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Artigos de Revista
Info SILUC + Info: SILUC
Info Site Specific Hazard Assessment and Multi-Level Seismic Performance Evaluation of Historical Mosque + Info: Site Specific Hazard Assessment and Multi-Level Seismic Performance Evaluation of Historical Mosque
Info Spatiotemporal trip profiles in public transportation reveal city modular structure + Info: Spatiotemporal trip profiles in public transportation reveal city modular structure
Info Steel bars complying with Eurocode 2 used in reinforced concrete in Portugal. Variation of their yield strength with the rebar diameter + Info: Steel bars complying with Eurocode 2 used in reinforced concrete in Portugal. Variation of their yield strength with the rebar diameter
Info Suficiência energética para um conforto térmico sustentável nos edifícios + Info: Suficiência energética para um conforto térmico sustentável nos edifícios
Info The complexity of the coastal zone: definition of typologies in Portugal as a contribution to coastal disaster risk reduction and management + Info: The complexity of the coastal zone: definition of typologies in Portugal as a contribution to coastal disaster risk reduction and management
Info The Contamination of the Lower Layer in Sloped Tunnel Fires + Info: The Contamination of the Lower Layer in Sloped Tunnel Fires
Info The use of steel slags in transport infrastructures: a critical review + Info: The use of steel slags in transport infrastructures: a critical review
Info Thermal renders for traditional and historic masonry walls: Comparative study and recommendations for hygric compatibility + Info: Thermal renders for traditional and historic masonry walls: Comparative study and recommendations for hygric compatibility
Info Tipologias residenciais etariamente dirigidas + Info: Tipologias residenciais etariamente dirigidas