprobabilistic and probabilistic methods
Stability analyses of geotechnical structures in rock are traditionally performed using deterministic methods. In Europe, Eurocode7, introduced in the beginning of the 21st century, adopts limit state design and semi-probabilistic methods, using partial factors for the design of geotechnical structures. Meanwhile, reliability-based design, using probabilistic methods, is becoming more common in practical cases. The paper considers an intentionally simple case study?the analysis of a slope in a rock mass with one discontinuity, considered in a discrete way, forming a rock block to be stabilised by anchors?to compare the results obtained with the different methods. The objective is to calculate the force applied by the anchors so that the ultimate limit states of sliding of the rock block is verified. Deterministic-based design optimization considering both the traditional global safety factor approach and the partial factor approach following the Eurocode 7 are first applied. A reliability-based design optimization procedure?which takes geometrical and mechanical properties of the discontinuities as random variables?is then used, and the results are compared to the former ones. A discussion is presented concerning the consistency of the obtained results.
Ano: 2021
Autor(es): Pereira, R.; Lamas, L.; Muralha, J.
Revista: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Editor: IOP Publishing
Keywords: Ground reinforcement; Reliability-based design; Eurocode 7; Geotechnical design; Rock engineering
Sobre a oferta de diversas propostas organizativas para as zonas domésticas Infohabitar # 761
No artigo desenvolve-se uma reflexão, de certa forma, introdutória sobre o interesse da exploração e do subsequente aprofundamento de uma razoável variedade de propostas organizativas para as zonas e subzonas da habitação, numa perspetiva que encara criticamente uma, ainda preponderante, preocupação essencialmente funcional, e que visa a melhor adequação a necessidades e desejos habitacionais específicos num quadro de expressiva qualidade arquitectónica.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Infohabitar
Editor: GHabitar - Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Qualidade Habitacional (GHabitar APPQH)
Ano XVII, n.º 761.
Keywords: zonas da habitação; espaços domésticos; arquitectura; habitação
Solar Light-Induced Methylene Blue Removal over TiO2/AC Composites and Photocatalytic Regeneration
TiO2-containing photocatalysts, which combine TiO2 with carbon-based materials, are promising materials for wastewater treatment due to synergistic photodegradation and adsorption phenomena. In this work, TiO2/AC composites were produced by the in situ immobilization of TiO2 nanoparticles over activated carbon (AC) derived from spent coffee grains, using different TiO2/AC proportions. The TiO2/AC composites were tested as adsorbents (dark) and as photocatalysts in a combined adsorption+photocatalytic process (solar irradiation) for methylene blue (MB) removal from ultrapure water, and from a secondary effluent (SecEf) of an urban wastewater treatment plant. All the materials were characterized by XRD (X-ray powder diffraction), N2 adsorption
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
24 pp..
Autor(es): Dalto, F.; Kuzniarska-Biernacka, I.; Pereira, C.; Mesquita, E.; Soares, O.S.; Pereira, M.F.; Rosa, M. J.; Mestre, A.S.; Carvalho, A. P.; Freire, A. C.
Revista: nanomaterials
Editor: MDPI
Volume11, Issue 11.
Keywords: Secondary effluent; Wastewater; Photoregeneration; Solar-light induced photocatalysis; Adsorption; Methylene blue; Nanocomposite; Activated carbon; Titanium dioxide
Subgrade reinforcement of old railway tracks using short soil
The subgrade of old railway tracks often exhibits poor geotechnical behaviour, particularly regarding the soils on which the ballast layer rests. Such poor behaviour implies significant maintenance costs and possession times. The reinforcement of subgrade soils by injection of binders may mitigate these malfunctions, but previous applications showed some limitations, and the quality of the results depends on many factors. Herein, the authors present some studies on the development of a subgrade reinforcement method, which minimises the impact on train operation, by using short soil
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Fortunato, E.; Paixão, A.; Morais, P.; Santos, C.; Morais, J.; Cruz, J.; Cruz, N.
Revista: Transportation Geotechnics
Editor: Elsevier
Keywords: Track measurements; Physical modelling; Soil
Systematic Failure Detection and Correction in Environmental Monitoring Systems
Sensor networks used in environmental monitoring applications are subject to harsh environmentalconditions and hence are prone to experience failures in its measurements. Comparing to the common task ofoutlier detection in sensor data, we review herein the complex problem of detecting systematic failures such asdrifts and offsets. Performing this detection in environmental monitoring networks becomes a stringent taskespecially when we need to distinguish data errors from real data deviations due to natural phenomenon. In thispaper, we detail the scope of events and failures in sensor networks and, considering those differences, weintroduce a new instantiation of a proven methodology for dependable runtime detection of outliers inenvironmental monitoring systems to address drifts and offsets. Lastly, we discuss the use of machine learningtechniques to estimate the network sensors measurements based on the knowledge of processed pastmeasurements alongside with the current neighbor sensors observations.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Jesus, G.; Oliveira, A.; Casimiro, A.
Revista: Sensors&Transducers
Editor: International Frequency Sensor Association Publishing
Vol. 251 Número 5.
Keywords: Aquatic monitoring; Sensor networks; Machine learning; Sensor fusion; Failure detection; Data quality
Termite Resistance, Chemical and Mechanical Characterization of Paulownia tomentosa Wood before and after Heat Treatment
The introduction of new species in forest management must be undertaken with a degree ofcare, to help prevent the spread of invasive species. However, new species with higher profitability are needed to increase forest products value and the resilience of rural populations. Paulownia tomentosa has an extremely fast growth. The objective and novelty of this work was to study the potential use of young Paulownia trees grown in Portugal by using heat treatment to improve its properties, thereby allowing higher value applications of the wood. The average chemical composition of untreated and heat-treated wood was determined. The extractive content was determined by successive Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane (DCM), ethanol and water as solvents. The composition of lipophilic extracts was performed by injection in GC-MS with mass detection. Insoluble and soluble lignin, holocellulose and
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Esteves, B.; Ferreira, H.; Viana, H.; Ferreira, J.; Domingos, I.; Lopes, L.; Jones, D.; Lina Nunes
Revista: Forests
Editor: MDPI
12, 1114.
Keywords: Termites; Paulownia tomentosa; Mechanical properties; Heat treatment; Chemical composition
The 16th century majolica azulejo heritage of Palácio e Quinta da Bacalhôa: imported panels and tiles
Although the chronology of the tiling of Bacalhôa with majolica azulejos was always known to be around 1565, given the date inscribed in the panel representing the biblical episode of Susanna and the Elders, their provenance as well as the authorship of the figurative panels, remained clouded and open to personal opinion. A previous analytical study of the main panels and linings with patterned tiles of Bacalhôa concluded that some of them could not be ascribed to the workshops of Lisbon at that chronology, differing in terms of glaze and biscuit compositions and micro-morphology, suggesting that they may have been imported. The present paper presents a detailed study of those presumably imported panels and patterned tiles, firstly setting a reference based on the micro-morphological and analytical characteristics of the two panels depicting coats of arms, and then comparing the remaining items with them to verify whether they may be clustered together. Finally, we discuss their possible provenance.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
143-179 pp.
Autor(es): Mimoso, J.; Pleguezuelo, A.; Antunes, M.; Sánchez-Cabezudo, A.; Morais Pereira, S.; Costa, D.; Silva, A.
Revista: Studies in Heritage Glazed Ceramics
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Analytical study of majolica; Talavera 16th century majolica; Juan Flores; Jan Floris; Palácio da Bacalhôa in Portugal; azulejos; Renaissance majolica
The Palácio e Quinta da Bacalhôa and its majolica tiles
This essay provides an overview of the architecture of the Bacalhôa palace and estate, and of some of its ceramic panels and linings. The estate comprises a varied range of tiles but the research project encompassing the present study focuses exclusively on the 16th century majolica type. Consequently, this article will make only sporadic or indirect references to Hispano-Moresque tiles. The project also included iconographic interpretations of certain significant azulejo panels and patterned tiles but these will be included in future papers specifically dedicated to those particular parts of the majolica tile linings, rather than as an integral aspect of the present study. Accordingly, this essay only includes iconographic details of groups of tiles that will not be examined in subsequent articles. This applies to the tiles of the Lake Wall and in the Vineyard Chapels.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
1-74 pp.
Autor(es): Pleguezuelo, A.; Mimoso, J.; Silva, A.; Sousa, A.
Revista: Studies in Heritage Glazed Ceramics
Editor: LNEC
Keywords: Brás de Albuquerque; Quinta da Bacalhôa; Portuguese azulejos; Renaissance majolica