Artigos de Revista
The prediction of floods in Venice: methods, models and uncertainty
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in storm surge forecasting and its particular application in the northernAdriatic Sea. The city of Venice relies crucially on a good flood forecasting system in order to protect the extensive culturalheritage, their population, and their economic activities. Storm surge forecasting systems are in place to warn the populationof imminent flood threats. In the future, it will be of paramount importance to increase the reliability of these forecastingsystems, especially with the new MOSE mobile barriers that will be completed by 2021, and will depend on accurate storm35 surge forecasting to control their operation. In this paper, the physics behind the flooding of Venice is discussed, and the stateof the art of European storm surge forecasting is reviewed. The challenges that lie ahead for Venice and its forecasting systemsare analyzed, especially in view of uncertainty. Some extreme events that happened in the past and were particularly difficultto forecast are also described
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Umgiesser, G.; Bajo, M.; Ferrarin, C.; Cucco, A.; Lionello, P.; Zanchettin, D.; Papa, A.; Tosoni, A.; Ferla, M.; Coraci, E.; Morucci, S.; Crosato, F.; Bonometto, A.; Valentini, A.; Orlic, M.; Haigh, I
Revista: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Editor: Copernicus Publications
Volume 21.
The Rich Diversity of Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe: Contemporary Trends in the Context of Historical, Socio-Economic and Legal Conditions
Urban allotment gardens (AGs) provide a unique combination of productive and recre-ational spaces for the inhabitants of European cities. Although the reasons behind the decision tohave a plot, as well as the mode of use and gardening practices, are well recognised in the literature,these issues are mainly considered in relation to particular case studies within a single country. Theregional diversity of European allotment gardens is still poorly understood, however. This knowl-edge gap became an incentive for us to carry out the present study. The research was conducted inseven countries: Austria, Estonia, Germany, France, Portugal, Poland and the UK. Surveys were usedto assess the motivations of users regarding plot uses and gardening practices. Information was alsocollected during desk research and study visits, making use of available statistical data. Allotmentgardens in Europe are currently very diverse, and vary depending on the historical, legal, economicand social conditions of a given country, and also as determined by geographical location. Three maintypes of plots were distinguished, for: cultivation, recreation
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Ponizy, L.; Latkowska, M.; Breuste, J.; Hursthouse, A.; Joimel, S.; Külvik, M.; Leitão, T. E.; Mizgajski, A.; Voigt, A.; Kacprzak, E.; Mackiewicz, B.; Szczepa
Revista: sustainability
Editor: MDPI
Keywords: Food production; Use of plot; Plot holders; Functions of allotment gardens; Allotment gardening
The role of shared e-scooter systems in urban sustainability and resilience during the covid-19 mobility restrictions
Shared e-scooter systems were first introduced in 2017 and have since been spreading around the world as a sustainable mode of transport. The success of this mode is also due to new urban mobility strategies and plans, such as the European Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, which relies on non-pollutant modes. To display the range of effects that can be achieved in urban mobility through the proper implementation of shared e-scooter systems, a systematic literature review and a case study were performed. It was found that this shared system can help cities with environmental issues, such as reducing air pollution, reducing inequality in access to transport, promoting money-saving, and improving mobility resilience. During the Covid-19 pandemic, shared e-scooters became a great asset in many cities worldwide, because they promote social distancing and help cities not to rely only on private cars to replace public transport rides, especially for short distance trips. In the case study of Braga, it was found that the city still relies on shared e-scooter modes as a mobility option after the pandemic, also promoting special fares for people to start using the service.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Dias, G.; Arsénio, E.; Ribeiro , P
Revista: Sustainability
Editor: MDPI
13(13): 7084.
Keywords: Urban resilience; First-mile-last-mile; Covid-19; Sustainable urban mobility; Shared e-scooters; Micromobility
Thermal mortar-based insulation solutions for historic walls: An extensive hygrothermal characterization of materials and systems.
Among thermal insulation solutions for historic walls, thermal renders and plasters appear to be a very feasible option. Thus, this work analyses commercially available thermal mortars suitable for the scope.An extensive experimental campaign showed that testing single materials only, which is the standard requirement for thermal mortar-based systems, is in fact not sufficient for understanding the potential impact of the intervention on walls: whole-systems should also be examined. This study provides a detailedcharacterization of materials and systems, useful as a database for forthcoming investigations on compatibility and efficacy for application on historic walls, via numerical hygrothermal simulations.
Ano: 2021
Autor(es): Veiga, M. R.; Freitas, V.; Posani, M.
Revista: Construction and Building Materials
Editor: ScienceDirect
Keywords: Historic Walls; Insulation; Thermal mortar
Towards Resilience and Sustainability for Historic Buildings: A Review of Envelope Retrofit Possibilities and a Discussion on Hygric Compatibility of Thermal Insulations.
Our historic heritage needs to be prepared to face the new challenges imposed by climate change. A possible way to meet this urgent need consists in improving buildings resilience and energy efficiency through envelope refurbishment interventions. Consequently, an overview of the existing solutions for envelope retrofits in historic buildings is provided and their suitability for preserving valuable constructions is discussed.Thermal insulation solutions appear as the most discussed interventions and, therefore, their compatibility is considered in detail, accounting the hygric point of view. First, a general, rough criterium is introduced for ranking their hygric behaviour, according to their vapour permeability and capillary absorption coefficient, through a comparison with the average hygric characteristics of some historic building materials. Then, a method for performing fast, preliminary compatibility assessment is proposed, based on the definition of target interventions (qualitative hygric requirements) for specific clusters of situations (type of intervention, component, boundary conditions).
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Veiga, M. R.; Freitas, V.; Posani, M.
Revista: International Journal of Architectural Heritage
Editor: Taylor - Francis Online
15, assunto 5.
Keywords: sustainability; resilience; insulation materials; hygric classification; Compatibility
Traditional and Modern Plasters for Built Heritage: Suitability and Contribution for Passive Relative Humidity Regulation
Plasters have covered wide surface areas of buildings since antiquity, with a main purpose of indoor protection of the substrate on which they are applied. When no longer functional, they might require substitution with solutions that can combine compatibility with the substrate with the current need to mitigate building emissions. Indeed, plasters can contribute to lowering buildings
Ano: 2021
Autor(es): Shimomura, A.; Faria, P.; Veiga, M. R.
Revista: Heritage
Editor: MDPI
Keywords: air lime; clay; gypsum; hygroscopicity; moisture passive regulation; mortar; natural hydraulic lime; paste; plaster; water vapour permeability
Transformar as circulações domésticas em verdadeiros espaços de vida Infohabitar # 787
Neste pequeno artigo, dedicado à temática dos espaços de circulação privados habitacionais, faz-se, de início, um enquadramento e uma introdução geral a estes espaços na globalidade dos espaços domésticos, seguindo-se um desenvolvimento da reflexão sobre os espaços de circulação domésticos, designadamente, nas seguintes facetas temáticas específicas: (i) relações entre estes espaços de circulação privados e os aspetos de estruturação e de dimensionamento geral do espaço doméstico; (ii) associações consideradas mais interessantes entre os espaços de circulação e outros
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Infohabitar
Editor: GHabitar - Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Qualidade Habitacional (GHabitar APPQH)
Infohabitar, Ano XVII, n.º 787
Keywords: infohabitar; circulações domésticas; arquitectura; habitação
Turbulent Flow Structure in a Confluence: Influence of Tributaries Width and Discharge Ratios
River channel confluences are rather important interfaces where intense changes in physical,mixing and sediment transport processes occur. Following an experimental campaign, the main flowmechanisms in confluences and the development of the shear layer formed between the two tributaryflows are presented. As the experimental flow cases comprised changes in the flow discharge andchannel widths of the tributaries, the influence of width and discharge ratios on the turbulent flowstructure and shear layer is also evaluated. Main findings indicate that changes in the differencebetween momentum ratio in the tributaries have a significant effect on the magnitude and location offlow mechanisms.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Alizadeh, L.; Fernandes, J. N.
Revista: water
Editor: MDPI
13, 465.
Keywords: Flow mechanisms; Mixing layers; Shear layer; Hydrodynamics; Confluence
Uma introdução geral aos espaços domésticos comuns
Neste artigo, dedicado à temática geral e introdutória aos espaços comuns domésticos abordam-se, primeiro os espaços domésticos comuns na habitação e, depois, os espaços domésticos comuns fora da habitação.Relativamente aos espaços domésticos comuns na habitação são abordados, sequencialmente, os seguintes tipos de espaços: vestíbulo de entrada; lavabo; corredor e zonas de passagem; sala ou zona de estar; cozinha; zona de refeições ou sala de jantar; casa(s) de banho; varanda e outras zonas exteriores privadas elevadas como pátios e pequenos quintais; áreas de serviço para arrumações; outros espaços de serviço doméstico; outros espaços domésticos comuns que integram a habitaçãoRelativamente aos espaços domésticos comuns fora da habitação são abordados, sequencialmente, os seguintes tipos de espaços: (virtualidades domésticas do) estacionamento em garagem; espaços de arrumação; e outros espaços domésticos fora da habitação.Remata-se o artigo com algumas notas complementares e estrategicamente discutíveis sobre os espaços comuns domésticos.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Baptista Coelho, A.
Revista: Infohabitar
Editor: GHabitar - Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Qualidade Habitacional (GHabitar APPQH)
Infohabitar, Ano XVII, n.º 783
Keywords: infohabitar; espaços domésticos; arquitectura; habitação
Understanding the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on public transportation travel patterns in the city of Lisbon
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is creating disruptive changes in urban mobility that maycompromise the sustainability of the public transportation system. As a result, worldwide cities facethe need to integrate data from different transportation modes to dynamically respond to changingconditions. This article combines statistical views with machine learning advances to comprehensively explore changing urban mobility dynamics within multimodal public transportation systems from user trip records. In particular, we retrieve discriminative traffic patterns with order-preserving coherence to model disruptions to demand expectations across geographies and show their utility to describe changing mobility dynamics with strict guarantees of statistical significance, interpretability and actionability. This methodology is applied to comprehensively trace the changes to the urban mobility patterns in the Lisbon city brought by the current COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, we consider passenger trip data gathered from the three major public transportation modes: subway, bus, and tramways. The gathered results comprehensively reveal novel travel patterns within the city, such as imbalanced demand distribution towards the city peripheries, going far beyond simplistic localized changes to the magnitude of traffic demand. This work offers a novel methodological contribution with a solid statistical ground for the spatiotemporal assessment of actionable mobility changes and provides essential insights for other cities and public transport operators facing mobilitychallenges alike.
Ano: 2021
Número Páginas:
Autor(es): Aparício, J.; Arsénio, E.; Henriques, R.
Revista: Sustainability
Editor: MDPI
Keywords: Sustainable mobility; Discriminative pattern mining; Order preserving traffic dynamics; Covid-19; Multimodality; Public transportation