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Artigos de Revista

Artigos de Revista
Info A distress-based condition assessment approach of urban water assets using novel deterioration indices + Info: A distress-based condition assessment approach of urban water assets using novel deterioration indices
Info A flexible particle model for rock fracture: Validation and assessment of the Influence of deformability on the macroscopic response + Info: A flexible particle model for rock fracture: Validation and assessment of the Influence of deformability on the macroscopic response
Info A Hybrid Particle/Finite Element Model with Surface Roughness for Stone Masonry Analysis + Info: A Hybrid Particle/Finite Element Model with Surface Roughness for Stone Masonry Analysis
Info A New Standardized Inspection System for Periodic Visual Surveys of Water Storage Tanks and Pumping Stations. + Info: A New Standardized Inspection System for Periodic Visual Surveys of Water Storage Tanks and Pumping Stations.
Info A novel energy balance tailored for wastewater systems + Info: A novel energy balance tailored for wastewater systems
Info A novel geometry of an onshore Oscillating Water Column wave energy converter + Info: A novel geometry of an onshore Oscillating Water Column wave  energy converter
Info A Qualidade da Água nas origens + Info: A Qualidade da Água nas origens
Info A Review on Cement-Based Materials and Practices for Rehabilitation, Retrofitting, and Strengthening of Hydraulic Structures + Info: A Review on Cement-Based Materials and Practices for Rehabilitation, Retrofitting, and Strengthening of Hydraulic Structures
Info A treatment reliability-based method for supporting infrastructure asset management of wastewater treatment plants + Info: A treatment reliability-based method for supporting infrastructure asset management of wastewater treatment plants
Info Accessing Synergies and Opportunities between Nature-Based Solutions and Urban Drainage Systems. + Info: Accessing Synergies and Opportunities between Nature-Based Solutions and Urban Drainage Systems.