Guidance on implementation of BINGO WP4
The main objectives of BINGO are to provide adaptation strategies for climate change-related challenges, by coproduced tools and methodologies for water and land resources management strategies that are based on an improved understanding of future climate and its impact on the hydrological cycle and in human activities, in order to sustain key economic sectors and the environment. Decision under uncertainty (climate changes evolution) is a risk management process, of weighing policy alternatives, in consultation with all interested parties, considering risk assessment and other relevant factors and, if needed, selecting appropriate prevention and control options. The main job of BINGO is to put in practice, in a realistic but scientific way, a comprehensive risk management framework approach, aiming to support efficiently decision-making for sustainable development and improved governance, resulting in the adaptation strategies and policies to be achieved in work package 5 (WP5 - risk treatment). BINGO WP4 will perform the assessment of impacts of climate change extreme scenarios on human activities, at each research site, based on the risk assessment procedure of ISO 31000:2009, in such a way that its results assist to develop risk validated adaption strategies to cope with climate changes in WP5. This document aims at providing some guidance to BINGO partners on WP4 implementation, articulating with the remaining project activities. It explains how ISO 31000:2009 needs to be adapted into BINGO project, and addresses in detail the steps required to establish the context for the risk management process at each research site, envisaging as well later results extrapolation for other European regions.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Rocha, F.
Keywords: Risk analysis; Risk assessment; BINGO; Context; Risk management; ISO 31000:2009
Hydrogeological modelling at the South Portugal MARSOL demonstration sites
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Lobo Ferreira, J. P. C.; Leitão, T. E.; Oliveira, M. M.; Martins, T.; Mota, R.; Monteiro, J. P.; Costa, L. R. D.; Hugman, R.; Carvalho, T.; ILIE, A. M. C; Carvalho, R.; Sousa, R.
Keywords: MARSOL
Impacte do prolongamento do molhe norte da embocadura do rio Mondego nas praias adjacentes a sul
A necessidade de proteger as povoações costeiras e mitigar o efeito erosivo observado na costa oeste portuguesa, resultante da carência sedimentar, levou a que a extensão de 30 km de linha de costa (LC) a sul da Figueira da Foz tenha sido fortemente intervencionada através da construção de esporões e defesas longitudinais aderentes. Este estudo caracteriza o transporte sedimentar potencial induzido pela agitação marítima combinada com a variação do nível do mar devida às marés astronómica e meteorológica a sul da embocadura do rio Mondego, no período de 1952 a 2010. Com base na análise estatística da série temporal de parâmetros de onda (hindcast) relativos ao referido período, identificou-se um regime com grande variabilidade interanual e sazonal e bastante energético, com 40% de ocorrência de Hs superior a 2 m e direção média 299.5ºN. Do cálculo do transporte longitudinal potencial (LITDRIFT) destacam-se valores anuais bastante variáveis, entre 580 1500 x103 m3.ano-1, com deriva para sul de média 385 x103 m3.ano-1 em 78% dos anos, identificando-se também a distribuição transversal do transporte longitudinal na zona ativa, com extensão variável (~2000 m). Entre 2008 e 2010 foi prolongado o molhe norte da embocadura do rio Mondego em cerca de 400 m, motivando o principal objetivo do presente estudo: avaliar o impacte desse prolongamento nas praias a sul, recorrendo a modelação numérica (LITLINE). O modelo de evolução de LC foi calibrado (1996-2001) e verificado (2001-2008) com base em LC observadas e dados de agitação marítima sinóticos. A previsão da evolução nos 12 anos subsequentes ao prolongamento evidencia um recuo generalizado da LC, acentuado a sotamar dos esporões existentes.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Oliveira, J. N.; Oliveira, F. S. B. F.
Keywords: Processos costeiros; Modelação numérica; Figueira da Foz; Evolução da linha de costa; Transporte sedimentar longitudinal
Implementation of subloading constitutive models in Material Point Methods
This document describes the work developed in the short term scientific mission, STSM, of the COST TU1202, entitled Implementation of subloading constitutive models in material point methods, hosted by Dr. Phil Vardon, in the Technical University of Delft, TU Delft. A dynamic version of the material point method, MPM, in two-dimension was programmed, with the computer language Fortran. An elastoplastic subloading soil model with anisotropy, cyclic behaviour and structure was implemented in the program. The constitutive model was integrated using an explicit algorithm.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Pereira, C.
Interim report for the Project Period June 2015 - February 2016
The work progress of WP4 between month 19 and 27 was conducted with the strong collaboration of the three Portuguese partners (LNEC, TARH and UAlg) as well as with the regional water authorities (APA Algarve and APA Alentejo), the water supply company (AdA, Águas do Algarve), and the General Direction for Agriculture (DRAPALG), some of the main potential users of MAR.As reported before, the main purposes of three DEMO sites are:
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Leitão, T. E.; Lobo Ferreira, J. P. C.; Oliveira, M. M.; Martins, T.; Henriques, M. J. A.; Mota, R.; Barbosa, A. E.; Carvalho, T.; Carvalho, J.M.; Agostinho, R.; Carvalho, R.; Sousa, R.; Monteiro, J.
Keywords: MARSOL
This document constitutes a deliverable of Action E2 of the LIFE Hymemb Project (LIFE12 ENV/PT/001154). The document summarizes, with a simplified vision, the project rationale, the main objectives and methodology, as well as main accomplishments. Parte of the text was adapted from the interview in 1st edition of Magazine LIFE 2017 - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Campinas, M.; Silva, C.; Viegas, R.M. C.; Rosa, M. J.
Keywords: Emerging contaminants; PAC/MF; PAC; Hybrid ceramic membrane process; Water treatment; LIFE Hymemb
Este relatório para
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Campinas, M.; Silva, C.; Viegas, R.M. C.; Rosa, M. J.
Keywords: Emerging contaminants; PAC/MF; PAC; Hybrid ceramic membrane process; Water treatment; LIFE Hymemb
LIFE IMPETUS. Management plan
This document is the Management Plan for the LIFE IMPETUS project. Its purpose is toestablish the project management organisation, processes and standards to be followedthroughout the project life cycle regarding project management.This project management plan is a deliverable of action E.1 and it is regarded as a livingdocument in nature, to be updated whenever a change in project requirements occurs ora risk or unexpected deviation from the planned course of action is encountered.Although the due date for this plan was April 30th 2016, the final document could only bedelivered in September, after the EASME/EC approval of the Amendment to GrantAgreement (submitted in February) which altered the project consortium. This had noeffect what so ever on the project management effectiveness and efficiency given that itsInitial Draft, as well as the excel files supporting its application, namely the monitoringscheme protocol and the financial report and statement, and the templates (timesheets,deliverable template, etc.) were produced on time.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Ribeiro, R.; Silva, C.; Rosa, M. J.
Keywords: EU contribution; Management plan; LIFE IMPETUS
LIFE IMPETUS. Progress Report
In the first 9 months of the project, two significant organisational changes were solved (section 3.3), 14 out of the 20 actions were started as planned, the Partnership Agreement was prepared, approved and signed, 5 deliverables were produced and 7 milestones reached. All project management tools are in place and the beneficiary teams are formed. Further, the PhC regular monitoring in the WWTPs has started and the project dissemination far exceeded the objectives for this period, expressing the project interest to the target audiences. 15% of the first pre-financing payment was absorbed so far and 100% of it is expected to be executed in early 2017.Overall, the project in progressing as scheduled, the current delays (explained in section 3.2) being expected to be overcome before the end of the year.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Rosa, M. J.; Ribeiro, R.; Viegas, R.M. C.; Silva, C.
Keywords: Progress Report; EU contribution; LIFE IMPETUS
LIFE IMPETUS. Replicability and Transferability plan
The LIFE IMPETUS project comprises an action (E.4 After-LIFE Plan) aiming to define apost-project exploitation plan, envisaging the valorisation of its results and the lessonslearnt. Since this action is due in June 2019, the consortium decided to start developingfrom the early stages of the project a detailed plan for the replicability and transferability.The current document is integrated in action D.1 Dissemination and will contribute to thefollowing deliverables:- Layman report (action D.1);- After-LIFE Plan (action E.4).This plan was not initially foreseen as a deliverable in the Grant Agreement, but wasasked to be prepared in the EASME letter (September 2016) following the first monitoringvisit to the project.
Ano: 2016
Autor(es): Ribeiro, R.; Rosa, M. J.
Keywords: EU contribution; Replicability and Transferability plan; LIFE IMPETUS